There are 396 total results for your 广 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
四大廣律 四大广律 see styles |
sì dà guǎng lǜ si4 da4 guang3 lv4 ssu ta kuang lü shi daikō ritsu |
four comprehensive vinaya texts |
地廣人稀 地广人稀 see styles |
dì guǎng rén xī di4 guang3 ren2 xi1 ti kuang jen hsi |
vast, but sparsely populated |
增長廣大 增长广大 see styles |
zēng zhǎng guǎng dà zeng1 zhang3 guang3 da4 tseng chang kuang ta zōjō kōdai |
develops and spreads [the teachings] |
增長廣目 增长广目 see styles |
zēng zhǎng guǎng mù zeng1 zhang3 guang3 mu4 tseng chang kuang mu Zōchō Kōmoku |
Virūḍhaka and Śiva. |
大乘廣智 大乘广智 see styles |
dà shèng guǎng zhì da4 sheng4 guang3 zhi4 ta sheng kuang chih daijō kōchi |
broad great vehicle cognition |
大庭廣眾 大庭广众 see styles |
dà tíng - guǎng zhòng da4 ting2 - guang3 zhong4 ta t`ing - kuang chung ta ting - kuang chung |
(idiom) in public; in front of everyone; openly (typically preceded by 在[zai4] and followed by 之下[zhi1xia4]) |
大方廣佛 大方广佛 see styles |
dà fāng guǎng fó da4 fang1 guang3 fo2 ta fang kuang fo dai hōkō butsu |
The 本尊 fundamental honoured one of the 華嚴經, described as the Buddha who has realized the universal law. |
太平廣記 太平广记 see styles |
tài píng guǎng jì tai4 ping2 guang3 ji4 t`ai p`ing kuang chi tai ping kuang chi |
Extensive records of the Taiping era (978), fictional history edited by Li Fang 李昉 |
如前廣說 如前广说 see styles |
rú qián guǎng shuō ru2 qian2 guang3 shuo1 ju ch`ien kuang shuo ju chien kuang shuo nyozen kōsetsu |
as was explained in detail earlier |
如經廣說 如经广说 see styles |
rú jīng guǎng shuō ru2 jing1 guang3 shuo1 ju ching kuang shuo nyo kyō kōsetsu |
as the sūtra explains in detail... |
小區廣播 小区广播 see styles |
xiǎo qū guǎng bō xiao3 qu1 guang3 bo1 hsiao ch`ü kuang po hsiao chü kuang po |
(telecommunications) cell broadcast |
廣九鐵路 广九铁路 see styles |
guǎng jiǔ tiě lù guang3 jiu3 tie3 lu4 kuang chiu t`ieh lu kuang chiu tieh lu |
Guangdong and Kowloon railway |
廣分別義 广分别义 see styles |
guǎng fēn bié yì guang3 fen1 bie2 yi4 kuang fen pieh i kō funbetsu gi |
extensive analysis |
廣分別說 广分别说 see styles |
guǎng fēn bié shuō guang3 fen1 bie2 shuo1 kuang fen pieh shuo kō funbetsu setsu |
to explain in detail |
廣告宣傳 广告宣传 see styles |
guǎng gào xuān chuán guang3 gao4 xuan1 chuan2 kuang kao hsüan ch`uan kuang kao hsüan chuan |
advertising; publicity; promotion |
廣告條幅 广告条幅 see styles |
guǎng gào tiáo fú guang3 gao4 tiao2 fu2 kuang kao t`iao fu kuang kao tiao fu |
banner advertisement |
廣域網路 广域网路 see styles |
guǎng yù wǎng lù guang3 yu4 wang3 lu4 kuang yü wang lu |
wide area network; WAN |
廣場恐懼 广场恐惧 see styles |
guǎng chǎng kǒng jù guang3 chang3 kong3 ju4 kuang ch`ang k`ung chü kuang chang kung chü |
agoraphobia |
廣大哀愍 广大哀愍 see styles |
guǎng dà āi mǐn guang3 da4 ai1 min3 kuang ta ai min kōdai aimin |
vast sympathy |
廣大圓滿 广大圆满 see styles |
guǎng dà yuán mǎn guang3 da4 yuan2 man3 kuang ta yüan man kōdai enman |
vast and perfect |
廣大執受 广大执受 see styles |
guǎng dà zhí shòu guang3 da4 zhi2 shou4 kuang ta chih shou kōdai shūju |
a large appropriation |
廣大微妙 广大微妙 see styles |
guǎng dà wēi miào guang3 da4 wei1 miao4 kuang ta wei miao kōdai mimyō |
vast and marvelous |
廣大憐愍 广大怜愍 see styles |
guǎng dà lián mǐn guang3 da4 lian2 min3 kuang ta lien min kōdai renbin |
vast kindness |
廣大施性 广大施性 see styles |
guǎng dà shī xìng guang3 da4 shi1 xing4 kuang ta shih hsing kōdaise shō |
vastly charitable |
廣大智慧 广大智慧 see styles |
guǎng dà zhì huì guang3 da4 zhi4 hui4 kuang ta chih hui kōdai chie |
vast wisdom |
廣大無邊 广大无边 see styles |
guǎng dà wú biān guang3 da4 wu2 bian1 kuang ta wu pien kōdai muhen |
vast |
廣大無量 广大无量 see styles |
guǎng dà wú liáng guang3 da4 wu2 liang2 kuang ta wu liang kōdai muryō |
vast without measure |
廣大甚深 广大甚深 see styles |
guǎng dà shén shēn guang3 da4 shen2 shen1 kuang ta shen shen kōdai shinshin |
vast and exceedingly deep |
廣大精進 广大精进 see styles |
guǎng dà jīng jìn guang3 da4 jing1 jin4 kuang ta ching chin kōdai shōjin |
extensive and abundante effort |
廣大菩提 广大菩提 see styles |
guǎng dà pú tí guang3 da4 pu2 ti2 kuang ta p`u t`i kuang ta pu ti kōdai bodai |
excellent enlightenment |
廣安地區 广安地区 see styles |
guǎng ān dì qū guang3 an1 di4 qu1 kuang an ti ch`ü kuang an ti chü |
Guang'an prefecture-level city in Sichuan |
廣州日報 广州日报 see styles |
guǎng zhōu rì bào guang3 zhou1 ri4 bao4 kuang chou jih pao |
Guangzhou Daily |
廣弘明集 广弘明集 see styles |
guǎng hóng míng jí guang3 hong2 ming2 ji2 kuang hung ming chi Kō gumyō shū |
Guang hongming ji |
廣播地址 广播地址 see styles |
guǎng bō dì zhǐ guang3 bo1 di4 zhi3 kuang po ti chih |
broadcast address |
廣播節目 广播节目 see styles |
guǎng bō jié mù guang3 bo1 jie2 mu4 kuang po chieh mu |
radio program; broadcast program |
廣播網路 广播网路 see styles |
guǎng bō wǎng lù guang3 bo1 wang3 lu4 kuang po wang lu |
broadcast network |
廣播電台 广播电台 see styles |
guǎng bō diàn tái guang3 bo1 dian4 tai2 kuang po tien t`ai kuang po tien tai |
radio station |
廣播電臺 广播电台 see styles |
guǎng bō diàn tái guang3 bo1 dian4 tai2 kuang po tien t`ai kuang po tien tai |
radio station; broadcasting station; CL:個|个[ge4],家[jia1] |
廣普寂定 广普寂定 see styles |
guǎng pǔ jí dìng guang3 pu3 ji2 ding4 kuang p`u chi ting kuang pu chi ting kōfujaku jō |
meditation of vast and universal tranquility |
廣智尚賢 广智尚贤 see styles |
guǎng zhì shàng xián guang3 zhi4 shang4 xian2 kuang chih shang hsien Kōchi Shōken |
Guangzhi Shangxian |
廣泛影響 广泛影响 see styles |
guǎng fàn yǐng xiǎng guang3 fan4 ying3 xiang3 kuang fan ying hsiang |
wide ranging influence |
廣淸涼傳 广淸凉传 see styles |
guǎng qīng liáng zhuàn guang3 qing1 liang2 zhuan4 kuang ch`ing liang chuan kuang ching liang chuan Kō Shōryō den |
Guang Qingliang zhuan |
廣爲他說 广为他说 see styles |
guǎng wéi tā shuō guang3 wei2 ta1 shuo1 kuang wei t`a shuo kuang wei ta shuo kōi tasetsu |
to explain at length to others |
廣百論本 广百论本 see styles |
guǎng bǎi lùn běn guang3 bai3 lun4 ben3 kuang pai lun pen kōhyaku ron bon |
Guangbailun ben |
廣目天王 广目天王 see styles |
guǎng mù tiān wáng guang3 mu4 tian1 wang2 kuang mu t`ien wang kuang mu tien wang Kōmoku Tennō |
Virūpākṣa |
廣結良緣 广结良缘 see styles |
guǎng jié liáng yuán guang3 jie2 liang2 yuan2 kuang chieh liang yüan |
to earn people's praise through one's good deeds (idiom) |
廣而告之 广而告之 see styles |
guǎng ér gào zhī guang3 er2 gao4 zhi1 kuang erh kao chih |
to publicize widely |
廣角鏡頭 广角镜头 see styles |
guǎng jiǎo jìng tóu guang3 jiao3 jing4 tou2 kuang chiao ching t`ou kuang chiao ching tou |
wide angle camera shot |
廣說乃至 广说乃至 see styles |
guǎng shuō nǎi zhì guang3 shuo1 nai3 zhi4 kuang shuo nai chih kōsetsu naishi |
explained in detail, up to... |
廣說如前 广说如前 see styles |
guǎng shuō rú qián guang3 shuo1 ru2 qian2 kuang shuo ju ch`ien kuang shuo ju chien kōsetsu nyo zen |
as extensively explained above |
廣說如經 广说如经 see styles |
guǎng shuō rú jīng guang3 shuo1 ru2 jing1 kuang shuo ju ching kōsetsu nyo kyō |
as explained at length in the sūtra(s) |
廣說展轉 广说展转 see styles |
guǎng shuō zhǎn zhuǎn guang3 shuo1 zhan3 zhuan3 kuang shuo chan chuan kōsetsu tenten |
elaborated at length in order |
廣長舌相 广长舌相 see styles |
guǎng cháng shé xiàng guang3 chang2 she2 xiang4 kuang ch`ang she hsiang kuang chang she hsiang kōchōzetsu sō |
a broad and long tongue |
廣開言路 广开言路 see styles |
guǎng kāi yán lù guang3 kai1 yan2 lu4 kuang k`ai yen lu kuang kai yen lu |
to encourage the free airing of views (idiom) |
廣電總局 广电总局 see styles |
guǎng diàn zǒng jú guang3 dian4 zong3 ju2 kuang tien tsung chü |
National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) (abbr. for 國家廣播電視總局|国家广播电视总局[Guo2 jia1 Guang3 bo1 Dian4 shi4 Zong3 ju2]); formerly SAPPRFT, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (2013-2018) and SARFT, the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (prior to 2013) |
心廣體胖 心广体胖 see styles |
xīn guǎng tǐ pán xin1 guang3 ti3 pan2 hsin kuang t`i p`an hsin kuang ti pan |
big-hearted and serene (idiom); contended and easygoing |
所作廣大 所作广大 see styles |
suǒ zuò guǎng dà suo3 zuo4 guang3 da4 so tso kuang ta shosa kōdai |
that which is wrought is vast |
推而廣之 推而广之 see styles |
tuī ér guǎng zhī tui1 er2 guang3 zhi1 t`ui erh kuang chih tui erh kuang chih |
to apply something more broadly; by logical extension; and, by extension, |
插播廣告 插播广告 see styles |
chā bō guǎng gào cha1 bo1 guang3 gao4 ch`a po kuang kao cha po kuang kao |
slot advertisement; interstitial ad; splash ad |
方廣道人 方广道人 see styles |
fāng guǎng dào rén fang1 guang3 dao4 ren2 fang kuang tao jen hōkō dōnin |
Heretical followers of Mahāyāna, who hold a false doctrine of 空 the Void, teaching it as total non-existence, or nihilism. |
時代廣場 时代广场 see styles |
shí dài guǎng chǎng shi2 dai4 guang3 chang3 shih tai kuang ch`ang shih tai kuang chang |
Times Square |
最極廣大 最极广大 see styles |
zuì jí guǎng dà zui4 ji2 guang3 da4 tsui chi kuang ta saigoku kōdai |
most extremely vast |
未能廣大 未能广大 see styles |
wèi néng guǎng dà wei4 neng2 guang3 da4 wei neng kuang ta minō kōdai |
incapable of breadth |
條幅廣告 条幅广告 see styles |
tiáo fú guǎng gào tiao2 fu2 guang3 gao4 t`iao fu kuang kao tiao fu kuang kao |
banner advertisement |
正廣恣語 正广恣语 see styles |
zhèng guǎng zì yǔ zheng4 guang3 zi4 yu3 cheng kuang tzu yü shōkōshigo |
correctly fulfilling speech |
甚深廣大 甚深广大 see styles |
shén shēn guǎng dà shen2 shen1 guang3 da4 shen shen kuang ta shin shin kōdai |
extremely deep and vast |
略標廣釋 略标广释 see styles |
lüè biāo guǎng shì lve4 biao1 guang3 shi4 lve piao kuang shih ryakuhyō kōshaku |
indicating and explaining |
當廣分別 当广分别 see styles |
dāng guǎng fēn bié dang1 guang3 fen1 bie2 tang kuang fen pieh tō kō funbetsu |
will be specified in great detail |
神通廣大 神通广大 see styles |
shén tōng guǎng dà shen2 tong1 guang3 da4 shen t`ung kuang ta shen tung kuang ta |
(idiom) to possess great magical power; to possess remarkable abilities |
積厚流廣 积厚流广 see styles |
jī hòu liú guǎng ji1 hou4 liu2 guang3 chi hou liu kuang |
deep rooted and influential |
細胞廣播 细胞广播 see styles |
xì bāo guǎng bō xi4 bao1 guang3 bo1 hsi pao kuang po |
(Tw) (telecommunications) cell broadcast |
網上廣播 网上广播 see styles |
wǎng shàng guǎng bō wang3 shang4 guang3 bo1 wang shang kuang po |
online broadcast; webcast |
網絡廣告 网络广告 see styles |
wǎng luò guǎng gào wang3 luo4 guang3 gao4 wang lo kuang kao |
online advertising |
若廣分別 若广分别 see styles |
ruò guǎng fēn bié ruo4 guang3 fen1 bie2 jo kuang fen pieh nya kō funbetsu |
if [it, they] are extensively distinguished |
蓋台廣告 盖台广告 see styles |
gài tái guǎng gào gai4 tai2 guang3 gao4 kai t`ai kuang kao kai tai kuang kao |
(Tw) slot advertisement; interstitial ad; splash ad |
見多識廣 见多识广 see styles |
jiàn duō shí guǎng jian4 duo1 shi2 guang3 chien to shih kuang |
experienced and knowledgeable (idiom) |
記憶廣度 记忆广度 see styles |
jì yì guǎng dù ji4 yi4 guang3 du4 chi i kuang tu |
memory span |
識多才廣 识多才广 see styles |
shí duō cái guǎng shi2 duo1 cai2 guang3 shih to ts`ai kuang shih to tsai kuang |
knowledgeable and versatile |
購物廣場 购物广场 see styles |
gòu wù guǎng chǎng gou4 wu4 guang3 chang3 kou wu kuang ch`ang kou wu kuang chang |
shopping mall |
身形廣大 身形广大 see styles |
shēn xíng guǎng dà shen1 xing2 guang3 da4 shen hsing kuang ta shingyō kōdai |
body is vast in size |
轉復增廣 转复增广 see styles |
zhuǎn fù zēng guǎng zhuan3 fu4 zeng1 guang3 chuan fu tseng kuang tenfuku zōkō |
steadily expands and increases |
閱讀廣度 阅读广度 see styles |
yuè dú guǎng dù yue4 du2 guang3 du4 yüeh tu kuang tu |
reading span |
集思廣益 集思广益 see styles |
jí sī guǎng yì ji2 si1 guang3 yi4 chi ssu kuang i |
collecting opinions is of wide benefit (idiom); to pool wisdom for mutual benefit; to profit from widespread suggestions |
集恩廣益 集恩广益 see styles |
jí ēn guǎng yì ji2 en1 guang3 yi4 chi en kuang i |
to pool knowledge and ideas to produce a better outcome |
雲門廣錄 云门广录 see styles |
yún mén guǎng lù yun2 men2 guang3 lu4 yün men kuang lu Ummon kōroku |
Yunmen guanglu |
電視廣播 电视广播 see styles |
diàn shì guǎng bō dian4 shi4 guang3 bo1 tien shih kuang po |
television broadcast; telecast; videocast |
Variations: |
madare まだれ |
kanji "dotted cliff" radical (radical 53) |
仁川廣域市 仁川广域市 see styles |
rén chuān guǎng yù shì ren2 chuan1 guang3 yu4 shi4 jen ch`uan kuang yü shih jen chuan kuang yü shih |
Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province 京畿道[Jing1 ji1 dao4], South Korea |
做廣告宣傳 做广告宣传 see styles |
zuò guǎng gào xuān chuán zuo4 guang3 gao4 xuan1 chuan2 tso kuang kao hsüan ch`uan tso kuang kao hsüan chuan |
to advertise; to make propaganda for something |
光州廣域市 光州广域市 see styles |
guāng zhōu guǎng yù shì guang1 zhou1 guang3 yu4 shi4 kuang chou kuang yü shih |
Gwangju Metropolitan City, capital of South Jeolla Province 全羅南道|全罗南道[Quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4], South Korea |
坐高廣大牀 坐高广大牀 see styles |
zuò gāo guǎng dà chuáng zuo4 gao1 guang3 da4 chuang2 tso kao kuang ta ch`uang tso kao kuang ta chuang zakōkōdaishō |
the usage of a high, wide bed |
大廣智三藏 大广智三藏 see styles |
dà guǎng zhì sān zàng da4 guang3 zhi4 san1 zang4 ta kuang chih san tsang dai kōchi sanzō |
He of great, wide wisdom in the Tripiṭaka, a title of Amogha 阿目佉. |
大田廣域市 大田广域市 see styles |
dà tián guǎng yù shì da4 tian2 guang3 yu4 shi4 ta t`ien kuang yü shih ta tien kuang yü shih |
Daejeon Metropolitan City, capital of South Chungcheong Province 忠清南道[Zhong1 qing1 nan2 dao4], South Korea |
大邱廣域市 大邱广域市 see styles |
dà qiū guǎng yù shì da4 qiu1 guang3 yu4 shi4 ta ch`iu kuang yü shih ta chiu kuang yü shih |
Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of North Gyeongsang Province 慶尚北道|庆尚北道[Qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4] in east South Korea |
天安門廣場 天安门广场 see styles |
tiān ān mén guǎng chǎng tian1 an1 men2 guang3 chang3 t`ien an men kuang ch`ang tien an men kuang chang |
Tiananmen Square |
廣博身如來 广博身如来 see styles |
guǎng bó shēn rú lái guang3 bo2 shen1 ru2 lai2 kuang po shen ju lai Kōbaku shin nyorai |
Vipulakāya-tathāgata |
廣告宣傳畫 广告宣传画 see styles |
guǎng gào xuān chuán huà guang3 gao4 xuan1 chuan2 hua4 kuang kao hsüan ch`uan hua kuang kao hsüan chuan hua |
placard; poster |
廣告宣傳車 广告宣传车 see styles |
guǎng gào xuān chuán chē guang3 gao4 xuan1 chuan2 che1 kuang kao hsüan ch`uan ch`e kuang kao hsüan chuan che |
mobile billboard |
廣告攔截器 广告拦截器 see styles |
guǎng gào lán jié qì guang3 gao4 lan2 jie2 qi4 kuang kao lan chieh ch`i kuang kao lan chieh chi |
ad-blocker |
廣場恐怖症 广场恐怖症 see styles |
guǎng chǎng kǒng bù zhèng guang3 chang3 kong3 bu4 zheng4 kuang ch`ang k`ung pu cheng kuang chang kung pu cheng |
agoraphobia |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "广" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.