There are 438 total results for your 胜 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
戴勝 戴胜 see styles |
dài shèng dai4 sheng4 tai sheng yatsugashira やつがしら |
(bird species of China) Eurasian hoopoe (Upupa epops) (kana only) hoopoe (species of Eurasian bird, Upupa epops) |
更勝 更胜 see styles |
gèng shèng geng4 sheng4 keng sheng |
to be even better than; to be superior to |
最勝 最胜 see styles |
zuì shèng zui4 sheng4 tsui sheng saishou / saisho さいしょう |
(surname) Saishou jina; vijaya; conquering, all-conquering, pre-eminent, peerless, supreme. |
有勝 有胜 see styles |
yǒu shèng you3 sheng4 yu sheng arikatsu ありかつ |
(surname, given name) Arikatsu special |
東勝 东胜 see styles |
dōng shèng dong1 sheng4 tung sheng |
Dongsheng District of Ordos City 鄂爾多斯市|鄂尔多斯市[E4 er3 duo1 si1 Shi4], Inner Mongolia |
果勝 果胜 see styles |
guǒ shèng guo3 sheng4 kuo sheng kashō |
excellence of matured state |
根勝 根胜 see styles |
gēn shèng gen1 sheng4 ken sheng konshō |
faculties are excellent |
樂勝 乐胜 see styles |
lè shèng le4 sheng4 le sheng rakushō |
one's pleasure exceeds |
欲勝 欲胜 see styles |
yù shèng yu4 sheng4 yü sheng yokushō |
wants to dominate |
武勝 武胜 see styles |
wǔ shèng wu3 sheng4 wu sheng mushou / musho むしょう |
Wusheng county in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan (place-name) Mushou |
殊勝 殊胜 see styles |
shū shèng shu1 sheng4 shu sheng shushou / shusho しゅしょう |
(noun or adjectival noun) admirable; laudable Rare, extraordinary, surpassing, as the 殊勝殿 and 池 surpassing palace and lake of Indra. |
永勝 永胜 see styles |
yǒng shèng yong3 sheng4 yung sheng nagakatsu ながかつ |
Yongsheng county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江[Li4 jiang1], Yunnan (surname) Nagakatsu |
決勝 决胜 see styles |
jué shèng jue2 sheng4 chüeh sheng kesshou / kessho けっしょう |
to determine victory; to obtain victory decision of a contest; finals (in sports) |
淨勝 淨胜 see styles |
jìng shèng jing4 sheng4 ching sheng jōshō |
superior purity |
無勝 无胜 see styles |
wú shèng wu2 sheng4 wu sheng mushō |
ajita; invincible, unsurpassed. |
爲勝 为胜 see styles |
wéi shèng wei2 sheng4 wei sheng i shō |
[regarded as] better |
特勝 特胜 see styles |
tè shèng te4 sheng4 t`e sheng te sheng dokushō |
Special, extraordinary. |
獲勝 获胜 see styles |
huò shèng huo4 sheng4 huo sheng |
victorious; to win; to triumph |
百勝 百胜 see styles |
bǎi shèng bai3 sheng4 pai sheng |
BaiSheng, common name for Chinese company; PakSing, common Hong Kong company name |
穩勝 稳胜 see styles |
wěn shèng wen3 sheng4 wen sheng |
to beat comfortably; to win easily; abbr. for 穩操勝券|稳操胜券, to have victory within one's grasp |
能勝 能胜 see styles |
néng shèng neng2 sheng4 neng sheng yoshikatsu よしかつ |
(personal name) Yoshikatsu victorious |
自勝 自胜 see styles |
zì shèng zi4 sheng4 tzu sheng jishō |
self-overcoming |
行勝 行胜 see styles |
xíng shèng xing2 sheng4 hsing sheng yukikatsu ゆきかつ |
(personal name) Yukikatsu activities are superior |
親勝 亲胜 see styles |
qīn shèng qin1 sheng4 ch`in sheng chin sheng Shinshō |
Bandhuśri |
覽勝 览胜 see styles |
lǎn shèng lan3 sheng4 lan sheng |
to visit scenic spots |
轉勝 转胜 see styles |
zhuǎn shèng zhuan3 sheng4 chuan sheng tenshō |
transform or change into something better |
速勝 速胜 see styles |
sù shèng su4 sheng4 su sheng |
rapid victory |
陳勝 陈胜 see styles |
chén shèng chen2 sheng4 ch`en sheng chen sheng chinshou / chinsho ちんしょう |
Chen Sheng (died 208 BC), Qin dynasty rebel, leader of the Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising 陳勝吳廣起義|陈胜吴广起义[Chen2 Sheng4 Wu2 Guang3 Qi3 yi4] (given name) Chinshou |
險勝 险胜 see styles |
xiǎn shèng xian3 sheng4 hsien sheng |
to win by a narrow margin; to barely win; narrow victory |
難勝 难胜 see styles |
nán shèng nan2 sheng4 nan sheng nanshō |
Hard to overcome, or be overcome; unconquerable; the fifth of the ten bodhisattva 地 stages when all passion and illusion is overcome and understanding of all things attained. |
馬勝 马胜 see styles |
mǎ shèng ma3 sheng4 ma sheng bashou / basho ばしょう |
(given name) Bashou 馬師 Aśvajit. Horse-breaker or Horse-master. The name of several persons, including one of the first five disciples. |
高勝 高胜 see styles |
gāo shèng gao1 sheng4 kao sheng takakatsu たかかつ |
(surname, given name) Takakatsu vastly superior |
鬭勝 鬭胜 see styles |
dòu shèng dou4 sheng4 tou sheng |
To overcome in a contest of any kind. |
七勝事 七胜事 see styles |
qī shèng shì qi1 sheng4 shi4 ch`i sheng shih chi sheng shih shichishōji |
The seven surpassing qualities of a Buddha; v. also 七種無上; they are his body, or person, his universal law, wisdom, perfection, destination (nirvana), ineffable truth, and deliverance. |
七最勝 七最胜 see styles |
qī zuì shèng qi1 zui4 sheng4 ch`i tsui sheng chi tsui sheng shichi saishō |
The seven perfections, see唯識論, 9. 安住最勝 Perfect rest in the bodhisattva nature. 依止最勝 perfect reliance on, or holding fast to the great bodhi (awakened mind). 意果最勝 perfect resultant aim in-pity for all 事業最勝 Perfect in constant performance. 巧便最勝 Perfect in able device (for spiritual presentation). 廻向最勝 Perfect direction towards the highest bodhi. 滿淨最勝 Perfect purity and peace. |
三連勝 三连胜 see styles |
sān lián shèng san1 lian2 sheng4 san lien sheng sanrenshou / sanrensho さんれんしょう |
hat-trick (sports) three wins in a row |
上勝解 上胜解 see styles |
shàng shèng jiě shang4 sheng4 jie3 shang sheng chieh jō shōge |
great inclination |
二勝果 二胜果 see styles |
èr shèng guǒ er4 sheng4 guo3 erh sheng kuo nishōka |
The two surpassing fruits, or rewards given by Buddha, i.e. final nirvāṇa and perfect enlightenment. |
他勝罪 他胜罪 see styles |
tā shèng zuì ta1 sheng4 zui4 t`a sheng tsui ta sheng tsui tashō zai |
Overcome by specific sin; i. e. any of the four pārājikas, or sins of excommunication. |
作高勝 作高胜 see styles |
zuò gāo shèng zuo4 gao1 sheng4 tso kao sheng sa kōshō |
self-aggrandizement |
信勝解 信胜解 see styles |
xìn shèng jiě xin4 sheng4 jie3 hsin sheng chieh shin shōge |
faith and resolve |
八勝處 八胜处 see styles |
bā shèng chù ba1 sheng4 chu4 pa sheng ch`u pa sheng chu hasshōjo |
The eight victorious stages, or degrees, in meditation for overcoming desire, or attachment to the world of sense; v. 八解脫. |
八勝解 八胜解 see styles |
bā shèng jiě ba1 sheng4 jie3 pa sheng chieh hachi shōge |
eight kinds of verification |
劣中勝 劣中胜 see styles |
liè zhōng shèng lie4 zhong1 sheng4 lieh chung sheng retsu chūs hō |
inferior, middling, and superior |
勝三修 胜三修 see styles |
shèng sān xiū sheng4 san1 xiu1 sheng san hsiu shō sanshu |
three superior methods of cultivation |
勝供養 胜供养 see styles |
shèng gōng yǎng sheng4 gong1 yang3 sheng kung yang shō kuyō |
excellent offerings |
勝利者 胜利者 see styles |
shèng lì zhě sheng4 li4 zhe3 sheng li che shourisha / shorisha しょうりしゃ |
More info & calligraphy: Conqueror(ant: 敗北者) winner; victor; conqueror |
勝功德 胜功德 see styles |
shèng gōng dé sheng4 gong1 de2 sheng kung te shō kudoku |
extraordinary qualities |
勝加行 胜加行 see styles |
shèng jiā xíng sheng4 jia1 xing2 sheng chia hsing shō kegyō |
superior applied practices |
勝勢用 胜势用 see styles |
shèng shì yòng sheng4 shi4 yong4 sheng shih yung shōseiyō |
superior power and function |
勝增上 胜增上 see styles |
shèng zēng shàng sheng4 zeng1 shang4 sheng tseng shang shō zōjō |
superior |
勝天王 胜天王 see styles |
shèng tiān wáng sheng4 tian1 wang2 sheng t`ien wang sheng tien wang Shō Tennō |
Pravara-deva-rāja |
勝妙法 胜妙法 see styles |
shèng miào fǎ sheng4 miao4 fa3 sheng miao fa shōmyō hō |
superb dharma (teaching) |
勝子樹 胜子树 see styles |
shèng zǐ shù sheng4 zi3 shu4 sheng tzu shu Shōshiju |
v. 祇. The Jeta grove, Jetavana. |
勝導者 胜导者 see styles |
shèng dǎo zhě sheng4 dao3 zhe3 sheng tao che shōdōsha |
one who leads |
勝德位 胜德位 see styles |
shèng dé wèi sheng4 de2 wei4 sheng te wei shōtoku i |
stage of special qualities |
勝意樂 胜意乐 see styles |
shèng yì yào sheng4 yi4 yao4 sheng i yao shō igy ō |
superior intent |
勝應身 胜应身 see styles |
shèng yìng shēn sheng4 ying4 shen1 sheng ying shen shōōjin |
A Tiantai term for the superior incarnational Buddha-body, i.e. his compensation-body under the aspect of 他受用身 saving others. |
勝方便 胜方便 see styles |
shèng fāng biàn sheng4 fang1 bian4 sheng fang pien shō hōben |
excellent skillful means |
勝林部 胜林部 see styles |
shèng lín bù sheng4 lin2 bu4 sheng lin pu Shōrin bu |
Jeta-vanīya |
勝獎者 胜奖者 see styles |
shèng jiǎng zhě sheng4 jiang3 zhe3 sheng chiang che shōshō sha |
leader |
勝生道 胜生道 see styles |
shèng shēng dào sheng4 sheng1 dao4 sheng sheng tao shō shōdō |
[re-]birth in a superior existence |
勝眞心 胜眞心 see styles |
shèng zhēn xīn sheng4 zhen1 xin1 sheng chen hsin shō shinshin |
supremely real mind |
勝神州 胜神州 see styles |
shèng shén zhōu sheng4 shen2 zhou1 sheng shen chou Shōjin shū |
Pūrvavideha, Videha, the continent east of Meru. |
勝福田 胜福田 see styles |
shèng fú tián sheng4 fu2 tian2 sheng fu t`ien sheng fu tien shō fukuden |
supreme field of merit |
勝等流 胜等流 see styles |
shèng děng liú sheng4 deng3 liu2 sheng teng liu shōtōru |
necessary consequences |
勝義有 胜义有 see styles |
shèng yì yǒu sheng4 yi4 you3 sheng i yu shōgi u |
existence in the ultimate sense |
勝義根 胜义根 see styles |
shèng yì gēn sheng4 yi4 gen1 sheng i ken shōgi kon |
The surpassing organ, i.e. intellectual perception, behind the ordinary organs of perception, e.g. eyes, ears, etc. |
勝義法 胜义法 see styles |
shèng yì fǎ sheng4 yi4 fa3 sheng i fa shōgi hō |
The superlative dharma, nirvāṇa. |
勝義生 胜义生 see styles |
shèng yì shēng sheng4 yi4 sheng1 sheng i sheng Shōgishō |
Paramârthasamudgata |
勝義空 胜义空 see styles |
shèng yì kōng sheng4 yi4 kong1 sheng i k`ung sheng i kung shōgi kū |
nirvāṇa as surpassingly real or transcendental. |
勝義苦 胜义苦 see styles |
shèng yì kǔ sheng4 yi4 ku3 sheng i k`u sheng i ku shōgi ku |
supramundane suffering |
勝義諦 胜义谛 see styles |
shèng yì dì sheng4 yi4 di4 sheng i ti shōgi tai |
More info & calligraphy: Enlightened Truth |
勝聖者 胜圣者 see styles |
shèng shèng zhě sheng4 sheng4 zhe3 sheng sheng che shō shōja |
excellent sage[s] |
勝自在 胜自在 see styles |
shèng zì zài sheng4 zi4 zai4 sheng tzu tsai shō jizai |
excellent sovereignty |
勝行處 胜行处 see styles |
shèng xíng chù sheng4 xing2 chu4 sheng hsing ch`u sheng hsing chu shōgyō sho |
superior attainment |
勝解智 胜解智 see styles |
shèng jiě zhì sheng4 jie3 zhi4 sheng chieh chih shōge chi |
resolute cognition |
勝解界 胜解界 see styles |
shèng jiě jiè sheng4 jie3 jie4 sheng chieh chieh shōge kai |
objective realm of devoted interest |
勝解行 胜解行 see styles |
shèng jiě xíng sheng4 jie3 xing2 sheng chieh hsing shōge gyō |
to practice through devoted interest |
勝論宗 胜论宗 see styles |
shèng lùn zōng sheng4 lun4 zong1 sheng lun tsung Shōron shū |
The Vaiśeṣika school of Indian philosophy, whose foundation is ascribed to Kaṇāda (Ulūka); he and his successors are respectfully styled 論師 or slightingly 論外道; the school, when combined with the Nyāya, is also known as Nyāya-vaiśeṣika . |
勝論師 胜论师 see styles |
shèng lùn shī sheng4 lun4 shi1 sheng lun shih shōron shi |
Vaiśeṣika teacher or philosopher |
勝身洲 胜身洲 see styles |
shèng shēn zhōu sheng4 shen1 zhou1 sheng shen chou shōshinshū |
continent of Pūrvavidehaḥ |
勝轉依 胜转依 see styles |
shèng zhuǎn yī sheng4 zhuan3 yi1 sheng chuan i shō tene |
to complete transformation of the basis |
勝通慧 胜通慧 see styles |
shèng tōng huì sheng4 tong1 hui4 sheng t`ung hui sheng tung hui shō tsūe |
excellent supernormal cognition |
勝進分 胜进分 see styles |
shèng jìn fēn sheng4 jin4 fen1 sheng chin fen shōshin bun |
the advancing portion |
勝進道 胜进道 see styles |
shèng jìn dào sheng4 jin4 dao4 sheng chin tao shōshin dō |
path of superb advancement |
勝鬘經 胜鬘经 see styles |
shèng mán jīng sheng4 man2 jing1 sheng man ching Shōman gyō |
Śrīmālā-sūtra |
十勝行 十胜行 see styles |
shí shèng xíng shi2 sheng4 xing2 shih sheng hsing jisshōgyō |
The ten pāramitās observed by bodhisattvas, see 十地 and 十住. Hīnayāna has another group, adding to the four 梵福 q. v. the six of sacrificing one's life to save mother; or father; or a Buddha; to become a monk: to induce another to become a monk; to obtain authority to preach. |
善巧勝 善巧胜 see styles |
shàn qiǎo shèng shan4 qiao3 sheng4 shan ch`iao sheng shan chiao sheng zengyō shō |
(teaching) skills are superior |
四勝身 四胜身 see styles |
sì shèng shēn si4 sheng4 shen1 ssu sheng shen shi shōshin |
The four with victorious bodies, who were transformed independently of normal rebirth; also styled 解行身 bodies set free from all physical taint, thus attaining to Buddhahood. The four are the 龍女 dragon daughter of the Lotus Sutra, who instantly became a male bodhisattva; and three others of the 華嚴 Huayan sutra, i. e. 善財童子; 兜率天子, and 普莊嚴童子. |
圓勝寺 圆胜寺 see styles |
yuán shèng sì yuan2 sheng4 si4 yüan sheng ssu Enshō ji |
Enshōji |
大勝利 大胜利 see styles |
dà shèng lì da4 sheng4 li4 ta sheng li daishouri / daishori だいしょうり |
huge win; overwhelming victory great reward |
大勝心 大胜心 see styles |
dà shèng xīn da4 sheng4 xin1 ta sheng hsin daishō shin |
mind of mastery |
學勝利 学胜利 see styles |
xué shèng lì xue2 sheng4 li4 hsüeh sheng li gaku shōri |
benefits of training |
尊勝寺 尊胜寺 see styles |
zūn shèng sì zun1 sheng4 si4 tsun sheng ssu sonshouji / sonshoji そんしょうじ |
(place-name) Sonshouji Sonshōji |
就最勝 就最胜 see styles |
jiù zuì shèng jiu4 zui4 sheng4 chiu tsui sheng shū saishō |
pre-eminent |
常勝軍 常胜军 see styles |
cháng shèng jun chang2 sheng4 jun1 ch`ang sheng chün chang sheng chün |
Ever Victorious Army (1860-1864), Qing dynasty army equipped and trained jointly with Europeans and used esp. against the Taiping rebels |
後後勝 后后胜 see styles |
hòu hòu shèng hou4 hou4 sheng4 hou hou sheng gogo shō |
the next and the following one after that |
德勝門 德胜门 see styles |
dé shèng mén de2 sheng4 men2 te sheng men |
Deshengmen (Beijing) |
必勝客 必胜客 see styles |
bì shèng kè bi4 sheng4 ke4 pi sheng k`o pi sheng ko |
Pizza Hut |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "胜" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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