There are 3678 total results for your 家 search. I have created 37 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
家苗 see styles |
kanae かなえ |
(given name) Kanae |
家茂 see styles |
iemochi いえもち |
(given name) Iemochi |
家葺 see styles |
yabuki やぶき |
(surname) Yabuki |
家蔵 see styles |
iekura いえくら |
(noun, transitive verb) household possessions; (surname) Iekura |
家藤 see styles |
iefuji いえふじ |
(surname) Iefuji |
家蚊 see styles |
ieka; ieka いえか; イエカ |
(kana only) house mosquito (genus Culex) |
家蚕 see styles |
kasan かさん |
(See 野蚕) domesticated silkworm |
家蝿 see styles |
iebae いえばえ |
(kana only) housefly (Musca domestica); house fly |
家蠅 家蝇 see styles |
jiā yíng jia1 ying2 chia ying iebae いえばえ |
house fly (kana only) housefly (Musca domestica); house fly |
家蠶 家蚕 see styles |
jiā cán jia1 can2 chia ts`an chia tsan |
the common silkworm (Bombyx mori) See: 家蚕 |
家行 see styles |
ieyuki いえゆき |
(personal name) Ieyuki |
家衛 see styles |
iee いええ |
(surname) Iee |
家衡 see styles |
iehira いえひら |
(personal name) Iehira |
家裁 see styles |
kasai かさい |
(abbreviation) (See 家庭裁判所) family court |
家裡 家里 see styles |
jiā lǐ jia1 li3 chia li |
home See: 家里 |
家西 see styles |
kasai かさい |
(surname) Kasai |
家規 家规 see styles |
jiā guī jia1 gui1 chia kuei |
family rules; family code of conduct |
家親 家亲 see styles |
jiā qīn jia1 qin1 chia ch`in chia chin iechika いえちか |
older generation in one's household (often referring to one's parents); one's deceased close relatives (surname) Iechika |
家言 see styles |
iegoto いえごと |
(archaism) news from home; letter from home |
家計 家计 see styles |
jiā jì jia1 ji4 chia chi kakei / kake かけい |
family livelihood; a household's economic situation; family property household economy; family finances |
家訓 家训 see styles |
jiā xùn jia1 xun4 chia hsün kakun; kakin かくん; かきん |
instructions to one's children; family precepts family precepts; family motto; rule of the home family precepts |
家語 家语 see styles |
jiā yǔ jia1 yu3 chia yü |
The School Sayings of Confucius (abbr. for 孔子家語|孔子家语[Kong3 zi3 Jia1 yu3]) |
家調 see styles |
kachou / kacho かちょう |
(place-name) Kachō |
家譜 家谱 see styles |
jiā pǔ jia1 pu3 chia p`u chia pu kafu かふ |
genealogy; family tree pedigree; genealogy |
家谷 see styles |
ietani いえたに |
(surname) Ietani |
家豪 see styles |
ietake いえたけ |
(given name) Ietake |
家貓 家猫 see styles |
jiā māo jia1 mao1 chia mao |
domestic cat; house cat See: 家猫 |
家貞 see styles |
iesada いえさだ |
(personal name) Iesada |
家財 家财 see styles |
jiā cái jia1 cai2 chia ts`ai chia tsai iezai いえざい |
(1) household belongings; household goods; (2) family fortune; family assets; (surname) Iezai family wealth |
家貴 see styles |
ietaka いえたか |
(personal name) Ietaka |
家賃 see styles |
yachin やちん |
rent |
家賓 see styles |
kahin かひん |
(personal name) Kahin |
家越 see styles |
iekoshi いえこし |
(surname) Iekoshi |
家路 see styles |
ieji いえじ |
the road home; (surname) Ieji |
家轎 家轿 see styles |
jiā jiào jia1 jiao4 chia chiao |
privately-owned car |
家辺 see styles |
yabe やべ |
(surname) Yabe |
家込 see styles |
iekomi いえこみ |
(surname) Iekomi |
家近 see styles |
iechika いえちか |
(surname) Iechika |
家迫 see styles |
iesako いえさこ |
(surname) Iesako |
家造 see styles |
kazou / kazo かぞう |
(given name) Kazou |
家運 see styles |
kaun かうん |
fortunes of a family |
家道 see styles |
jiā dào jia1 dao4 chia tao |
family financial circumstances |
家達 see styles |
ietatsu いえたつ |
(personal name) Ietatsu |
家邊 see styles |
iebe いえべ |
(surname) Iebe |
家邑 see styles |
iemura いえむら |
(personal name) Iemura |
家邦 see styles |
iekuni いえくに |
(given name) Iekuni |
家邨 see styles |
iemura いえむら |
(personal name) Iemura |
家郎 see styles |
ieo いえお |
(personal name) Ieo |
家部 see styles |
gabe がべ |
(surname) Gabe |
家郷 see styles |
iesato いえさと |
one's homeland; one's old home; (surname) Iesato |
家鄉 家乡 see styles |
jiā xiāng jia1 xiang1 chia hsiang |
hometown; native place; CL:個|个[ge4] |
家醜 家丑 see styles |
jiā chǒu jia1 chou3 chia ch`ou chia chou |
family scandal; skeleton in the closet |
家里 see styles |
iezato いえざと |
(surname) Iezato |
家重 see styles |
ieshige いえしげ |
(surname, given name) Ieshige |
家野 see styles |
yano やの |
(surname) Yano |
家鋪 see styles |
ieho いえほ |
(surname) Ieho |
家鍋 see styles |
yanabe やなべ |
(surname) Yanabe |
家長 家长 see styles |
jiā zhǎng jia1 zhang3 chia chang ienaga いえなが |
head of a household; family head; patriarch; parent or guardian of a child head of a family; patriarch; matriarch; (surname) Ienaga |
家門 家门 see styles |
jiā mén jia1 men2 chia men kamon かもん |
house door; family clan one's family; one's clan; (given name) Kamon |
家間 see styles |
kema けま |
(surname) Kema |
家隆 see styles |
ietaka いえたか |
(given name) Ietaka |
家雀 see styles |
iesuzume; iesuzume いえすずめ; イエスズメ |
(kana only) house sparrow (Passer domesticus) |
家雄 see styles |
ieo いえお |
(given name) Ieo |
家雅 see styles |
iemasa いえまさ |
(personal name) Iemasa |
家集 see styles |
kashuu / kashu かしゅう |
(See 和歌) collected waka poems (of a single poet) |
家雲 see styles |
yagumo やぐも |
(surname) Yagumo |
家電 家电 see styles |
jiā diàn jia1 dian4 chia tien kaden かでん |
household electric appliance; abbr. for 家用電器|家用电器 household (electrical) appliances; home appliances; consumer electronics |
家靖 see styles |
ieyasu いえやす |
(personal name) Ieyasu |
家頭 see styles |
yagashira やがしら |
(surname) Yagashira |
家頼 see styles |
kerai けらい |
retainer; retinue; servant |
家風 家风 see styles |
jiā fēng jia1 feng1 chia feng kafuu; iekaze / kafu; iekaze かふう; いえかぜ |
(1) family tradition; (2) (いえかぜ only) (archaism) wind blowing from the direction of one's home family style |
家養 家养 see styles |
jiā yǎng jia1 yang3 chia yang |
domestic (animals); home reared |
家馬 家马 see styles |
jiā mǎ jia1 ma3 chia ma iema いえま |
domestic horse (surname) Iema |
家馴 see styles |
yanare やなれ |
(surname) Yanare |
家高 see styles |
yadaka やだか |
(surname) Yadaka |
家鳩 see styles |
iebato いえばと |
(See 土鳩) domestic pigeon; feral pigeon |
家鴉 家鸦 see styles |
jiā yā jia1 ya1 chia ya |
(bird species of China) house crow (Corvus splendens) |
家鴨 家鸭 see styles |
jiā yā jia1 ya1 chia ya ahiru あひる |
domestic duck (kana only) domestic duck |
家鷹 see styles |
ietaka いえたか |
(personal name) Ietaka |
お家 see styles |
ouchi / ochi おうち |
(polite language) (kana only) home; your home; your group; their home |
ん家 see styles |
nchi んち |
(suf,exp) (kana only) (abbreviation) 's house; 's home |
一家 see styles |
yī jiā yi1 jia1 i chia hitotsuya ひとつや |
the whole family; the same family; the family ... (when preceded by a family name); group (1) a family; a household; a home; one's family; whole family; (2) (one's own) style; school; (3) gang; (yakuza) family; (surname) Hitotsuya one school |
七家 see styles |
nanaie なないえ |
(surname) Nanaie |
万家 see styles |
manie まんいえ |
(surname) Man'ie |
三家 see styles |
miya みや |
(1) (hist) three noble families (Kan'in, Kazan'in and Nakanoin or Koga); (2) (hist) (See 御三家・1) three branches of the Tokugawa family (Owari, Kii and Mito); (surname) Miya |
上家 see styles |
shàng jiā shang4 jia1 shang chia jouya / joya じょうや |
preceding player (in a game) {mahj} (See 下家・しもチャ,対面・トイメン・1) left-hand opponent (chi: shàngjiā); player to one's left; (surname) Jōya |
下家 see styles |
xià jiā xia4 jia1 hsia chia shimoya しもや |
player whose turn comes next (in a game); next one; my humble home {mahj} (See 上家・かみチャ,対面・トイメン・1) right-hand opponent (chi: xiàjiā); player to one's right; (surname) Shimoya |
世家 see styles |
shì jiā shi4 jia1 shih chia seke |
family influential for generations; aristocratic family generational houses |
両家 see styles |
ryouke / ryoke りょうけ |
both families; (place-name) Ryōke |
並家 see styles |
namiie / namie なみいえ |
(surname) Namiie |
中家 see styles |
nakaya なかや |
(surname) Nakaya |
丸家 see styles |
maruya まるや |
(surname) Maruya |
丹家 see styles |
tange たんげ |
(surname) Tange |
主家 see styles |
shuka; shuke しゅか; しゅけ |
employer's house; master's house |
久家 see styles |
hisaya ひさや |
(surname, given name) Hisaya |
九家 see styles |
kuie くいえ |
(surname) Kuie |
亀家 see styles |
kameie / kamee かめいえ |
(surname) Kameie |
二家 see styles |
futaya ふたや |
(surname) Futaya |
五家 see styles |
wǔ jiā wu3 jia1 wu chia goke ごけ |
(surname) Goke five houses |
井家 see styles |
inoie いのいえ |
(surname) Inoie |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "家" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.