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There are 266 total results for your search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
cōng ming jué dǐng
    cong1 ming5 jue2 ding3
ts`ung ming chüeh ting
    tsung ming chüeh ting
highly intelligent; brilliant



see styles
zì dǐng xiàng xià
    zi4 ding3 xiang4 xia4
tzu ting hsiang hsia



see styles
hè dǐng què méi
    he4 ding3 que4 mei2
ho ting ch`üeh mei
    ho ting chüeh mei
(bird species of China) dusky fulvetta (Schoeniparus brunneus)



see styles
guān dǐng sān mèi
    guan1 ding3 san1 mei4
kuan ting san mei
 kanchō zanmai
The samādhi of the summit of contemplation, i.e. the peak whence all the samādhis may be surveyed.



see styles
tí hú guàn dǐng
    ti2 hu2 guan4 ding3
t`i hu kuan ting
    ti hu kuan ting
lit. to anoint your head with the purest cream (idiom); fig. to enlighten people with perfect wisdom; flawless Buddhist teaching



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng zōng
    jin1 gang1 ding3 zong1
chin kang ting tsung
 Kongōchō shū
Jingangding zong; Kongōchō shū



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng jīng
    jin1 gang1 ding3 jing1
chin kang ting ching
 Kongōchō kyō



see styles
jīn dǐng dài jú
    jin1 ding3 dai4 ju2
chin ting tai chü
goldcrest (Regulus satrapa)



see styles
chú nán guàn dǐng
    chu2 nan2 guan4 ding3
ch`u nan kuan ting
    chu nan kuan ting
 jonan kanjō
consecration of removing obstacles



see styles
dǐng míng mào xìng
    ding3 ming2 mao4 xing4
ting ming mao hsing
to pretend to be sb else



see styles
dǐng tiān lì dì
    ding3 tian1 li4 di4
ting t`ien li ti
    ting tien li ti
lit. able to support both heaven and earth; of indomitable spirit (idiom)



see styles
dǐng lǐ mó bài
    ding3 li3 mo2 bai4
ting li mo pai
to prostrate oneself in worship (idiom); (fig.) to worship; to bow down to



see styles
dǐng mén zhuàng hù
    ding3 men2 zhuang4 hu4
ting men chuang hu
to support the family business (idiom)



see styles
dǐng tóu shàng si
    ding3 tou2 shang4 si5
ting t`ou shang ssu
    ting tou shang ssu
one's immediate superior



see styles
dǐng fēng tíng zhǐ
    ding3 feng1 ting2 zhi3
ting feng t`ing chih
    ting feng ting chih
to lie to (facing the wind)



see styles
hēi dǐng zào méi
    hei1 ding3 zao4 mei2
hei ting tsao mei
(bird species of China) black-faced laughingthrush (Trochalopteron affine)



see styles
hēi dǐng qí méi
    hei1 ding3 qi2 mei2
hei ting ch`i mei
    hei ting chi mei
(bird species of China) rufous sibia (Heterophasia capistrata)



see styles
hēi dǐng má què
    hei1 ding3 ma2 que4
hei ting ma ch`üeh
    hei ting ma chüeh
(bird species of China) saxaul sparrow (Passer ammodendri)



see styles
mào míng dǐng tì zhě
    mao4 ming2 ding3 ti4 zhe3
mao ming ting t`i che
    mao ming ting ti che
impersonator; impostor



see styles
dà shèng dǐng wáng jīng
    da4 sheng4 ding3 wang2 jing1
ta sheng ting wang ching
 Daijō chōō kyō
Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa-sūtra, (維摩經) is the Sanskrit title of a work of which there exist six translations, one made by Upaśūnya A.D. 502-557.



see styles
dà zhì guàn dǐng dì
    da4 zhi4 guan4 ding3 di4
ta chih kuan ting ti
 daichi kanjō chi
The stage of the Great Wisdom chrism, or anointing of a Buddha, as having attained to the Great Wisdom, or omniscience; it is the eleventh stage.



see styles
dà zhuǎn lún fó dǐng
    da4 zhuan3 lun2 fo2 ding3
ta chuan lun fo ting
 dai tenrin butchō
idem 佛頂尊.



see styles
jí běi zhū dǐng què
    ji2 bei3 zhu1 ding3 que4
chi pei chu ting ch`üeh
    chi pei chu ting chüeh
(bird species of China) Arctic redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni)



see styles
yè yā qiān jīn dǐng
    ye4 ya1 qian1 jin1 ding3
yeh ya ch`ien chin ting
    yeh ya chien chin ting
hydraulic jack



see styles
bái yāo zhū dǐng què
    bai2 yao1 zhu1 ding3 que4
pai yao chu ting ch`üeh
    pai yao chu ting chüeh
(bird species of China) common redpoll (Acanthis flammea)



see styles
luó xuán qiān jīn dǐng
    luo2 xuan2 qian1 jin1 ding3
lo hsüan ch`ien chin ting
    lo hsüan chien chin ting
screw jack



see styles
chì xiōng zhū dǐng què
    chi4 xiong1 zhu1 ding3 que4
ch`ih hsiung chu ting ch`üeh
    chih hsiung chu ting chüeh
(bird species of China) common linnet (Linaria cannabina)



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng yì jué
    jin1 gang1 ding3 yi4 jue2
chin kang ting i chüeh
 Kongōchō giketsu
Jingangding yijue



see styles
jīn dǐng dài jú niǎo
    jin1 ding3 dai4 ju2 niao3
chin ting tai chü niao
goldcrest (Regulus satrapa)



see styles
ā shé lí guàn dǐng
    a1 she2 li2 guan4 ding3
a she li kuan ting
 ajari kanjō
coronation of a master



see styles
huáng zuǐ zhū dǐng què
    huang2 zui3 zhu1 ding3 que4
huang tsui chu ting ch`üeh
    huang tsui chu ting chüeh
(bird species of China) twite (Linaria flavirostris)



see styles
hēi dǐng wā kǒu chī
    hei1 ding3 wa1 kou3 chi1
hei ting wa k`ou ch`ih
    hei ting wa kou chih
(bird species of China) Hodgson's frogmouth (Batrachostomus hodgsoni)



see styles
chǐ tiáo qiān jīn dǐng
    chi3 tiao2 qian1 jin1 ding3
ch`ih t`iao ch`ien chin ting
    chih tiao chien chin ting
rack and pinion jack



see styles
yī zì dǐng lún wáng jīng
    yi1 zi4 ding3 lun2 wang2 jing1
i tzu ting lun wang ching
 Ichijichō rin'ō kyō
Yiziding lunwang jing



see styles
zēng yì jǐ shēn guàn dǐng
    zeng1 yi4 ji3 shen1 guan4 ding3
tseng i chi shen kuan ting
 zōeki koshin kanjō
the consecration of improving one's condition



see styles
ān zhù shèng yǒu dǐng dìng
    an1 zhu4 sheng4 you3 ding3 ding4
an chu sheng yu ting ting
 anjū shōu chōjō
abides at the pinnacle of existence



see styles
yī zì qí tè fó dǐng jīng
    yi1 zi4 qi2 te4 fo2 ding3 jing1
i tzu ch`i t`e fo ting ching
    i tzu chi te fo ting ching
 Ichiji kidoku bucchō kyō
Tantra of the Benevolent One-Syllable Buddha-Corona



see styles
dà fó dǐng dà tuó luó ní
    da4 fo2 ding3 da4 tuo2 luo2 ni2
ta fo ting ta t`o lo ni
    ta fo ting ta to lo ni
 Dai butsuchō dai darani
Da foding da tuoluoni



see styles
dà fó dǐng shǒu lèng yán jīng
    da4 fo2 ding3 shou3 leng4 yan2 jing1
ta fo ting shou leng yen ching
 Dai butchō shuryōgon kyō



see styles
dà fāng děng dǐng wáng shuō jīng
    da4 fang1 deng3 ding3 wang2 shuo1 jing1
ta fang teng ting wang shuo ching
 Daihōdō chōōsetsu kyō



see styles
fù nǚ néng dǐng bàn biān tiān
    fu4 nu:3 neng2 ding3 ban4 bian1 tian1
fu nü neng ting pan pien t`ien
    fu nü neng ting pan pien tien
Woman can hold up half the sky; fig. nowadays, women have an equal part to play in society



see styles
dé ā shé lí wèi guàn dǐng
    de2 a1 she2 li2 wei4 guan4 ding3
te a she li wei kuan ting
 tokuajarii kanjō
the consecration of attaining the state of ācārya



see styles
fó dǐng zūn shèng tuó luó ní jīng
    fo2 ding3 zun1 sheng4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
fo ting tsun sheng t`o lo ni ching
    fo ting tsun sheng to lo ni ching
 Bucchō sonshō daranikyō
Dhāraṇī of the Jubilant Corona



see styles
qí dǐng shàng xiàn wū sè nì shā
    qi2 ding3 shang4 xian4 wu1 se4 ni4 sha1
ch`i ting shang hsien wu se ni sha
    chi ting shang hsien wu se ni sha
 ki chōjō gen ushichijisha
a protuberance on the crown of his head



see styles
rú duō luó shù duàn jié gēn dǐng
    ru2 duo1 luo2 shu4 duan4 jie2 gen1 ding3
ju to lo shu tuan chieh ken ting
 nyo taraju dansetsukon chō
like the top of a palm tree that has had its roots severed



see styles
yī qiè rú lái dǐng bái sǎn gài jīng
    yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 ding3 bai2 san3 gai4 jing1
i ch`ieh ju lai ting pai san kai ching
    i chieh ju lai ting pai san kai ching
 Issai nyorai chō byakusankai kyō



see styles
fó dǐng dà bái sǎn gài tuó luó ní jīng
    fo2 ding3 da4 bai2 san3 gai4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
fo ting ta pai san kai t`o lo ni ching
    fo ting ta pai san kai to lo ni ching
 Butchō dai byakusankai darani kyō
Fodingda baisangai tuoluoni jing



see styles
sān gè chòu pí jiang , dǐng gè zhū gě liàng
    san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 , ding3 ge4 zhu1 ge3 liang4
san ko ch`ou p`i chiang , ting ko chu ko liang
    san ko chou pi chiang , ting ko chu ko liang
lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom; wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual



see styles
dà fó dǐng wàn xíng shǒu lèng yán tuó luó ní
    da4 fo2 ding3 wan4 xing2 shou3 leng4 yan2 tuo2 luo2 ni2
ta fo ting wan hsing shou leng yen t`o lo ni
    ta fo ting wan hsing shou leng yen to lo ni
 Daibutchō mangyō shuryōgon darani
Heroic March Dhāraṇī



see styles
pú tí chǎng suǒ shuō yī zì dǐng lún wáng jīng
    pu2 ti2 chang3 suo3 shuo1 yi1 zi4 ding3 lun2 wang2 jing1
p`u t`i ch`ang so shuo i tzu ting lun wang ching
    pu ti chang so shuo i tzu ting lun wang ching
 Bodaijō shosetsu ichiji chō rinnō kyō
Sūtra of the One-Syllable Wheel-Turning Ruler Spoken at the Seat of Enlightenment



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng yú jiā zhōng lüè chū niàn sòng jīng
    jin1 gang1 ding3 yu2 jia1 zhong1 lve4 chu1 nian4 song4 jing1
chin kang ting yü chia chung lve ch`u nien sung ching
    chin kang ting yü chia chung lve chu nien sung ching
 Kongōchō yuga chū ryakujutsu nenju kyō
Sūtra for Recitation Abridged from the Vajraśekhara Yoga



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng jīng yú jiā shí bā huì zhǐ guī
    jin1 gang1 ding3 jing1 yu2 jia1 shi2 ba1 hui4 zhi3 gui1
chin kang ting ching yü chia shih pa hui chih kuei
 Kongōchōgyō yuga jūhachi e shīki
Synopsis of the Eighteen Assemblies in the Vajraśekhara Yoga



see styles
guàn dǐng qī wàn èr qiān shén wáng hù bǐ qiū zhòu jīng
    guan4 ding3 qi1 wan4 er4 qian1 shen2 wang2 hu4 bi3 qiu1 zhou4 jing1
kuan ting ch`i wan erh ch`ien shen wang hu pi ch`iu chou ching
    kuan ting chi wan erh chien shen wang hu pi chiu chou ching
 Kanjō shichiuman nisen jinnō gobikuju kyō
Guanding qiwanerjian shenwang hu biqiu zhou jing



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng dà yú jiā mì mì xīn dì fǎ mén yì jué
    jin1 gang1 ding3 da4 yu2 jia1 mi4 mi4 xin1 di4 fa3 men2 yi4 jue2
chin kang ting ta yü chia mi mi hsin ti fa men i chüeh
 Kongōchō daiyuga himitsushin chi hōmen giketsu
The Jingangding dayujia mimi xin di famen yijue



see styles
bù kōng juàn suǒ pí lú zhēn à fó dà guàn dǐng guāng zhēn yán
    bu4 kong1 juan4 suo3 pi2 lu2 zhen1 a4 fo2 da4 guan4 ding3 guang1 zhen1 yan2
pu k`ung chüan so p`i lu chen a fo ta kuan ting kuang chen yen
    pu kung chüan so pi lu chen a fo ta kuan ting kuang chen yen
 Fukū kenjaku Birushana butsu daikanjō kōshingon
Light Mantra of the Great Consecration of the Infallible Lasso Vairocana



see styles
dà fó dǐng rú lái fàng guāng xī dá duō bō dá luó tuó luó ní
    da4 fo2 ding3 ru2 lai2 fang4 guang1 xi1 da2 duo1 bo1 da2 luo2 tuo2 luo2 ni2
ta fo ting ju lai fang kuang hsi ta to po ta lo t`o lo ni
    ta fo ting ju lai fang kuang hsi ta to po ta lo to lo ni
 Dai bucchō nyorai hōkō Shittatahattara darani
Dhāraṇī of Śitātapatra, Great Corona of All Tathāgatas, Radiating Light [The Great Queen of Vidyā called Aparājitā]



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng jīng yú jiā wén shū shī lì pú sà fǎ yī pǐn
    jin1 gang1 ding3 jing1 yu2 jia1 wen2 shu1 shi1 li4 pu2 sa4 fa3 yi1 pin3
chin kang ting ching yü chia wen shu shih li p`u sa fa i p`in
    chin kang ting ching yü chia wen shu shih li pu sa fa i pin
 Kongōchōgyō yuga Monjushiri bosatsuhō ippon
A Chapter of the Mañjuśrī Method from the Vajraśekhara Yoga



see styles
dà miào jīn gāng dà gān lù jun ná lì yàn mán chì chéng fó dǐng jīng
    da4 miao4 jin1 gang1 da4 gan1 lu4 jun1 na2 li4 yan4 man2 chi4 cheng2 fo2 ding3 jing1
ta miao chin kang ta kan lu chün na li yen man ch`ih ch`eng fo ting ching
    ta miao chin kang ta kan lu chün na li yen man chih cheng fo ting ching
 Daimyō kongō dai kanro Kundari Emman shijō bucchō kyō
Sūtra of the [Yiqie] Foding [zhuanlun wang], who enters the violently blazing [samādhi] of the great wonderful King of Wisdom Amṛta Kundalî



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng jīng màn shū shì lì pú sà wǔ zì xīn tuó luó ní pǐn
    jin1 gang1 ding3 jing1 man4 shu1 shi4 li4 pu2 sa4 wu3 zi4 xin1 tuo2 luo2 ni2 pin3
chin kang ting ching man shu shih li p`u sa wu tzu hsin t`o lo ni p`in
    chin kang ting ching man shu shih li pu sa wu tzu hsin to lo ni pin
 Kongōchōkyō manjushiri bosatsu goji shindarani hon
Jingangdingjing manshushīi pusa wuzi xintuoluoni pin



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng chāo shèng sān jiè jīng shuō wén shū wǔ zì zhēn yán shèng xiàng
    jin1 gang1 ding3 chao1 sheng4 san1 jie4 jing1 shuo1 wen2 shu1 wu3 zi4 zhen1 yan2 sheng4 xiang4
chin kang ting ch`ao sheng san chieh ching shuo wen shu wu tzu chen yen sheng hsiang
    chin kang ting chao sheng san chieh ching shuo wen shu wu tzu chen yen sheng hsiang
 Kongōchō chōshō sangaikyō setsu bunshu goji Shingon shōsō
Jingangding chaosheng sanjiejing shuo wenshu wuzi zhenyan shengxiang



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng yú jiā zhōng fā ān òu duō luó sān miǎo sān pú tí xīn lùn
    jin1 gang1 ding3 yu2 jia1 zhong1 fa1 an1 ou4 duo1 luo2 san1 miao3 san1 pu2 ti2 xin1 lun4
chin kang ting yü chia chung fa an ou to lo san miao san p`u t`i hsin lun
    chin kang ting yü chia chung fa an ou to lo san miao san pu ti hsin lun
 Kongōchō yuga chū hotsu anokutarasammyakusambodai shin ron
Treatise on Stirring the Anuttarasamyak-saṃbodhicitta in the Vajraśekhara Yoga



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng yú qié jīn gāng sà duǒ wǔ mì mì xiū xíng niàn sòng yí guǐ
    jin1 gang1 ding3 yu2 qie2 jin1 gang1 sa4 duo3 wu3 mi4 mi4 xiu1 xing2 nian4 song4 yi2 gui3
chin kang ting yü ch`ieh chin kang sa to wu mi mi hsiu hsing nien sung i kuei
    chin kang ting yü chieh chin kang sa to wu mi mi hsiu hsing nien sung i kuei
 Kongōchō yuga Kongōsatta gohimitsu shugyō nenjugiki
Recitation Manual for the Cultivation of the Five Mysteries of Vajrasattva, from the Vajraśekhara Yoga



see styles
dà fó dǐng rú lái mì yīn xiū zhèng liǎo yì zhū pú sà wàn xíng shǒu lèng yán jīng
    da4 fo2 ding3 ru2 lai2 mi4 yin1 xiu1 zheng4 liao3 yi4 zhu1 pu2 sa4 wan4 xing2 shou3 leng4 yan2 jing1
ta fo ting ju lai mi yin hsiu cheng liao i chu p`u sa wan hsing shou leng yen ching
    ta fo ting ju lai mi yin hsiu cheng liao i chu pu sa wan hsing shou leng yen ching
 Dai butchō nyorai mitsuin shushō ryōgi shobosatsu mangyō shuryōgon kyō



see styles
fó dǐng fàng wú gòu guāng míng rù pǔ mén guān chá yī qiè rú lái xīn tuó luó ní jīng
    fo2 ding3 fang4 wu2 gou4 guang1 ming2 ru4 pu3 men2 guan1 cha2 yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 xin1 tuo2 luo2 ni2 jing1
fo ting fang wu kou kuang ming ju p`u men kuan ch`a i ch`ieh ju lai hsin t`o lo ni ching
    fo ting fang wu kou kuang ming ju pu men kuan cha i chieh ju lai hsin to lo ni ching
 Bucchō hōmuku kōmyō nyū fumon kanzatsu issai nyorai shin darani kyō
Dhāraṇī of the [Immaculate Buddha-Corona's Emitted Light Beaming Through Ubiquitous Portals Contemplated as the] Essence of the Tathāgatas



see styles
jīn gāng dǐng jīng yī zì dǐng lún wáng yú jiā yī qiè shí chǔ niàn sòng chéng fó yí guǐ
    jin1 gang1 ding3 jing1 yi1 zi4 ding3 lun2 wang2 yu2 jia1 yi1 qie4 shi2 chu3 nian4 song4 cheng2 fo2 yi2 gui3
chin kang ting ching i tzu ting lun wang yü chia i ch`ieh shih ch`u nien sung ch`eng fo i kuei
    chin kang ting ching i tzu ting lun wang yü chia i chieh shih chu nien sung cheng fo i kuei
 Kongōchōgyō ichiji chōrinnō yuga issaiji shonenju jōbutsu giki
Ritual Procedure of Becoming Buddha through Recitation, Anytime, Anywhere, by the Yoga of the One-syllable Wheel-Turning Ruler from the Vajraśekhara



see styles
jīn gāng jun jīng jīn gāng dǐng yī qiè rú lái shēn miào mì mì jīn gāng jiè dà sān mèi yé xiū xíng sì shí èr zhǒng tán fǎ jīng zuò yòng wēi yí fǎ zé dà pí lú zhēn à fó jīn gāng xīn dì fǎ mén mì fǎ jiè tán fǎ yí zé
    jin1 gang1 jun4 jing1 jin1 gang1 ding3 yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 shen1 miao4 mi4 mi4 jin1 gang1 jie4 da4 san1 mei4 ye2 xiu1 xing2 si4 shi2 er4 zhong3 tan2 fa3 jing1 zuo4 yong4 wei1 yi2 fa3 ze2 da4 pi2 lu2 zhen1 a4 fo2 jin1 gang1 xin1 di4 fa3 men2 mi4 fa3 jie4 tan2 fa3 yi2 ze2
chin kang chün ching chin kang ting i ch`ieh ju lai shen miao mi mi chin kang chieh ta san mei yeh hsiu hsing ssu shih erh chung t`an fa ching tso yung wei i fa tse ta p`i lu chen a fo chin kang hsin ti fa men mi fa chieh t`an fa i tse
    chin kang chün ching chin kang ting i chieh ju lai shen miao mi mi chin kang chieh ta san mei yeh hsiu hsing ssu shih erh chung tan fa ching tso yung wei i fa tse ta pi lu chen a fo chin kang hsin ti fa men mi fa chieh tan fa i tse
 Kongō shun kyō kongō chōissai nyorai shinmyō himitsu kongō kaidai zanmaiya shugyō shijūnishu danhōkyō sayō igi hōsoku daibirushanabutsu kongō shinchi hōmon hihō kaidanhō gisoku
Jingang jun jing jingang ding yiqie rulai shen miao mimi Jingang jie da sanmeiye xiuxing sishierzhong tanfa jing zuoyong weiyi faze da pilu zhena fo jingang xindi famen mifa jie tanfa yize

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 66 results for "顶" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary