There are 563 total results for your 設 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
設ける see styles |
moukeru / mokeru もうける |
(transitive verb) (1) to prepare; to provide; (transitive verb) (2) to set up; to establish; to organize; to lay down (rules); to make (an excuse) |
設備費 see styles |
setsubihi せつびひ |
cost of equipment |
設利羅 设利罗 see styles |
shè lì luó she4 li4 luo2 she li lo sharira |
(Skt. śarīra) |
設咄嚕 设咄噜 see styles |
shè duò lū she4 duo4 lu1 she to lu settoro |
śatru |
設圈套 设圈套 see styles |
shè quān tào she4 quan1 tao4 she ch`üan t`ao she chüan tao |
to scam; to set a trap; to set up a scheme to defraud people |
設定厨 see styles |
setteichuu / settechu せっていちゅう |
(derogatory term) (net-sl) would-be creator (esp. writer) who is overly preoccupied with the background setting of their story |
設定時 see styles |
setteiji / setteji せっていじ |
{comp} initialization time |
設定画 see styles |
setteiga / settega せっていが |
(annotated) model sheet; character sheet |
設方便 设方便 see styles |
shè fāng biàn she4 fang1 bian4 she fang pien setsu hōben |
to devise an expedient |
設楽洋 see styles |
shitarayou / shitarayo したらよう |
(person) Shitara Yō |
設楽町 see styles |
shitarachou / shitaracho したらちょう |
(place-name) Shitarachō |
設楽統 see styles |
shitaraosamu したらおさむ |
(person) Shitara Osamu (1973.4.23-) |
設立者 see styles |
setsuritsusha せつりつしゃ |
founder |
設覩嚕 设覩噜 see styles |
shè dǔ lū she4 du3 lu1 she tu lu shatoro |
Śatru, an enemy, a destroyer, the enemy, also 設咄嚕; 設都嚧; 捨覩嚧 (or 轢覩嚧); 窣覩喚; 婆訥嚕. |
設計図 see styles |
sekkeizu / sekkezu せっけいず |
plan; blueprint |
設計山 see styles |
mokkeyama もっけやま |
(personal name) Mokkeyama |
設計師 设计师 see styles |
shè jì shī she4 ji4 shi1 she chi shih |
designer; architect |
設計書 see styles |
sekkeisho / sekkesho せっけいしょ |
design specifications |
設計者 设计者 see styles |
shè jì zhě she4 ji4 zhe3 she chi che sekkeisha / sekkesha せっけいしゃ |
designer; architect (of a project) designer |
設謗言 设谤言 see styles |
shè bàng yán she4 bang4 yan2 she pang yen setsu hōgon |
to denigrate |
設賞迦 设赏迦 see styles |
shè shǎng jiā she4 shang3 jia1 she shang chia Shashōka |
Śaśāṅka. 'A king of Karṇasuvarṇa, who tried to destroy the sacred Bodhidruma. He was dethroned by Śīladitya.' Eitel. |
設邏哥 设逻哥 see styles |
shè luó gē she4 luo2 ge1 she lo ko setsuraka |
bamboo nameplate |
設都嚧 设都嚧 see styles |
shè dū lú she4 du1 lu2 she tu lu shatoro |
śatru |
中設楽 see styles |
nakashitara なかしたら |
(place-name) Nakashitara |
假施設 假施设 see styles |
jiǎ shī shè jia3 shi1 she4 chia shih she ke sesetsu |
to nominally establish |
假設性 假设性 see styles |
jiǎ shè xìng jia3 she4 xing4 chia she hsing |
hypothetical |
公設比 公设比 see styles |
gōng shè bǐ gong1 she4 bi3 kung she pi |
(Tw) shared-facilities ratio (expressed as a percentage of the total floor space of a building) |
再設定 see styles |
saisettei / saisette さいせってい |
(noun/participle) {comp} reestablish; reset (a password) |
創設者 see styles |
sousetsusha / sosetsusha そうせつしゃ |
founder |
北設楽 see styles |
kitashitara きたしたら |
(place-name) Kitashitara |
南設楽 see styles |
minamishitara みなみしたら |
(place-name) Minamishitara |
増設率 see styles |
zousetsuritsu / zosetsuritsu ぞうせつりつ |
expansion rate; growth rate |
常設寺 see styles |
jousetsuji / josetsuji じょうせつじ |
(place-name) Jōsetsuji |
常設展 see styles |
jousetsuten / josetsuten じょうせつてん |
permanent exhibition |
常設館 see styles |
jousetsukan / josetsukan じょうせつかん |
(See 映画館) movie theater; movie theatre; cinema |
建設中 see styles |
kensetsuchuu / kensetsuchu けんせつちゅう |
(See 建築中) under construction |
建設地 see styles |
kensetsuchi けんせつち |
construction site |
建設局 see styles |
kensetsukyoku けんせつきょく |
construction bureau |
建設性 建设性 see styles |
jiàn shè xìng jian4 she4 xing4 chien she hsing |
constructive; constructiveness |
建設族 see styles |
kensetsuzoku けんせつぞく |
group of politicians who support construction interests; construction tribe |
建設業 see styles |
kensetsugyou / kensetsugyo けんせつぎょう |
construction industry; construction business |
建設的 see styles |
kensetsuteki けんせつてき |
(adjectival noun) constructive |
建設省 see styles |
kensetsushou / kensetsusho けんせつしょう |
Ministry of Construction; (o) Ministry of Construction |
建設者 see styles |
kensetsusha けんせつしゃ |
architect |
建設費 see styles |
kensetsuhi けんせつひ |
construction (building) costs |
所施設 所施设 see styles |
suǒ shī shè suo3 shi1 she4 so shih she shosesetsu |
accepted |
擺設兒 摆设儿 see styles |
bǎi she r bai3 she5 r5 pai she r |
decorative items; ornaments |
敷設船 see styles |
fusetsusen ふせつせん |
cable layer; cable ship |
新設校 see styles |
shinsetsukou / shinsetsuko しんせつこう |
(See 新設) newly established school |
施設依 施设依 see styles |
shī shè yī shi1 she4 yi1 shih she i sesetsu e |
constituents that are posited |
施設名 施设名 see styles |
shī shè míng shi1 she4 ming2 shih she ming sesetsu myō |
establishes names |
施設庁 see styles |
shisetsuchou / shisetsucho しせつちょう |
(See 防衛施設庁) facilities administration organization (defence, etc.) |
施設我 施设我 see styles |
shī shè wǒ shi1 she4 wo3 shih she wo sesetsu ga |
imputed self |
施設有 施设有 see styles |
shī shè yǒu shi1 she4 you3 shih she yu sesetsuu |
nominally existent |
施設論 施设论 see styles |
shī shè lùn shi1 she4 lun4 shih she lun Sesetsu ron |
Prajñaptiśāstra |
既設線 see styles |
kisetsusen きせつせん |
lines in operation |
杭打設 see styles |
kuiuchisetsu くいうちせつ |
pile-driving |
核施設 see styles |
kakushisetsu かくしせつ |
nuclear facility |
核設施 核设施 see styles |
hé shè shī he2 she4 shi1 ho she shih |
nuclear facility; nuclear installation |
正施設 正施设 see styles |
zhèng shī shè zheng4 shi1 she4 cheng shih she shō sesetsu |
properly define |
移設用 see styles |
isetsuyou / isetsuyo いせつよう |
(See 移設) adaptor |
統假設 统假设 see styles |
tǒng jiǎ shè tong3 jia3 she4 t`ung chia she tung chia she |
hypothesis; conjecture |
計設尼 计设尼 see styles |
jì shè ní ji4 she4 ni2 chi she ni Keiseni |
Keśīnī |
開設者 see styles |
kaisetsusha かいせつしゃ |
founder; establisher |
饗設け see styles |
arujimouke / arujimoke あるじもうけ |
(archaism) entertaining someone as one's guest |
髻設尼 see styles |
jì shè ní ji4 she4 ni2 chi she ni |
Keśīnī |
設作是說 设作是说 see styles |
shè zuò shì shuō she4 zuo4 shi4 shuo1 she tso shih shuo setsu sa ze setsu |
supposing we explain it this way... |
設備工事 see styles |
setsubikouji / setsubikoji せつびこうじ |
equipment installation; installation work |
設備投資 see styles |
setsubitoushi / setsubitoshi せつびとうし |
capital investment; capital expenditure; investment in plant and equipment |
設備過剰 see styles |
setsubikajou / setsubikajo せつびかじょう |
overcapacity |
設多圖盧 设多图卢 see styles |
shè duō tú lú she4 duo1 tu2 lu2 she to t`u lu she to tu lu Setsutazuro |
Satadru, 'an ancient kingdom of northern India, noted for its mineral wealth. Exact position unknown.' Eitel. Also, the River Sutlej. |
設定可能 see styles |
setteikanou / settekano せっていかのう |
(noun or adjectival noun) configurable |
設定範囲 see styles |
setteihani / settehani せっていはんい |
{comp} range of values |
設我得佛 设我得佛 see styles |
shè wǒ dé fó she4 wo3 de2 fo2 she wo te fo setsuga tokubutsu |
if I were to become a buddha |
設楽大橋 see styles |
shitaraoohashi したらおおはし |
(place-name) Shitaraoohashi |
設楽清嗣 see styles |
shitarakiyotsugu したらきよつぐ |
(person) Shitara Kiyotsugu |
設置条件 see styles |
secchijouken / secchijoken せっちじょうけん |
{comp} installation requirement |
設計変更 see styles |
sekkeihenkou / sekkehenko せっけいへんこう |
design change; engineering change |
設計思想 see styles |
sekkeishisou / sekkeshiso せっけいしそう |
design concept; design philosophy; basic ideas behind a design |
設計程序 设计程序 see styles |
shè jì chéng xù she4 ji4 cheng2 xu4 she chi ch`eng hsü she chi cheng hsü |
design process |
設計程式 设计程式 see styles |
shè jì chéng shì she4 ji4 cheng2 shi4 she chi ch`eng shih she chi cheng shih |
programming |
設計規範 设计规范 see styles |
shè jì guī fàn she4 ji4 gui1 fan4 she chi kuei fan |
design norm; planning regulations |
設身處地 设身处地 see styles |
shè shēn chǔ dì she4 shen1 chu3 di4 she shen ch`u ti she shen chu ti |
to put oneself in sb else's shoes |
三假施設 三假施设 see styles |
sān jiǎ shī shè san1 jia3 shi1 she4 san chia shih she sanke shisetsu |
三攝提The three fallacious postulates in regard to 法, 受, and 名. |
不堪設想 不堪设想 see styles |
bù kān shè xiǎng bu4 kan1 she4 xiang3 pu k`an she hsiang pu kan she hsiang |
too horrible to contemplate; unthinkable; inconceivable |
交通建設 交通建设 see styles |
jiāo tōng jiàn shè jiao1 tong1 jian4 she4 chiao t`ung chien she chiao tung chien she |
transport infrastructure |
人生設計 see styles |
jinseisekkei / jinsesekke じんせいせっけい |
(noun/participle) life plan; plan for one's life; planning one's life |
介護施設 see styles |
kaigoshisetsu かいごしせつ |
nursing home; rest home |
仮設住宅 see styles |
kasetsujuutaku / kasetsujutaku かせつじゅうたく |
temporary dwelling; temporary housing |
仮設便所 see styles |
kasetsubenjo かせつべんじょ |
(See 仮設トイレ) portable toilet; porta-potty; portaloo |
住宅設備 see styles |
juutakusetsubi / jutakusetsubi じゅうたくせつび |
household furnishings; home appliances |
価格設定 see styles |
kakakusettei / kakakusette かかくせってい |
price decision; price setting; pricing |
係留施設 see styles |
keiryuushisetsu / keryushisetsu けいりゅうしせつ |
mooring facilities; moorage; berthing facility; berth |
保安設備 see styles |
hoansetsubi ほあんせつび |
safety devices; security provisions |
保管施設 see styles |
hokanshisetsu ほかんしせつ |
storage facility |
保育施設 see styles |
hoikushisetsu ほいくしせつ |
child-rearing facility |
保護施設 see styles |
hogoshisetsu ほごしせつ |
house of refuge; shelter; rehabilitation facility |
値段設定 see styles |
nedansettei / nedansette ねだんせってい |
pricing; price setting |
假想施設 假想施设 see styles |
jiǎ xiǎng shī shè jia3 xiang3 shi1 she4 chia hsiang shih she kesō sesetsu |
conceptual designations |
假施設有 假施设有 see styles |
jiǎ shī shè yǒu jia3 shi1 she4 you3 chia shih she yu kesesetsuu |
nominally established to be existent |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "設" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.