There are 360 total results for your 勤 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
勤修行時 勤修行时 see styles |
qín xiū xíng shí qin2 xiu1 xing2 shi2 ch`in hsiu hsing shih chin hsiu hsing shih gon shugyō ji |
when making effort toward cultivation |
勤倹の風 see styles |
kinkennofuu / kinkennofu きんけんのふう |
custom (habit) of diligence and thrift |
勤倹力行 see styles |
kinkenrikkou / kinkenrikko きんけんりっこう |
(noun/participle) (yoji) work hard and practice frugality |
勤倹貯蓄 see styles |
kinkenchochiku きんけんちょちく |
thrift and saving |
勤儉務實 勤俭务实 see styles |
qín jiǎn wù shí qin2 jian3 wu4 shi2 ch`in chien wu shih chin chien wu shih |
hardworking, thrifty and pragmatic |
勤儉建國 勤俭建国 see styles |
qín jiǎn jiàn guó qin2 jian3 jian4 guo2 ch`in chien chien kuo chin chien chien kuo |
(idiom) to build up the country through thrift and hard work |
勤儉持家 勤俭持家 see styles |
qín jiǎn chí jiā qin2 jian3 chi2 jia1 ch`in chien ch`ih chia chin chien chih chia |
hardworking and thrifty in running one's household |
勤儉樸實 勤俭朴实 see styles |
qín jiǎn pǔ shí qin2 jian3 pu3 shi2 ch`in chien p`u shih chin chien pu shih |
(idiom) hardworking, thrifty and unpretentious |
勤儉樸素 勤俭朴素 see styles |
qín jiǎn pǔ sù qin2 jian3 pu3 su4 ch`in chien p`u su chin chien pu su |
(idiom) hardworking, thrifty and unpretentious |
勤儉節約 勤俭节约 see styles |
qín jiǎn jié yuē qin2 jian3 jie2 yue1 ch`in chien chieh yüeh chin chien chieh yüeh |
(idiom) diligent and thrifty |
勤儉耐勞 勤俭耐劳 see styles |
qín jiǎn nài láo qin2 jian3 nai4 lao2 ch`in chien nai lao chin chien nai lao |
diligent and able to endure hardship (idiom) |
勤儉起家 勤俭起家 see styles |
qín jiǎn qǐ jiā qin2 jian3 qi3 jia1 ch`in chien ch`i chia chin chien chi chia |
More info & calligraphy: Rise Up with Thrift and Diligence |
勤儉辦學 勤俭办学 see styles |
qín jiǎn bàn xué qin2 jian3 ban4 xue2 ch`in chien pan hsüeh chin chien pan hsüeh |
to run a school diligently and thriftily |
勤儉辦社 勤俭办社 see styles |
qín jiǎn bàn shè qin2 jian3 ban4 she4 ch`in chien pan she chin chien pan she |
to manage communes diligently and thriftily |
勤則不匱 勤则不匮 see styles |
qín zé bù kuì qin2 ze2 bu4 kui4 ch`in tse pu k`uei chin tse pu kuei |
If one is industrious, one will not be in want. (idiom) |
勤加精進 勤加精进 see styles |
qín jiā jīng jìn qin2 jia1 jing1 jin4 ch`in chia ching chin chin chia ching chin gonke shōjin |
to apply oneself vigorously |
勤加行道 see styles |
qín jiā xíng dào qin2 jia1 xing2 dao4 ch`in chia hsing tao chin chia hsing tao gon kegyō dō |
the path of application |
勤労動員 see styles |
kinroudouin / kinrodoin きんろうどういん |
mobilization of labor services (e.g. in wartime) |
勤労大衆 see styles |
kinroutaishuu / kinrotaishu きんろうたいしゅう |
working people |
勤労奉仕 see styles |
kinrouhoushi / kinrohoshi きんろうほうし |
(noun/participle) labor service; labour service |
勤労学生 see styles |
kinrougakusei / kinrogakuse きんろうがくせい |
working student |
勤労意欲 see styles |
kinrouiyoku / kinroiyoku きんろういよく |
will to work |
勤労所得 see styles |
kinroushotoku / kinroshotoku きんろうしょとく |
earned income |
勤労階級 see styles |
kinroukaikyuu / kinrokaikyu きんろうかいきゅう |
salaried class; working class |
勤務交代 see styles |
kinmukoutai / kinmukotai きんむこうたい |
change of shifts |
勤務場所 see styles |
kinmubasho きんむばしょ |
workplace; place of work |
勤務実績 see styles |
kinmujisseki きんむじっせき |
service record |
勤務年限 see styles |
kinmunengen きんむねんげん |
term of service |
勤務成績 see styles |
kinmuseiseki / kinmuseseki きんむせいせき |
(noun/participle) (one's) work performance; performance record; service record |
勤務時間 see styles |
kinmujikan きんむじかん |
office hours; business hours; working hours |
勤務評定 see styles |
kinmuhyoutei / kinmuhyote きんむひょうてい |
(work) performance evaluation; performance review; efficiency rating |
勤勞致富 勤劳致富 see styles |
qín láo zhì fù qin2 lao2 zhi4 fu4 ch`in lao chih fu chin lao chih fu |
to get rich through hard work |
勤勤懇懇 勤勤恳恳 see styles |
qín qín kěn kěn qin2 qin2 ken3 ken3 ch`in ch`in k`en k`en chin chin ken ken |
industrious and conscientious; assiduous |
勤奮刻苦 勤奋刻苦 see styles |
qín fèn kè kǔ qin2 fen4 ke4 ku3 ch`in fen k`o k`u chin fen ko ku |
diligent; assiduous |
勤学学生 see styles |
kingakugakusei / kingakugakuse きんがくがくせい |
working student |
勤學苦練 勤学苦练 see styles |
qín xué kǔ liàn qin2 xue2 ku3 lian4 ch`in hsüeh k`u lien chin hsüeh ku lien |
to study diligently; to train assiduously |
勤工儉學 勤工俭学 see styles |
qín gōng jiǎn xué qin2 gong1 jian3 xue2 ch`in kung chien hsüeh chin kung chien hsüeh |
to work part-time while studying; work-study program |
勤政廉政 see styles |
qín zhèng lián zhèng qin2 zheng4 lian2 zheng4 ch`in cheng lien cheng chin cheng lien cheng |
honest and industrious government functionaries (idiom) |
勤王攘夷 see styles |
kinnoujoui / kinnojoi きんのうじょうい |
(yoji) loyalty to the emperor and expulsion of the foreigners |
勤王等事 see styles |
qín wáng děng shì qin2 wang2 deng3 shi4 ch`in wang teng shih chin wang teng shih gonō tōji |
enter the king's service |
勤皇攘夷 see styles |
kinnoujoui / kinnojoi きんのうじょうい |
(yoji) loyalty to the emperor and expulsion of the foreigners |
勤策律儀 勤策律仪 see styles |
qín cè lǜ yí qin2 ce4 lv4 yi2 ch`in ts`e lü i chin tse lü i gonsaku ritsugi |
precepts for novice monks |
勤策擁護 勤策拥护 see styles |
qín cè yǒng hù qin2 ce4 yong3 hu4 ch`in ts`e yung hu chin tse yung hu gonsaku yōgo |
precepts for novice monks |
勤精進者 勤精进者 see styles |
qín jīng jìn zhě qin2 jing1 jin4 zhe3 ch`in ching chin che chin ching chin che gon shōjin sha |
[one who] vigorously undertakes |
勤続疲労 see styles |
kinzokuhirou / kinzokuhiro きんぞくひろう |
(joc) (pun on 金属疲労) worsened performance because of long service; malfunctioning resulting from continuous long-term operation |
勤苦之本 see styles |
qín kǔ zhī běn qin2 ku3 zhi1 ben3 ch`in k`u chih pen chin ku chih pen gonku no moto |
the roots of suffering and distress |
勤行精進 勤行精进 see styles |
qín xíng jīng jìn qin2 xing2 jing1 jin4 ch`in hsing ching chin chin hsing ching chin gongyō shōjin |
ardent zeal |
交代勤務 see styles |
koutaikinmu / kotaikinmu こうたいきんむ |
shift work |
交替勤務 see styles |
koutaikinmu / kotaikinmu こうたいきんむ |
shift work |
休日出勤 see styles |
kyuujitsushukkin / kyujitsushukkin きゅうじつしゅっきん |
working on a day off |
会社勤め see styles |
kaishazutome かいしゃづとめ |
(noun/participle) working for a company; being employed by a company |
克勤克儉 克勤克俭 see styles |
kè qín kè jiǎn ke4 qin2 ke4 jian3 k`o ch`in k`o chien ko chin ko chien |
(idiom) industrious and frugal |
出勤時間 see styles |
shukkinjikan しゅっきんじかん |
(1) time for reporting to work; (2) time one leaves home to go to work |
前哨勤務 see styles |
zenshoukinmu / zenshokinmu ぜんしょうきんむ |
outpost duty |
参勤交代 see styles |
sankinkoutai / sankinkotai さんきんこうたい |
daimyo's alternating Edo residence; official attendance service (by a daimyo in the Edo era) |
参勤交替 see styles |
sankinkoutai / sankinkotai さんきんこうたい |
daimyo's alternating Edo residence; official attendance service (by a daimyo in the Edo era) |
同伴出勤 see styles |
douhanshukkin / dohanshukkin どうはんしゅっきん |
(noun/participle) (a bar hostess) coming to work accompanied by a customer |
圓悟克勤 圆悟克勤 see styles |
yuán wù kè qín yuan2 wu4 ke4 qin2 yüan wu k`o ch`in yüan wu ko chin Engo Kokugon |
Yuanwu Keqin |
在宅勤務 see styles |
zaitakukinmu ざいたくきんむ |
working at home; telecommuting; telework |
地勤人員 地勤人员 see styles |
dì qín rén yuán di4 qin2 ren2 yuan2 ti ch`in jen yüan ti chin jen yüan |
(airport) ground crew |
夜勤明け see styles |
yakinake やきんあけ |
(being) off night duty; end of a night shift |
夜間勤務 see styles |
yakankinmu やかんきんむ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) night work |
天道酬勤 see styles |
tiān dào chóu qín tian1 dao4 chou2 qin2 t`ien tao ch`ou ch`in tien tao chou chin |
More info & calligraphy: Heaven Blesses the Diligent |
將勤補拙 将勤补拙 see styles |
jiāng qín - bǔ zhuō jiang1 qin2 - bu3 zhuo1 chiang ch`in - pu cho chiang chin - pu cho |
(idiom) to compensate for lack of ability with hard work |
將勤補絀 将勤补绌 see styles |
jiāng qín bǔ chù jiang1 qin2 bu3 chu4 chiang ch`in pu ch`u chiang chin pu chu |
to compensate for lack of ability through hard work (idiom) |
常勤修習 常勤修习 see styles |
cháng qín xiū xí chang2 qin2 xiu1 xi2 ch`ang ch`in hsiu hsi chang chin hsiu hsi jōgon shushū |
continually cultivates |
常勤講師 see styles |
joukinkoushi / jokinkoshi じょうきんこうし |
(See 非常勤講師) (full-time) lecturer |
当直勤務 see styles |
touchokukinmu / tochokukinmu とうちょくきんむ |
shift duty; point duty |
御勤め品 see styles |
otsutomehin おつとめひん |
article offered at a bargain price; real bargain |
志太勤一 see styles |
shidakinichi しだきんいち |
(person) Shida Kin'ichi (1957.9.5-) |
日中勤務 see styles |
nicchuukinmu / nicchukinmu にっちゅうきんむ |
daytime work; day shift |
時差出勤 see styles |
jisashukkin じさしゅっきん |
(n,vs,vi) staggered work hours |
業精於勤 业精于勤 see styles |
yè jīng yú qín ye4 jing1 yu2 qin2 yeh ching yü ch`in yeh ching yü chin |
mastery of study lies in diligence (idiom). You can only master a subject by assiduous study.; Excellence in work is only possible with diligence.; Practice makes perfect. |
欠勤届け see styles |
kekkintodoke けっきんとどけ |
report of an absence (at work) |
正勤修學 正勤修学 see styles |
zhèng qín xiū xué zheng4 qin2 xiu1 xue2 cheng ch`in hsiu hsüeh cheng chin hsiu hsüeh shōgon shugaku |
proper application toward religious cultivation |
正勤所修 see styles |
zhèng qín suǒ xiū zheng4 qin2 suo3 xiu1 cheng ch`in so hsiu cheng chin so hsiu shōgon shoshu |
correctly apply [oneself] to cultivation |
正勤日王 see styles |
zhèng qín rì wáng zheng4 qin2 ri4 wang2 cheng ch`in jih wang cheng chin jih wang Shōgonnichi ō |
Vikramāditya |
海外転勤 see styles |
kaigaitenkin かいがいてんきん |
overseas job transfer; international job relocation |
無學正勤 无学正勤 see styles |
wú xué zhèng qín wu2 xue2 zheng4 qin2 wu hsüeh cheng ch`in wu hsüeh cheng chin mugaku shōgon |
right effort of post-learners |
無断欠勤 see styles |
mudankekkin むだんけっきん |
(noun/participle) absence from work without permission |
率祿勤那 率禄勤那 see styles |
shuài lù qín nà shuai4 lu4 qin2 na4 shuai lu ch`in na shuai lu chin na Shurogonna |
Srughna. 'An ancient kingdom and city near the upper course of the Yamunā, probably the region between' Saharanpur and Srinagar. Eitel. |
發勤精進 发勤精进 see styles |
fā qín jīng jìn fa1 qin2 jing1 jin4 fa ch`in ching chin fa chin ching chin hotsu gon shōjin |
arouses zeal |
相勤める see styles |
aitsutomeru あいつとめる |
(transitive verb) (polite language) (See 勤める・1) to work (for); to be employed (at); to serve (in) |
精励恪勤 see styles |
seireikakkin / serekakkin せいれいかっきん |
(n,vs,adj-na) (yoji) assiduousness; attending diligently to one's study or duties |
精勤修學 精勤修学 see styles |
jīng qín xiū xué jing1 qin2 xiu1 xue2 ching ch`in hsiu hsüeh ching chin hsiu hsüeh shōgon shugaku |
to apply oneself in the practice toward enlightenment |
精勤修習 精勤修习 see styles |
jīng qín xiū xí jing1 qin2 xiu1 xi2 ching ch`in hsiu hsi ching chin hsiu hsi shōgon shushū |
to make ready |
精勤修集 see styles |
jīng qín xiū jí jing1 qin2 xiu1 ji2 ching ch`in hsiu chi ching chin hsiu chi shōgon shushū |
endeavor and accumulate |
精勤加行 see styles |
jīng qín jiā xíng jing1 qin2 jia1 xing2 ching ch`in chia hsing ching chin chia hsing shōgon kegyō |
[vigorously] applied practice |
精勤思慕 see styles |
jīng qín sī mù jing1 qin2 si1 mu4 ching ch`in ssu mu ching chin ssu mu shōgon shibo |
anxiety |
精勤方便 see styles |
jīng qín fāng biàn jing1 qin2 fang1 bian4 ching ch`in fang pien ching chin fang pien shōgon hōben |
applied practices |
總後勤部 总后勤部 see styles |
zǒng hòu qín bù zong3 hou4 qin2 bu4 tsung hou ch`in pu tsung hou chin pu |
(military) General Logistics Department |
超過勤務 see styles |
choukakinmu / chokakinmu ちょうかきんむ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) overtime (work) |
辛勤耕耘 see styles |
xīn qín gēng yún xin1 qin2 geng1 yun2 hsin ch`in keng yün hsin chin keng yün |
to make industrious and diligent efforts (idiom) |
通勤の足 see styles |
tsuukinnoashi / tsukinnoashi つうきんのあし |
(exp,n) (See 足・6) means of commuting; transportation for commuting; way of getting to work |
通勤列車 see styles |
tsuukinressha / tsukinressha つうきんれっしゃ |
commuter train |
通勤地獄 see styles |
tsuukinjigoku / tsukinjigoku つうきんじごく |
commuters' hell; commuting hell |
通勤定期 see styles |
tsuukinteiki / tsukinteki つうきんていき |
commutation ticket; season ticket |
通勤快速 see styles |
tsuukinkaisoku / tsukinkaisoku つうきんかいそく |
commuter express; commuter limited express; rapid-service commuter train |
通勤急行 see styles |
tsuukinkyuukou / tsukinkyuko つうきんきゅうこう |
commuter express; commuter limited express; rapid-service commuter train |
通勤手当 see styles |
tsuukinteate / tsukinteate つうきんてあて |
travel allowance; commuting allowance |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "勤" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.