There are 1149 total results for your 諸 search. I have created 12 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
諸識 诸识 see styles |
zhū shì zhu1 shi4 chu shih shoshiki |
various kinds of consciousness |
諸谷 see styles |
moroya もろや |
(surname) Moroya |
諸貫 see styles |
moronuki もろぬき |
(surname) Moronuki |
諸費 see styles |
shohi しょひ |
sundry expenses; various expenses |
諸賀 see styles |
moroga もろが |
(surname) Moroga |
諸賢 诸贤 see styles |
zhū xián zhu1 xian2 chu hsien shoken しょけん |
(all of) you or them; various wise individuals; gentlemen you |
諸越 see styles |
morokoshi もろこし |
(surname) Morokoshi |
諸趣 诸趣 see styles |
zhū qù zhu1 qu4 chu ch`ü chu chü shoshu |
All paths or destinies of sentient existence, i.e. devas, men, asuras, beings in purgatory, pretas, and animals. |
諸身 诸身 see styles |
zhū shēn zhu1 shen1 chu shen sho shin |
all beings |
諸車 see styles |
shosha しょしゃ |
(See 諸車通行止) vehicles of all types; all vehicles |
諸輪 see styles |
morowa もろわ |
(place-name) Morowa |
諸農 see styles |
moronou / morono もろのう |
(surname) Moronou |
諸通 诸通 see styles |
zhū tōng zhu1 tong1 chu t`ung chu tung shotsū |
All spiritual or magical powers. |
諸遊 see styles |
moroyuu / moroyu もろゆう |
(surname) Moroyū |
諸過 诸过 see styles |
zhū guò zhu1 guo4 chu kuo sho ka |
various faults |
諸道 诸道 see styles |
zhū dào zhu1 dao4 chu tao moromichi もろみち |
(artistic) accomplishments; (surname) Moromichi various paths |
諸遠 see styles |
morotoo もろとお |
(given name) Morotoo |
諸邦 see styles |
shohou / shoho しょほう |
(rare) (See 諸国) various countries; various regions; various provinces |
諸部 诸部 see styles |
zhū bù zhu1 bu4 chu pu shobu |
the various [early Indian] schools |
諸里 see styles |
morozato もろざと |
(surname) Morozato |
諸野 see styles |
morono もろの |
(surname) Morono |
諸鈍 see styles |
shodon しょどん |
(place-name) Shodon |
諸門 诸门 see styles |
zhū mén zhu1 men2 chu men shomon |
all aspects |
諸間 see styles |
moroma もろま |
(surname) Moroma |
諸陰 诸阴 see styles |
zhū yīn zhu1 yin1 chu yin shoon |
aggregates |
諸隅 see styles |
morozumi もろずみ |
(surname) Morozumi |
諸隈 see styles |
morozumi もろずみ |
(surname) Morozumi |
諸雜 诸杂 see styles |
zhū zá zhu1 za2 chu tsa shozō |
various |
諸難 诸难 see styles |
zhūn án zhun1 an2 chun an shonan |
all kinds of difficulty |
諸頭 see styles |
moroto もろと |
(surname) Moroto |
諸餘 诸余 see styles |
zhū yú zhu1 yu2 chu yü shoyo |
[all] the other |
諸魔 诸魔 see styles |
zhū mó zhu1 mo2 chu mo shoma |
demons |
諸魚 see styles |
morona もろな |
(personal name) Morona |
諸鳥 see styles |
morotori もろとり |
(surname) Morotori |
諸鹿 see styles |
moroga もろが |
(place-name, surname) Moroga |
諸麥 see styles |
moromugi もろむぎ |
(surname) Moromugi |
諸麦 see styles |
moromugi もろむぎ |
(surname) Moromugi |
上諸 see styles |
kanmoro かんもろ |
(surname) Kanmoro |
下諸 see styles |
shimomoro しももろ |
(surname) Shimomoro |
付諸 付诸 see styles |
fù zhū fu4 zhu1 fu chu |
to apply to; to put into (practice etc); to put to (a test, a vote etc) |
北諸 see styles |
kitamorokata きたもろかた |
(place-name) Kitamorokata |
大諸 see styles |
ooburo おおぶろ |
(place-name) Ooburo |
安諸 see styles |
yasumoro やすもろ |
(surname) Yasumoro |
宝諸 see styles |
housho / hosho ほうしょ |
(surname) Housho |
寶諸 see styles |
housho / hosho ほうしょ |
(surname) Housho |
小諸 see styles |
komoro こもろ |
(p,s,f) Komoro |
山諸 see styles |
yamamoro やまもろ |
(surname) Yamamoro |
戸諸 see styles |
tomoro ともろ |
(surname) Tomoro |
日諸 see styles |
himoro ひもろ |
(surname) Himoro |
東諸 see styles |
higashimorokata ひがしもろかた |
(place-name) Higashimorokata |
羽諸 see styles |
hanemoro はねもろ |
(surname) Hanemoro |
衆諸 众诸 see styles |
zhòng zhū zhong4 zhu1 chung chu shusho |
many |
西諸 see styles |
nishimorokata にしもろかた |
(place-name) Nishimorokata |
訴諸 诉诸 see styles |
sù zhū su4 zhu1 su chu |
to appeal (to reason, sentiment, charity etc); to resort to (a course of action) |
諸の木 see styles |
moronoki もろのき |
(place-name) Moronoki |
諸上寺 see styles |
shojouji / shojoji しょじょうじ |
(place-name) Shojōji |
諸世尊 诸世尊 see styles |
zhū shì zūn zhu1 shi4 zun1 chu shih tsun sho seson |
world-honored ones |
諸世間 诸世间 see styles |
zhū shì jiān zhu1 shi4 jian1 chu shih chien sho seken |
[all] worldly |
諸久保 see styles |
morokubo もろくぼ |
(place-name) Morokubo |
諸之木 see styles |
moronoki もろのき |
(place-name) Moronoki |
諸事情 see styles |
shojijou / shojijo しょじじょう |
various reasons |
諸事業 诸事业 see styles |
zhū shì yè zhu1 shi4 ye4 chu shih yeh sho jigō |
all works |
諸井橋 see styles |
moroibashi もろいばし |
(place-name) Moroibashi |
諸井薫 see styles |
moroikaoru もろいかおる |
(person) Moroi Kaoru (1931.3-) |
諸井虔 see styles |
moroiken もろいけん |
(person) Moroi Ken (1928.4-2006.12.29) |
諸井誠 see styles |
moroimakoto もろいまこと |
(person) Moroi Makoto |
諸仏町 see styles |
shobutsumachi しょぶつまち |
(place-name) Shobutsumachi |
諸佛力 诸佛力 see styles |
zhū fó lì zhu1 fo2 li4 chu fo li shobutsuriki |
power of the buddhas |
諸佛家 诸佛家 see styles |
zhū fó jiā zhu1 fo2 jia1 chu fo chia sho butsu no ie |
The home of all Buddhas, i.e. the Pure Land. |
諸佛所 诸佛所 see styles |
zhū fó suǒ zhu1 fo2 suo3 chu fo so sho bussho |
all buddha-places |
諸佛法 诸佛法 see styles |
zhū fó fǎ zhu1 fo2 fa3 chu fo fa shobutsu no hō |
the teachings of all buddhas |
諸佛證 诸佛证 see styles |
zhū fó zhèng zhu1 fo2 zheng4 chu fo cheng sho busshō |
realization of the buddhas |
諸佛集 诸佛集 see styles |
zhū fó jí zhu1 fo2 ji2 chu fo chi shobutsu shū |
(Skt. sarva-buddha-saṃgīti) |
諸侯國 诸侯国 see styles |
zhū hóu guó zhu1 hou2 guo2 chu hou kuo |
vassal state |
諸倉山 see styles |
morokurayama もろくらやま |
(personal name) Morokurayama |
諸倉沢 see styles |
shokurazawa しょくらざわ |
(place-name) Shokurazawa |
諸元表 see styles |
shogenhyou / shogenhyo しょげんひょう |
specification table; specification sheet |
諸兄姉 see styles |
shokeishi / shokeshi しょけいし |
(referring affectionately to close acquaintances) ladies and gentlemen |
諸凡夫 诸凡夫 see styles |
zhū fán fū zhu1 fan2 fu1 chu fan fu sho bonbu |
worldlings |
諸功德 诸功德 see styles |
zhū gōng dé zhu1 gong1 de2 chu kung te sho kudoku |
various merits |
諸助山 see styles |
morosukeyama もろすけやま |
(personal name) Morosukeyama |
諸又谷 see styles |
moromatadani もろまただに |
(place-name) Moromatadani |
諸和久 see styles |
morowaku もろわく |
(place-name) Morowaku |
諸問題 see styles |
shomondai しょもんだい |
many problems; various problems |
諸善寺 see styles |
shozenji しょぜんじ |
(place-name) Shozenji |
諸喜多 see styles |
morokita もろきた |
(surname) Morokita |
諸喜田 see styles |
morokita もろきた |
(surname) Morokita |
諸喰峠 see styles |
morokuitouge / morokuitoge もろくいとうげ |
(place-name) Morokuitōge |
諸器械 see styles |
shokikai しょきかい |
various appliances |
諸坪峠 see styles |
shotsubotouge / shotsubotoge しょつぼとうげ |
(personal name) Shotsubotōge |
諸城市 诸城市 see styles |
zhū chéng shì zhu1 cheng2 shi4 chu ch`eng shih chu cheng shih |
Zhucheng, county-level city in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wei2 fang1], Shandong |
諸塚山 see styles |
morotsukayama もろつかやま |
(personal name) Morotsukayama |
諸塚村 see styles |
morotsukason もろつかそん |
(place-name) Morotsukason |
諸塚町 see styles |
morotsukamachi もろつかまち |
(place-name) Morotsukamachi |
諸境界 诸境界 see styles |
zhū jìng jiè zhu1 jing4 jie4 chu ching chieh sho kyōgai |
objects |
諸外国 see styles |
shogaikoku しょがいこく |
various foreign countries; several foreign countries |
諸外道 诸外道 see styles |
zhū wài dào zhu1 wai4 dao4 chu wai tao sho gedō |
those who adhere to non-Buddhist paths |
諸大士 诸大士 see styles |
zhū dà shì zhu1 da4 shi4 chu ta shih sho daishi |
great personages |
諸大衆 诸大众 see styles |
zhū dà zhòng zhu1 da4 zhong4 chu ta chung sho daishu |
great multitudes |
諸天衆 诸天众 see styles |
zhū tiān zhòng zhu1 tian1 zhong4 chu t`ien chung chu tien chung sho tenshu |
the heavenly beings |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "諸" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.