There are 582 total results for your 休 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
退休金 see styles |
tuì xiū jīn tui4 xiu1 jin1 t`ui hsiu chin tui hsiu chin |
retirement pay; pension |
週休制 see styles |
shuukyuusei / shukyuse しゅうきゅうせい |
six-day workweek system |
遊休地 see styles |
yuukyuuchi / yukyuchi ゆうきゅうち |
idle land |
雙休日 双休日 see styles |
shuāng xiū rì shuang1 xiu1 ri4 shuang hsiu jih |
two-day weekend |
電休日 see styles |
denkyuubi / denkyubi でんきゅうび |
(rare) (See 休電日) no-electricity day |
食休み see styles |
shokuyasumi しょくやすみ |
(n,vs,vi) rest after a meal |
骨休め see styles |
honeyasume ほねやすめ |
(n,vs,vi) relaxation; recreation; recess |
AM休 see styles |
eiemukyuu / eemukyu エイエムきゅう |
(See 午前休) taking the morning off; time off during the morning |
PM休 see styles |
piiemukyuu / piemukyu ピーエムきゅう |
(See 午後休) taking the afternoon off; time off during the afternoon |
休ませる see styles |
yasumaseru やすませる |
(Ichidan verb) to excuse (someone); to give a holiday to; to make (someone) rest |
休みなく see styles |
yasuminaku やすみなく |
(adverb) without rest; tirelessly; incessantly |
休みボケ see styles |
yasumiboke やすみボケ |
sluggishness after few days off |
休み休み see styles |
yasumiyasumi やすみやすみ |
(adverb) (1) resting at times; (adverb) (2) (used reproachfully) with careful thought; after proper consideration |
休み明け see styles |
yasumiake やすみあけ |
(expression) just after a holiday break; the first day after the holidays |
休み時間 see styles |
yasumijikan やすみじかん |
recess; break time; break between classes; free period; recess time; recreation hour; time for recess |
休み茶屋 see styles |
yasumijaya やすみぢゃや |
(ik) wayside teahouse; tea house used as a resting place |
休会明け see styles |
kyuukaiake / kyukaiake きゅうかいあけ |
reassembly after a recess (e.g. of a legislature); reconvening after a break |
休場遺跡 see styles |
yasumibaiseki やすみばいせき |
(place-name) Yasumiba Ruins |
休息時間 see styles |
kyuusokujikan / kyusokujikan きゅうそくじかん |
recess; break; breathing spell |
休憩時間 see styles |
kyuukeijikan / kyukejikan きゅうけいじかん |
rest period; intermission; break time; recess |
休戚相關 休戚相关 see styles |
xiū qī xiāng guān xiu1 qi1 xiang1 guan1 hsiu ch`i hsiang kuan hsiu chi hsiang kuan |
to share the same interests (idiom); to be closely related; to be in the same boat |
休戦会談 see styles |
kyuusenkaidan / kyusenkaidan きゅうせんかいだん |
armistice conference |
休戦協定 see styles |
kyuusenkyoutei / kyusenkyote きゅうせんきょうてい |
cease-fire agreement |
休戦地帯 see styles |
kyuusenchitai / kyusenchitai きゅうせんちたい |
demilitarized zone; demilitarised zone; DMZ |
休戦条約 see styles |
kyuusenjouyaku / kyusenjoyaku きゅうせんじょうやく |
armistice treaty |
休日出勤 see styles |
kyuujitsushukkin / kyujitsushukkin きゅうじつしゅっきん |
working on a day off |
休日手当 see styles |
kyuujitsuteate / kyujitsuteate きゅうじつてあて |
holiday allowance; allowance for working at weekends or on a holiday |
休日明け see styles |
kyuujitsuake / kyujitsuake きゅうじつあけ |
the day after a holiday |
休暇予定 see styles |
kyuukayotei / kyukayote きゅうかよてい |
holiday plans |
休暇戦術 see styles |
kyuukasenjutsu / kyukasenjutsu きゅうかせんじゅつ |
leave-taking tactics; many employees taking paid leave at the same time as a form of industrial action |
休暇旅行 see styles |
kyuukaryokou / kyukaryoko きゅうかりょこう |
holiday trip; vacation trip |
休暇明け see styles |
kyuukaake / kyukake きゅうかあけ |
post-vacation |
休暇闘争 see styles |
kyuukatousou / kyukatoso きゅうかとうそう |
strike for leave |
休暇願い see styles |
kyuukanegai / kyukanegai きゅうかねがい |
application for leave |
休業手当 see styles |
kyuugyouteate / kyugyoteate きゅうぎょうてあて |
layoff allowance; closure allowance |
休止状態 see styles |
kyuushijoutai / kyushijotai きゅうしじょうたい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {comp} hibernation |
休氏樹鶯 休氏树莺 see styles |
xiū shì shù yīng xiu1 shi4 shu4 ying1 hsiu shih shu ying |
(bird species of China) Hume's bush warbler (Horornis brunnescens) |
休眠打破 see styles |
kyuumindaha / kyumindaha きゅうみんだは |
{bot} dormancy breaking |
休眠火山 see styles |
xiū mián huǒ shān xiu1 mian2 huo3 shan1 hsiu mien huo shan |
dormant volcano |
休眠状態 see styles |
kyuuminjoutai / kyuminjotai きゅうみんじょうたい |
(1) dormant state; torpor; (2) non-operating state; idling |
休間内沢 see styles |
yasumanaizawa やすまないざわ |
(place-name) Yasumanaizawa |
休養生息 休养生息 see styles |
xiū yǎng shēng xī xiu1 yang3 sheng1 xi1 hsiu yang sheng hsi |
to recover; to recuperate |
お休み中 see styles |
oyasumichuu / oyasumichu おやすみちゅう |
(can be adjective with の) closed; on break |
ずる休み see styles |
zuruyasumi ずるやすみ |
(noun/participle) playing hookey; being away from work without a good reason |
ひと休み see styles |
hitoyasumi ひとやすみ |
(noun/participle) (short) rest; breather; break |
パパ休暇 see styles |
papakyuuka / papakyuka パパきゅうか |
(colloquialism) paternity leave |
一休ケ丘 see styles |
ikkyuugaoka / ikkyugaoka いっきゅうがおか |
(place-name) Ikkyūgaoka |
一休宗純 一休宗纯 see styles |
yī xiū zōng chún yi1 xiu1 zong1 chun2 i hsiu tsung ch`un i hsiu tsung chun ikkyuusoujun / ikkyusojun いっきゅうそうじゅん |
(person) Ikkyū Soujun Ikkyū Sōjun |
一時休戦 see styles |
ichijikyuusen / ichijikyusen いちじきゅうせん |
temporary truce; ceasefire |
一時休業 see styles |
ichijikyuugyou / ichijikyugyo いちじきゅうぎょう |
(noun/participle) temporary suspension (of business); brief shutdown |
一時休止 see styles |
ichijikyuushi / ichijikyushi いちじきゅうし |
(noun, transitive verb) adjournment; pause; moratorium; temporary suspension |
一時帰休 see styles |
ichijikikyuu / ichijikikyu いちじききゅう |
temporary layoff |
一服休憩 see styles |
ippukukyuukei / ippukukyuke いっぷくきゅうけい |
(noun/participle) tea (coffee, cigarette) break |
一醉方休 see styles |
yī zuì fāng xiū yi1 zui4 fang1 xiu1 i tsui fang hsiu |
to get thoroughly drunk (idiom); to get plastered |
万事休す see styles |
banjikyuusu / banjikyusu ばんじきゅうす |
(expression) There is nothing more that can be done |
三休の滝 see styles |
sankyuunotaki / sankyunotaki さんきゅうのたき |
(place-name) Sankyū Falls |
三輪休雪 see styles |
miwakyuusetsu / miwakyusetsu みわきゅうせつ |
(person) Miwa Kyūsetsu (1910.2-) |
上陸休暇 see styles |
jourikukyuuka / jorikukyuka じょうりくきゅうか |
shore leave |
不死不休 see styles |
bù sǐ bù xiū bu4 si3 bu4 xiu1 pu ssu pu hsiu |
to fight to one's last gasp |
不眠不休 see styles |
bù mián bù xiū bu4 mian2 bu4 xiu1 pu mien pu hsiu fuminfukyuu / fuminfukyu ふみんふきゅう |
without stopping to sleep or have a rest (idiom) (noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) no sleep or rest; working day and night |
二分休符 see styles |
nibukyuufu / nibukyufu にぶきゅうふ |
{music} half rest; minim rest |
五輪休戦 see styles |
gorinkyuusen / gorinkyusen ごりんきゅうせん |
(See オリンピック休戦) Olympic truce |
代替休日 see styles |
daitaikyuujitsu / daitaikyujitsu だいたいきゅうじつ |
(See 代休・だいきゅう) compensatory holiday (for working on a day off) |
全休止符 see styles |
zenkyuushifu / zenkyushifu ぜんきゅうしふ |
{music} whole note rest; semibreve rest |
冬期休暇 see styles |
toukikyuuka / tokikyuka とうききゅうか |
winter vacation (holidays) |
出産休暇 see styles |
shussankyuuka / shussankyuka しゅっさんきゅうか |
(See 産休) post-birth maternity leave; eight weeks of compulsory leave following childbirth, plus an optional further six weeks |
刺刺不休 see styles |
cì cì bù xiū ci4 ci4 bu4 xiu1 tz`u tz`u pu hsiu tzu tzu pu hsiu |
to talk incessantly; to chatter on and on |
北休賀町 see styles |
kitakyuukamachi / kitakyukamachi きたきゅうかまち |
(place-name) Kitakyūkamachi |
千の利休 see styles |
sennorikyuu / sennorikyu せんのりきゅう |
(person) Sen no Rikyū (1522-1591) (founder of the Sen School of tea ceremony) |
南休賀町 see styles |
minamikyuukamachi / minamikyukamachi みなみきゅうかまち |
(place-name) Minamikyūkamachi |
吉田一休 see styles |
yoshidaikkyuu / yoshidaikkyu よしだいっきゅう |
(person) Yoshida Ikkyū (1969.2.28-) |
同盟休校 see styles |
doumeikyuukou / domekyuko どうめいきゅうこう |
student strike |
呶呶不休 see styles |
náo náo - bù xiū nao2 nao2 - bu4 xiu1 nao nao - pu hsiu |
(idiom) to chatter endlessly; to talk nonstop |
善罷干休 善罢干休 see styles |
shàn bà - gān xiū shan4 ba4 - gan1 xiu1 shan pa - kan hsiu |
variant of 善罷甘休|善罢甘休[shan4ba4-gan1xiu1] |
善罷甘休 善罢甘休 see styles |
shàn bà - gān xiū shan4 ba4 - gan1 xiu1 shan pa - kan hsiu |
(idiom) to let the matter rest; to just let it go; to take it lying down (usu. used in the negative) |
喋喋不休 see styles |
dié dié - bù xiū die2 die2 - bu4 xiu1 tieh tieh - pu hsiu |
(idiom) to chatter endlessly; to talk nonstop |
土用休み see styles |
doyouyasumi / doyoyasumi どようやすみ |
summer vacation |
夏季休暇 see styles |
kakikyuuka / kakikyuka かききゅうか |
summer vacation |
夏期休暇 see styles |
kakikyuuka / kakikyuka かききゅうか |
summer vacation; summer holidays |
大休団地 see styles |
taikyuudanchi / taikyudanchi たいきゅうだんち |
(place-name) Taikyūdanchi |
大休歇底 see styles |
dà xiū xiē dǐ da4 xiu1 xie1 di3 ta hsiu hsieh ti daikyū kettei |
ended |
大休正念 see styles |
dà xiū zhèng niàn da4 xiu1 zheng4 nian4 ta hsiu cheng nien Daikyū Shōnen |
Daxiu Zhengnian |
大型連休 see styles |
oogatarenkyuu / oogatarenkyu おおがたれんきゅう |
(expression notably used by public broadcaster NHK) (See ゴールデンウィーク) long holiday (consisting of one or two weekends and multiple public holidays; esp. Golden Week) |
川尻御休 see styles |
kawashirioyasumi かわしりおやすみ |
(place-name) Kawashirioyasumi |
帶薪休假 带薪休假 see styles |
dài xīn xiū jià dai4 xin1 xiu1 jia4 tai hsin hsiu chia |
paid leave |
年中無休 see styles |
nenjuumukyuu / nenjumukyu ねんじゅうむきゅう |
(adj-no,n) open every day of the year; open year-round; operating 365 days a year |
年次休暇 see styles |
nenjikyuuka / nenjikyuka ねんじきゅうか |
(See 年次有給休暇) annual leave; annual paid vacation; annual paid holiday |
心休まる see styles |
kokoroyasumaru こころやすまる |
(v5r,vi) to feel at ease; to feel relaxed |
忌引休暇 see styles |
kibikikyuuka / kibikikyuka きびききゅうか |
condolence leave |
慰労休暇 see styles |
iroukyuuka / irokyuka いろうきゅうか |
holiday given in recognition of one's service |
慶弔休暇 see styles |
keichoukyuuka / kechokyuka けいちょうきゅうか |
special leave for births, marriages or deaths in the family |
手形休下 see styles |
tegatakyuuka / tegatakyuka てがたきゅうか |
(place-name) Tegatakyūka |
抱休羅蘭 抱休罗兰 see styles |
bào xiū luó lán bao4 xiu1 luo2 lan2 pao hsiu lo lan Bōkyūraran |
Prabhūtaratna |
振替休日 see styles |
furikaekyuujitsu / furikaekyujitsu ふりかえきゅうじつ |
(yoji) compensatory holiday; observed holiday (weekday holiday when the actual day is on a weekend); substitute holiday |
摩加迪休 see styles |
mó jiā dí xiū mo2 jia1 di2 xiu1 mo chia ti hsiu |
Mogadishu, capital of Somalia (Tw) |
暑中休暇 see styles |
shochuukyuuka / shochukyuka しょちゅうきゅうか |
summer vacation |
有給休暇 see styles |
yuukyuukyuuka / yukyukyuka ゆうきゅうきゅうか |
paid vacation; paid holiday; paid leave |
本日休業 see styles |
honjitsukyuugyou / honjitsukyugyo ほんじつきゅうぎょう |
(expression) (on signs, etc.) Closed Today |
本町新休 see styles |
honmachishinkyuu / honmachishinkyu ほんまちしんきゅう |
(place-name) Honmachishinkyū |
案甲休兵 see styles |
àn jiǎ xiū bīng an4 jia3 xiu1 bing1 an chia hsiu ping |
to put down weapon and let soldiers rest (idiom); to relax from fighting |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "休" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.