There are 1527 total results for your 如 search. I have created 16 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
善如 see styles |
zennyo ぜんにょ |
(surname) Zennyo |
喩如 see styles |
yù rú yu4 ru2 yü ju tatoeba |
for example |
均如 see styles |
jun rú jun1 ru2 chün ju kinnyo きんにょ |
(personal name) Kinnyo Gyunyeo |
夏如 see styles |
natsuyuki なつゆき |
(given name) Natsuyuki |
夢如 see styles |
mujo むじょ |
(female given name) Mujo |
大如 see styles |
oonyo おおにょ |
(surname) Oonyo |
妙如 see styles |
taenyo たえにょ |
(female given name) Taenyo |
婉如 see styles |
wǎn rú wan3 ru2 wan ju |
variant of 宛如[wan3 ru2] |
安如 see styles |
yasuyuki やすゆき |
(personal name) Yasuyuki |
宛如 see styles |
wǎn rú wan3 ru2 wan ju |
to be just like |
実如 see styles |
miyuki みゆき |
(female given name) Miyuki |
寛如 see styles |
kannyo かんにょ |
(given name) Kannyo |
寿如 see styles |
toshiyuki としゆき |
(given name) Toshiyuki |
尚如 see styles |
naoyuki なおゆき |
(personal name) Naoyuki |
希如 see styles |
kijo きじょ |
(female given name) Kijo |
幾如 see styles |
chikayuki ちかゆき |
(personal name) Chikayuki |
康如 see styles |
yasuki やすき |
(given name) Yasuki |
廓如 see styles |
kuò rú kuo4 ru2 k`uo ju kuo ju kakunyo |
vast |
廻如 see styles |
kainyo かいにょ |
(given name) Kainyo |
強如 强如 see styles |
qiáng rú qiang2 ru2 ch`iang ju chiang ju |
to be better than |
形如 see styles |
xíng rú xing2 ru2 hsing ju gyōnyo |
its shape is like... |
彰如 see styles |
akiyuki あきゆき |
(personal name) Akiyuki |
忠如 see styles |
tadanao ただなお |
(given name) Tadanao |
恍如 see styles |
huǎng rú huang3 ru2 huang ju |
to be as if...; to be rather like... |
恒如 see styles |
tsuneyuki つねゆき |
(given name) Tsuneyuki |
恰如 see styles |
qià rú qia4 ru2 ch`ia ju chia ju kōnyo |
just as if just as if |
愕如 see styles |
èr u er4 u2 erh u gakunyo |
to be surprised |
慧如 see styles |
huì rú hui4 ru2 hui ju keijo / kejo けいじょ |
(female given name) Keijo Huiru |
教如 see styles |
kyounyo / kyonyo きょうにょ |
(given name) Kyōnyo |
敬如 see styles |
keijo / kejo けいじょ |
(given name) Keijo |
文如 see styles |
fumiyuku ふみゆく |
(given name) Fumiyuku |
方如 see styles |
fāng rú fang1 ru2 fang ju hōnyo |
similar to |
明如 see styles |
haruyuki はるゆき |
(personal name) Haruyuki |
星如 see styles |
seijo / sejo せいじょ |
(female given name) Seijo |
昭如 see styles |
akiyoshi あきよし |
(male given name) Akiyoshi |
晃如 see styles |
akiyuki あきゆき |
(personal name) Akiyuki |
晏如 see styles |
yasuyuki やすゆき |
(adv-to,adj-t) (archaism) calm; tranquil; (personal name) Yasuyuki |
晶如 see styles |
akiyuki あきゆき |
(personal name) Akiyuki |
有如 see styles |
yǒu rú you3 ru2 yu ju ariyuki ありゆき |
to be like something; similar to; alike (personal name) Ariyuki as-it-is |
杰如 see styles |
jieru じえる |
(personal name) Jieru |
柳如 see styles |
ryuujo / ryujo りゅうじょ |
(personal name) Ryūjo |
栄如 see styles |
hideyuki ひでゆき |
(personal name) Hideyuki |
欠如 see styles |
ketsujo けつじょ |
(n,vs,vi) lack; absence; shortage; deficiency; privation |
正如 see styles |
zhèng rú zheng4 ru2 cheng ju masayuki まさゆき |
just as; precisely as (personal name) Masayuki |
此如 see styles |
cǐ rú ci3 ru2 tz`u ju tzu ju shinyo |
this way |
比如 see styles |
bǐ rú bi3 ru2 pi ju |
for example; for instance; such as |
泉如 see styles |
miyuki みゆき |
(female given name) Miyuki |
法如 see styles |
fǎ rú fa3 ru2 fa ju hōnyo |
suchness of phenomena |
浄如 see styles |
kiyoyuki きよゆき |
(personal name) Kiyoyuki |
涛如 see styles |
toujo / tojo とうじょ |
(given name) Toujo |
渥如 see styles |
atsuyuki あつゆき |
(personal name) Atsuyuki |
渾如 浑如 see styles |
hún rú hun2 ru2 hun ju |
very similar |
澹如 see styles |
tanjo たんじょ |
(personal name) Tanjo |
爽如 see styles |
akiyuki あきゆき |
(personal name) Akiyuki |
猶如 犹如 see styles |
yóu rú you2 ru2 yu ju yunyo |
similar to; like well...just like |
玲如 see styles |
reijo / rejo れいじょ |
(personal name) Reijo |
理如 see styles |
masayuki まさゆき |
(personal name) Masayuki |
界如 see styles |
jier u jier4 u2 jier u kainyo |
The 十界 and 十如 q. v. |
相如 see styles |
sukeyuki すけゆき |
(male given name) Sukeyuki |
眞如 see styles |
zhēn rú zhen1 ru2 chen ju shinnyo しんにょ |
(surname) Shinnyo bhūtatathatā, 部多多他多. The眞 is intp. as 眞實 the real, 如 as 如常 thus always or eternally so; i.e. reality as contrasted with 虛妄 unreality, or appearance, and 不變不改 unchanging or immutable as contrasted with form and phenomena. It resembles the ocean in contrast with the waves. It is the eternal, impersonal, unchangeable reality behind all phenomena. bhūta is substance, that which exists; tathatā is suchness, thusness, i.e. such is its nature. The word is fundamental to Mahāyāna philosophy, implying the absolute, the ultimate source and character of all phenomena, it is the All. It is also called 自性淸淨心 self-existent pure Mind; 佛性 Buddha-nature; 法身 dharmakāya; 如來藏 tathāgata-garbha, or Buddha-treasury; 實相 reality; 法界 Dharma-realm; 法性Dharma-nature; 圓成實性 The complete and perfect real nature, or reality. There are categories of 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, and 12 in number: (1) The undifferentiated whole. (2) There are several antithetical classes, e.g. the unconditioned and the conditioned; the 空 void, static, abstract, noumenal, and the 不 空 not-void, dynamic, phenomenal; pure, and affected (or infected); undefiled (or innocent), i.e. that of Buddhas, defiled, that of all beings; in bonds and free; inexpressible, and expressible in words. (3) 無相 Formless; 無生 uncreated; 無性 without nature, i.e. without characteristics or qualities, absolute in itself. Also, as relative, i.e. good, bad, and indeterminate. (7, 10, 12) The 7 are given in the 唯識論 8; the 10 are in two classes, one of the 別教 cf. 唯識論 8; the other of the 圓教, cf. 菩提心義 4; the 12 are given in the Nirvana Sutra. |
真如 see styles |
zhēn rú zhen1 ru2 chen ju mayuki まゆき |
More info & calligraphy: Tathata / Ultimate Nature of All Things{Buddh} tathata (the ultimate nature of all things); (female given name) Mayuki |
秋如 see styles |
akiyuki あきゆき |
(personal name) Akiyuki |
空如 see styles |
kuunyo / kunyo くうにょ |
(given name) Kuunyo |
突如 see styles |
totsujo とつじょ |
(adv,adv-to,adj-t) suddenly; all of a sudden; unexpectedly |
章如 see styles |
akiyuki あきゆき |
(personal name) Akiyuki |
純如 see styles |
sumiyuki すみゆき |
(personal name) Sumiyuki |
紗如 see styles |
sayuki さゆき |
(personal name) Sayuki |
綽如 see styles |
shakunyo しゃくにょ |
(personal name) Shakunyo |
繪如 see styles |
sonnyo そんにょ |
(female given name) Sonnyo |
美如 see styles |
miyuki みゆき |
(female given name) Miyuki |
義如 see styles |
yoshiyuki よしゆき |
(personal name) Yoshiyuki |
翼如 see styles |
sukeyuki すけゆき |
(personal name) Sukeyuki |
自如 see styles |
zì rú zi4 ru2 tzu ju jinyo |
unobstructed; unconstrained; smoothly; with ease; freely self-fulfilled |
芳如 see styles |
houjo / hojo ほうじょ |
(given name) Houjo |
若如 see styles |
ruò rú ruo4 ru2 jo ju nyanyo |
in which manner or way |
莫如 see styles |
mò rú mo4 ru2 mo ju |
it would be better |
華如 see styles |
hanaki はなき |
(female given name) Hanaki |
蓮如 莲如 see styles |
lián rú lian2 ru2 lien ju rennyo れんにょ |
(person) Rennyo (1415-1499) Rennyo |
虎如 see styles |
torayuki とらゆき |
(personal name) Torayuki |
蝶如 see styles |
choujo / chojo ちょうじょ |
(given name) Chōjo |
覚如 see styles |
kakunyo かくにょ |
(personal name) Kakunyo |
観如 see styles |
kannyo かんにょ |
(personal name) Kannyo |
覺如 觉如 see styles |
juer u juer2 u2 juer u kakunyo かくにょ |
(personal name) Kakunyo idem 覺眞如 v. 眞如. |
觀如 see styles |
kannyo かんにょ |
(personal name) Kannyo |
証如 see styles |
shounyo / shonyo しょうにょ |
(personal name) Shounyo |
誠如 诚如 see styles |
chéng rú cheng2 ru2 ch`eng ju cheng ju |
it is exactly as |
諸如 诸如 see styles |
zhū rú zhu1 ru2 chu ju |
(various things) such as; such as (the following) |
謂如 谓如 see styles |
wèi rú wei4 ru2 wei ju inyo |
this means that... |
謙如 see styles |
noriyuki のりゆき |
(personal name) Noriyuki |
譬如 see styles |
pì rú pi4 ru2 p`i ju pi ju tatoeba |
for example; for instance; such as for example |
躍如 see styles |
hayayuki はやゆき |
(adj-t,adv-to) vivid; lifelike; graphic; (personal name) Hayayuki |
連如 see styles |
rennyo れんにょ |
(place-name) Rennyo |
運如 see styles |
kazuyuki かずゆき |
(personal name) Kazuyuki |
郁如 see styles |
fumiyuki ふみゆき |
(personal name) Fumiyuki |
重如 see styles |
chóng rú chong2 ru2 ch`ung ju chung ju jūnyo |
v. 如如 the double ru. |
隆如 see styles |
takayuki たかゆき |
(given name) Takayuki |
雅如 see styles |
tsuneyuki つねゆき |
(given name) Tsuneyuki |
非如 see styles |
fēi rú fei1 ru2 fei ju |
not thus |
顕如 see styles |
kennyo けんにょ |
(personal name) Kennyo |
麻如 see styles |
mayuki まゆき |
(female given name) Mayuki |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "如" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.