There are 403 total results for your chicken search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
左宗棠雞 左宗棠鸡 see styles |
zuǒ zōng táng jī zuo3 zong1 tang2 ji1 tso tsung t`ang chi tso tsung tang chi |
General Tso's chicken, a deep-fried chicken dish |
心靈雞湯 心灵鸡汤 see styles |
xīn líng jī tāng xin1 ling2 ji1 tang1 hsin ling chi t`ang hsin ling chi tang |
(often used disparagingly) feel-good motivational story or quote (from the Chinese translation of the title of the 1993 self-help bestseller "Chicken Soup for the Soul") |
怖気づく see styles |
ojikezuku おじけづく |
(v5k,vi) to be seized with fear; to be intimidated; to lose one's nerve; to be frightened; to get cold feet; to chicken out; to have the wind up |
怖気付く see styles |
ojikezuku おじけづく ojiketsuku おじけつく |
(ik) (v5k,vi) to be seized with fear; to be intimidated; to lose one's nerve; to be frightened; to get cold feet; to chicken out; to have the wind up |
手羽餃子 see styles |
tebagyooza てばギョーザ |
{food} (See ギョーザ) chicken wings filled with gyoza stuffing |
指雞罵狗 指鸡骂狗 see styles |
zhǐ jī mà gǒu zhi3 ji1 ma4 gou3 chih chi ma kou |
lit. to point at the chicken while scolding the dog (idiom); fig. to make indirect criticisms |
斗酒隻雞 斗酒只鸡 see styles |
dǒu jiǔ zhī jī dou3 jiu3 zhi1 ji1 tou chiu chih chi |
lit. a chicken and a bottle of wine (idiom); fig. ready to make an offering to the deceased, or to entertain guests |
松風焼き see styles |
matsukazeyaki まつかぜやき |
{food} matsukazeyaki; meatloaf (usu. chicken) sprinkled with sesame or poppy seeds |
殺雞儆猴 杀鸡儆猴 see styles |
shā jī jǐng hóu sha1 ji1 jing3 hou2 sha chi ching hou |
lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey (idiom); fig. to punish an individual as an example to others; pour encourager les autres |
殺雞取卵 杀鸡取卵 see styles |
shā jī qǔ luǎn sha1 ji1 qu3 luan3 sha chi ch`ü luan sha chi chü luan |
lit. to kill the chicken to get the eggs (idiom); fig. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs |
殺雞嚇猴 杀鸡吓猴 see styles |
shā jī xià hóu sha1 ji1 xia4 hou2 sha chi hsia hou |
lit. killing the chicken to scare the monkey (idiom); to punish an individual as an example to others; pour encourager les autres |
殺雞警猴 杀鸡警猴 see styles |
shā jī jǐng hóu sha1 ji1 jing3 hou2 sha chi ching hou |
lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey (idiom); to punish an individual as an example to others; pour encourager les autres |
比翼雙飛 比翼双飞 see styles |
bǐ yì shuāng fēi bi3 yi4 shuang1 fei1 pi i shuang fei |
lit. a pair of birds flying close together (idiom); fig. two hearts beating as one; name of a sweet and sour chicken wing dish |
海南鶏飯 see styles |
kainankeihan; hainanjiifan / kainankehan; hainanjifan かいなんけいはん; ハイナンジーファン |
{food} (See カオマンガイ) Hainanese chicken rice |
牝雞司晨 牝鸡司晨 see styles |
pìn jī sī chén pin4 ji1 si1 chen2 p`in chi ssu ch`en pin chi ssu chen |
female chicken crows at daybreak (idiom); a woman usurps authority; women meddle in politics; The female wears the trousers. |
牝雞牡鳴 牝鸡牡鸣 see styles |
pìn jī mǔ míng pin4 ji1 mu3 ming2 p`in chi mu ming pin chi mu ming |
female chicken crows at daybreak (idiom); a woman usurps authority; women meddle in politics; The female wears the trousers. |
縛雞之力 see styles |
fù jī zhī lì fu4 ji1 zhi1 li4 fu chi chih li |
lit. the strength to truss a chicken (idiom); fig. slight physical strength |
縮頭烏龜 缩头乌龟 see styles |
suō tóu wū guī suo1 tou2 wu1 gui1 so t`ou wu kuei so tou wu kuei |
a turtle that pulls its head in; (fig.) coward; chicken |
腰果雞丁 腰果鸡丁 see styles |
yāo guǒ jī dīng yao1 guo3 ji1 ding1 yao kuo chi ting |
chicken with cashew nuts |
膽小如鼠 胆小如鼠 see styles |
dǎn xiǎo rú shǔ dan3 xiao3 ru2 shu3 tan hsiao ju shu |
(idiom) chicken-hearted; gutless |
茶碗蒸し see styles |
chawanmushi ちゃわんむし |
chawanmushi; savoury steamed egg custard with chicken, mushrooms, etc. (savory) |
草原雷鳥 see styles |
sougenraichou; sougenraichou / sogenraicho; sogenraicho そうげんらいちょう; ソウゲンライチョウ |
(kana only) greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido) |
観音開き see styles |
kannonbiraki かんのんびらき |
(1) double doors (opening from the centre); (can be adjective with の) (2) double-opening from the centre (of doors, casement windows, etc.); (3) {food} filleting fish, chicken, etc. with a central cut and peeling back the flesh |
認雞作鳳 认鸡作凤 see styles |
rèn jī - zuò fèng ren4 ji1 - zuo4 feng4 jen chi - tso feng |
lit. to mistake a chicken for a phoenix (idiom); fig. to overestimate something's worth |
Variations: |
kezume けづめ |
(1) spur (of a chicken, pheasant, etc.); cockspur; calcar; (2) fetlock |
関路の鳥 see styles |
sekijinotori せきじのとり |
(exp,n) (archaism) chicken |
隻雞斗酒 只鸡斗酒 see styles |
zhī jī dǒu jiǔ zhi1 ji1 dou3 jiu3 chih chi tou chiu |
lit. a chicken and a bottle of wine (idiom); fig. ready to make an offering to the deceased, or to entertain guests |
雛鑑別師 see styles |
hinakanbetsushi ひなかんべつし |
(abbreviation) chicken sexer |
雞同鴨講 鸡同鸭讲 see styles |
jī tóng yā jiǎng ji1 tong2 ya1 jiang3 chi t`ung ya chiang chi tung ya chiang |
lit. chicken speaking with duck; fig. talking without communicating; people not understanding each other |
雞毛蒜皮 鸡毛蒜皮 see styles |
jī máo suàn pí ji1 mao2 suan4 pi2 chi mao suan p`i chi mao suan pi |
lit. chicken feathers and garlic skins (idiom); fig. trivial (matter) |
雞飛蛋打 鸡飞蛋打 see styles |
jī fēi dàn dǎ ji1 fei1 dan4 da3 chi fei tan ta |
the chicken has flown the coop and the eggs are broken; a dead loss (idiom) |
鳥唐揚げ see styles |
torikaraage / torikarage とりからあげ |
(food term) deep-fried chicken |
鶏ミンチ see styles |
toriminchi とりミンチ |
minced chicken; ground chicken |
鶏唐揚げ see styles |
torikaraage / torikarage とりからあげ |
(food term) deep-fried chicken |
鶴立雞群 鹤立鸡群 see styles |
hè lì jī qún he4 li4 ji1 qun2 ho li chi ch`ün ho li chi chün |
a crane in a flock of chicken (idiom); way above the common; manifestly superior |
ケーファン see styles |
keefan ケーファン |
dish of seasoned chicken with rice, pickles, etc. (from Kagoshima and Okinawa) |
コシーニャ see styles |
koshiinya / koshinya コシーニャ |
{food} coxinha (Brazilian fried chicken croquette) (por:) |
シーチキン see styles |
shiichikin / shichikin シーチキン |
canned tuna (from sea chicken, orig. a brand name) |
シュマルツ see styles |
shumarutsu シュマルツ |
{food} schmaltz; schmalz; rendered chicken, goose, or pork fat used for frying, etc.; (personal name) Schmaltz; Schmulz |
すずめの涙 see styles |
suzumenonamida すずめのなみだ |
(exp,n) drop in the bucket; very small quantity; chicken feed; insignificant amount; sparrow tears |
チキンカツ see styles |
chikinkatsu チキンカツ |
chicken cutlet |
チキン南蛮 see styles |
chikinnanban チキンなんばん |
fried chicken with vinegar and tartar sauce |
ちょうちん see styles |
chouchin / chochin ちょうちん |
{food} (See 提灯・ちょうちん・1) chōchin; yakitori skewer of chicken oviduct meat and immature egg yolks |
とりむね肉 see styles |
torimuneniku とりむねにく |
chicken breast meat |
とり唐揚げ see styles |
torikaraage / torikarage とりからあげ |
(food term) deep-fried chicken |
ひな鑑別師 see styles |
hinakanbetsushi ひなかんべつし |
(abbreviation) chicken sexer |
プルダック see styles |
purudakku プルダック |
{food} buldak (kor: buldak, puldak); fire chicken; very spicy Korean chicken dish |
レグホーン see styles |
reguhoon レグホーン |
Leghorn (var. of chicken); (place-name) Leghorn |
Variations: |
jidori; jitori じどり; じとり |
(1) nationally protected chicken breed; free-range local traditional pedigree chicken; chicken meat from same; (2) (地鳥 only) locally raised chicken |
怖じ気づく see styles |
ojikezuku おじけづく |
(v5k,vi) to be seized with fear; to be intimidated; to lose one's nerve; to be frightened; to get cold feet; to chicken out; to have the wind up |
怖じ気付く see styles |
ojikezuku おじけづく ojiketsuku おじけつく |
(ik) (v5k,vi) to be seized with fear; to be intimidated; to lose one's nerve; to be frightened; to get cold feet; to chicken out; to have the wind up |
新疆小盤雞 新疆小盘鸡 see styles |
xīn jiāng xiǎo pán jī xin1 jiang1 xiao3 pan2 ji1 hsin chiang hsiao p`an chi hsin chiang hsiao pan chi |
Xinjiang small-plate chicken (typical dish from North-West China) |
殺雞給猴看 杀鸡给猴看 see styles |
shā jī gěi hóu kàn sha1 ji1 gei3 hou2 kan4 sha chi kei hou k`an sha chi kei hou kan |
lit. to kill a chicken in front of a monkey; fig. to make an example of sb (by punishment) to frighten others |
毛孔性苔癬 see styles |
moukouseitaisen / mokosetaisen もうこうせいたいせん |
{med} lichen planopilaris; lichen pilaris; keratosis pilaris; follicular keratosis; chicken skin |
肯德基炸雞 肯德基炸鸡 see styles |
kěn dé jī zhá jī ken3 de2 ji1 zha2 ji1 k`en te chi cha chi ken te chi cha chi |
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) |
Variations: |
wakadori わかどり |
chick; chicken |
霜降り作り see styles |
shimofurizukuri しもふりづくり |
(obscure) (See 霜降り) fish, chicken, shellfish, etc. blanched by exposure to boiling and then icy water |
鳥から揚げ see styles |
torikaraage / torikarage とりからあげ |
(food term) deep-fried chicken |
Variations: |
torinabe とりなべ |
chicken cooked in a shallow pan with vegetables |
Variations: |
torimeshi とりめし |
{food} chicken and rice |
鶏から揚げ see styles |
torikaraage / torikarage とりからあげ |
(food term) deep-fried chicken |
カオマンガイ see styles |
kaomangai カオマンガイ |
Hainanese chicken rice (tha: khao man kai) |
ケンタッキー see styles |
kentakkii / kentakki ケンタッキー |
(1) Kentucky; (2) (abbreviation) Kentucky Fried Chicken; KFC; (place-name) Kentucky |
Variations: |
sasami; sasami ささみ; ササミ |
(kana only) chicken tender; chicken tenderloin |
シー・チキン see styles |
shii chikin / shi chikin シー・チキン |
canned tuna (from sea chicken, orig. a brand name) |
タッカンマリ see styles |
takkanmari タッカンマリ |
{food} Korean chicken stew (kor: dak hanmari) |
チキン・カツ see styles |
chikin katsu チキン・カツ |
chicken cutlet |
チキンキエフ see styles |
chikinkiefu チキンキエフ |
chicken Kiev |
チキンスープ see styles |
chikinsuupu / chikinsupu チキンスープ |
chicken soup |
チキンハート see styles |
chikinhaato / chikinhato チキンハート |
(noun or adjectival noun) chicken-heart |
チキンライス see styles |
chikinraisu チキンライス |
(food term) simple chicken and rice stir fry dish (usu. flavoured with ketchup or tomato pure) (wasei: chicken rice) |
チキンレース see styles |
chikinreesu チキンレース |
chicken; chicken game; chicken race |
ハタケシメジ see styles |
hatakeshimeji ハタケシメジ |
(kana only) clustered domecap (Lyophyllum decastes); fried chicken mushroom |
ひよこ鑑定士 see styles |
hiyokokanteishi / hiyokokanteshi ひよこかんていし |
chicken sexer |
Variations: |
isaki; isagi; isaki; isagi いさき; いさぎ; イサキ; イサギ |
(kana only) chicken grunt (Parapristipoma trilineatum); threeline grunt |
初生雛鑑別師 see styles |
shoseihinakanbetsushi / shosehinakanbetsushi しょせいひなかんべつし |
chicken sexer |
割雞焉用牛刀 割鸡焉用牛刀 see styles |
gē jī yān yòng niú dāo ge1 ji1 yan1 yong4 niu2 dao1 ko chi yen yung niu tao |
lit. why use a pole-ax to slaughter a chicken? (idiom); fig. to waste effort on a trifling matter; also written 殺雞焉用牛刀|杀鸡焉用牛刀[sha1 ji1 yan1 yong4 niu2 dao1] |
手無縛雞之力 手无缚鸡之力 see styles |
shǒu wú fù jī zhī lì shou3 wu2 fu4 ji1 zhi1 li4 shou wu fu chi chih li |
lit. lacking the strength even to truss a chicken (saying); fig. weak; unaccustomed to physical work |
Variations: |
muneniku むねにく |
breast meat (usu. of chicken); breast; white meat |
Variations: |
kaburamushi かぶらむし |
(1) steamed fish with grated turnip on top; (2) hollowed-out turnip stuffed with chicken, shrimp, gingko nuts, etc. |
Variations: |
nobusuma のぶすま |
(1) legendary monster resembling a flying squirrel; (2) (orig. meaning) (See ムササビ) Japanese giant flying squirrel (Petaurista leucogenys); (3) {food} (esp. 野衾) Japanese dish prepared with cooked fish and chicken |
鶏がらスープ see styles |
torigarasuupu / torigarasupu とりがらスープ |
(food term) chicken broth; chicken soup |
Variations: |
chiiyu / chiyu チーユ |
{food} chicken fat (chi: jī yóu); chicken oil |
Variations: |
keifun / kefun けいふん |
poultry manure; chicken droppings |
コールドチキン see styles |
koorudochikin コールドチキン |
cold chicken |
Variations: |
zangi; zangi ザンギ; ざんぎ |
(hob:) (See 唐揚げ) deep-fried chicken (esp. marinated in a sweet ginger soy sauce before frying) |
タンドリチキン see styles |
tandorichikin タンドリチキン |
Tandoori chicken |
チキン・キエフ see styles |
chikin kiefu チキン・キエフ |
chicken Kiev |
チキン・スープ see styles |
chikin suupu / chikin supu チキン・スープ |
chicken soup |
チキン・ハート see styles |
chikin haato / chikin hato チキン・ハート |
(noun or adjectival noun) chicken-heart |
チキン・ライス see styles |
chikin raisu チキン・ライス |
(food term) simple chicken and rice stir fry dish (usu. flavoured with ketchup or tomato pure) (wasei: chicken rice) |
チキン・レース see styles |
chikin reesu チキン・レース |
chicken; chicken game; chicken race |
チキンカツレツ see styles |
chikinkatsuretsu チキンカツレツ |
chicken cutlet |
チキンナゲット see styles |
chikinnagetto チキンナゲット |
chicken nugget |
チキンフラワー see styles |
chikinfurawaa / chikinfurawa チキンフラワー |
chicken flower |
フライドチキン see styles |
furaidochikin フライドチキン |
fried chicken |
プリマスロック see styles |
purimasurokku プリマスロック |
Plymouth Rock (breed of chicken) |
ローストチキン see styles |
roosutochikin ローストチキン |
roast chicken |
偷雞不成蝕把米 偷鸡不成蚀把米 see styles |
tōu jī bù chéng shí bǎ mǐ tou1 ji1 bu4 cheng2 shi2 ba3 mi3 t`ou chi pu ch`eng shih pa mi tou chi pu cheng shih pa mi |
lit. to try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice used to lure it (idiom); fig. to try to gain an advantage only to end up worse off; to go for wool and come back shorn |
初生ひな鑑別師 see styles |
shoseihinakanbetsushi / shosehinakanbetsushi しょせいひなかんべつし |
chicken sexer |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "chicken" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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