There are 454 total results for your 域 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
後方地域 see styles |
kouhouchiiki / kohochiki こうほうちいき |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) rear area |
接続水域 see styles |
setsuzokusuiiki / setsuzokusuiki せつぞくすいいき |
{law} contiguous zone |
有理數域 有理数域 see styles |
yǒu lǐ shù yù you3 li3 shu4 yu4 yu li shu yü |
field of rational numbers (math.), usually denoted by Q |
格納領域 see styles |
kakunouryouiki / kakunoryoiki かくのうりょういき |
{comp} storage area |
水害地域 see styles |
suigaichiiki / suigaichiki すいがいちいき |
flood-stricken region; flood-stricken area |
流域治水 see styles |
ryuuikichisui / ryuikichisui りゅういきちすい |
river basin management; river basin flood control; river flood risk reduction |
漁業水域 see styles |
gyogyousuiiki / gyogyosuiki ぎょぎょうすいいき |
fishing zone; fishery waters |
特定地域 see styles |
tokuteichiiki / tokutechiki とくていちいき |
specific area; specified region; designated area |
用途地域 see styles |
youtochiiki / yotochiki ようとちいき |
specific-use district; district designated under zoning regulations |
異常震域 see styles |
ijoushiniki / ijoshiniki いじょうしんいき |
region of anomalous seismic intensity |
疑域胎宮 疑域胎宫 see styles |
yí yù tāi gōng yi2 yu4 tai1 gong1 i yü t`ai kung i yü tai kung giiki taigū |
The palace for doubters outside Amitābha's heaven, where all doubters of him are confined for 500 years until fit to enjoy his paradise. |
白地地域 see styles |
shirojichiiki / shirojichiki しろじちいき |
area outside an urban planning zone; no land-use zoning area |
研究領域 研究领域 see styles |
yán jiū lǐng yù yan2 jiu1 ling3 yu4 yen chiu ling yü kenkyuuryouiki / kenkyuryoiki けんきゅうりょういき |
research area; field of research area of study (investigation); research area |
禁煙区域 see styles |
kinenkuiki きんえんくいき |
no smoking area |
空域管理 see styles |
kuuikikanri / kuikikanri くういきかんり |
airspace management |
管理区域 see styles |
kanrikuiki かんりくいき |
controlled access location |
管理領域 see styles |
kanriryouiki / kanriryoiki かんりりょういき |
{comp} Management Domain; MD |
紛争地域 see styles |
funsouchiiki / funsochiki ふんそうちいき |
disputed territory; conflict area |
経済水域 see styles |
keizaisuiiki / kezaisuiki けいざいすいいき |
economic waters or zone |
絶対領域 see styles |
zettairyouiki / zettairyoiki ぜったいりょういき |
(manga slang) exposed skin between top of knee-high socks and hemline of skirt |
緩衝領域 see styles |
kanshouryouiki / kanshoryoiki かんしょうりょういき |
buffer zone; buffer area |
航行区域 see styles |
koukoukuiki / kokokuiki こうこうくいき |
regulated navigation area; navigation area; navigation zone |
行政區域 行政区域 see styles |
xíng zhèng qū yù xing2 zheng4 qu1 yu4 hsing cheng ch`ü yü hsing cheng chü yü |
administrative area |
被災地域 see styles |
hisaichiiki / hisaichiki ひさいちいき |
stricken area; disaster-stricken area; affected area |
記憶領域 see styles |
kiokuryouiki / kiokuryoiki きおくりょういき |
{comp} storage area; memory area |
警戒区域 see styles |
keikaikuiki / kekaikuiki けいかいくいき |
hazard area (flood, tsunami, etc.); danger zone; no man's land |
貧困地域 see styles |
hinkonchiiki / hinkonchiki ひんこんちいき |
poor region; deprived area |
赤線区域 see styles |
akasenkuiki あかせんくいき |
red-light district |
超広帯域 see styles |
choukoutaiiki / chokotaiki ちょうこうたいいき |
(can be adjective with の) (See 超広帯域無線) ultrawideband (radio, radar, etc.) |
通知領域 see styles |
tsuuchiryouiki / tsuchiryoiki つうちりょういき |
(1) {comp} (See タスクトレイ) notification area; system tray; (2) {comp} notification bar (on an Android device); notification drawer |
過疎地域 see styles |
kasochiiki / kasochiki かそちいき |
underpopulated area; lightly-populated area |
選択領域 see styles |
sentakuryouiki / sentakuryoiki せんたくりょういき |
{comp} selected area |
部分領域 see styles |
bubunryouiki / bubunryoiki ぶぶんりょういき |
{comp} portion |
長江流域 长江流域 see styles |
cháng jiāng liú yù chang2 jiang1 liu2 yu4 ch`ang chiang liu yü chang chiang liu yü |
Changjiang or Yangtze river basin |
閉域接続 see styles |
heiikisetsuzoku / hekisetsuzoku へいいきせつぞく |
{comp} closed user group service |
関心領域 see styles |
kanshinryouiki / kanshinryoiki かんしんりょういき |
{comp} region of interest; ROI |
防護領域 see styles |
bougoryouiki / bogoryoiki ぼうごりょういき |
{comp} guarded area |
陸域風電 陆域风电 see styles |
lù yù fēng diàn lu4 yu4 feng1 dian4 lu yü feng tien |
(Tw) onshore wind power |
青線区域 see styles |
aosenkuiki あおせんくいき |
(hist) (See 青線地帯) area around a red-light district where illegal prostitution occurred (marked on police maps by a blue line; 1940s-1956) |
領域束表 see styles |
ryouikitabahyou / ryoikitabahyo りょういきたばひょう |
{comp} fill area bundle table |
領域確保 see styles |
ryouikikakuho / ryoikikakuho りょういきかくほ |
{comp} partitioning |
領域集合 see styles |
ryouikishuugou / ryoikishugo りょういきしゅうごう |
{comp} fill area set |
黃河流域 黄河流域 see styles |
huáng hé liú yù huang2 he2 liu2 yu4 huang ho liu yü |
the Yellow River basin |
域名服務器 域名服务器 see styles |
yù míng fú wù qì yu4 ming2 fu2 wu4 qi4 yü ming fu wu ch`i yü ming fu wu chi |
domain name server |
域多利皇后 see styles |
yù duō lì huáng hòu yu4 duo1 li4 huang2 hou4 yü to li huang hou |
Queen Victoria (1819-1901), reigned 1837-1901 |
Variations: |
kyouiki / kyoiki きょういき |
boundary; border; precinct; grounds |
エコー領域 see styles |
ekooryouiki / ekooryoiki エコーりょういき |
{comp} echo area; echo volume |
グラフ領域 see styles |
gurafuryouiki / gurafuryoiki グラフりょういき |
{comp} graph area |
ヒープ領域 see styles |
hiipuryouiki / hipuryoiki ヒープりょういき |
{comp} heap area |
メモリ領域 see styles |
memoriryouiki / memoriryoiki メモリりょういき |
{comp} memory space |
中山間地域 see styles |
chuusankanchiiki / chusankanchiki ちゅうさんかんちいき |
low uplands; intermediary area between plains and mountains |
二地域居住 see styles |
nichiikikyojuu / nichikikyoju にちいききょじゅう |
dual residence (in both the city and country) |
仁川廣域市 仁川广域市 see styles |
rén chuān guǎng yù shì ren2 chuan1 guang3 yu4 shi4 jen ch`uan kuang yü shih jen chuan kuang yü shih |
Incheon Metropolitan City in Gyeonggi Province 京畿道[Jing1 ji1 dao4], South Korea |
仮想閉域網 see styles |
kasouheiikimou / kasohekimo かそうへいいきもう |
{comp} VPN; Virtual Private Network |
保証格納域 see styles |
hoshoukakunouiki / hoshokakunoiki ほしょうかくのういき |
{comp} secure storage |
光州廣域市 光州广域市 see styles |
guāng zhōu guǎng yù shì guang1 zhou1 guang3 yu4 shi4 kuang chou kuang yü shih |
Gwangju Metropolitan City, capital of South Jeolla Province 全羅南道|全罗南道[Quan2 luo2 nan2 dao4], South Korea |
全局作用域 see styles |
quán jú zuò yòng yù quan2 ju2 zuo4 yong4 yu4 ch`üan chü tso yung yü chüan chü tso yung yü |
(computing) global scope |
名称領域名 see styles |
meishouryouikimei / meshoryoikime めいしょうりょういきめい |
{comp} title-domain-name |
命名副領域 see styles |
meimeifukuryouiki / memefukuryoiki めいめいふくりょういき |
{comp} naming-subdomain |
地域おこし see styles |
chiikiokoshi / chikiokoshi ちいきおこし |
revitalization of an area |
地域コード see styles |
chiikikoodo / chikikoodo ちいきコード |
{comp} local code; area code |
地域冷暖房 see styles |
chiikireidanbou / chikiredanbo ちいきれいだんぼう |
regional air-conditioning; community air-conditioning; district heating and cooling |
地域取引所 see styles |
chiikitorihikijo / chikitorihikijo ちいきとりひきじょ |
regional stock exchange |
地域密着型 see styles |
chiikimicchakugata / chikimicchakugata ちいきみっちゃくがた |
(adj-no,n) community-based; local-based |
地域振興券 see styles |
chiikishinkouken / chikishinkoken ちいきしんこうけん |
(See 地域振興) regional promotion coupons; merchandise coupons for the promotion of the local economy |
地域的分布 see styles |
chiikitekibunpu / chikitekibunpu ちいきてきぶんぷ |
regional distribution |
地域起こし see styles |
chiikiokoshi / chikiokoshi ちいきおこし |
revitalization of an area |
地震空白域 see styles |
jishinkuuhakuiki / jishinkuhakuiki じしんくうはくいき |
seismic gap |
大唐西域記 大唐西域记 see styles |
dà táng xī yù jì da4 tang2 xi1 yu4 ji4 ta t`ang hsi yü chi ta tang hsi yü chi Dai Tō saiiki ki |
Great Tang Records on the Western Regions, travel record of Xuan Zang 玄奘[Xuan2 zang4], compiled by 辯機|辩机[Bian4 ji1] in 646 The Record of Western Countries by Xuanzang of the Tang dynasty ; v. 西域記. |
大田廣域市 大田广域市 see styles |
dà tián guǎng yù shì da4 tian2 guang3 yu4 shi4 ta t`ien kuang yü shih ta tien kuang yü shih |
Daejeon Metropolitan City, capital of South Chungcheong Province 忠清南道[Zhong1 qing1 nan2 dao4], South Korea |
大邱廣域市 大邱广域市 see styles |
dà qiū guǎng yù shì da4 qiu1 guang3 yu4 shi4 ta ch`iu kuang yü shih ta chiu kuang yü shih |
Daegu Metropolitan City, capital of North Gyeongsang Province 慶尚北道|庆尚北道[Qing4 shang4 bei3 dao4] in east South Korea |
太平洋區域 太平洋区域 see styles |
tài píng yáng qū yù tai4 ping2 yang2 qu1 yu4 t`ai p`ing yang ch`ü yü tai ping yang chü yü |
the Pacific Region; the Pacific Rim |
局部作用域 see styles |
jú bù zuò yòng yù ju2 bu4 zuo4 yong4 yu4 chü pu tso yung yü |
(computing) local scope |
属性化領域 see styles |
zokuseikaryouiki / zokusekaryoiki ぞくせいかりょういき |
{comp} qualified area |
市街化区域 see styles |
shigaikakuiki しがいかくいき |
{law} (See 市街化調整区域) area zoned for urbanization (urbanisation) |
帯域幅利用 see styles |
taiikihabariyou / taikihabariyo たいいきはばりよう |
{comp} bandwidth usage |
広域LAN see styles |
kouikiran / koikiran こういきラン |
{comp} wide area LAN |
広帯域伝送 see styles |
koutaiikidensou / kotaikidenso こうたいいきでんそう |
{comp} broadband transmission |
未知の領域 see styles |
michinoryouiki / michinoryoiki みちのりょういき |
(exp,n) uncharted territory; unknown waters; unfamiliar terrain |
殊域周咨錄 殊域周咨录 see styles |
shū yù zhōu zī lù shu1 yu4 zhou1 zi1 lu4 shu yü chou tzu lu |
Ming dynasty record (1574) of exploration and foreign relations |
準住居地域 see styles |
junjuukyochiiki / junjukyochiki じゅんじゅうきょちいき |
{law} semi-residential zone; quasi-residential area |
準工業地域 see styles |
junkougyouchiiki / junkogyochiki じゅんこうぎょうちいき |
{law} light-industrial district; semi-industrial area |
熱水湧出域 see styles |
nessuiyuushutsuiki / nessuiyushutsuiki ねっすいゆうしゅついき |
hydrothermal discharge zone |
私設領域名 see styles |
shisetsuryouikimei / shisetsuryoikime しせつりょういきめい |
{comp} private domain name |
管理領域名 see styles |
kanriryouikimei / kanriryoikime かんりりょういきめい |
{comp} management domain name |
脚書き領域 see styles |
ashigakiryouiki / ashigakiryoiki あしがきりょういき |
{comp} footing area |
蔚山廣域市 蔚山广域市 see styles |
wèi shān guǎng yù shì wei4 shan1 guang3 yu4 shi4 wei shan kuang yü shih |
Ulsan Metropolitan City in South Gyeongsang Province 慶尚南道|庆尚南道[Qing4 shang4 nan2 dao4], South Korea |
西域都護府 see styles |
seiikitogofu / sekitogofu せいいきとごふ |
(hist) (See 都護府) Protectorate General of the Western Regions (Han-period Chinese office established in East Turkestan in 60 BCE) |
言語使用域 see styles |
gengoshiyouiki / gengoshiyoiki げんごしよういき |
{ling} (See 使用域) register |
農用地区域 see styles |
nouyouchikuiki / noyochikuiki のうようちくいき |
area zoned for agricultural use |
釜山廣域市 釜山广域市 see styles |
fǔ shān guǎng yù shì fu3 shan1 guang3 yu4 shi4 fu shan kuang yü shih |
Busan Metropolitan City in South Gyeongsang Province 慶尚南道|庆尚南道[Qing4 shang4 nan2 dao4], South Korea |
隣接定義域 see styles |
rinsetsuteigiiki / rinsetsutegiki りんせつていぎいき |
{comp} adjacent domain |
集中局区域 see styles |
shuuchuukyokukuiki / shuchukyokukuiki しゅうちゅうきょくくいき |
{comp} Toll Area |
非保護領域 see styles |
hihogoryouiki / hihogoryoiki ひほごりょういき |
{comp} unprotected area |
非法人地域 see styles |
hihoujinchiiki / hihojinchiki ひほうじんちいき |
unincorporated area; township not formally in a municipality |
非独立地域 see styles |
hidokuritsuchiiki / hidokuritsuchiki ひどくりつちいき |
non-sovereign territory |
非翻訳領域 see styles |
hihonyakuryouiki / hihonyakuryoiki ひほんやくりょういき |
{biol} untranslated region; UTR |
HII領域 see styles |
eichitsuuryouiki; ecchitsuuryouiki / echitsuryoiki; ecchitsuryoiki エイチツーりょういき; エッチツーりょういき |
{astron} H II region |
システム領域 see styles |
shisutemuryouiki / shisutemuryoiki システムりょういき |
{comp} system area |
スワップ領域 see styles |
suwappuryouiki / suwappuryoiki スワップりょういき |
{comp} swap space; swap area |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "域" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.