There are 509 total results for your 乳 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
乳光佛經 乳光佛经 see styles |
rǔ guāng fó jīng ru3 guang1 fo2 jing1 ju kuang fo ching Nyūkōbutsu kyō |
Vatsa-sūtra |
乳児湿疹 see styles |
nyuujishisshin / nyujishisshin にゅうじしっしん |
infantile eczema; baby eczema |
乳児脚気 see styles |
nyuujikakke / nyujikakke にゅうじかっけ |
infantile beriberi |
乳切り木 see styles |
chigiriki; chigirigi ちぎりき; ちぎりぎ |
(kana only) {MA} weight-chain-pole weapon; flail |
乳化重合 see styles |
nyuukajuugou / nyukajugo にゅうかじゅうごう |
emulsion polymerization |
乳呑み児 see styles |
chinomigo ちのみご |
suckling child; babe in arms; child at the breast; baby; infant |
乳呑み子 see styles |
chinomigo ちのみご |
suckling child; babe in arms; child at the breast; baby; infant |
乳固形分 see styles |
nyuukokeibun / nyukokebun にゅうこけいぶん |
milk solid |
乳山牧場 see styles |
chichiyamabokujou / chichiyamabokujo ちちやまぼくじょう |
(place-name) Chichiyamabokujō |
乳岡古墳 see styles |
chichiokakofun ちちおかこふん |
(place-name) Chichioka Tumulus |
乳峯神社 see styles |
chichiminejinja ちちみねじんじゃ |
(place-name) Chichimine Shrine |
乳房再建 see styles |
chibusasaiken ちぶささいけん |
breast reconstruction |
乳房切除 see styles |
nyuubousetsujo / nyubosetsujo にゅうぼうせつじょ |
mastectomy |
乳房撮影 see styles |
nyuubousatsuei; chibusasatsuei / nyubosatsue; chibusasatsue にゅうぼうさつえい; ちぶささつえい |
{med} (See マンモグラフィー) mammography |
乳房攝影 乳房摄影 see styles |
rǔ fáng shè yǐng ru3 fang2 she4 ying3 ju fang she ying |
mammography |
乳搾り器 see styles |
chichishiboriki ちちしぼりき |
milking machine |
乳様突起 see styles |
nyuuyoutokki / nyuyotokki にゅうようとっき |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) mastoid |
乳母日傘 see styles |
onbahigasa; onbahikarakasa おんばひがさ; おんばひからかさ |
(expression) (yoji) (bringing up a child) with greatest care pampering (him, her) with material comforts of a rich family; (being brought up) in a hothouse atmosphere |
乳汁漏出 see styles |
nyuujuuroushutsu / nyujuroshutsu にゅうじゅうろうしゅつ |
galactorrhea |
乳白天空 see styles |
rǔ bái tiān kōng ru3 bai2 tian1 kong1 ju pai t`ien k`ung ju pai tien kung |
whiteout |
乳臭未乾 乳臭未干 see styles |
rǔ xiù wèi gān ru3 xiu4 wei4 gan1 ju hsiu wei kan |
lit. smell of breast milk not yet dried (idiom); fig. immature and inexperienced; still wet behind the ears |
乳酪蛋糕 see styles |
rǔ lào dàn gāo ru3 lao4 dan4 gao1 ju lao tan kao |
cheesecake |
乳酸桿菌 see styles |
nyuusankankin / nyusankankin にゅうさんかんきん |
lactobacillus |
乳酸球菌 see styles |
nyuusankyuukin / nyusankyukin にゅうさんきゅうきん |
streptococcus; lactococcus |
乳酸発酵 see styles |
nyuusanhakkou / nyusanhakko にゅうさんはっこう |
lactic fermentation; lactic acid fermentation |
乳酸飲料 see styles |
nyuusaninryou / nyusaninryo にゅうさんいんりょう |
lactic-acid drink |
乳頭温泉 see styles |
nyuutouonsen / nyutoonsen にゅうとうおんせん |
(place-name) Nyūtouonsen |
乳飲み児 see styles |
chinomigo ちのみご |
suckling child; babe in arms; child at the breast; baby; infant |
乳飲み子 see styles |
chinomigo ちのみご |
suckling child; babe in arms; child at the breast; baby; infant |
さく乳器 see styles |
sakunyuuki / sakunyuki さくにゅうき |
(1) breast pump; (2) milking device; milking machine |
ほ乳動物 see styles |
honyuudoubutsu / honyudobutsu ほにゅうどうぶつ |
mammal |
ホモ牛乳 see styles |
homogyuunyuu / homogyunyu ホモぎゅうにゅう |
homogenized milk; homogenised milk |
ポリ乳酸 see styles |
porinyuusan / porinyusan ポリにゅうさん |
{chem} polylactic acid; polylactide |
乾燥牛乳 see styles |
kansougyuunyuu / kansogyunyu かんそうぎゅうにゅう |
powdered milk |
低脂肪乳 see styles |
teishibounyuu / teshibonyu ていしぼうにゅう |
low-fat milk |
保証牛乳 see styles |
hoshougyuunyuu / hoshogyunyu ほしょうぎゅうにゅう |
certified milk |
催乳激素 see styles |
cuī rǔ jī sù cui1 ru3 ji1 su4 ts`ui ju chi su tsui ju chi su |
prolactin |
写真乳剤 see styles |
shashinnyuuzai / shashinnyuzai しゃしんにゅうざい |
photographic emulsion |
加糖粉乳 see styles |
katoufunnyuu / katofunnyu かとうふんにゅう |
sweetened powdered milk |
加糖練乳 see styles |
katourennyuu / katorennyu かとうれんにゅう |
sweetened condensed milk |
哺乳動物 哺乳动物 see styles |
bǔ rǔ dòng wù bu3 ru3 dong4 wu4 pu ju tung wu honyuudoubutsu / honyudobutsu ほにゅうどうぶつ |
mammal mammal |
哺乳器官 see styles |
honyuukikan / honyukikan ほにゅうきかん |
{anat} mamma (milk-secreting organ of female mammals) |
哺乳形類 see styles |
honyuukeirui / honyukerui ほにゅうけいるい |
Mammaliaformes |
哺乳類学 see styles |
honyuuruigaku / honyuruigaku ほにゅうるいがく |
mammalogy |
多乳房症 see styles |
tanyuuboushou / tanyubosho たにゅうぼうしょう |
polymastia (having more than one pair of mammae or breasts); pleomastia; hypermastia |
完全母乳 see styles |
kanzenbonyuu / kanzenbonyu かんぜんぼにゅう |
exclusive breastfeeding; feeding a baby only breast milk |
從牛出乳 从牛出乳 see styles |
cóng niú chū rǔ cong2 niu2 chu1 ru3 ts`ung niu ch`u ju tsung niu chu ju jū go shutsu nyū |
from the cow comes milk |
感光乳剤 see styles |
kankounyuuzai / kankonyuzai かんこうにゅうざい |
photosensitive emulsion |
母乳栄養 see styles |
bonyuueiyou / bonyueyo ぼにゅうえいよう |
(See 人工栄養・1) breast feeding; maternal feeding |
母乳餵養 母乳喂养 see styles |
mǔ rǔ wèi yǎng mu3 ru3 wei4 yang3 mu ju wei yang |
breastfeeding |
無乳房症 see styles |
munyuuboushou / munyubosho むにゅうぼうしょう |
{med} amastia |
無脂肪乳 see styles |
mushibounyuu / mushibonyu むしぼうにゅう |
non-fat milk; skim milk; skimmed milk |
牛驢二乳 牛驴二乳 see styles |
niú lǘ èr rǔ niu2 lv2 er4 ru3 niu lü erh ju goro ninyū |
The milk of cow and ass, the one turns to 'curd', the other to 'dung ', i. e. alike in appearance, but fundamentally different, as is the case with the Buddha's teaching and that of outsiders. |
脱脂粉乳 see styles |
dasshifunnyuu / dasshifunnyu だっしふんにゅう |
powdered skim milk; skimmed milk powder; non-fat dry milk |
調整豆乳 see styles |
chouseitounyuu / chosetonyu ちょうせいとうにゅう |
processed soy milk; adjusted soy milk; treated soy milk |
調製粉乳 see styles |
chouseifunnyuu / chosefunnyu ちょうせいふんにゅう |
baby formula; formulated milk powder |
転相乳化 see styles |
tensounyuuka / tensonyuka てんそうにゅうか |
phase-transfer emulsification |
陥没乳頭 see styles |
kanbotsunyuutou / kanbotsunyuto かんぼつにゅうとう |
{anat} inverted nipple; retracted nipple |
陥没乳首 see styles |
kanbotsuchikubi かんぼつちくび |
{anat} (See 陥没乳頭) inverted nipple; retracted nipple |
隆乳手術 隆乳手术 see styles |
lóng rǔ shǒu shù long2 ru3 shou3 shu4 lung ju shou shu |
breast enlargement operation; boob job |
高乳穂山 see styles |
takaniuyama たかにうやま |
(personal name) Takaniuyama |
鵝王別乳 鹅王别乳 see styles |
é wáng bier u e2 wang2 bier2 u3 o wang bier u |
A king-goose is reputed to be able to absorb the milk from a mixture of milk and water, leaving the water behind, so with the bodhisattva and truth. |
乳くり合う see styles |
chichikuriau ちちくりあう |
(v5u,vi) to have a secret affair; to meet secretly (for two persons); to flirt with one another |
乳児死亡率 see styles |
nyuujishibouritsu / nyujishiboritsu にゅうじしぼうりつ |
infant mortality |
乳房切除術 see styles |
nyuubousetsujojutsu / nyubosetsujojutsu にゅうぼうせつじょじゅつ |
mastectomy |
乳母石ヶ浦 see styles |
ubaishigaura うばいしがうら |
(place-name) Ubaishigaura |
乳牛試験場 see styles |
nyuugyuushikenjou / nyugyushikenjo にゅうぎゅうしけんじょう |
(place-name) Nyūgyūshikenjō |
乳白ガラス see styles |
nyuuhakugarasu / nyuhakugarasu にゅうはくガラス |
opal glass |
乳糖不耐症 see styles |
rǔ táng bù nài zhèng ru3 tang2 bu4 nai4 zheng4 ju t`ang pu nai cheng ju tang pu nai cheng nyuutoufutaishou / nyutofutaisho にゅうとうふたいしょう |
lactose intolerance {med} lactose intolerance |
乳繰り合う see styles |
chichikuriau ちちくりあう |
(v5u,vi) to have a secret affair; to meet secretly (for two persons); to flirt with one another |
乳酸菌製剤 see styles |
nyuusankinseizai / nyusankinsezai にゅうさんきんせいざい |
{pharm} lactobacillus preparation; probiotic medicine containing lactobacillus |
乳酸菌飲料 see styles |
nyuusankininryou / nyusankininryo にゅうさんきんいんりょう |
fermented milk drink (e.g. Yakult, Calpis, Calpico); lactic fermenting beverage |
乳頭状粘膜 see styles |
nyuutoujounenmaku / nyutojonenmaku にゅうとうじょうねんまく |
(rare) papillary mucosa |
乳首ピアス see styles |
chikubipiasu ちくびピアス |
(noun/participle) nipple-piercing; nipple piercing |
Variations: |
kinyuu / kinyu きにゅう |
witch's milk (milk secreted by some neonates) |
七折鐘乳洞 see styles |
nanaorishounyuudou / nanaorishonyudo ななおりしょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Nanaorishounyūdou |
七釜鍾乳洞 see styles |
nanatsugamashounyuudou / nanatsugamashonyudo ななつがましょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Nanatsugamashounyūdou |
低緊張乳児 see styles |
teikinchounyuuji / tekinchonyuji ていきんちょうにゅうじ |
{med} floppy infant |
倉沢鍾乳洞 see styles |
kurasawashounyuudou / kurasawashonyudo くらさわしょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Kurasawashounyūdou |
光水鍾乳洞 see styles |
hikarimizushounyuudou / hikarimizushonyudo ひかりみずしょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Hikarimizushounyūdou |
入水鐘乳洞 see styles |
irimizushounyuudou / irimizushonyudo いりみずしょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Irimizushounyūdou |
千仏鍾乳洞 see styles |
senbutsushounyuudou / senbutsushonyudo せんぶつしょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Senbutsushounyūdou |
半乳糖血症 see styles |
bàn rǔ táng xuè zhèng ban4 ru3 tang2 xue4 zheng4 pan ju t`ang hsüeh cheng pan ju tang hsüeh cheng |
galactosemia |
卡門柏乳酪 卡门柏乳酪 see styles |
kǎ mén bó rǔ lào ka3 men2 bo2 ru3 lao4 k`a men po ju lao ka men po ju lao |
Camembert (soft, creamy French cheese) |
哺乳類動物 哺乳类动物 see styles |
bǔ rǔ lèi dòng wù bu3 ru3 lei4 dong4 wu4 pu ju lei tung wu |
mammals |
嗜酸乳干菌 see styles |
shì suān rǔ gān jun shi4 suan1 ru3 gan1 jun1 shih suan ju kan chün |
Lactobacillus acidophilus |
嗜酸乳桿菌 嗜酸乳杆菌 see styles |
shì suān rǔ gǎn jun shi4 suan1 ru3 gan3 jun1 shih suan ju kan chün |
Lactobacillus acidophilus |
大増鍾乳洞 see styles |
oomasushounyuudou / oomasushonyudo おおますしょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Oomasushounyūdou |
大岳鐘乳洞 see styles |
ootakeshounyuudou / ootakeshonyudo おおたけしょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Ootakeshounyūdou |
大滝鍾乳洞 see styles |
ootakishounyuudou / ootakishonyudo おおたきしょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Ootakishounyūdou |
女性化乳房 see styles |
joseikanyuubou / josekanyubo じょせいかにゅうぼう |
{med} gynecomastia; gynaecomastia |
小半鐘乳洞 see styles |
onagarashounyuudou / onagarashonyudo おながらしょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Onagarashounyūdou |
小島鐘乳洞 see styles |
kojimashounyuudou / kojimashonyudo こじましょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Kojimashounyūdou |
当麻鐘乳洞 see styles |
toumashounyuudou / tomashonyudo とうましょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Toumashounyūdou |
待乳山孝晴 see styles |
matsuchiyamatakaharu まつちやまたかはる |
(person) Matsuchiyama Takaharu |
日原鍾乳洞 see styles |
nipparashounyuudou / nipparashonyudo にっぱらしょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Nipparashounyūdou |
果蔬酸酸乳 see styles |
guǒ shū suān suān rǔ guo3 shu1 suan1 suan1 ru3 kuo shu suan suan ju |
fruit sour milk |
母乳代用品 see styles |
mǔ rǔ dài yòng pǐn mu3 ru3 dai4 yong4 pin3 mu ju tai yung p`in mu ju tai yung pin |
breast milk substitute |
母乳化奶粉 see styles |
mǔ rǔ huà nǎi fěn mu3 ru3 hua4 nai3 fen3 mu ju hua nai fen |
infant formula |
水無鐘乳洞 see styles |
mizunashishounyuudou / mizunashishonyudo みずなししょうにゅうどう |
(place-name) Mizunashishounyūdou |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "乳" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.