There are 657 total results for your 尊 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
尊王家 see styles |
sonnouka / sonnoka そんのうか |
Royalists |
尊皇王 see styles |
sonnou / sonno そんのう |
reverence for the emperor; advocate of imperial rule |
尊美子 see styles |
tomiko とみこ |
(female given name) Tomiko |
尊覚尼 see styles |
songakuni そんがくに |
(given name) Songakuni |
尊貴位 尊贵位 see styles |
zūn guì wèi zun1 gui4 wei4 tsun kuei wei sonki i |
exalted rank |
尊重心 see styles |
zūn zhòng xīn zun1 zhong4 xin1 tsun chung hsin sonjū shin |
reverential mind |
ご本尊 see styles |
gohonzon ごほんぞん |
(1) principal object of worship at a temple (usu. a buddha or bodhisattva); principal image; idol; (2) (joc) the man himself; the person at the heart of the matter |
三尊仏 see styles |
sanzonbutsu さんぞんぶつ |
{Buddh} (See 三尊・さんぞん・1) Buddha triad; image of a Buddha attended by two Bodhisattvas |
三尊佛 see styles |
sān zūn fó san1 zun1 fo2 san tsun fo sanzon butsu |
The three honoured Buddhas of the West: Amitābha, Avalokiteśvara, Mahāsthāmaprāpta. Though bodhisattvas, the two latter are called Buddhas when thus associated with Amitābha. |
三尊滝 see styles |
sanzotaki さんぞたき |
(place-name) Sanzotaki |
三界尊 see styles |
sān jiè zūn san1 jie4 zun1 san chieh tsun sangai son |
The honoured one of the three worlds, i.e. Buddha. |
上尊道 see styles |
shàng zūn dào shang4 zun1 dao4 shang tsun tao jōson dō |
the supreme (Buddha-)Path |
不動尊 不动尊 see styles |
bù dòng zūn bu4 dong4 zun1 pu tung tsun fudouson / fudoson ふどうそん |
(honorific or respectful language) (See 不動明王) Acala (Wisdom King); Āryācalanātha; Fudō; fierce Buddhist deity; (place-name) Fudouson Āryācalanātha |
不尊敬 see styles |
bù zūn jìng bu4 zun1 jing4 pu tsun ching fu sonkyō |
does not revere |
世尊界 see styles |
shì zūn jiè shi4 zun1 jie4 shih tsun chieh seson kai |
the sphere of the world-honored one |
世尊說 世尊说 see styles |
shì zūn shuō shi4 zun1 shuo1 shih tsun shuo seson setsu |
the World Honored One says... |
中尊寺 see styles |
zhōng zūn sì zhong1 zun1 si4 chung tsun ssu chuusonji / chusonji ちゅうそんじ |
(surname) Chuusonji Chūsonji |
二世尊 see styles |
èr shì zūn er4 shi4 zun1 erh shih tsun ni seson |
Śākyamuni and Prabhūtaratna, the Buddha 多賓 in the eleventh chapter of the Lotus Sūtra; see also 二尊. |
二尊院 see styles |
nisonin にそんいん |
(place-name) Nison'in |
二王尊 see styles |
èr wáng zūn er4 wang2 zun1 erh wang tsun ni ōson |
two guardian deities |
二足尊 see styles |
èr zú zūn er4 zu2 zun1 erh tsu tsun nisoku son |
most honored among the two-legged |
五八尊 see styles |
wǔ bā zūn wu3 ba1 zun1 wu pa tsun gohachi son |
The forty forms of Guanyin, or the Guanyin with forty hands: the forty forms multiplied by the twenty-five things 二十五有 make 1, 000, hence Guanyin with the thousand hands. |
五大尊 see styles |
wǔ dà zūn wu3 da4 zun1 wu ta tsun go daison |
idem 五大明王. |
五尊佛 see styles |
wǔ zūn fó wu3 zun1 fo2 wu tsun fo goson butsu |
five honored buddhas |
人中尊 see styles |
rén zhōng zūn ren2 zhong1 zun1 jen chung tsun ninchū son |
The Honoured One among or of men, the Buddha. |
仁王尊 see styles |
rén wáng zūn ren2 wang2 zun1 jen wang tsun ninō son |
The two Vajrapāṇi 阿 and 吽 who act as door guardians of temples, variously known as 密跡菩薩, 密修力士, 執金剛神, and 那羅延金剛. |
仏頂尊 see styles |
bucchouson / bucchoson ぶっちょうそん |
{Buddh} (See 密教) Butchōson (type of Buddha representing omniscience in Mikkyō Buddhism); Butchō |
仙尊位 see styles |
xiān zūn wèi xian1 zun1 wei4 hsien tsun wei senson i |
rank of sage |
佛世尊 see styles |
fó shì zūn fo2 shi4 zun1 fo shih tsun butsu seson |
Buddha, the World-honoured, or honoured of the worlds, a tr. of bhagavat, revered. |
佛尊道 see styles |
fó zūn dào fo2 zun1 dao4 fo tsun tao busson dō |
the pre-eminent Path of a buddha |
佛眼尊 see styles |
fó yǎn zūn fo2 yan3 zun1 fo yen tsun Butsugen son |
A term of the esoteric cult for the source or mother of all wisdom, also called佛眼部母; 佛眼佛母; 佛母身; 佛母尊; 虛空佛. |
佛頂尊 佛顶尊 see styles |
fó dǐng zūn fo2 ding3 zun1 fo ting tsun bucchō son |
supreme Buddha within |
優婆尊 see styles |
ubason うばそん |
(place-name) Ubason |
兩足尊 两足尊 see styles |
liǎng zú zūn liang3 zu2 zun1 liang tsu tsun ryōzoku son |
The most honoured among men and devas (lit. among two-footed beings), a title of the Buddha. The two feet are compared to the commandments and meditation, blessing and wisdom, relative and absolute teaching (i. e. Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna), meditation and action. |
六足尊 see styles |
liù zú zūn liu4 zu2 zun1 liu tsu tsun rokusoku son |
The six-legged Honored One, one of the five 明王 fierce guardians of Amitābha, i. e. 大威德, who has six heads, faces, arms, and legs; rides on an ox; and is an incarnation of Mañjuśrī. The 六足阿毘曇摩 Jñāna-prasthāna-saṭpādābhidharma is a philosophical work in the Canon. |
六面尊 see styles |
liù miàn zūn liu4 mian4 zun1 liu mien tsun rokumenson |
idem 六足尊. |
前武尊 see styles |
maehotaka まえほたか |
(personal name) Maehotaka |
十五尊 see styles |
shí wǔ zūn shi2 wu3 zun1 shih wu tsun jūgos on |
The fifteen honoured ones, with whom certain 眞言 Shingon devotees seek by yoga to become united; of the fifteen, each represents a part of the whole, e.g. the eyes, ears, mouth, hands, feet, etc. v. 瑜祇經 in its 金剛薩埵 , etc., chapter. |
十力尊 see styles |
shí lì zūn shi2 li4 zun1 shih li tsun jūriki son |
(十力無等) The honoured (unequalled) possessor of the ten powers, Buddha. |
可尊敬 see styles |
kě zūn jìng ke3 zun1 jing4 k`o tsun ching ko tsun ching |
respectable |
台之尊 see styles |
tanonoson たののそん |
(surname) Tanonoson |
圓通尊 圆通尊 see styles |
yuán tōng zūn yuan2 tong1 zun1 yüan t`ung tsun yüan tung tsun Enzū son |
Bodhisattva of Interpenetrating Faculties |
地蔵尊 see styles |
jizouson / jizoson じぞうそん |
Jizo (guardian deity of children); (image of) Khitigarbha-bodhisattva; (given name) Jizouson |
大尊法 see styles |
dà zūn fǎ da4 zun1 fa3 ta tsun fa dai sonhō |
the great pre-eminent Dharma |
大尊道 see styles |
dà zūn dào da4 zun1 dao4 ta tsun tao dai sondō |
the great pre-eminent path |
大尊雄 see styles |
dà zūn xióng da4 zun1 xiong2 ta tsun hsiung daisonyū |
the great pre-eminent hero |
大慈尊 see styles |
dà cí zūn da4 ci2 zun1 ta tz`u tsun ta tzu tsun dai jison |
The honored one of great kindness, Maitreya. |
大聖尊 大圣尊 see styles |
dà shèng zūn da4 sheng4 zun1 ta sheng tsun dai shōson |
a great sage |
大覺尊 大觉尊 see styles |
dà jué zūn da4 jue2 zun1 ta chüeh tsun daikaku son |
Most honored Enlightened One |
天人尊 see styles |
tiān rén zūn tian1 ren2 zun1 t`ien jen tsun tien jen tsun tennin son |
the supreme among gods and men |
如來尊 如来尊 see styles |
rú lái zūn ru2 lai2 zun1 ju lai tsun nyorai son |
the Thus Come One |
守門尊 守门尊 see styles |
shǒu mén zūn shou3 men2 zun1 shou men tsun shumon son |
gate guardian god |
小林尊 see styles |
kobayashitakeru こばやしたける |
(personal name) Kobayashitakeru |
布袋尊 see styles |
hoteison / hoteson ほていそん |
(personal name) Hoteison |
帶塔尊 带塔尊 see styles |
dài tǎ zūn dai4 ta3 zun1 tai t`a tsun tai ta tsun Taitō son |
帶塔德菩薩 Maitreya, bearer of the pagoda. |
御姫尊 see styles |
ohimeson おひめそん |
(place-name) Ohimeson |
御本尊 see styles |
gohonzon ごほんぞん |
(1) principal object of worship at a temple (usu. a buddha or bodhisattva); principal image; idol; (2) (joc) the man himself; the person at the heart of the matter |
愛利尊 see styles |
arison ありそん |
(female given name) Arison |
慈尊院 see styles |
jisonin じそんいん |
(place-name) Jison'in |
於留尊 see styles |
oruson おるそん |
(surname) Oruson |
普智尊 see styles |
pǔ zhì zūn pu3 zhi4 zun1 p`u chih tsun pu chih tsun fuchi son |
a venerable one who possesses universal (or impartial) wisdom |
曼勝尊 see styles |
màn shèng zūn man4 sheng4 zun1 man sheng tsun |
A title of a buddha. |
最勝尊 最胜尊 see styles |
zuì shèng zūn zui4 sheng4 zun1 tsui sheng tsun saishō son |
The most honoured one, Buddha. |
最尊妙 see styles |
zuì zūn miào zui4 zun1 miao4 tsui tsun miao saisonmyō |
most excellent |
最尊寺 see styles |
saitokuji さいとくじ |
(place-name) Saitokuji |
月黶尊 月黡尊 see styles |
yuè yǎn zūn yue4 yan3 zun1 yüeh yen tsun Gatten son |
One of the names of a 明王 Ming Wang, i. e. 'moon-black' or 'moon-spots', 降三世明王 the maharāja who subdues all resisters, past, present, and future, represented with black face, three eyes, four protruding teeth, and fierce laugh. |
本尊山 see styles |
honzonsan ほんぞんさん |
(place-name) Honzonsan |
本尊岩 see styles |
honzoniwa ほんぞんいわ |
(place-name) Honzon'iwa |
武尊山 see styles |
hotakayama ほたかやま |
(personal name) Hotakayama |
武尊川 see styles |
hotakagawa ほたかがわ |
(place-name) Hotakagawa |
武論尊 see styles |
buronson ぶろんそん |
(person) Buronson (1947.6.16-) |
滿月尊 满月尊 see styles |
mǎn yuè zūn man3 yue4 zun1 man yüeh tsun Mangatsuson |
The full-moon honoured one, Buddha. |
火光尊 see styles |
huǒ guāng zūn huo3 guang1 zun1 huo kuang tsun kakō son |
idem 火天. |
無上尊 无上尊 see styles |
wú shàng zūn wu2 shang4 zun1 wu shang tsun mujō son |
(無上兩足尊) The peerless (two-legged) honoured one. |
無動尊 无动尊 see styles |
wú dòng zūn wu2 dong4 zun1 wu tung tsun Mudō Son |
idem 不動明王. |
無量尊 无量尊 see styles |
wú liáng zūn wu2 liang2 zun1 wu liang tsun Muryō Son |
The infinite honoured one, Amitābha. |
猛尊導 猛尊导 see styles |
měng zūn dǎo meng3 zun1 dao3 meng tsun tao mō sondō |
a vigorous, pre-eminent guide, i.e. a buddha |
田中尊 see styles |
tanakatakashi たなかたかし |
(person) Tanaka Takashi (1936.4.11-) |
百八尊 see styles |
bǎi bā zūn bai3 ba1 zun1 pai pa tsun hyakuhasson |
The 108 honourable ones in the Vajradhātu. |
石尊山 see styles |
sekisonzan せきそんざん |
(personal name) Sekisonzan |
石尊沢 see styles |
sekisonzawa せきそんざわ |
(place-name) Sekisonzawa |
脅尊者 胁尊者 see styles |
xié zūn zhě xie2 zun1 zhe3 hsieh tsun che Kyō Sonja |
Pārśva |
脇尊者 see styles |
xié zūn zhě xie2 zun1 zhe3 hsieh tsun che Kyō Sonja |
Pārśva |
自尊心 see styles |
zì zūn xīn zi4 zun1 xin1 tzu tsun hsin jisonshin じそんしん |
More info & calligraphy: Prideful Mind / Self-Respecting Heartself-esteem; self-respect; self-importance; conceit; pride |
臺之尊 see styles |
tainoson たいのそん |
(surname) Tainoson |
若尊鼻 see styles |
wakamikonohana わかみこのはな |
(place-name) Wakamikonohana |
衆生尊 众生尊 see styles |
zhòng shēng zūn zhong4 sheng1 zun1 chung sheng tsun shūjō son |
honored among sentient beings |
諸世尊 诸世尊 see styles |
zhū shì zūn zhu1 shi4 zun1 chu shih tsun sho seson |
world-honored ones |
象尊國 象尊国 see styles |
xiàng zūn guó xiang4 zun1 guo2 hsiang tsun kuo zōson koku |
The elephant-honouring country, India. |
起尊重 see styles |
qǐ zūn zhòng qi3 zun1 zhong4 ch`i tsun chung chi tsun chung ki sonjū |
respects |
遍照尊 see styles |
biàn zhào zūn bian4 zhao4 zun1 pien chao tsun Henshō Son |
Mahāvairocana Tathāgata |
道了尊 see styles |
douryouson / doryoson どうりょうそん |
(place-name) Dōryōson |
釈尊寺 see styles |
shakusonji しゃくそんじ |
(place-name) Shakusonji |
釋尊祭 释尊祭 see styles |
shì zūn jì shi4 zun1 ji4 shih tsun chi Shakuson sai |
festival for the birth of the Buddha |
釋迦尊 释迦尊 see styles |
shì jiā zūn shi4 jia1 zun1 shih chia tsun Shakason |
The honoured one of the Śākyas, i.e. Śākyamuni. |
高尊尼 see styles |
kousonni / kosonni こうそんに |
(given name) Kōsonni |
黒尊岳 see styles |
kurosondake くろそんだけ |
(personal name) Kurosondake |
黒尊川 see styles |
kurosongawa くろそんがわ |
(personal name) Kurosongawa |
龍種尊 龙种尊 see styles |
lóng zhǒng zūn long2 zhong3 zun1 lung chung tsun |
(龍種上尊王佛) The Buddha of the race of honourable dragon kings, a title of Mañjuśrī. |
尊上佛道 see styles |
zūn shàng fó dào zun1 shang4 fo2 dao4 tsun shang fo tao sonjō butsudō |
the supreme Buddha-Path |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "尊" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.