There are 1433 total results for your 修 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
修立 see styles |
xiū lì xiu1 li4 hsiu li shuryū |
to erect |
修策 see styles |
shuusaku / shusaku しゅうさく |
(given name) Shuusaku |
修範 see styles |
shuuhan / shuhan しゅうはん |
(given name) Shūhan |
修築 修筑 see styles |
xiū zhù xiu1 zhu4 hsiu chu shuuchiku / shuchiku しゅうちく |
to build (noun, transitive verb) repair; renovation; restoration |
修紀 see styles |
shuuki / shuki しゅうき |
(personal name) Shuuki |
修絵 see styles |
nobue のぶえ |
(female given name) Nobue |
修緒 see styles |
misao みさお |
(given name) Misao |
修編 修编 see styles |
xiū biān xiu1 bian1 hsiu pien |
to revise |
修練 修练 see styles |
xiū liàn xiu1 lian4 hsiu lien shuuren / shuren しゅうれん |
to practice (an activity); to perform (noun/participle) training; drill; practice; practising; discipline |
修繕 修缮 see styles |
xiū shàn xiu1 shan4 hsiu shan shuuzen / shuzen しゅうぜん |
to renovate; to repair (a building) (noun, transitive verb) repair; mending |
修羅 修罗 see styles |
xiū luó xiu1 luo2 hsiu lo shura しゅら |
Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology (1) (abbreviation) {Buddh} (See 阿修羅) Asura; demigod; anti-god; titan; demigods that fight the Devas (gods) in Hindu mythology; (2) fighting; carnage; conflict; strife; (3) sledge (for conveying large rocks, logs, etc.); (4) (See 滑道) log slide; chute; flume; (female given name) Shura asura, demons who war with Indra; v. 阿修羅; it is also sura, which means a god, or deity. |
修美 see styles |
nagatomi ながとみ |
(personal name) Nagatomi |
修義 see styles |
nobuyoshi のぶよし |
(male given name) Nobuyoshi |
修習 修习 see styles |
xiū xí xiu1 xi2 hsiu hsi shuushuu / shushu しゅうしゅう |
to study; to practice apprenticeship [meditative] cultivation |
修耶 see styles |
shuuya / shuya しゅうや |
(personal name) Shuuya |
修腳 修脚 see styles |
xiū jiǎo xiu1 jiao3 hsiu chiao |
pedicure |
修臣 see styles |
shuushin / shushin しゅうしん |
(given name) Shuushin |
修自 see styles |
shuuji / shuji しゅうじ |
(given name) Shuuji |
修至 see styles |
shuuji / shuji しゅうじ |
(given name) Shuuji |
修興 see styles |
nobuoki のぶおき |
(personal name) Nobuoki |
修良 see styles |
nobuyoshi のぶよし |
(personal name) Nobuyoshi |
修芳 see styles |
nobuyoshi のぶよし |
(male given name) Nobuyoshi |
修英 see styles |
nobufusa のぶふさ |
(personal name) Nobufusa |
修葺 see styles |
xiū qì xiu1 qi4 hsiu ch`i hsiu chi shushū |
to repair; to renovate repair, renovate |
修蔵 see styles |
shuuzou / shuzo しゅうぞう |
(given name) Shuuzou |
修虫 see styles |
osamu おさむ |
(personal name) Osamu |
修行 see styles |
xiū xíng xiu1 xing2 hsiu hsing nobuyuki のぶゆき |
More info & calligraphy: Shugyo(noun, transitive verb) (1) training; practice; discipline; study; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {Buddh} ascetic practices; (personal name) Nobuyuki caryā, conduct; to observe and do; to end one's ways; to cultivate oneself in right practice; be religious, or pious. |
修補 修补 see styles |
xiū bǔ xiu1 bu3 hsiu pu shuuho / shuho しゅうほ |
to mend (noun, transitive verb) repairing |
修覆 see styles |
shuufuku / shufuku しゅふく |
(out-dated kanji) (n,vs,adj-no) restoration; repair; mending |
修見 see styles |
shuumi / shumi しゅうみ |
(personal name) Shuumi |
修規 修规 see styles |
xiū guī xiu1 gui1 hsiu kuei |
construction plan |
修視 see styles |
shuuji / shuji しゅうじ |
(personal name) Shuuji |
修觀 修观 see styles |
xiū guān xiu1 guan1 hsiu kuan shukan |
practice of clear observation |
修訂 修订 see styles |
xiū dìng xiu1 ding4 hsiu ting shuutei / shute しゅうてい |
to revise (noun, transitive verb) correction; revision |
修設 修设 see styles |
xiū shè xiu1 she4 hsiu she shusetsu |
to cultivate |
修詩 see styles |
shuuji / shuji しゅうじ |
(given name) Shuuji |
修課 修课 see styles |
xiū kè xiu1 ke4 hsiu k`o hsiu ko |
to take a course |
修調 修调 see styles |
xiū tiáo xiu1 tiao2 hsiu t`iao hsiu tiao shujō |
disciplined |
修論 see styles |
shuuron / shuron しゅうろん |
(abbreviation) (See 修士論文) masters thesis |
修證 修证 see styles |
xiū zhèng xiu1 zheng4 hsiu cheng shūshō |
cultivation and realization |
修護 see styles |
shuugo / shugo しゅうご |
(personal name) Shuugo |
修讀 修读 see styles |
xiū dú xiu1 du2 hsiu tu |
to study (in an academic program); to pursue (a degree) |
修豪 see styles |
nobutake のぶたけ |
(given name) Nobutake |
修資 see styles |
nobumoto のぶもと |
(personal name) Nobumoto |
修路 see styles |
xiū lù xiu1 lu4 hsiu lu shuuji / shuji しゅうじ |
to repair a road (place-name) Shuuji |
修身 see styles |
xiū shēn xiu1 shen1 hsiu shen masami まさみ |
to cultivate one's moral character; (fashion) slim-fit; body-hugging morals; ethics; moral training; (personal name) Masami self-cultivation |
修車 修车 see styles |
xiū chē xiu1 che1 hsiu ch`e hsiu che |
to repair a bike (car etc) |
修輔 see styles |
shuusuke / shusuke しゅうすけ |
(given name) Shuusuke |
修輝 see styles |
nobuteru のぶてる |
(given name) Nobuteru |
修辞 see styles |
shuuji / shuji しゅうじ |
figure of speech; rhetorical flourish |
修辭 修辞 see styles |
xiū cí xiu1 ci2 hsiu tz`u hsiu tzu |
rhetoric See: 修辞 |
修造 see styles |
xiū zào xiu1 zao4 hsiu tsao shouzou / shozo しょうぞう |
to build; to repair (noun, transitive verb) repairing (a temple, shrine, etc.); (male given name) Shouzou |
修進 修进 see styles |
xiū jìn xiu1 jin4 hsiu chin shushin |
to cultivate |
修道 see styles |
xiū dào xiu1 dao4 hsiu tao nagamichi ながみち |
to practice Daoism (n,vs,vi) learning; studying the fine arts; (given name) Nagamichi To cultivate the way of religion; be religious; the way of self-cultivation. In the Hīnayāna the stage from anāgāmin to arhat; in Mahāyāna one of the bodhisattva stages. |
修郎 see styles |
shuurou / shuro しゅうろう |
(male given name) Shuurou |
修郭 see styles |
nobuhiro のぶひろ |
(given name) Nobuhiro |
修錬 see styles |
shuuren / shuren しゅうれん |
(noun/participle) training; drill; practice; practising; discipline |
修鍊 see styles |
xiū liàn xiu1 lian4 hsiu lien shuren |
training |
修長 修长 see styles |
xiū cháng xiu1 chang2 hsiu ch`ang hsiu chang osanaga おさなが |
slender; lanky; tall and thin (given name) Osanaga |
修門 修门 see styles |
xiū mén xiu1 men2 hsiu men shumon |
approach of cultivation |
修阻 see styles |
xiū zǔ xiu1 zu3 hsiu tsu |
(literary) long and arduous (road) |
修院 see styles |
xiū yuàn xiu1 yuan4 hsiu yüan shuuin / shuin しゅういん |
seminary (Christian college) friary |
修雄 see styles |
masao まさお |
(personal name) Masao |
修集 see styles |
xiū jí xiu1 ji2 hsiu chi shushū |
cultivate and gather (virtue) |
修靖 see styles |
nagayasu ながやす |
(given name) Nagayasu |
修面 see styles |
xiū miàn xiu1 mian4 hsiu mien |
to have a shave; to enhance the appearance of the face |
修音 see styles |
xiū yīn xiu1 yin1 hsiu yin |
voicing (adjustment of timbre, loudness etc of organ or other musical instrument) |
修飾 修饰 see styles |
xiū shì xiu1 shi4 hsiu shih shuushoku / shushoku しゅうしょく |
to decorate; to adorn; to dress up; to polish (a written piece); to qualify or modify (grammar) (noun, transitive verb) (1) ornamentation; embellishment; decoration; adornment; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {gramm} modification; qualification |
修養 修养 see styles |
xiū yǎng xiu1 yang3 hsiu yang shuuyou / shuyo しゅうよう |
More info & calligraphy: Self-Improvement(n,vs,vi) self-improvement; (mental) training; self-discipline; cultivation cultivating moral character |
修香 see styles |
naoka なおか |
(female given name) Naoka |
修馬 see styles |
shuuma / shuma しゅうま |
(given name) Shuuma |
修麻 see styles |
shuuma / shuma しゅうま |
(personal name) Shuuma |
修齊 修齐 see styles |
xiū qí xiu1 qi2 hsiu ch`i hsiu chi |
to make level; to make even; to trim |
一修 see styles |
kazumasa かずまさ |
(given name) Kazumasa |
三修 see styles |
sān xiū san1 xiu1 san hsiu san shū |
The three ways of discipline, i.e. three śrāvaka and three bodhisattva ways. The three śrāvaka ways are 無常修 no realization of the eternal, seeing everything as transient; 非樂修 joyless, through only contemplating misery and not realizing the ultimate nirvāṇa-joy; 無我修 non-ego discipline, seeing only the perishing self and not realizing the immortal self. The bodhisattva three are the opposite of these. |
下修 see styles |
xià xiū xia4 xiu1 hsia hsiu |
to revise downward |
不修 see styles |
bù xiū bu4 xiu1 pu hsiu fushu |
not practicing |
主修 see styles |
zhǔ xiū zhu3 xiu1 chu hsiu |
(education) to major in; major |
久修 see styles |
hisanobu ひさのぶ |
(given name) Hisanobu |
乾修 see styles |
kanshuu / kanshu かんしゅう |
(given name) Kanshuu |
二修 see styles |
èr xiū er4 xiu1 erh hsiu niś hu |
Two kinds of devotion or practice, 專修 and 雜修 sole or single-minded, and miscellaneous or varied, defined as (1) chief or sole duty, and (2) aids thereto or adjunctive observances. Also 緣修 causative devotion of a bodhisattva in former life, and 眞修 its actual manifestation here. |
介修 see styles |
kaishuu / kaishu かいしゅう |
(personal name) Kaishuu |
令修 see styles |
lìng xiū ling4 xiu1 ling hsiu ryōshu |
to make (someone) practice |
仲修 see styles |
nakajou / nakajo なかじょう |
(surname) Nakajō |
会修 see styles |
kaishuu / kaishu かいしゅう |
(personal name) Kaishuu |
保修 see styles |
bǎo xiū bao3 xiu1 pao hsiu hoshuu / hoshu ほしゅう |
to promise to keep something in good repair; guarantee; warranty maintenance |
假修 see styles |
jiǎ xiū jia3 xiu1 chia hsiu keshu |
provisional practice |
先修 see styles |
xiān xiū xian1 xiu1 hsien hsiu senshu |
first cultivates |
光修 see styles |
mitsunobu みつのぶ |
(personal name) Mitsunobu |
克修 see styles |
yoshinobu よしのぶ |
(given name) Yoshinobu |
共修 see styles |
kyoushuu / kyoshu きょうしゅう |
(noun/participle) studying together (esp. of males and females); coeducation |
具修 see styles |
jù xiū ju4 xiu1 chü hsiu gu shu |
concurrently practices |
兼修 see styles |
kenshuu / kenshu けんしゅう |
(noun, transitive verb) studying two subjects together (e.g. as a major and a minor) |
別修 别修 see styles |
bié xiū bie2 xiu1 pieh hsiu betsushu |
specifically practiced |
利修 see styles |
toshinobu としのぶ |
(given name) Toshinobu |
刪修 see styles |
sanshuu / sanshu さんしゅう |
revision; reform |
功修 see styles |
katsunobu かつのぶ |
(male given name) Katsunobu |
勝修 胜修 see styles |
shèng xiū sheng4 xiu1 sheng hsiu shōshu |
[superior] cultivation |
勤修 see styles |
qín xiū qin2 xiu1 ch`in hsiu chin hsiu gonshū |
application |
勧修 see styles |
kanshuu / kanshu かんしゅう |
(personal name) Kanshuu |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "修" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.