Free Chinese & Japanese Online Dictionary

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Mandarin Chinese information.
Old Wade-Giles romanization used only in Taiwan.
Japanese information.
Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
 Definition may be different outside of Buddhism.

There are 1401 total results for your Character search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition

see styles
fēn wǎ
    fen1 wa3
fen wa
deciwatt (old); single-character equivalent of 分瓦[fen1 wa3]

see styles
háo wǎ
    hao2 wa3
hao wa
milliwatt (old); single-character equivalent of 毫瓦[hao2 wa3]

see styles
bǎi wǎ
    bai3 wa3
pai wa
hectowatt (old); single-character equivalent of 百瓦

see styles
brief; sketchy; outline; summary; to omit; (bound form before a single-character verb) a bit; somewhat; slightly; plan; strategy; to capture (territory)
(n,n-suf) (1) abbreviation; omission; (2) outline; gist; (3) plan; strategy; scheme
To mark off, define: abridge, outline, sketch; summarize in general; rather, somewhat.

see styles
to draw; to paint; picture; painting (CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1]); to draw (a line) (variant of 劃|划[hua4]); stroke of a Chinese character (variant of 劃|划[hua4]); (calligraphy) horizontal stroke (variant of 劃|划[hua4])
Draw, paint, picture, sketch; devise, fix.

see styles
bǎi mǐ
    bai3 mi3
pai mi
hectometer (old); single-character equivalent of 百米[bai3 mi3]

see styles

(bound form) flesh; muscle
(1) skin; (2) body (in the context of intimate bodily contact); (n,n-suf) (3) surface; grain (e.g. of wood); texture; (4) disposition; temperament; character; type

see styles

(1) skin; (2) body (in the context of intimate bodily contact); (n,n-suf) (3) surface; grain (e.g. of wood); texture; (4) disposition; temperament; character; type

see styles
(bound form) to sprout; to bud; (coll.) cute; adorable (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 萌え "moe", affection for an anime or manga character); (literary) common people (variant of 氓[meng2])
(female given name) Moyuru
a sprout

see styles
ten thousand; a great number
(counter) {mahj} counter for character tiles; (surname) Yorozu
Myriad, 10,000; all.

see styles

Bodhisattva; surname Sa
(surname) Satsusa
A character introduced by the Buddhists, used as a translit. of sa sounds.

see styles

to disobey; contrary; against; to go against; to violate; obscure character, possibly variant of 惡|恶[e4]

see styles
to teach; to train; to admonish; (bound form) instruction (from superiors); teachings; rule
(1) native Japanese reading of a Chinese character; (n,suf) (2) (See 処世訓・しょせいくん) precept; lesson; one's teachings; (female given name) Yomi
To teach.

see styles
to bid farewell; tricks of the trade; pithy mnemonic formula (e.g. Mao Zedong's 16-character mantra 十六字訣|十六字诀 on guerrilla warfare)
(male given name) Satoshi
to branch off

see styles

resources; capital; to provide; to supply; to support; money; expense
(1) funds; capital; (2) material; basis; (3) character; qualities; disposition; (female given name) Moto
Funds, basis, property, supplies; fees; to depend on: disposition: expenditure.

see styles
to walk (side part of split character)

see styles
to walk (side part of split character)

see styles
character used in Korea in former times to represent the syllable "ngai"

see styles
sound; noise; note (of musical scale); tone; news; syllable; reading (phonetic value of a character)
(n,n-suf) (1) sound; noise; (2) (speech) sound; (3) (See 訓・1) Chinese-derived reading of a kanji; (female given name) Riri
Sound, note, that which is heard.

see styles
the final (of a syllable) (Chinese phonology); rhyme; appeal; charm; (literary) pleasant sound
(1) (See 韻を踏む) rhyme; (2) {ling} rhyme (of a Chinese character); rime; (personal name) Hibiki

see styles
component in Chinese character 殷[yin1]


see styles
i p
    i p
i p
 ai pii; aipii(sk) / ai pi; aipi(sk)
    アイ・ピー; アイピー(sk)
intellectual property (in China, esp. since 2015, often used as an entertainment industry term for a creative work used as the basis of a new product, such as a manga adapted as a tv series, or the image of a cartoon character appearing on merchandise)
(1) {comp} (See インターネットプロトコル) Internet Protocol; IP; (2) (See 知的財産) intellectual property


see styles
o s
    o s
o s
 oo esu; ooesu(sk)
    オー・エス; オーエス(sk)
(in a soap opera or movie) voice-over that makes a character's unspoken thoughts audible to the audience
{comp} operating system; OS


see styles
 pii shii; piishii(sk) / pi shi; pishi(sk)
    ピー・シー; ピーシー(sk)
(1) (See パーソナルコンピューター) personal computer; PC; (2) (See プレストレストコンクリート) prestressed concrete; (3) (See プレキャストコンクリート) precast concrete; (4) (See ポリカーボネート) polycarbonate; (5) (See ポリティカルコレクトネス) political correctness; (6) (See パトロールカー) patrol car; police car; (7) (See パブリックコメント) public comment; (8) (See プレイヤーキャラクター) player character; playable character


see styles
(1) man; person; (2) human being; mankind; people; (3) (kana only) human (Homo sapiens); humans as a species; (4) character; personality; (5) man of talent; true man; (6) another person; other people; others; (7) adult


see styles
(1) mob; (2) {comp} minor character (in computer games, from mobile object)


see styles
yī wèi
    yi1 wei4
i wei
persistently; stubbornly; blindly
(1) clan; partisans; conspirators; gang; ring; crew; (n,vs,vi) (2) participation (e.g. in a plot); (3) one flavour; one charm; (4) one ingredient (in traditional Chinese medicine); (5) {Buddh} universality (of the teachings of Buddha); (given name) Kazumi
One, or the same flavour, kind or character, i.e. the Buddha's teaching.


see styles
yī dì
    yi1 di4
i ti
(personal name) Ichiji
The one ground; the same ground; the Buddha-nature of all living beings i.e. as all the plants grow out of the one ground, so all good character and works grow from the one Buddha-nature.


see styles
yī rú
    yi1 ru2
i ju
to be just like
oneness; (personal name) Kazuyuki
The one ru, i.e. the bhūtatathatā, or absolute, as the norm and essence of life. The 眞如 true suchness, or true character, or reality; the 法性 nature of things or beings. The whole of things as they are, or seem; a cosmos; a species; things of the same order. Name of a celebrated monk, Yiru. V. 一眞; 一實.


see styles
yī zì
    yi1 zi4
i tzu
in a row; in a line
(one) letter; (one) character
One word; a magic or esoteric word.


see styles
(1) tiny amount of money; a penny; a cent; a farthing; (2) one letter; one character; (3) (hist) (See 文・1) one mon (unit of currency); (given name) Kazufumi


see styles
mò qí
    mo4 qi2
mo ch`i
    mo chi
two-character surname Moqi


see styles
(mahj) (kana only) character tiles (chi:); (surname, female given name) Manko


see styles
the three character styles: square and semicursive and grass; (wk) The Three-Body Problem (2008 novel and subsequent adaptations)


see styles
sān dé
    san1 de2
san te
The three virtues or powers, of which three groups are given below. (1) (a) 法身德 The virtue or potency of the Buddha's eternal, spiritual body, the dharmakāya; (b) 般若德 of his prājñā, or wisdom, knowing all things in their reality; (c) 解脫德 of his freedom from all bonds and his sovereign Iiberty. Each of these has the four qualities of 常, 樂我, 淨eternity, joy, personality, and purity; v. 漫涅槃經 (2) (a) 智德 The potency of his perfect knowledge; (b) 斷德 of his cutting off all illusion and perfecting of supreme nirvāṇa; the above two are 自利 for his own advantage; (c) 恩德 of his universal grace and salvation, which 利他 bestows the benefits he has acquired on others. (3) (a) 因圓德 The perfection of his causative or karmic works during his three great kalpas of preparation; (b) 果圓德 the perfection of the fruit, or results in his own character and wisdom; (c) 恩圓德 the perfection of his grace in the salvation of others.


see styles
sān xìng
    san1 xing4
san hsing
The three types of character 善, 惡, 無記 good, bad and undefinable, or neutral; v. 唯識論 5. Also, 徧依圓三性 the three aspects of the nature of a thing— partial, as when a rope is mistaken for a snake; only partly reliable, i.e. incomplete inference, as when it is considered as mere hemp; all around, or perfect, when content, form, etc., are all considered.



see styles
sān bèi
    san1 bei4
san pei
The three ranks of those who reach the Pure Land of Amitābha: superior i.e. monks and nuns who become enlightened and devote themselves to invocation of the Buddha of boundless age; medium, i.e. laymen of similar character who do pious deeds; inferior, i.e. laymen less perfect than the last.


see styles
shàng gēn
    shang4 gen1
shang ken
(place-name, surname) Kamine
A man of superior character or capacity, e.g. with superior organs of sight, hearing, etc.


see styles
xià gēn
    xia4 gen1
hsia ken
(place-name, surname) Shimone
Those (born) with base character, or of low capacity.


see styles
(1) geta; traditional Japanese wooden sandal; (2) {print} (printed as 〓, resembling the teeth of a geta) (See 伏せ字・2) turn (in set-type proofing); upside-down character; (3) {go} (esp. ゲタ) net; geta; (surname) Shimoda


see styles
qiū bā
    qiu1 ba1
ch`iu pa
    chiu pa
soldier (from the two components of the 兵 character) (derog.)


see styles
    chuuten / chuten
middle dot (typographical symbol used between parallel terms, names in katakana, etc.); full-stop mark at mid-character height; interpoint (interword separation); (1) middle point; median point; (2) middle dot (typographical symbol used between parallel terms, names in katakana, etc.); full-stop mark at mid-character height; interpoint (interword separation)


see styles
(・) middle dot; centred period; full-stop mark at mid-character height; interpoint; symbol used for interword separation, between parallel terms, names in katakana, etc.; (place-name, surname) Nakaguro


see styles
zhǔ gōng
    zhu3 gong1
chu kung
 shukou / shuko
Your Highness; Your Majesty
(1) (archaism) master; (2) (archaism) main character; protagonist



see styles
zhǔ nǎo
    zhu3 nao3
chu nao
leader; the one in control; main (part, character etc)


see styles
guāi lì
    guai1 li4
kuai li
perverse (behavior); disagreeable (character)


see styles
jiǔ zì
    jiu3 zi4
chiu tzu
{Buddh} (See 臨兵闘者皆陣裂在前) nine-character charm chanted with ritual gestures to ward off evil (esp. by mountain ascetics and adherents of Esoteric Buddhism)
The nine magical characters 臨兵鬪者皆陳列在前 implying that the armed forces are arrayed against the powers of evil. After reciting these words, four vertical and five horizontal lines, forming a grid, are drawn in the air to show that the forces are arrayed. It was used among Taoists and soldiers, and is still used in Japan, especially when going into the mountains.



see styles
luàn mǎ
    luan4 ma3
luan ma
mojibake (nonsense characters displayed when software fails to render text according to its intended character encoding)


see styles
èr shàn
    er4 shan4
erh shan
(surname) Futayoshi
The two good things, 定善 the good character that arises from meditation or contemplation mdash especially of the Pure Land; 散善 the good character attainable when, though not in meditation, one controls oneself in thought, word, and deed;. Also 未生善 the good character not yet evolved; and 已生善 the good character already evolved;. Also 事理善 goodness in theory and practice.


see styles
rén gé
    ren2 ge2
jen ko
personality; integrity; dignity
personality; character; individuality; personhood


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) popularity; public favor; (2) condition (e.g. market); tone; character; nature



see styles
rén qì
    ren2 qi4
jen ch`i
    jen chi
popularity; personality; character



see styles
rén shè
    ren2 she4
jen she
the design of a character (in games, manga etc) (abbr. for 人物設定|人物设定); (fig.) (a celebrity or other public figure's) image in the eyes of the public; public persona



see styles
rén jiān
    ren2 jian1
jen chien
the human world; the earth
(1) human being; human; person; man; mankind; humankind; (2) character (of a person)
human being(s)


see styles
jīn yīn
    jin1 yin1
chin yin
modern (i.e. not ancient) pronunciation of a Chinese character


see styles
(1) doer; performer; (2) (kana only) protagonist (in noh or kyogen); hero; leading part; main character; (3) speculator (in trading)


see styles
líng hú
    ling2 hu2
ling hu
old place name (in present-day Linyi County 臨猗縣|临猗县[Lin2yi1 Xian4], Shanxi); two-character surname Linghu


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (1) symbol used in place of a censored word (e.g. blank, circle, X, asterisk); (2) turn (in set-type proofing); upside-down character


see styles
(1) constitution (physical); physical make-up; predisposition (to disease); disposition; tendency; (2) character (of a group, organization, etc.); innate characteristics; make-up; nature; culture


see styles
(1) (archaism) native Japanese kanji (esp. used during the Edo period); (2) made-up kanji; Chinese character of one's own creation; (3) creating a character with a group of people; (noun/participle) (1) designing a font; (2) creating a new character not currently available


see styles
zuò jiè
    zuo4 jie4
tso chieh
Obedience to the commandments, external fulfillment of them; also called 表色, in contrast with 無作戒, 無表色 the inner grace; moral action in contrast with inner moral character.


see styles
(adjectival noun) (rare) firm and upright (character); (personal name) Tadanao


see styles
xiū shēn
    xiu1 shen1
hsiu shen
to cultivate one's moral character; (fashion) slim-fit; body-hugging
morals; ethics; moral training; (personal name) Masami



see styles
gè xìng
    ge4 xing4
ko hsing
 kosei / kose
individuality; personality
individuality; personality; quirk; idiosyncrasy; character; individual characteristic


see styles
{comp} double size of character


see styles
Japanese reading of a Chinese character


see styles
jiǎ jiè
    jia3 jie4
chia chieh
to make use of; to use something as pretext; under false pretenses; under the guise of; masquerading as; lenient; tolerant; loan character (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters); character acquiring meanings by phonetic association; also called phonetic loan


see styles
piān páng
    pian1 pang2
p`ien p`ang
    pien pang
 henbou / henbo
component of a Chinese character (as the radical or the phonetic part)
(1) left and right kanji radicals; (2) (colloquialism) kanji radical positions


see styles
(1) strong-willed person; old hand; shrewd rascal; wily fox; desperate character; formidable woman; (2) strong man; brave man


see styles
ào gǔ
    ao4 gu3
ao ku
lofty and unyielding character


see styles
(rare) rare character; rare kanji



see styles
rù xì
    ru4 xi4
ju hsi
(of an actor) to inhabit one's role; to become the character; (of an audience) to get involved in the drama


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 半角) em; em quad (printing); full-width character


see styles
bā zì
    ba1 zi4
pa tzu
the character 8 or 八; birthdate characters used in fortune-telling
(surname) Yaji
The eight leading characters of the 聖行 chapter in the Nirvāṇa sūtra 生滅滅巳寂滅爲樂, the teaching of the sūtra is death, or nirvāṇa, as entry into joy.


see styles
public character; (personal name) Mikindo



see styles
gōng sūn
    gong1 sun1
kung sun
 kouson / koson
two-character surname Gongsun
(surname, given name) Kōson


see styles
gòng xìng
    gong4 xing4
kung hsing
overall character


see styles
{comp} internal character


see styles
lěng zì
    leng3 zi4
leng tzu
obscure word; unfamiliar character


see styles
chū shì
    chu1 shi4
ch`u shih
    chu shih
to be born; to come into being; to withdraw from worldly affairs
(n,vs,vi) success in life; getting ahead; successful career; promotion; climbing the corporate ladder; eminence; (surname) Shutsuse
(1) Appearance in the world e. g. the Buddha's appearing. (2) To leave the world; a monk or nun. (3) Beyond, or outside this world, not of this world; of nirvana character.


see styles
qiē cuō
    qie1 cuo1
ch`ieh ts`o
    chieh tso
to compare notes; to learn from one another
(noun/participle) polishing (stones); polishing (character)


see styles
chū wén
    chu1 wen2
ch`u wen
    chu wen
archaic (and simpler) form of a Chinese character


see styles
 bekkei / bekke
another form (of a character)


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) designing a font; (2) creating a new character not currently available



see styles
gāng liè
    gang1 lie4
kang lieh
resolute and upright in character; unyielding; staunch


see styles
auxiliary character (in kanbun)


see styles
(1) {ling} (See 助詞) particle (in Japanese); (2) {ling} (See 助詞,助動詞・1) auxiliary word (in Japanese; particles and auxiliary verbs); (3) {ling} (See 助字・じょじ) auxiliary character (in kanbun)



see styles
jìng cǎo
    jing4 cao3
ching ts`ao
    ching tsao
 keisou / keso
tough upright grass; (fig.) a staunch character who is loyal despite danger and hardship
wind-resistant blade of grass; resistant idea (metaphorically); (personal name) Keisou


see styles
{comp} Japanese character set row and column index



see styles
qū wèi
    qu1 wei4
ch`ü wei
    chü wei
geographical location; (computing) row-cell (i.e. the row 區|区[qu1] and cell 位[wei4] used to specify a character in a CJK character set)


see styles
shí zhù
    shi2 zhu4
shih chu
 jū jū
The ten stages, or periods, in bodhisattva-wisdom, prajñā 般若, are the 十住; the merits or character attained are the 十地 q.v. Two interpretations may be given. In the first of these, the first four stages are likened to entry into the holy womb, the next four to the period of gestation, the ninth to birth, and the tenth to the washing or baptism with the water of wisdom, e.g. the baptism of a Kṣatriya prince. The ten stages are (1) 發心住 the purposive stage, the mind set upon Buddhahood; (2) 治地住 clear understanding and mental control; (3) 修行住 unhampered liberty in every direction; (4) 生貴住 acquiring the Tathāgata nature or seed; (5) 方便具足住 perfect adaptability and resemblance in self-development and development of others; (6) 正心住 the whole mind becoming Buddha-like; (7) 不退住 no retrogression, perfect unity and constant progress; (8) 童眞住 as a Buddha-son now complete; (9) 法王子住 as prince of the law; (10) 灌頂住 baptism as such, e.g. the consecration of kings. Another interpretation of the above is: (1) spiritual resolve, stage of śrota-āpanna; (2) submission to rule, preparation for Sakṛdāgāmin stage; (3) cultivation of virtue, attainment of Sakṛdāgāmin stage; (4) noble birth, preparation for the anāgāmin stage; (5) perfect means, attainment of anāgāmin stage; (6) right mind, preparation for arhatship; (7) no-retrogradation, the attainment of arhatship; (8) immortal youth, pratyekabuddhahood; (9) son of the law-king, the conception of bodhisattvahood; (10) baptism as the summit of attainment, the conception of Buddhahood.



see styles
shí lái
    shi2 lai2
shih lai
(female given name) Torai
(十來偈) The ten rhymes in "lai", a verse which expresses the Buddhist doctrine of moral determinism, i.e. that the position anyone now occupies is solely the result of his character in past lives; heredity and environment having nothing to do with his present condition, for, whether in prince or beggar, it is the reward of past deeds. The upright from the forbearing come,
The poor from the mean and greedy come,
Those of high rank from worshippers come,
The low and common from the Prideful come,
Those who are dumb from slanderers come,
The blind and deaf from unbelievers come,
The long-lived from the merciful come,
The short-lived from life, takers come,
The deficient in faculties from command-breakers come,
The complete in faculties from command-keepers come.



see styles
shí wèn
    shi2 wen4
shih wen
The ten questions to the Buddha, put into the mouth of Vajrapāṇi, which, with the answers given, form the basis of the 大日經. What is (or are) (1) the nature of the bodhi-mind? (2) its form or forms? (3) the mental stages requisite to attainment? (4) the difference between them? (5) the time required? (6) the character of the merits attained? (7) the activities or practices necessary? (8) the way of such practices? (9) the condition of the uncultivated and cultivated mind? (10) the difference between it and that of the follower of Yoga?


see styles
shí zì
    shi2 zi4
shih tzu
cross road; cross-shaped; crucifix; the character ten
cross; cross shape; (personal name) Tsuji


see styles
bàn zì
    ban4 zi4
pan tzu
Half a character'; a letter of the alphabet. Hīnayāna is likened to half-word, Mahāyāna to a 滿字 complete word; hence 半字教 is Hīnayāna.



see styles
nán gōng
    nan2 gong1
nan kung
two-character surname Nangong; Nangong, county-level city in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2tai2], Hebei
(surname) Minamimiya


see styles
nán guō
    nan2 guo1
nan kuo
two-character surname Nanguo
(personal name) Nankaku


see styles
individual character; individual letter; one character; one letter


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) (1) printing (text or symbols); typing; (2) printed character; typed character; (3) character carved onto a seal


see styles
yuán xíng
    yuan2 xing2
yüan hsing
 genkei / genke
original shape; true appearance (under the disguise); true character
original form; base form

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Character" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary