Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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Mandarin Chinese information.
Old Wade-Giles romanization used only in Taiwan.
Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 241 total results for your search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
wǔ bǎi dà luó hàn
    wu3 bai3 da4 luo2 han4
wu pai ta lo han
 gohyaku dai rakan
five hundred great arhats



see styles
shí bā ā luó hàn
    shi2 ba1 a1 luo2 han4
shih pa a lo han
 jūhachi arakan
eighteen arhats



see styles
dà hàn zú zhǔ yì
    da4 han4 zu2 zhu3 yi4
ta han tsu chu i
Greater Han nationalism



see styles
suō duō pó hàn nà
    suo1 duo1 po2 han4 na4
so to p`o han na
    so to po han na



see styles
shā duō pó hàn nà
    sha1 duo1 po2 han4 na4
sha to p`o han na
    sha to po han na



see styles
lòu jìn ā luó hàn
    lou4 jin4 a1 luo2 han4
lou chin a lo han
 rojin arakan
ascendancy to the stage of arhat, which implies the elimination of all contamination



see styles
hàn chéng tè bié shì
    han4 cheng2 te4 bie2 shi4
han ch`eng t`e pieh shih
    han cheng te pieh shih
Hanseong Special Metropolitan City, old name for Seoul, capital of Korea



see styles
hàn zì chá zì fǎ
    han4 zi4 cha2 zi4 fa3
han tzu ch`a tzu fa
    han tzu cha tzu fa
look-up method for Chinese characters



see styles
hàn wén dì liú héng
    han4 wen2 di4 liu2 heng2
han wen ti liu heng
Liu Heng (202-157 BC), the fourth Han emperor Han Wendi, reigned 180-157 BC



see styles
hàn yǔ dà zì diǎn
    han4 yu3 da4 zi4 dian3
han yü ta tzu tien
Hanyu Da Zidian, one of the most comprehensive Chinese character dictionaries with 54,678 (and later 60,370) entries, first published between 1986-1990
(work) Hanyu Da Zidian (multi-volume Chinese character dictionary); Grand Chinese Dictionary; (wk) Hanyu Da Zidian (multi-volume Chinese character dictionary); Grand Chinese Dictionary



see styles
hàn yǔ dà cí diǎn
    han4 yu3 da4 ci2 dian3
han yü ta tz`u tien
    han yü ta tzu tien
Hanyu Da Cidian, the largest Chinese dictionary, with over 375,000 word entries, first published 1986-1994



see styles
hàn zéi bù liǎng lì
    han4 zei2 bu4 liang3 li4
han tsei pu liang li
lit. Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀[Shu3 Han4] and Cao Wei 曹魏[Cao2 Wei4] cannot coexist (idiom); fig. two enemies cannot live under the same sky; (former KMT slogan against CCP) "gentlemen and thieves cannot coexist"



see styles
hàn gāo zǔ liú bāng
    han4 gao1 zu3 liu2 bang1
han kao tsu liu pang
Liu Bang (256 or 247-195 BC), first Han emperor, reigned 207-195 BC



see styles
wū duó jiā hàn tú
    wu1 duo2 jia1 han4 tu2
wu to chia han t`u
    wu to chia han tu
? Uṭabhāṇḍa, or Uḍakhāṇḍa, an ancient city of Gandhāra, on the northern bank of the Indus, identified with Ohind; Eitel gives it as 'the modern Attok'.



see styles
zhèng ā luó hàn guǒ
    zheng4 a1 luo2 han4 guo3
cheng a lo han kuo
 shō arakan ka
realizes the state of arhat



see styles
mí zōng luó hàn quán
    mi2 zong1 luo2 han4 quan2
mi tsung lo han ch`üan
    mi tsung lo han chüan
Mizongyi, Mizong, My Jhong Law Horn - "Lost Track Fist" (Chinese Martial Art)



see styles
tuì fǎ ā luó hàn
    tui4 fa3 a1 luo2 han4
t`ui fa a lo han
    tui fa a lo han
 taihō arakan
arhat who backslides in the dharma



see styles
ā luó hàn b chú
    a1 luo2 han4 b4 chu2
a lo han b ch`u
    a lo han b chu
 arakan hisshu
an arhat monk



see styles
lí yù ā luó hàn
    li2 yu4 a1 luo2 han4
li yü a lo han
 riyoku arakan
an arhat who is free from desire



see styles
wǔ bǎi luó hàn jù jí
    wu3 bai3 luo2 han4 ju4 ji2
wu pai lo han chü chi
 gohyaku rakan shushū
council of the five hundred arhats



see styles
shí liù dà ā luó hàn
    shi2 liu4 da4 a1 luo2 han4
shih liu ta a lo han
 jūroku dai arakan
sixteen great arhats



see styles
shāng wù hàn yǔ kǎo shì
    shang1 wu4 han4 yu3 kao3 shi4
shang wu han yü k`ao shih
    shang wu han yü kao shih
Business Chinese Test (BCT)



see styles
huì jiě tuō ā luó hàn
    hui4 jie3 tuo1 a1 luo2 han4
hui chieh t`o a lo han
    hui chieh to a lo han
 e gedatsu arakan
an arhat who is liberated by wisdom



see styles
liáng táng jìn hàn zhōu shū
    liang2 tang2 jin4 han4 zhou1 shu1
liang t`ang chin han chou shu
    liang tang chin han chou shu
another name for History of the Five Dynasties between Tang and Song 舊五代史|旧五代史[Jiu4 Wu3 dai4 shi3]



see styles
wǔ hàn gāng tiě gōng sī
    wu3 han4 gang1 tie3 gong1 si1
wu han kang t`ieh kung ssu
    wu han kang tieh kung ssu
Wuhan Iron and Steel



see styles
hàn yǔ shuǐ píng kǎo shì
    han4 yu3 shui3 ping2 kao3 shi4
han yü shui p`ing k`ao shih
    han yü shui ping kao shih
 kangosuiheikoushi / kangosuihekoshi
HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test)
(personal name) Chinese Proficiency Test; Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi; HSK



see styles
nán zǐ hàn dà zhàng fu
    nan2 zi3 han4 da4 zhang4 fu5
nan tzu han ta chang fu
(coll.) he-man



see styles
bù dào cháng chéng fēi hǎo hàn
    bu4 dao4 chang2 cheng2 fei1 hao3 han4
pu tao ch`ang ch`eng fei hao han
    pu tao chang cheng fei hao han
lit. until you reach the Great Wall, you're not a proper person; fig. to get over difficulties before reaching the goal



see styles
hǎo hàn bù chī yǎn qián kuī
    hao3 han4 bu4 chi1 yan3 qian2 kui1
hao han pu ch`ih yen ch`ien k`uei
    hao han pu chih yen chien kuei
a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him (idiom)



see styles
hǎo hàn bù tí dāng nián yǒng
    hao3 han4 bu4 ti2 dang1 nian2 yong3
hao han pu t`i tang nien yung
    hao han pu ti tang nien yung
a real man doesn't boast about his past achievements (idiom)



see styles
hǎo hàn zuò shì hǎo hàn dāng
    hao3 han4 zuo4 shi4 hao3 han4 dang1
hao han tso shih hao han tang
daring to act and courageous enough to take responsibility for it (idiom); a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his actions; the buck stops here



see styles
shēn zài cáo yíng xīn zài hàn
    shen1 zai4 cao2 ying2 xin1 zai4 han4
shen tsai ts`ao ying hsin tsai han
    shen tsai tsao ying hsin tsai han
live in Cao camp but have the heart in Han camp (idiom); to be somewhere while longing to be somewhere else



see styles
ā luó hàn xiāng xù zhū yùn
    a1 luo2 han4 xiang1 xu4 zhu1 yun4
a lo han hsiang hsü chu yün
 arakan sōzoku shoun
arhat's continued appropriation of the aggregates



see styles
bǎo hàn bù zhī è hàn jī
    bao3 han4 bu4 zhi1 e4 han4 ji1
pao han pu chih o han chi
The well-fed cannot know how the starving suffer (idiom).



see styles
jù wú bà hàn bǎo bāo zhǐ shù
    ju4 wu2 ba4 han4 bao3 bao1 zhi3 shu4
chü wu pa han pao pao chih shu
Big Mac Index, a measure of the purchasing power parity (PPP) between currencies



see styles
dé guó hàn shā háng kōng gōng sī
    de2 guo2 han4 sha1 hang2 kong1 gong1 si1
te kuo han sha hang k`ung kung ssu
    te kuo han sha hang kung kung ssu
Deutsche Lufthansa AG



see styles
ā ěr hàn gé ěr sī kè zhōu
    a1 er3 han4 ge2 er3 si1 ke4 zhou1
a erh han ko erh ssu k`o chou
    a erh han ko erh ssu ko chou
Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia



see styles
dì èr cì hàn zì jiǎn huà fāng àn
    di4 er4 ci4 han4 zi4 jian3 hua4 fang1 an4
ti erh tz`u han tzu chien hua fang an
    ti erh tzu han tzu chien hua fang an
Second Chinese Character Simplification Scheme (second round of simplified Chinese characters, proposed in 1977 and retracted in 1986); abbr. to 二簡|二简[er4 jian3]



see styles
tōng yòng hàn zì biāo zhǔn jiāo huàn mǎ
    tong1 yong4 han4 zi4 biao1 zhun3 jiao1 huan4 ma3
t`ung yung han tzu piao chun chiao huan ma
    tung yung han tzu piao chun chiao huan ma
Standard Interchange Code for Generally Used Chinese Characters, a character encoding standard of Taiwan 1986-1992, aka CNS 11643-1986, where CNS stands for Chinese National Standard; abbr. to 通用碼|通用码[Tong1 yong4 ma3]



see styles
dà ā luó hàn nán tí mì duō luó suǒ shuō fǎ zhù jì
    da4 a1 luo2 han4 nan2 ti2 mi4 duo1 luo2 suo3 shuo1 fa3 zhu4 ji4
ta a lo han nan t`i mi to lo so shuo fa chu chi
    ta a lo han nan ti mi to lo so shuo fa chu chi
 Dai arakan nandaimittara shosetsu hōjūki



see styles
lǎo zi yīng xióng ér hǎo hàn , lǎo zi fǎn dòng ér hún dàn
    lao3 zi5 ying1 xiong2 er2 hao3 han4 , lao3 zi5 fan3 dong4 er2 hun2 dan4
lao tzu ying hsiung erh hao han , lao tzu fan tung erh hun tan
If the father is a hero, the son is a real man. If the father is a reactionary, the son is a bastard. (Cultural Revolution slogan); fig. like father, like son

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 41 results for "汉" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary