There are 814 total results for your 义 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
義烏市 义乌市 see styles |
yì wū shì yi4 wu1 shi4 i wu shih |
Yiwu, county-level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang |
義無礙 义无碍 see styles |
yì wú ài yi4 wu2 ai4 i wu ai gi muge |
Unobstructed knowledge of the meaning, or the truth; complete knowledge. |
義父母 义父母 see styles |
yì fù mǔ yi4 fu4 mu3 i fu mu gifubo ぎふぼ |
adoptive parents parents-in-law |
義理禪 义理禅 see styles |
yì lǐ chán yi4 li3 chan2 i li ch`an i li chan giri zen |
theoretical Chan; Seon |
義竹鄉 义竹乡 see styles |
yì zhú xiāng yi4 zhu2 xiang1 i chu hsiang |
Yizhu or Ichu Township in Chiayi County 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 Xian4], west Taiwan |
義縣龍 义县龙 see styles |
yì xiàn lóng yi4 xian4 long2 i hsien lung |
Yixianosaurus, genus of theropod dinosaur from Yi county 義縣|义县, Jinzhou 錦州|锦州, west Liaoning |
義賣會 义卖会 see styles |
yì mài huì yi4 mai4 hui4 i mai hui |
bazaar |
義馬市 义马市 see styles |
yì mǎ shì yi4 ma3 shi4 i ma shih |
Yima, county-level city in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan |
能顯義 能显义 see styles |
néng xiǎn yì neng2 xian3 yi4 neng hsien i nō kengi |
acts to express meaning |
自事義 自事义 see styles |
zì shì yì zi4 shi4 yi4 tzu shih i jijigi |
one's own objects |
自定義 自定义 see styles |
zì dìng yì zi4 ding4 yi4 tzu ting i |
custom; user-defined |
自義利 自义利 see styles |
zì yì lì zi4 yi4 li4 tzu i li jigiri |
to own affair or cause |
興義市 兴义市 see styles |
xīng yì shì xing1 yi4 shi4 hsing i shih |
Xingyi city in Guizhou, capital of Qianxinan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔西南布依族苗族自治州 |
藏三義 藏三义 see styles |
zàng sān yì zang4 san1 yi4 tsang san i zō sangi |
three connotations of the store (consciousness) |
解脫義 解脱义 see styles |
jiě tuō yì jie3 tuo1 yi4 chieh t`o i chieh to i gedatsugi |
principle of emancipation |
語義學 语义学 see styles |
yǔ yì xué yu3 yi4 xue2 yü i hsüeh |
semantics |
講義氣 讲义气 see styles |
jiǎng yì qì jiang3 yi4 qi4 chiang i ch`i chiang i chi |
to be loyal (to one's friends); to value loyalty |
證義者 证义者 see styles |
zhèng yì zhě zheng4 yi4 zhe3 cheng i che shōgi sha |
witness |
賽義迪 赛义迪 see styles |
sài yì dí sai4 yi4 di2 sai i ti |
Said or Sayed (Arabic name) |
近義詞 近义词 see styles |
jìn yì cí jin4 yi4 ci2 chin i tz`u chin i tzu |
near-synonym |
道理義 道理义 see styles |
dào lǐ yì dao4 li3 yi4 tao li i dōri gi |
rational |
遵義市 遵义市 see styles |
zūn yì shì zun1 yi4 shi4 tsun i shih |
Zunyi, prefecture-level city in Guizhou Province 貴州省|贵州省[Gui4zhou1 Sheng3] |
遵義縣 遵义县 see styles |
zūn yì xiàn zun1 yi4 xian4 tsun i hsien |
Zunyi county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou |
隱密義 隐密义 see styles |
yǐn mì yì yin3 mi4 yi4 yin mi i onmitsu gi |
hidden meaning |
鞏義市 巩义市 see styles |
gǒng yì shì gong3 yi4 shi4 kung i shih |
Gongyi, county-level city in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan |
順義區 顺义区 see styles |
shùn yì qū shun4 yi4 qu1 shun i ch`ü shun i chü |
Shunyi, a district of Beijing |
預定義 预定义 see styles |
yù dìng yì yu4 ding4 yi4 yü ting i |
predefined |
一切法義 一切法义 see styles |
yī qiè fǎ yì yi1 qie4 fa3 yi4 i ch`ieh fa i i chieh fa i issai hōgi |
content of all dharmas |
一切義利 一切义利 see styles |
yī qiè yì lì yi1 qie4 yi4 li4 i ch`ieh i li i chieh i li issai giri |
all kinds of benefit |
一切義成 一切义成 see styles |
yī qiè yì chéng yi1 qie4 yi4 cheng2 i ch`ieh i ch`eng i chieh i cheng Issai gijō |
Sarvārthasiddha, or Siddhārtha; all wishes realized, name given to Śākyamuni at his birth; v. 悉, 薩. |
三俠五義 三侠五义 see styles |
sān xiá wǔ yì san1 xia2 wu3 yi4 san hsia wu i |
Sanxia wuyi (lit. Three knight-errants and five righteous one), novel edited from stories of late Qing dynasty pinghua 評話|评话 master storyteller Shi Yukun 石玉昆 |
三和合義 三和合义 see styles |
sān hé hé yì san1 he2 he2 yi4 san ho ho i sanwa gōgi |
a sense of conjunction of the three |
三國演義 三国演义 see styles |
sān guó yǎn yì san1 guo2 yan3 yi4 san kuo yen i |
More info & calligraphy: Romance of the Three Kingdoms |
三民主義 三民主义 see styles |
sān mín zhǔ yì san1 min2 zhu3 yi4 san min chu i sanminshugi さんみんしゅぎ |
Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three Principles of the People (late 1890s) (Sun Yat-sen's) Three Principles of the People |
三經義疏 三经义疏 see styles |
sān jīng yì shū san1 jing1 yi4 shu1 san ching i shu sangyōgisho |
commentaries on the three sūtras |
三論玄義 三论玄义 see styles |
sān lùn xuán yì san1 lun4 xuan2 yi4 san lun hsüan i Sanron gengi |
Profound Meaning of the Three Treatises |
三重玄義 三重玄义 see styles |
sān zhòng xuán yì san1 zhong4 xuan2 yi4 san chung hsüan i Sanjū gengi |
Three Layers of Profound Meaning |
不了義經 不了义经 see styles |
bù liǎo yì jīng bu4 liao3 yi4 jing1 pu liao i ching furyōgi kyō |
Texts that do not make plain the Buddha's whole truth, such as Hīnayāna and 通敎 or intermediate Mahāyāna texts. |
不了義說 不了义说 see styles |
bù liǎo yì shuō bu4 liao3 yi4 shuo1 pu liao i shuo furyōgi setsu |
not a fully explained teaching |
不必如義 不必如义 see styles |
bù bì rú yì bu4 bi4 ru2 yi4 pu pi ju i fu hitsu nyogi |
need not be taken as reality |
不相應義 不相应义 see styles |
bù xiāng yìng yì bu4 xiang1 ying4 yi4 pu hsiang ying i fu sōō gi |
connotation of non-concomitance |
不義之財 不义之财 see styles |
bù yì zhī cái bu4 yi4 zhi1 cai2 pu i chih ts`ai pu i chih tsai |
ill-gotten wealth or gains |
主觀主義 主观主义 see styles |
zhǔ guān zhǔ yì zhu3 guan1 zhu3 yi4 chu kuan chu i |
subjectivism |
了義之教 了义之教 see styles |
liǎo yì zhī jiào liao3 yi4 zhi1 jiao4 liao i chih chiao ryōgi no kyō |
fully revealed teaching |
了義大乘 了义大乘 see styles |
liǎo yì dà shèng liao3 yi4 da4 sheng4 liao i ta sheng ryōgi daijō |
fully revealed meaning of the great vehicle |
二義相成 二义相成 see styles |
èr yì xiāng chéng er4 yi4 xiang1 cheng2 erh i hsiang ch`eng erh i hsiang cheng nigi sōjō |
two aspects that complete each other |
五重玄義 五重玄义 see styles |
wǔ chóng xuán yì wu3 chong2 xuan2 yi4 wu ch`ung hsüan i wu chung hsüan i gojū gengi |
five categories of profound meaning |
享樂主義 享乐主义 see styles |
xiǎng lè zhǔ yì xiang3 le4 zhu3 yi4 hsiang le chu i |
hedonism |
人文主義 人文主义 see styles |
rén wén zhǔ yì ren2 wen2 zhu3 yi4 jen wen chu i jinbunshugi じんぶんしゅぎ |
humanism (noun - becomes adjective with の) humanism |
人民起義 人民起义 see styles |
rén mín qǐ yì ren2 min2 qi3 yi4 jen min ch`i i jen min chi i |
popular uprising |
人道主義 人道主义 see styles |
rén dào zhǔ yì ren2 dao4 zhu3 yi4 jen tao chu i jindoushugi / jindoshugi じんどうしゅぎ |
humanism; humanitarian (aid) (yoji) humanism; humanitarianism |
仁人義士 仁人义士 see styles |
rén rén yì shì ren2 ren2 yi4 shi4 jen jen i shih |
those with lofty ideals (idiom); men of vision |
仁義道德 仁义道德 see styles |
rén yì dào dé ren2 yi4 dao4 de2 jen i tao te |
compassion, duty, propriety and integrity (idiom); all the traditional virtues; mainly used sarcastically, to mean hypocritical |
仁至義盡 仁至义尽 see styles |
rén zhì yì jìn ren2 zhi4 yi4 jin4 jen chih i chin |
extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to duty |
仗義執言 仗义执言 see styles |
zhàng yì zhí yán zhang4 yi4 zhi2 yan2 chang i chih yen |
to speak out for justice (idiom); to take a stand on a matter of principle |
仗義疏財 仗义疏财 see styles |
zhàng yì shū cái zhang4 yi4 shu1 cai2 chang i shu ts`ai chang i shu tsai |
to help the needy for justice (idiom); to be loyal to one's friends and generous to the needy |
以是義故 以是义故 see styles |
yǐ shì yì gù yi3 shi4 yi4 gu4 i shih i ku i ze gi ko |
for this reason |
依第一義 依第一义 see styles |
yī dì yī yì yi1 di4 yi1 yi4 i ti i i e daiichigi |
relying on the ultimate truth |
依義顯示 依义显示 see styles |
yī yì xiǎn shì yi1 yi4 xian3 shi4 i i hsien shih egi kenji |
to reveal, relying on the meaning |
保守主義 保守主义 see styles |
bǎo shǒu zhǔ yì bao3 shou3 zhu3 yi4 pao shou chu i hoshushugi ほしゅしゅぎ |
conservatism conservatism |
保環主義 保环主义 see styles |
bǎo huán zhǔ yì bao3 huan2 zhu3 yi4 pao huan chu i |
environmentalism |
保護主義 保护主义 see styles |
bǎo hù zhǔ yì bao3 hu4 zhu3 yi4 pao hu chu i hogoshugi ほごしゅぎ |
protectionism protectionism |
修正主義 修正主义 see styles |
xiū zhèng zhǔ yì xiu1 zheng4 zhu3 yi4 hsiu cheng chu i shuuseishugi / shuseshugi しゅうせいしゅぎ |
revisionism (noun - becomes adjective with の) revisionism |
個人主義 个人主义 see styles |
gè rén zhǔ yì ge4 ren2 zhu3 yi4 ko jen chu i kojinshugi こじんしゅぎ |
individualism (1) individualism; (2) (See 利己主義) egoism; selfishness |
假仁假義 假仁假义 see styles |
jiǎ rén jiǎ yì jia3 ren2 jia3 yi4 chia jen chia i |
hypocrisy; pretended righteousness |
內涵意義 内涵意义 see styles |
nèi hán yì yì nei4 han2 yi4 yi4 nei han i i |
(semantics) connotative meaning; connotation |
公民義務 公民义务 see styles |
gōng mín yì wù gong1 min2 yi4 wu4 kung min i wu |
civil obligation; a citizen's duty |
共產主義 共产主义 see styles |
gòng chǎn zhǔ yì gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 kung ch`an chu i kung chan chu i |
communism |
冒險主義 冒险主义 see styles |
mào xiǎn zhǔ yì mao4 xian3 zhu3 yi4 mao hsien chu i |
adventurism (a left-wing error against Mao's line during the 1930s) |
出要律義 出要律义 see styles |
chū yào lǜ yì chu1 yao4 lv4 yi4 ch`u yao lü i chu yao lü i Shutsu yōritsu gi |
Chu yaolǜ yi |
分產主義 分产主义 see styles |
fēn chǎn zhǔ yì fen1 chan3 zhu3 yi4 fen ch`an chu i fen chan chu i |
(economics) distributism |
分裂主義 分裂主义 see styles |
fēn liè zhǔ yì fen1 lie4 zhu3 yi4 fen lieh chu i |
separatism |
分離主義 分离主义 see styles |
fēn lí zhǔ yì fen1 li2 zhu3 yi4 fen li chu i bunrishugi ぶんりしゅぎ |
separatism separatism; secessionism |
列寧主義 列宁主义 see styles |
liè níng zhǔ yì lie4 ning2 zhu3 yi4 lieh ning chu i |
Leninism |
別行玄義 别行玄义 see styles |
bié xíng xuán yì bie2 xing2 xuan2 yi4 pieh hsing hsüan i Betsugyō Gengi |
Profound Meaning of [the] Special Practices |
利他主義 利他主义 see styles |
lì tā zhǔ yì li4 ta1 zhu3 yi4 li t`a chu i li ta chu i ritashugi りたしゅぎ |
altruism altruism |
利己主義 利己主义 see styles |
lì jǐ zhǔ yì li4 ji3 zhu3 yi4 li chi chu i rikoshugi りこしゅぎ |
egoism (yoji) egoism; egotism; selfishness |
割袍斷義 割袍断义 see styles |
gē páo duàn yì ge1 pao2 duan4 yi4 ko p`ao tuan i ko pao tuan i |
to rip one's robe as a sign of repudiating a sworn brotherhood (idiom); to break all friendly ties |
功利主義 功利主义 see styles |
gōng lì zhǔ yì gong1 li4 zhu3 yi4 kung li chu i kourishugi / korishugi こうりしゅぎ |
utilitarianism (noun - becomes adjective with の) utilitarianism |
勝義無性 胜义无性 see styles |
shèng yì wú xìng sheng4 yi4 wu2 xing4 sheng i wu hsing shōgi mushō |
non-nature of ultimate reality |
勝義自性 胜义自性 see styles |
shèng yì zì xìng sheng4 yi4 zi4 xing4 sheng i tzu hsing shōgi jishō |
ultimate own-nature |
勝義苦因 胜义苦因 see styles |
shèng yì kǔ yīn sheng4 yi4 ku3 yin1 sheng i k`u yin sheng i ku yin shōgi kuin |
supramundane causes of suffering |
勝義諦理 胜义谛理 see styles |
shèng yì dì lǐ sheng4 yi4 di4 li3 sheng i ti li shōgitairi |
principle of the absolute truth |
勝義諦論 胜义谛论 see styles |
shèng yì dì lùn sheng4 yi4 di4 lun4 sheng i ti lun Shōgitai ron |
Paramārtha-satya-śāstra, a philosophical work by Vasubandhu. |
勝義道理 胜义道理 see styles |
shèng yì dào lǐ sheng4 yi4 dao4 li3 sheng i tao li shōgi dōri |
the correct way |
十句義論 十句义论 see styles |
shí jù yì lùn shi2 ju4 yi4 lun4 shih chü i lun Jūkōgi ron |
Shijuyi lun |
十地義記 十地义记 see styles |
shí dì yì jì shi2 di4 yi4 ji4 shih ti i chi Jūchi gi ki |
Shidi yiji |
南昌起義 南昌起义 see styles |
nán chāng qǐ yì nan2 chang1 qi3 yi4 nan ch`ang ch`i i nan chang chi i |
Nanchang Uprising, 1st August 1927, the beginning of military revolt by the Communists in the Chinese Civil War |
印象主義 印象主义 see styles |
yìn xiàng zhǔ yì yin4 xiang4 zhu3 yi4 yin hsiang chu i inshoushugi / inshoshugi いんしょうしゅぎ |
impressionism (noun - becomes adjective with の) {art} impressionism |
反智主義 反智主义 see styles |
fǎn zhì zhǔ yì fan3 zhi4 zhu3 yi4 fan chih chu i |
anti-intellectualism |
受因緣義 受因缘义 see styles |
shòu yīn yuán yì shou4 yin1 yuan2 yi4 shou yin yüan i ju innen gi |
sense of a causal basis for sensation |
各據一義 各据一义 see styles |
gè jù yī yì ge4 ju4 yi1 yi4 ko chü i i kakuko ichigi |
each interprets from his own perspective |
合義複詞 合义复词 see styles |
hé yì fù cí he2 yi4 fu4 ci2 ho i fu tz`u ho i fu tzu |
compound word such as 教室[jiao4 shi4] or 國家|国家[guo2 jia1], whose meaning is related to the component hanzi, unlike compounds such as 玫瑰[mei2 gui1] |
同異句義 同异句义 see styles |
tóng yì jù yì tong2 yi4 ju4 yi4 t`ung i chü i tung i chü i dōi kugi |
doctrine of particularity |
同義反復 同义反复 see styles |
tóng yì fǎn fù tong2 yi4 fan3 fu4 t`ung i fan fu tung i fan fu |
tautology |
名別義通 名别义通 see styles |
míng bié yì tōng ming2 bie2 yi4 tong1 ming pieh i t`ung ming pieh i tung myōbetsu gitsū |
Different in name but of the same meaning. |
名同義異 名同义异 see styles |
míng tóng yì yì ming2 tong2 yi4 yi4 ming t`ung i i ming tung i i myō dō gi i |
the same in name, but the meaning is different |
名義不離 名义不离 see styles |
míng yì bù lí ming2 yi4 bu4 li2 ming i pu li myōgi furi |
Connotation; name and meaning not apart, or differing, they are inseparable or identical, the name having equality with the meaning, e. g. a Buddha, or the terms of a dhāraṇī. |
名義價值 名义价值 see styles |
míng yì jià zhí ming2 yi4 jia4 zhi2 ming i chia chih |
nominal value |
名義賬戶 名义账户 see styles |
míng yì zhàng hù ming2 yi4 zhang4 hu4 ming i chang hu |
nominal bank account |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "义" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.