There are 836 total results for your 薩 search. I have created 9 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456789>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
薩摩郡 see styles |
satsumagun さつまぐん |
(place-name) Satsumagun |
薩摩閥 see styles |
satsumabatsu さつまばつ |
Satsuma clan |
薩摩麟 萨摩麟 see styles |
sà mó lín sa4 mo2 lin2 sa mo lin |
Samotherium (early giraffe) |
薩斯病 萨斯病 see styles |
sà sī bìng sa4 si1 bing4 sa ssu ping |
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) |
薩日内 see styles |
sappinai さっぴない |
(surname) Sappinai |
薩波多 萨波多 see styles |
sà bō duō sa4 bo1 duo1 sa po to satsubata |
Sarvâstivāda |
薩洲洋 see styles |
sasshuunada / sasshunada さっしゅうなだ |
(surname) Sasshuunada |
薩滿教 萨满教 see styles |
sà mǎn jiào sa4 man3 jiao4 sa man chiao |
Shamanism |
薩爾圖 萨尔图 see styles |
sà ěr tú sa4 er3 tu2 sa erh t`u sa erh tu |
Sa'ertu district of Daqing city 大慶|大庆[Da4 qing4], Heilongjiang |
薩爾州 萨尔州 see styles |
sà ěr zhōu sa4 er3 zhou1 sa erh chou |
Saarland, state of Germany, capital Saarbrücken 薩爾布呂肯|萨尔布吕肯[Sa4 er3 bu4 lu:3 ken3] |
薩爾達 萨尔达 see styles |
sà ěr dá sa4 er3 da2 sa erh ta |
Zelda (in Legend of Zelda video game) (Tw, HK, Macau) |
薩瓦河 萨瓦河 see styles |
sà wǎ hé sa4 wa3 he2 sa wa ho |
Sava River, flowing through Southeast Europe |
薩科齊 萨科齐 see styles |
sà kē qí sa4 ke1 qi2 sa k`o ch`i sa ko chi |
Nicolas Sarkozy (1955-), French UMP politician, President 2007-2012 |
薩米人 萨米人 see styles |
sà mǐ rén sa4 mi3 ren2 sa mi jen |
the Sami people, indigenous people in northern Scandinavia |
薩縛達 萨缚达 see styles |
sà fú dá sa4 fu2 da2 sa fu ta sabada |
Sarvada the all-giving, or all-abandoning, a name for the Buddha in a former incarnation. |
薩羅樹 萨罗树 see styles |
sà luó shù sa4 luo2 shu4 sa lo shu saraju |
śāla trees |
薩般若 萨般若 see styles |
sà bō rě sa4 bo1 re3 sa po je satsubanya |
(Skt. sarvajñā) |
薩藝然 萨艺然 see styles |
sà yì rán sa4 yi4 ran2 sa i jan satsugeinen |
(Skt. sarvajña) |
薩跢也 萨跢也 see styles |
sà duò yě sa4 duo4 ye3 sa to yeh sattaya |
satya, true, genuine, virtuous, etc., tr. 諦 a proved, or accepted, truth. Also 薩底也. |
薩迦縣 萨迦县 see styles |
sà jiā xiàn sa4 jia1 xian4 sa chia hsien |
Sa'gya county, Tibetan: Sa skya rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet |
薩迦耶 萨迦耶 see styles |
sà jiā yé sa4 jia1 ye2 sa chia yeh sakkaya |
view of self |
薩迪克 萨迪克 see styles |
sà dí kè sa4 di2 ke4 sa ti k`o sa ti ko |
Sadiq or Sadik (name) |
薩達姆 萨达姆 see styles |
sà dá mǔ sa4 da2 mu3 sa ta mu |
Saddam |
薩達摩 萨达摩 see styles |
sà dá mó sa4 da2 mo2 sa ta mo saddatsuma |
wonderful law |
薩達特 萨达特 see styles |
sà dá tè sa4 da2 te4 sa ta t`e sa ta te |
Anwar Al Sadat |
薩里郡 萨里郡 see styles |
sà lǐ jun sa4 li3 jun4 sa li chün |
Surrey (county in south England) |
仏菩薩 see styles |
butsubosatsu ぶつぼさつ |
buddhas and bodhisattvas |
伊薩卡 伊萨卡 see styles |
yī sà kǎ yi1 sa4 ka3 i sa k`a i sa ka |
Ithaca, a Greek island; Ithaca NY, location of Cornell University 康奈爾|康奈尔[Kang1 nai4 er3] |
佛菩薩 佛菩萨 see styles |
fó pú sà fo2 pu2 sa4 fo p`u sa fo pu sa butsu bosatsu |
buddhas and bodhisattvas |
八菩薩 八菩萨 see styles |
bā pú sà ba1 pu2 sa4 pa p`u sa pa pu sa hachi bosatsu |
idem 八大菩薩. |
化菩薩 化菩萨 see styles |
huà pú sà hua4 pu2 sa4 hua p`u sa hua pu sa ke bosatsu |
A Buddha or bodhisattva transformed: into a (human) bodhisattva; or a bodhisattva in various metamorphoses. |
哈薩克 哈萨克 see styles |
hā sà kè ha1 sa4 ke4 ha sa k`o ha sa ko |
Kazakh; (Tw, HK) Kazakhstan |
哥薩克 哥萨克 see styles |
gē sà kè ge1 sa4 ke4 ko sa k`o ko sa ko |
Cossack (people) |
四菩薩 四菩萨 see styles |
sì pú sà si4 pu2 sa4 ssu p`u sa ssu pu sa shi bosatsu |
The four bodhisattvas— Avalokiteśvara, Maitreya, Samantabhadra, and Mañjuśrī. Also, the four chief bodhisattvas in the Garbhadhātu. There are also the 本化四菩薩 of the Lotus Sutra, named 上行, 無邊行, 淨行, and 安立行. |
堪薩斯 堪萨斯 see styles |
kān sà sī kan1 sa4 si1 k`an sa ssu kan sa ssu |
Kansas, US state |
大菩薩 大菩萨 see styles |
dà pú sà da4 pu2 sa4 ta p`u sa ta pu sa dai bosatsu |
bodhisattva-mahāsattva, a great Bodhisattva. |
如菩薩 see styles |
nyobosatsu にょぼさつ |
Buddha-like compassion |
小菩薩 小菩萨 see styles |
xiǎo pú sà xiao3 pu2 sa4 hsiao p`u sa hsiao pu sa shō bosatsu |
lesser bodhisattvas |
尼薩曇 尼萨昙 see styles |
ní sà tán ni2 sa4 tan2 ni sa t`an ni sa tan nisatsudon |
Defined as an atom, the smallest possible particle; but its extended form of 優波尼薩曇分 suggests upaniṣad, esoteric doctrine, the secret sense of the sutras. |
尼薩耆 尼萨耆 see styles |
ní sà qí ni2 sa4 qi2 ni sa ch`i ni sa chi nisatsugi |
crimes requiring expiation |
布薩日 布萨日 see styles |
bù sà rì bu4 sa4 ri4 pu sa jih fusatsu nichi |
meeting days for renewal of vows |
布薩護 布萨护 see styles |
bù sà hù bu4 sa4 hu4 pu sa hu fusago |
is a term for the lay observance of the first eight commandments on fast days, and it is used as a name for those commands. |
帕薩特 帕萨特 see styles |
pà sà tè pa4 sa4 te4 p`a sa t`e pa sa te |
Passat (automobile) |
彌薩羅 弥萨罗 see styles |
mí sà luó mi2 sa4 luo2 mi sa lo Misara |
Mithilā |
憍薩羅 憍萨罗 see styles |
jiāo sà luó jiao1 sa4 luo2 chiao sa lo Kyōsara |
Kosala, Kośala; also 居薩羅 (or 拘薩羅); 拘婆羅, i.e. Northern Kosala, or Uttarakosala, an ancient kingdom, the modern Oude; also Southern Kosala, or Dakṣiṇa-kosala, an ancient kingdom, part of the present Central Provinces. |
成菩薩 成菩萨 see styles |
chéng pú sà cheng2 pu2 sa4 ch`eng p`u sa cheng pu sa jō bosatsu |
become a bodhisattva |
拉薩市 拉萨市 see styles |
lā sà shì la1 sa4 shi4 la sa shih |
Lhasa, prefecture-level city and capital of Tibet Autonomous Region 西藏自治區|西藏自治区[Xi1zang4 Zi4zhi4qu1] |
拘薩羅 拘萨罗 see styles |
jū sà luó ju1 sa4 luo2 chü sa lo Kusara |
Kosāla |
摩薩德 摩萨德 see styles |
mó sà dé mo2 sa4 de2 mo sa te |
Mossad |
摩訶薩 摩诃萨 see styles |
mó hē sà mo2 he1 sa4 mo ho sa makasatsu |
(Skt. mahāsattva) |
敖德薩 敖德萨 see styles |
áo dé sà ao2 de2 sa4 ao te sa |
Odessa (city in Ukraine) |
格薩爾 格萨尔 see styles |
gé sà ěr ge2 sa4 er3 ko sa erh |
King Gesar, hero of a Tibetan and Mongolian epic cycle |
梅薩林 梅萨林 see styles |
méi sà lín mei2 sa4 lin2 mei sa lin |
muslin or mousseline silk fabric |
比薩餅 比萨饼 see styles |
bǐ sà bǐng bi3 sa4 bing3 pi sa ping |
pizza (loanword); CL:張|张[zhang1] |
泥菩薩 泥菩萨 see styles |
ní pú sà ni2 pu2 sa4 ni p`u sa ni pu sa |
clay Bodhisattva |
活菩薩 活菩萨 see styles |
huó pú sà huo2 pu2 sa4 huo p`u sa huo pu sa |
a living Buddha; fig. compassionate person; saint |
爾薩体 see styles |
nisattai にさったい |
(place-name) Nisattai |
牙菩薩 牙菩萨 see styles |
yá pú sà ya2 pu2 sa4 ya p`u sa ya pu sa Ga bosatsu |
The bodhisattva fiercely showing his teeth in defence of the Buddha, also styled 金剛藥叉; he is east of the Buddha in the Vajradhātu. |
牟薩羅 牟萨罗 see styles |
móu sà luó mou2 sa4 luo2 mou sa lo musara |
musāra |
特里薩 特里萨 see styles |
tè lǐ sà te4 li3 sa4 t`e li sa te li sa |
Teresa; Theresa (name) |
瓦薩比 瓦萨比 see styles |
wǎ sà bǐ wa3 sa4 bi3 wa sa pi |
wasabi (loanword) |
皮薩餅 皮萨饼 see styles |
pí sà bǐng pi2 sa4 bing3 p`i sa ping pi sa ping |
pizza (loanword) |
盧薩卡 卢萨卡 see styles |
lú sà kǎ lu2 sa4 ka3 lu sa k`a lu sa ka |
Lusaka, capital of Zambia |
破薩堤 破萨堤 see styles |
pò sà dī po4 sa4 di1 p`o sa ti po sa ti hasatai |
upasanti, tranquility, calm. |
福摩薩 福摩萨 see styles |
fú mó sà fu2 mo2 sa4 fu mo sa |
Formosa |
穆薩維 穆萨维 see styles |
mù sà wéi mu4 sa4 wei2 mu sa wei |
Moussavi, Mir Hussein (1941-), candidate in Iran's disputed 2009 elections |
納瓦薩 纳瓦萨 see styles |
nà wǎ sà na4 wa3 sa4 na wa sa |
Navassa |
羆菩薩 罴菩萨 see styles |
pí pú sà pi2 pu2 sa4 p`i p`u sa pi pu sa hi bosatsu |
The bodhisattva who appeared as a bear and saved a dying man by providing him with food; he told hunters of its lair; they killed it, gave him of its flesh, and he died. |
肉菩薩 肉菩萨 see styles |
ròu pú sà rou4 pu2 sa4 jou p`u sa jou pu sa niku bosatsu |
One who becomes a bodhisattva in the physical body, in the present life. |
肥薩線 see styles |
hisatsusen ひさつせん |
(personal name) Hisatsusen |
艾薩克 艾萨克 see styles |
ài sà kè ai4 sa4 ke4 ai sa k`o ai sa ko |
More info & calligraphy: Isaacs |
菩薩乘 菩萨乘 see styles |
pú sà shèng pu2 sa4 sheng4 p`u sa sheng pu sa sheng bosatsu jō |
One of the 'five vehicles', which teaches the observance of the six pāramitās, the perfecting of the two 利, i.e. 自利利他 the perfecting of self for perfecting others, and the attaining of Buddhahood. |
菩薩位 菩萨位 see styles |
pú sà wèi pu2 sa4 wei4 p`u sa wei pu sa wei bosatsu i |
bodhisattva stage |
菩薩住 菩萨住 see styles |
pú sà zhù pu2 sa4 zhu4 p`u sa chu pu sa chu bosatsu jū |
bodhisattva's abodes |
菩薩像 菩萨像 see styles |
pú sà xiàng pu2 sa4 xiang4 p`u sa hsiang pu sa hsiang bosatsu zō |
bodhisattva image |
菩薩僧 菩萨僧 see styles |
pú sà sēng pu2 sa4 seng1 p`u sa seng pu sa seng bosatsu sō |
The bodhisattvasaṅgha, or monks, i.e. Mahāyāna, though there has been dispute whether Hīnayāna monks may be included. |
菩薩儀 菩萨仪 see styles |
pú sà yí pu2 sa4 yi2 p`u sa i pu sa i bosatsu gi |
bodhisattva's conduct |
菩薩前 see styles |
bosatsumae ぼさつまえ |
(place-name) Bosatsumae |
菩薩受 菩萨受 see styles |
pú sà shòu pu2 sa4 shou4 p`u sa shou pu sa shou bosatsu ju |
bodhisattvas reception [of the precepts] |
菩薩地 菩萨地 see styles |
pú sà dì pu2 sa4 di4 p`u sa ti pu sa ti bosatsu ji |
bodhisattva ground |
菩薩境 菩萨境 see styles |
pú sà jìng pu2 sa4 jing4 p`u sa ching pu sa ching bosatsu kyō |
bodhisattvahood as an object (of contemplation) |
菩薩子 see styles |
bosatsushi ぼさつし |
(given name) Bosatsushi |
菩薩學 菩萨学 see styles |
pú sà xué pu2 sa4 xue2 p`u sa hsüeh pu sa hsüeh bosatsu gaku |
bodhisattva's training |
菩薩心 菩萨心 see styles |
pú sà xīn pu2 sa4 xin1 p`u sa hsin pu sa hsin bosatsu shin |
to mind of a bodhisattva |
菩薩忍 菩萨忍 see styles |
pú sà rěn pu2 sa4 ren3 p`u sa jen pu sa jen bosatsu nin |
forbearance of the bodhisattvas |
菩薩性 菩萨性 see styles |
pú sà xìng pu2 sa4 xing4 p`u sa hsing pu sa hsing bosatsu shō |
bodhisattva nature, or character. |
菩薩意 菩萨意 see styles |
pú sà yì pu2 sa4 yi4 p`u sa i pu sa i bosatsu i |
bodhisattva-thoughts |
菩薩慧 菩萨慧 see styles |
pú sà huì pu2 sa4 hui4 p`u sa hui pu sa hui bosatsu e |
bodhisattva's wisdom |
菩薩戒 菩萨戒 see styles |
pú sà jiè pu2 sa4 jie4 p`u sa chieh pu sa chieh bosatsu kai |
The rules are found in the sūtra of this name, taken from the 梵網經. |
菩薩揚 see styles |
bosaage / bosage ぼさあげ |
(obscure) ceremony performed by Chinese merchants disembarking in Nagasaki (Edo period) |
菩薩智 菩萨智 see styles |
pú sà zhì pu2 sa4 zhi4 p`u sa chih pu sa chih bosatsu chi |
bodhisattva's wisdom |
菩薩業 菩萨业 see styles |
pú sà yè pu2 sa4 ye4 p`u sa yeh pu sa yeh bosatsu gō |
course of conduct of a bodhisattva |
菩薩法 菩萨法 see styles |
pú sà fǎ pu2 sa4 fa3 p`u sa fa pu sa fa bosatsu hō |
bodhisattva-dharmas |
菩薩淨 菩萨淨 see styles |
pú sà jìng pu2 sa4 jing4 p`u sa ching pu sa ching bosatsu jō |
vimala |
菩薩禪 菩萨禅 see styles |
pú sà chán pu2 sa4 chan2 p`u sa ch`an pu sa chan bosatsu zen |
bodhisattva meditation |
菩薩種 菩萨种 see styles |
pú sà zhǒng pu2 sa4 zhong3 p`u sa chung pu sa chung bosatsu shu |
bodhisattva seed |
菩薩藏 菩萨藏 see styles |
pú sà zàng pu2 sa4 zang4 p`u sa tsang pu sa tsang bosatsu zō |
The Mahāyāna scriptures, i.e. those of the bodhisattva school. |
菩薩衆 菩萨众 see styles |
pú sà zhòng pu2 sa4 zhong4 p`u sa chung pu sa chung bosatsu shu |
groups of bodhisattvas |
菩薩行 菩萨行 see styles |
pú sà xíng pu2 sa4 xing2 p`u sa hsing pu sa hsing bosatsu gyō |
The way or discipline of the bodhisattva, 自利利他, i.e. to benefit self and benefit others, leading to Buddhahood. |
菩薩說 菩萨说 see styles |
pú sà shuō pu2 sa4 shuo1 p`u sa shuo pu sa shuo bosatsu setsu |
as taught by a (the) bodhisattva |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "薩" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.