There are 454 total results for your 炎 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
骨髄炎 see styles |
kotsuzuien こつずいえん |
{med} osteomyelitis |
髄膜炎 see styles |
zuimakuen ずいまくえん |
{med} meningitis |
鵞足炎 see styles |
gasokuen がそくえん |
{med} pes anserine bursitis; goosefoot bursitis; knee tendon bursitis |
鼓膜炎 see styles |
komakuen こまくえん |
{med} myringitis; tympanitis |
鼻竇炎 鼻窦炎 see styles |
bí dòu yán bi2 dou4 yan2 pi tou yen |
sinusitis |
齒齦炎 齿龈炎 see styles |
chǐ yín yán chi3 yin2 yan2 ch`ih yin yen chih yin yen |
gingivitis |
炎上商法 see styles |
enjoushouhou / enjoshoho えんじょうしょうほう |
outrage marketing (deliberately stirring up controversy to generate publicity); shock advertising; rage-bating |
炎性反應 炎性反应 see styles |
yán xìng fǎn yìng yan2 xing4 fan3 ying4 yen hsing fan ying |
inflammation response |
炎検出器 see styles |
honookenshutsuki ほのおけんしゅつき |
(See 火炎検出器) flame detector |
炎浮檀金 see styles |
yán fú tán jīn yan2 fu2 tan2 jin1 yen fu t`an chin yen fu tan chin enbuda gon |
gold produced from the river running through the groves of the jambu trees |
炎熱地獄 炎热地狱 see styles |
yán rè dì yù yan2 re4 di4 yu4 yen je ti yü ennetsujigoku えんねつじごく |
{Buddh} flames of hell Tapana, the hell of burning or roasting, the sixth of the eight hot hells, where 24 hours equal 2,600 years on earth, life lasting 16,000 years. |
炎症病巣 see styles |
enshoubyousou / enshobyoso えんしょうびょうそう |
inflamed part; site of inflammation |
炎色反応 see styles |
enshokuhannou / enshokuhanno えんしょくはんのう |
(chem) flame reaction; flame test; flame coloration test |
炎黃子孫 炎黄子孙 see styles |
yán huáng zǐ sūn yan2 huang2 zi3 sun1 yen huang tzu sun |
descendants of the Fiery Emperor and the Yellow Emperor (i.e. Han Chinese people) |
炎黃貴胄 炎黄贵胄 see styles |
yán huáng - guì zhòu yan2 huang2 - gui4 zhou4 yen huang - kuei chou |
see 炎黃子孫|炎黄子孙[Yan2Huang2-zi3sun1] |
とう嚢炎 see styles |
tounouen / tonoen とうのうえん |
navicular disease; navicular syndrome |
丁型肝炎 see styles |
dīng xíng gān yán ding1 xing2 gan1 yan2 ting hsing kan yen |
hepatitis D |
上気道炎 see styles |
joukidouen / jokidoen じょうきどうえん |
{med} upper respiratory tract infection; URTI |
下垂体炎 see styles |
kasuitaien かすいたいえん |
{med} hypophysitis |
世態炎涼 世态炎凉 see styles |
shì tài yán liáng shi4 tai4 yan2 liang2 shih t`ai yen liang shih tai yen liang |
the hypocrisy of the world (idiom) |
丙型肝炎 see styles |
bǐng xíng gān yán bing3 xing2 gan1 yan2 ping hsing kan yen |
hepatitis C |
乙型肝炎 see styles |
yǐ xíng gān yán yi3 xing2 gan1 yan2 i hsing kan yen |
hepatitis B |
乙型腦炎 乙型脑炎 see styles |
yǐ xíng nǎo yán yi3 xing2 nao3 yan2 i hsing nao yen |
epidemic encephalitis B, aka Japanese encephalitis |
信号炎管 see styles |
shingouenkan / shingoenkan しんごうえんかん |
signal flare; fusee |
前列腺炎 see styles |
qián liè xiàn yán qian2 lie4 xian4 yan2 ch`ien lieh hsien yen chien lieh hsien yen |
prostatitis |
前立腺炎 see styles |
zenritsusenen ぜんりつせんえん |
{med} prostatitis |
副睾丸炎 see styles |
fukukouganen / fukukoganen ふくこうがんえん |
{med} epididymitis; inflammation of the epididymis |
副鼻腔炎 see styles |
fukubikouen; fukubikuuen / fukubikoen; fukubikuen ふくびこうえん; ふくびくうえん |
{med} sinusitis |
劇症肝炎 see styles |
gekishoukanen / gekishokanen げきしょうかんえん |
{med} acute hepatitis |
喇叭管炎 see styles |
rappakanen らっぱかんえん |
{med} salpingitis |
嫉妬の炎 see styles |
shittonohonoo しっとのほのお |
(exp,n) flames of jealousy |
己型肝炎 see styles |
jǐ xíng gān yán ji3 xing2 gan1 yan2 chi hsing kan yen |
hepatitis F |
市中肺炎 see styles |
shichuuhaien / shichuhaien しちゅうはいえん |
{med} community-acquired pneumonia |
心内膜炎 see styles |
shinnaimakuen しんないまくえん |
{med} endocarditis |
急性肝炎 see styles |
kyuuseikanen / kyusekanen きゅうせいかんえん |
{med} acute hepatitis |
急性腸炎 急性肠炎 see styles |
jí xìng cháng yán ji2 xing4 chang2 yan2 chi hsing ch`ang yen chi hsing chang yen |
acute enteritis |
急性膵炎 see styles |
kyuuseisuien / kyusesuien きゅうせいすいえん |
{med} acute pancreatitis |
急性鼻炎 see styles |
kyuuseibien / kyusebien きゅうせいびえん |
{med} acute rhinitis |
慢性肝炎 see styles |
manseikanen / mansekanen まんせいかんえん |
{med} chronic hepatitis |
戊型肝炎 see styles |
wù xíng gān yán wu4 xing2 gan1 yan2 wu hsing kan yen |
hepatitis E |
扁桃腺炎 see styles |
biǎn táo xiàn yán bian3 tao2 xian4 yan2 pien t`ao hsien yen pien tao hsien yen hentousenen / hentosenen へんとうせんえん |
tonsillitis {med} tonsillitis |
扁桃體炎 扁桃体炎 see styles |
biǎn táo tǐ yán bian3 tao2 ti3 yan2 pien t`ao t`i yen pien tao ti yen |
tonsillitis |
抗炎症剤 see styles |
kouenshouzai / koenshozai こうえんしょうざい |
anti-inflammatory drug; anti-inflammatory agent |
抗炎症薬 see styles |
kouenshouyaku / koenshoyaku こうえんしょうやく |
anti-inflammatory drug; anti-inflammatory agent |
支氣管炎 支气管炎 see styles |
zhī qì guǎn yán zhi1 qi4 guan3 yan2 chih ch`i kuan yen chih chi kuan yen |
bronchitis |
新冠肺炎 see styles |
xīn guān fèi yán xin1 guan1 fei4 yan2 hsin kuan fei yen |
COVID-19, the coronavirus disease identified in 2019 |
新型肺炎 see styles |
shingatahaien しんがたはいえん |
{med} (See 重症急性呼吸器症候群,新型コロナウイルス) novel pneumonia (esp. COVID-19) |
日本脳炎 see styles |
nihonnouen / nihonnoen にほんのうえん |
{med} Japanese encephalitis |
日本腦炎 日本脑炎 see styles |
rì běn nǎo yán ri4 ben3 nao3 yan2 jih pen nao yen |
Japanese encephalitis |
服部陶炎 see styles |
hattoritouen / hattoritoen はっとりとうえん |
(person) Hattori Touen |
森林腦炎 森林脑炎 see styles |
sēn lín nǎo yán sen1 lin2 nao3 yan2 sen lin nao yen |
forest encephalitis |
武漢肺炎 see styles |
bukanhaien ぶかんはいえん |
(See 新型コロナウイルス・しんがたコロナウイルス) Wuhan pneumonia; COVID-19 pneumonia |
気炎万丈 see styles |
kienbanjou / kienbanjo きえんばんじょう |
(yoji) in high spirits; talking big |
気管支炎 see styles |
kikanshien きかんしえん |
{med} bronchitis |
治療炎症 治疗炎症 see styles |
zhì liáo yán zhèng zhi4 liao2 yan2 zheng4 chih liao yen cheng |
anti-inflammatory (medicine) |
滑液包炎 see styles |
katsuekihouen / katsuekihoen かつえきほうえん |
{med} bursitis |
火炎温度 see styles |
kaenondo かえんおんど |
flame temperature |
火炎焱燚 see styles |
huǒ yán yàn yì huo3 yan2 yan4 yi4 huo yen yen i |
hot (i.e. popular) (emphatic form of 火[huo3]) (neologism c. 2016) |
爆発炎上 see styles |
bakuhatsuenjou / bakuhatsuenjo ばくはつえんじょう |
(n,vs,vi) exploding in flames; erupting in flames |
甲型肝炎 see styles |
jiǎ xíng gān yán jia3 xing2 gan1 yan2 chia hsing kan yen |
hepatitis A |
甲状腺炎 see styles |
koujousenen / kojosenen こうじょうせんえん |
{med} thyroiditis |
皮膚筋炎 see styles |
hifukinen ひふきんえん |
{med} dermatomyositis |
瞋恚の炎 see styles |
shininohonoo しんいのほのお |
(exp,n) intense antipathy (like a blazing fire); flames of rage |
耳下腺炎 see styles |
jikasenen じかせんえん |
{med} mumps; parotitis |
肋軟骨炎 see styles |
rokunankotsuen ろくなんこつえん |
{med} costochondritis |
肺炎桿菌 see styles |
haienkankin はいえんかんきん |
{med} Klebsiella pneumoniae |
肺炎球菌 see styles |
haienkyuukin / haienkyukin はいえんきゅうきん |
pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) |
脈絡膜炎 see styles |
myakurakumakuen みゃくらくまくえん |
{med} choroiditis |
脳脊髄炎 see styles |
nousekizuien / nosekizuien のうせきずいえん |
{med} encephalomyelitis |
腎盂腎炎 see styles |
jinujinen じんうじんえん |
{med} pyelonephritis |
葡萄膜炎 see styles |
budoumakuen / budomakuen ぶどうまくえん |
uveitis |
蜂巣織炎 see styles |
housoushikien / hososhikien ほうそうしきえん |
{med} (See 蜂窩織炎・ほうかしきえん) cellulitis; phlegmon |
蜂窩織炎 see styles |
houkashikien / hokashikien ほうかしきえん |
{med} cellulitis; phlegmon |
血清肝炎 see styles |
kesseikanen / kessekanen けっせいかんえん |
{med} serum hepatitis |
趨炎附勢 趋炎附势 see styles |
qū yán fù shì qu1 yan2 fu4 shi4 ch`ü yen fu shih chü yen fu shih |
to curry favor (idiom); playing up to those in power; social climbing |
骨関節炎 see styles |
kotsukansetsuen こつかんせつえん |
{med} osteoarthritis |
骨關節炎 骨关节炎 see styles |
gǔ guān jié yán gu3 guan1 jie2 yan2 ku kuan chieh yen |
osteoarthritis |
髄膜炎菌 see styles |
zuimakuenkin ずいまくえんきん |
meningococcus (Neisseria meningitidis) |
高橋介炎 see styles |
takahashikaien たかはしかいえん |
(person) Takahashi Kaien |
鳩摩羅炎 鸠摩罗炎 see styles |
jiū mó luó yán jiu1 mo2 luo2 yan2 chiu mo lo yen |
Kumārāyaṇa, father of Kumārajīva. |
黃炎貴胄 黄炎贵胄 see styles |
huáng yán - guì zhòu huang2 yan2 - gui4 zhou4 huang yen - kuei chou |
see 炎黃子孫|炎黄子孙[Yan2Huang2-zi3sun1] |
A型肝炎 see styles |
eegatakanen エーがたかんえん |
{med} hepatitis A |
B型肝炎 see styles |
biigatakanen / bigatakanen ビーがたかんえん |
{med} hepatitis B |
C型肝炎 see styles |
shiigatakanen / shigatakanen シーがたかんえん |
{med} hepatitis C |
D型肝炎 see styles |
diigatakanen / digatakanen ディーがたかんえん |
{med} hepatitis D |
E型肝炎 see styles |
iigatakanen / igatakanen イーがたかんえん |
{med} hepatitis E |
Variations: |
enen えんえん |
(adj-t,adv-to) blazing; fiery |
Variations: |
enshoku えんしょく |
flame (color, colour); flame scarlet; bright reddish; orange |
Variations: |
kouen / koen こうえん |
light and flame |
Variations: |
jouen / joen じょうえん |
burning passion; flaming desires |
Variations: |
zanen ざんえん |
(1) lingering heat (in autumn); (2) remaining flame |
Variations: |
kien きえん |
high spirits; boastful talk |
Variations: |
kaen かえん |
flame; blaze |
Variations: |
mouen / moen もうえん |
fierce flames; raging flames |
Variations: |
kouen / koen こうえん |
(1) red flame; (2) {astron} (solar) prominence |
Variations: |
chitsuen ちつえん |
{med} vaginitis |
ぶどう膜炎 see styles |
budoumakuen / budomakuen ぶどうまくえん |
uveitis |
へんとう炎 see styles |
hentouen / hentoen へんとうえん |
tonsillitis |
カリニ肺炎 see styles |
karinihaien カリニはいえん |
{med} pneumocystis carinii pneumonia |
リンパ管炎 see styles |
rinpakanen リンパかんえん |
{med} lymphangitis |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "炎" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.