There are 622 total results for your 速 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
初速 see styles |
shosoku しょそく |
{physics} initial velocity |
加速 see styles |
jiā sù jia1 su4 chia su kasoku かそく |
to speed up; to expedite (n,vs,vt,vi) (ant: 減速) acceleration; speeding up |
務速 务速 see styles |
wù sù wu4 su4 wu su musoku |
in haste |
勢速 势速 see styles |
shì sù shi4 su4 shih su seisoku |
instantaneousness |
勻速 匀速 see styles |
yún sù yun2 su4 yün su |
uniform velocity |
千速 see styles |
chihaya ちはや |
(surname, female given name) Chihaya |
周速 see styles |
zhōu sù zhou1 su4 chou su |
cycle time; cycle speed |
地速 see styles |
dì sù di4 su4 ti su |
groundspeed (of an aircraft etc) |
增速 see styles |
zēng sù zeng1 su4 tseng su |
to speed up; to accelerate; (economics) growth rate |
変速 see styles |
hensoku へんそく |
(n,vs,vi) shifting gears; changing gears |
失速 see styles |
shī sù shi1 su4 shih su shissoku しっそく |
(aviation) to stall (n,vs,vi) (1) {aviat} stall; (n,vs,vi) (2) downturn; slowdown; slump; weakening; decline |
定速 see styles |
teisoku / tesoku ていそく |
constant speed; fixed speed |
律速 see styles |
rissoku りっそく |
(can act as adjective) rate-limiting; rate-determining |
從速 从速 see styles |
cóng sù cong2 su4 ts`ung su tsung su |
(to do something) with dispatch; as soon as possible |
微速 see styles |
bisoku びそく |
very slow speed |
快速 see styles |
kuài sù kuai4 su4 k`uai su kuai su kaisoku かいそく |
fast; high-speed; rapid (noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) high speed; rapidity; (2) (abbreviation) (See 快速電車) rapid-service train (not as fast as express); rapid train |
急速 see styles |
jí sù ji2 su4 chi su kyuusoku / kyusoku きゅうそく |
hurried; at a great speed; rapid (development) (noun or adjectival noun) rapid (e.g. progress) rapid |
慢速 see styles |
màn sù man4 su4 man su |
slow; low-speed |
拇速 see styles |
bosoku ぼそく |
(surname) Bosoku |
拙速 see styles |
sessoku せっそく |
(noun or adjectival noun) (ant: 巧遅) rough-and-ready; knocked-up; hasty; slipshod; slapdash |
提速 see styles |
tí sù ti2 su4 t`i su ti su |
to increase the specified cruising speed; to pick up speed; to speed up |
敏速 see styles |
toshimi としみ |
(noun or adjectival noun) quickness; agility; activity; (female given name) Toshimi |
早速 see styles |
hayami はやみ |
(adverb) at once; immediately; without delay; promptly; (surname) Hayami |
時速 时速 see styles |
shí sù shi2 su4 shih su jisoku じそく |
speed per hour speed (per hour) |
最速 see styles |
saisoku さいそく |
(can be adjective with の) fastest |
末速 see styles |
mò sù mo4 su4 mo su |
speed at the end of the trajectory; speed in the final stage |
栂速 see styles |
bosoku ぼそく |
(surname) Bosoku |
歩速 see styles |
hosoku ほそく |
walking speed; walking pace |
水速 see styles |
mihaya みはや |
(surname) Mihaya |
波速 see styles |
bō sù bo1 su4 po su |
wave velocity |
流速 see styles |
liú sù liu2 su4 liu su ryuusoku / ryusoku りゅうそく |
flow speed; rate of flow speed of a moving fluid; flow velocity |
浪速 see styles |
naniwa なにわ |
Naniwa (former name for Osaka region); (place-name, surname) Naniwa (former name for Osaka region) |
減速 减速 see styles |
jiǎn sù jian3 su4 chien su gensoku げんそく |
to reduce speed; to slow down (n,vs,vt,vi,adj-no) (ant: 加速) deceleration |
滿速 满速 see styles |
mǎn sù man3 su4 man su |
full speed; at full speed |
火速 see styles |
huǒ sù huo3 su4 huo su |
at top speed; at a tremendous lick |
爆速 see styles |
bakusoku ばくそく |
(1) detonation velocity; velocity of detonation; VOD; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) (colloquialism) extreme speed; explosive speed |
球速 see styles |
kyuusoku / kyusoku きゅうそく |
speed of a pitched ball; (pitcher's) pace |
疾速 see styles |
jí sù ji2 su4 chi su |
very fast; at high speed |
盡速 尽速 see styles |
jìn sù jin4 su4 chin su |
as quick as possible |
瞬速 see styles |
shunsoku しゅんそく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (slang) blindingly quick speed; (in) a flash; (in) the blink of an eye |
神速 see styles |
shén sù shen2 su4 shen su shinsoku しんそく |
lightning speed; amazingly rapid; incredible pace of development (noun or adjectival noun) great speed; extreme speed; swiftness |
秒速 see styles |
byousoku / byosoku びょうそく |
(1) speed per second; velocity per second; (2) instant; moment; a few seconds |
競速 竞速 see styles |
jìng sù jing4 su4 ching su |
(sports) to race; racing |
等速 see styles |
tousoku / tosoku とうそく |
uniform velocity |
終速 see styles |
shuusoku / shusoku しゅうそく |
{physics} final velocity |
緩速 see styles |
kansoku かんそく |
slow speed |
航速 see styles |
háng sù hang2 su4 hang su |
speed (of ship or plane) |
調速 调速 see styles |
tiáo sù tiao2 su4 t`iao su tiao su |
to adjust the speed |
變速 变速 see styles |
biàn sù bian4 su4 pien su |
to change speed; to shift gear; variable-speed |
超速 see styles |
chāo sù chao1 su4 ch`ao su chao su |
to exceed the speed limit; to speed; high-speed |
蹶速 see styles |
kehaya けはや |
(personal name) Kehaya |
車速 车速 see styles |
chē sù che1 su4 ch`e su che su shasoku しゃそく |
vehicle speed vehicle speed; speed of car |
轉速 转速 see styles |
zhuàn sù zhuan4 su4 chuan su |
angular velocity; number of revolutions per minute |
迅速 see styles |
xùn sù xun4 su4 hsün su jinsoku じんそく |
rapid; speedy; fast (noun or adjectival noun) quick; fast; rapid; swift; prompt; streamlined; expedited; expeditious |
遅速 see styles |
chisoku ちそく |
speed; progress |
配速 see styles |
pèi sù pei4 su4 p`ei su pei su |
(loanword) pace (running) |
鑑速 see styles |
akihaya あきはや |
(personal name) Akihaya |
限速 see styles |
xiàn sù xian4 su4 hsien su |
speed limit |
隆速 see styles |
takasumi たかすみ |
(surname) Takasumi |
雷速 see styles |
raiya らいや |
(male given name) Raiya |
音速 see styles |
yīn sù yin1 su4 yin su onsoku おんそく |
speed of sound speed of sound |
風速 风速 see styles |
fēng sù feng1 su4 feng su kazahaya かざはや |
wind speed wind speed; (surname) Kazahaya |
飛速 飞速 see styles |
fēi sù fei1 su4 fei su |
swift; rapidly |
高速 see styles |
gāo sù gao1 su4 kao su kousoku / kosoku こうそく |
More info & calligraphy: Speed(adj-na,adj-no,n) (1) high-speed; rapid; express; (2) (abbreviation) (See 高速道路) highway; freeway; expressway; motorway |
龜速 龟速 see styles |
guī sù gui1 su4 kuei su |
as slow as a tortoise |
速まる see styles |
hayamaru はやまる |
(v5r,vi) (1) to move ahead (three hours, etc.); to move up; (2) to quicken; to speed up; to gather speed; (3) to be hasty; to be rash |
速めに see styles |
hayameni はやめに |
(adverb) earlier than usual; ahead of time; in good season |
速める see styles |
hayameru はやめる |
(transitive verb) to hasten; to quicken; to expedite; to precipitate; to accelerate |
速やか see styles |
sumiyaka すみやか |
(adjectival noun) quick; speedy; prompt; rapid; swift |
速乾性 see styles |
sokkansei / sokkanse そっかんせい |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) quick-drying property (of clothing, etc.) |
速克達 速克达 see styles |
sù kè dá su4 ke4 da2 su k`o ta su ko ta |
scooter (loanword) |
速力度 see styles |
sokuryokudo そくりょくど |
speed; velocity |
速可達 速可达 see styles |
sù kě dá su4 ke3 da2 su k`o ta su ko ta |
scooter (loanword) |
速圓滿 速圆满 see styles |
sù yuán mǎn su4 yuan2 man3 su yüan man soku enman |
rapidly consummates |
速報値 see styles |
sokuhouchi / sokuhochi そくほうち |
preliminary figures (e.g. economic statistics); preliminary results |
速射砲 see styles |
sokushahou / sokushaho そくしゃほう |
(1) rapid-fire gun; quick-fire gun; (2) (colloquialism) talking rapidly; barrage of words or questions |
速度計 速度计 see styles |
sù dù jì su4 du4 ji4 su tu chi sokudokei / sokudoke そくどけい |
speedometer speedometer |
速成法 see styles |
sokuseihou / sokuseho そくせいほう |
quick method; shortcut (to); royal road |
速成班 see styles |
sù chéng bān su4 cheng2 ban1 su ch`eng pan su cheng pan |
intensive course; crash course |
速成科 see styles |
sokuseika / sokuseka そくせいか |
intensive course; crash course |
速手排 see styles |
sù shǒu pái su4 shou3 pai2 su shou p`ai su shou pai |
gears (in a car) |
速星駅 see styles |
hayahoshieki はやほしえき |
(st) Hayahoshi Station |
速水亨 see styles |
hayamitooru はやみとおる |
(person) Hayami Tooru |
速水亮 see styles |
hayamiryou / hayamiryo はやみりょう |
(person) Hayami Ryō |
速水優 see styles |
hayamimasaru はやみまさる |
(person) Hayami Masaru (1925.3.24-) |
速水奨 see styles |
hayamishou / hayamisho はやみしょう |
(person) Hayami Shou (1958.8.2-) |
速水町 see styles |
hayamizumachi はやみずまち |
(place-name) Hayamizumachi |
速水融 see styles |
hayamiakira はやみあきら |
(person) Hayami Akira (1929.10.22-) |
速滅沒 速灭没 see styles |
sù miè mò su4 mie4 mo4 su mieh mo soku metsumotsu |
quickly disappear |
速玉町 see styles |
hayatamachou / hayatamacho はやたまちょう |
(place-name) Hayatamachō |
速疾轉 速疾转 see styles |
sù jí zhuǎn su4 ji2 zhuan3 su chi chuan sokushitsu ten |
quickly manifest (change, alter) |
速疾鬼 see styles |
sù jí guǐ su4 ji2 gui3 su chi kuei sokushitsu ki |
Hurrying demons, rākṣasa. |
速目に see styles |
hayameni はやめに |
(adverb) earlier than usual; ahead of time; in good season |
速見優 see styles |
hayamimasaru はやみまさる |
(person) Hayami Masaru (1925.3-) |
速見圭 see styles |
hayamikei / hayamike はやみけい |
(person) Hayami Kei |
速見町 see styles |
hayamichou / hayamicho はやみちょう |
(place-name) Hayamichō |
速見郡 see styles |
hayamigun はやみぐん |
(place-name) Hayamigun |
速記員 速记员 see styles |
sù jì yuán su4 ji4 yuan2 su chi yüan |
stenographer |
速記者 see styles |
sokkisha そっきしゃ |
stenographer; writer of shorthand |
速記術 see styles |
sokkijutsu そっきじゅつ |
shorthand; stenography |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "速" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.