There are 366 total results for your 談 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
要相談 see styles |
yousoudan / yosodan ようそうだん |
(can be adjective with の) negotiable; further discussion needed |
講談師 see styles |
koudanshi / kodanshi こうだんし |
(See 講談) professional storyteller |
講談本 see styles |
koudanbon / kodanbon こうだんぼん |
book of oral narratives; story book |
講談社 see styles |
koudansha / kodansha こうだんしゃ |
(company) Kodansha (publisher); (c) Kodansha (publisher) |
車中談 see styles |
shachuudan / shachudan しゃちゅうだん |
informal talk given (as by a politician, etc.) aboard a train |
長談義 see styles |
nagadangi ながだんぎ |
(noun/participle) long-winded speech |
長談議 see styles |
nagadangi ながだんぎ |
(noun/participle) long-winded speech |
雑談枠 see styles |
zatsudanwaku ざつだんわく |
(net-sl) (See 枠・6) chat stream; stream of idle talk |
鼎談会 see styles |
teidankai / tedankai ていだんかい |
three-man talk; tripartite talk |
談じ込む see styles |
danjikomu だんじこむ |
(v5m,vi) to have a talk with |
談何容易 谈何容易 see styles |
tán hé róng yì tan2 he2 rong2 yi4 t`an ho jung i tan ho jung i |
easier said than done (idiom) |
談判制度 谈判制度 see styles |
tán pàn zhì dù tan2 pan4 zhi4 du4 t`an p`an chih tu tan pan chih tu |
collective bargaining system |
談判地位 谈判地位 see styles |
tán pàn dì wèi tan2 pan4 di4 wei4 t`an p`an ti wei tan pan ti wei |
bargaining position |
談古論今 谈古论今 see styles |
tán gǔ lùn jīn tan2 gu3 lun4 jin1 t`an ku lun chin tan ku lun chin |
to talk of the past and discuss the present (idiom); to chat freely; to discuss everything |
談合入札 see styles |
dangounyuusatsu / dangonyusatsu だんごうにゅうさつ |
(noun/participle) (See 入札談合) prearranged bidding; collusive bidding |
談天說地 谈天说地 see styles |
tán tiān shuō dì tan2 tian1 shuo1 di4 t`an t`ien shuo ti tan tien shuo ti |
to talk endlessly; to talk about everything under the sun |
談山神社 see styles |
danzanjinja だんざんじんじゃ |
(place-name) Danzan Shrine |
談性變色 谈性变色 see styles |
tán xìng biàn sè tan2 xing4 bian4 se4 t`an hsing pien se tan hsing pien se |
to turn green at the mention of sex; prudish |
談情說愛 谈情说爱 see styles |
tán qíng shuō ài tan2 qing2 shuo1 ai4 t`an ch`ing shuo ai tan ching shuo ai |
to murmur endearments (idiom); to get into a romantic relationship |
談禪法會 谈禅法会 see styles |
tán chán fǎ huì tan2 chan2 fa3 hui4 t`an ch`an fa hui tan chan fa hui danzen hōe |
Dharma meeting for the discussion of Chan; Seon; Zen |
談空說有 谈空说有 see styles |
tán kōng shuō yǒu tan2 kong1 shuo1 you3 t`an k`ung shuo yu tan kung shuo yu dankū setsuu |
To discuss non-existence and talk of existence; i.e. to discuss the meaning of reality; in discussing non-existence to talk of the existing; it is a phrase expressing confusion of ideas or argument. |
談笑自若 谈笑自若 see styles |
tán xiào zì ruò tan2 xiao4 zi4 ruo4 t`an hsiao tzu jo tan hsiao tzu jo |
to talk and laugh as though nothing had happened; to remain cheerful (despite a crisis) |
談笑風生 谈笑风生 see styles |
tán xiào fēng shēng tan2 xiao4 feng1 sheng1 t`an hsiao feng sheng tan hsiao feng sheng |
to talk cheerfully and wittily; to joke together |
談虎色變 谈虎色变 see styles |
tán hǔ - sè biàn tan2 hu3 - se4 bian4 t`an hu - se pien tan hu - se pien |
lit. to turn pale at the mention of a tiger (idiom); fig. to be terrified at the thought (of it) |
談話分析 see styles |
danwabunseki だんわぶんせき |
discourse analysis |
談論風発 see styles |
danronfuuhatsu / danronfuhatsu だんろんふうはつ |
(n,vs,vi) (yoji) spirited discussion |
三者会談 see styles |
sanshakaidan さんしゃかいだん |
three-cornered conversation |
三者面談 see styles |
sanshamendan さんしゃめんだん |
parent and child meeting (with teacher for course, career guidance, etc.) |
不經之談 不经之谈 see styles |
bù jīng zhī tán bu4 jing1 zhi1 tan2 pu ching chih t`an pu ching chih tan |
absurd statement; cock-and-bull story |
世話講談 see styles |
sewakoudan / sewakodan せわこうだん |
(See 世話物・せわもの) drama about domestic life |
主脳会談 see styles |
shunoukaidan / shunokaidan しゅのうかいだん |
(irregular kanji usage) leadership conference; summit meeting; top-level conference |
予備会談 see styles |
yobikaidan よびかいだん |
preliminary discussion |
人生相談 see styles |
jinseisoudan / jinsesodan じんせいそうだん |
counselling service (counseling); life matters advice service |
休戦会談 see styles |
kyuusenkaidan / kyusenkaidan きゅうせんかいだん |
armistice conference |
侃侃而談 侃侃而谈 see styles |
kǎn kǎn ér tán kan3 kan3 er2 tan2 k`an k`an erh t`an kan kan erh tan |
to speak frankly with assurance |
促膝談心 促膝谈心 see styles |
cù xī tán xīn cu4 xi1 tan2 xin1 ts`u hsi t`an hsin tsu hsi tan hsin |
(idiom) to sit side-by-side and have a heart-to-heart talk |
俗談平話 see styles |
zokudanheiwa / zokudanhewa ぞくだんへいわ |
(yoji) conversation on worldly affairs; chat about everyday life (business) |
入札談合 see styles |
nyuusatsudangou / nyusatsudango にゅうさつだんごう |
(noun/participle) (See 談合入札) collusion before a bid or tender; bid-rigging |
六方會談 六方会谈 see styles |
liù fāng huì tán liu4 fang1 hui4 tan2 liu fang hui t`an liu fang hui tan |
six-sided talks (on North Korea) |
冗談半分 see styles |
joudanhanbun / jodanhanbun じょうだんはんぶん |
(yoji) half joking; being (only) half serious; (in a) jocular vein |
冗談抜き see styles |
joudannuki / jodannuki じょうだんぬき |
seriously; joking aside |
冗談気味 see styles |
joudangimi / jodangimi じょうだんぎみ |
being somewhat (half) joking; half seriously; half in jest; in a jocular vein |
半分冗談 see styles |
hanbunjoudan / hanbunjodan はんぶんじょうだん |
(exp,n) (talking in a) half-joking manner |
和平会談 see styles |
waheikaidan / wahekaidan わへいかいだん |
(See 和平会議) peace conference; peace talks |
和平會談 和平会谈 see styles |
hé píng huì tán he2 ping2 hui4 tan2 ho p`ing hui t`an ho ping hui tan |
peace talks; peace discussions |
和平談判 和平谈判 see styles |
hé píng tán pàn he2 ping2 tan2 pan4 ho p`ing t`an p`an ho ping tan pan |
peace negotiations |
商談成立 see styles |
shoudanseiritsu / shodanseritsu しょうだんせいりつ |
conclusion (completion) of negotiations |
四谷怪談 see styles |
yotsuyakaidan よつやかいだん |
(org) Yotsuyakaidan; (o) Yotsuyakaidan |
外相会談 see styles |
gaishoukaidan / gaishokaidan がいしょうかいだん |
foreign ministerial conference; meeting of foreign ministers |
夢溪筆談 梦溪笔谈 see styles |
mèng xī bǐ tán meng4 xi1 bi3 tan2 meng hsi pi t`an meng hsi pi tan |
Dream Pool Essays by Shen Kuo 沈括[Shen3 Kuo4], book on various fields of knowledge, the first to describe the magnetic needle compass |
大談特談 大谈特谈 see styles |
dà tán tè tán da4 tan2 te4 tan2 ta t`an t`e t`an ta tan te tan |
to keep on talking about |
夸夸其談 夸夸其谈 see styles |
kuā kuā - qí tán kua1 kua1 - qi2 tan2 k`ua k`ua - ch`i t`an kua kua - chi tan |
variant of 誇誇其談|夸夸其谈[kua1kua1-qi2tan2] |
奇談怪論 奇谈怪论 see styles |
qí tán guài lùn qi2 tan2 guai4 lun4 ch`i t`an kuai lun chi tan kuai lun |
strange tales and absurd arguments (idiom); unreasonable remarks |
委細面談 see styles |
isaimendan いさいめんだん |
(expression) details when I see you |
官製談合 see styles |
kanseidangou / kansedango かんせいだんごう |
collusive bidding at the initiative of government agencies |
床屋談義 see styles |
tokoyadangi とこやだんぎ |
barbershop talk |
強面談判 see styles |
kowamotedanpan こわもてだんぱん |
aggressive negotiations; hard-line bargaining |
扶律談常 扶律谈常 see styles |
fú lǜ tán cháng fu2 lv4 tan2 chang2 fu lü t`an ch`ang fu lü tan chang furitsu danjō |
(扶律談常教) The teaching which supports the rules and speaks of the eternal, i. e. the 涅槃經 Nirvāṇa Sūtra. |
撇開不談 撇开不谈 see styles |
piē kāi bù tán pie1 kai1 bu4 tan2 p`ieh k`ai pu t`an pieh kai pu tan |
to ignore an issue (idiom) |
教育相談 教育相谈 see styles |
jiào yù xiāng tán jiao4 yu4 xiang1 tan2 chiao yü hsiang t`an chiao yü hsiang tan kyouikusoudan / kyoikusodan きょういくそうだん |
education counselor educational counseling; educational guidance |
暢談話卡 畅谈话卡 see styles |
chàng tán huà kǎ chang4 tan2 hua4 ka3 ch`ang t`an hua k`a chang tan hua ka |
long-term calling card (telephone) |
朝鮮核談 朝鲜核谈 see styles |
cháo xiǎn hé tán chao2 xian3 he2 tan2 ch`ao hsien ho t`an chao hsien ho tan |
talks on North Korea's nuclear program |
法律相談 see styles |
houritsusoudan / horitsusodan ほうりつそうだん |
legal consultation; (giving) legal advice |
泛泛而談 泛泛而谈 see styles |
fàn fàn ér tán fan4 fan4 er2 tan2 fan fan erh t`an fan fan erh tan |
to speak in general terms |
混為一談 混为一谈 see styles |
hùn wéi yī tán hun4 wei2 yi1 tan2 hun wei i t`an hun wei i tan |
to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle |
清談節目 清谈节目 see styles |
qīng tán jié mù qing1 tan2 jie2 mu4 ch`ing t`an chieh mu ching tan chieh mu |
talk show |
炉辺談話 see styles |
rohendanwa ろへんだんわ |
(yoji) fireside chat |
無所不談 无所不谈 see styles |
wú suǒ bù tán wu2 suo3 bu4 tan2 wu so pu t`an wu so pu tan |
to talk about everything |
無稽之談 无稽之谈 see styles |
wú jī zhī tán wu2 ji1 zhi1 tan2 wu chi chih t`an wu chi chih tan |
(idiom) complete nonsense |
無話不談 无话不谈 see styles |
wú huà bù tán wu2 hua4 bu4 tan2 wu hua pu t`an wu hua pu tan |
not to hold anything back (idiom); (of close friends etc) to tell each other everything |
物は相談 see styles |
monohasoudan / monohasodan ものはそうだん |
(expression) (idiom) Lend me your ears a while |
直接会談 see styles |
chokusetsukaidan ちょくせつかいだん |
direct discussion; direct talks |
相談相手 see styles |
soudanaite / sodanaite そうだんあいて |
adviser; someone to consult with; someone to turn to about one's concerns; confidant |
相談窓口 see styles |
soudanmadoguchi / sodanmadoguchi そうだんまどぐち |
inquiry counter; consulting service; assistance service |
示談交渉 see styles |
jidankoushou / jidankosho じだんこうしょう |
(See 示談) settlement negotiation (insurance) |
立川談志 see styles |
tatekawadanshi たてかわだんし |
(person) Tatekawa Danshi (1936.11-) |
立川談春 see styles |
tatekawadanshun たてかわだんしゅん |
(person) Tatekawa Danshun |
紙上談兵 纸上谈兵 see styles |
zhǐ shàng tán bīng zhi3 shang4 tan2 bing1 chih shang t`an ping chih shang tan ping |
lit. military tactics on paper (idiom); fig. theoretical discussion that is worse than useless in practice; armchair strategist; idle theorizing; cf Zhao Kuo 趙括|赵括[Zhao4 Kuo4] leading an army of 400,000 to total annihilation at battle of Changping 長平之戰|长平之战[Chang2 ping2 zhi1 Zhan4] in 260 BC |
結婚相談 see styles |
kekkonsoudan / kekkonsodan けっこんそうだん |
marriage counseling; marital counseling |
老生常談 老生常谈 see styles |
lǎo shēng cháng tán lao3 sheng1 chang2 tan2 lao sheng ch`ang t`an lao sheng chang tan |
an old observation (idiom); a truism; banal comments |
舉行會談 see styles |
jǔ xíng huì tán ju3 xing2 hui4 tan2 chü hsing hui t`an chü hsing hui tan |
to hold talks; to take part in discussions with |
街談巷語 see styles |
gaidankougo / gaidankogo がいだんこうご |
(yoji) street gossips and idle rumors; hearsay |
街談巷説 see styles |
gaidankousetsu / gaidankosetsu がいだんこうせつ |
(yoji) street gossips and idle rumors |
街談巷議 街谈巷议 see styles |
jiē tán xiàng yì jie1 tan2 xiang4 yi4 chieh t`an hsiang i chieh tan hsiang i |
(idiom) town gossip; streetcorner conversations |
言談林藪 言谈林薮 see styles |
yán tán lín sǒu yan2 tan2 lin2 sou3 yen t`an lin sou yen tan lin sou |
articulate in speech (idiom); eloquent |
誇誇其談 夸夸其谈 see styles |
kuā kuā - qí tán kua1 kua1 - qi2 tan2 k`ua k`ua - ch`i t`an kua kua - chi tan |
(idiom) to talk big; to sound off; to be full of hot air |
軍縮会談 see styles |
gunshukukaidan ぐんしゅくかいだん |
disarmament conference; disarmament talks; arms reduction talks |
進路相談 see styles |
shinrosoudan / shinrosodan しんろそうだん |
consultation on career, university, etc. choices |
遺伝相談 see styles |
idensoudan / idensodan いでんそうだん |
genetic counseling; genetic counselling |
閉口不談 闭口不谈 see styles |
bì kǒu bù tán bi4 kou3 bu4 tan2 pi k`ou pu t`an pi kou pu tan |
to refuse to say anything about (idiom); to remain tight-lipped; to avoid mentioning |
闢室密談 辟室密谈 see styles |
pì shì mì tán pi4 shi4 mi4 tan2 p`i shih mi t`an pi shih mi tan |
to discuss behind closed doors |
電話会談 see styles |
denwakaidan でんわかいだん |
telephone conference (between heads of state, etc.) |
電話相談 see styles |
denwasoudan / denwasodan でんわそうだん |
telephone counselling; telephone consultation |
頂上会談 see styles |
choujoukaidan / chojokaidan ちょうじょうかいだん |
summit conference |
首脳会談 see styles |
shunoukaidan / shunokaidan しゅのうかいだん |
leadership conference; summit meeting; top-level conference |
首腦會談 首脑会谈 see styles |
shǒu nǎo huì tán shou3 nao3 hui4 tan2 shou nao hui t`an shou nao hui tan |
summit talks; discussion between heads of state |
高談闊論 高谈阔论 see styles |
gāo tán kuò lùn gao1 tan2 kuo4 lun4 kao t`an k`uo lun kao tan kuo lun |
to harangue; loud arrogant talk; to spout |
Variations: |
dansou / danso だんそう |
a number of interesting stories; book containing a number of interesting stories |
Variations: |
dangi だんぎ |
(n,vs,vi) (1) (informal) discussion; talk; conversation; chat; (2) (formal and tedious) talk; lecture; sermon; (3) (dated) (as お〜) admonition; reprimand; (n,vs,vi) (4) {Buddh} sermon; preaching; (5) (dated) consultation; conference; discussion |
Variations: |
kidan きだん |
romantic story; colorful story; colourful story; highly embellished story |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "談" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.