There are 209 total results for your 縛 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
斷見縛 断见缚 see styles |
duàn jiàn fú duan4 jian4 fu2 tuan chien fu dan kenbaku |
to sever the bonds of constructed views |
時乞縛 时乞缚 see styles |
shí qǐ fú shi2 qi3 fu2 shih ch`i fu shih chi fu jikiba |
jihvā, the tongue. |
時縛迦 时缚迦 see styles |
shí fú jiā shi2 fu2 jia1 shih fu chia jibaka |
jīvaka, one of the eight principal drugs; living, making or seeking a living, causing to live, etc.; an 'illegitimate son of king Bimbisāra by Āmradārikā', who resigned his claim to the throne to Ajātaśātru and practised medicine; a physician. |
有結縛 有结缚 see styles |
yǒu jié fú you3 jie2 fu2 yu chieh fu u ketsubaku |
One Who Has Bundles |
果縛斷 果缚断 see styles |
guǒ fú duàn guo3 fu2 duan4 kuo fu tuan kabaku dan |
Cutting off the ties of retribution, i. e. entering nirvāṇa, e. g. entering salvation. |
波濕縛 波湿缚 see styles |
bō shī fú bo1 shi1 fu2 po shih fu Hashibaku |
(波栗濕縛); 波奢 pārśva, the ribs. Pārśva, the tenth patriarch, previously a Brahman of Gandhāra, who took a vow not to lie down until he had mastered the meaning of the Tripiṭaka, cut off all desire in the realms of sense, form and non-form, and obtained the six supernatural powers and eight pāramitās. This he accomplished after three years. His death is put at 36 B. C. His name is tr. as 脇尊者 his Worship of the Ribs. |
泥縛多 泥缚多 see styles |
ní fú duō ni2 fu2 duo1 ni fu to nibata |
devatā |
涅槃縛 涅槃缚 see styles |
niè pán fú nie4 pan2 fu2 nieh p`an fu nieh pan fu nehan baku |
The fetter of nirvāṇa, i.e. the desire for it, which hinders entry upon the bodhisattva life of saving others; it is the fetter of Hīnayāna, resulting in imperfect nirvāṇa. |
煩惱縛 烦恼缚 see styles |
fán nǎo fú fan2 nao3 fu2 fan nao fu bonnō baku |
bonds of affliction |
相應縛 相应缚 see styles |
xiāng yìng fú xiang1 ying4 fu2 hsiang ying fu sōō baku |
The bond (of illusion) which hinders the response of mind to the higher data. |
相纏縛 相缠缚 see styles |
xiàng chán fú xiang4 chan2 fu2 hsiang ch`an fu hsiang chan fu sō denbaku |
binding to marks |
納縛波 纳缚波 see styles |
nà fú bō na4 fu2 bo1 na fu po Nōbaha |
Na-fu-po, Hsuanzang's name for a city on the ancient site of I-hsun 伊循, capital of Shan-shan 鄯善 in the Former Han dynasty, afterwards known as Nob or Lop (in Marco Polo). It corresponds to the modern Charkhlik. |
緣縛斷 缘缚断 see styles |
yuán fú duàn yuan2 fu2 duan4 yüan fu tuan enbaku dan |
elimination of affliction by referents of cognition |
羯臘縛 羯腊缚 see styles |
jié là fú jie2 la4 fu2 chieh la fu karōbaku |
karabha |
自縛霊 see styles |
jibakurei / jibakure じばくれい |
(irregular kanji usage) ghost bound to a specific physical location (usu. where death occurred) |
至縛羅 至缚罗 see styles |
zhì fú luó zhi4 fu2 luo2 chih fu lo shibara |
cīvara |
薩縛達 萨缚达 see styles |
sà fú dá sa4 fu2 da2 sa fu ta sabada |
Sarvada the all-giving, or all-abandoning, a name for the Buddha in a former incarnation. |
金縛り see styles |
kanashibari かなしばり |
(1) binding hand and foot; temporary feeling of paralysis; sleep paralysis; (2) (colloquialism) being tied down with money |
阿娑縛 阿娑缚 see styles |
ā suō fú a1 suo1 fu2 a so fu ashaba |
A, Sa and Va |
食縛る see styles |
kuishibaru くいしばる |
(transitive verb) to set one's teeth; to clench one's teeth; to grit one's teeth |
馱縛若 see styles |
tuó fú ruò tuo2 fu2 ruo4 t`o fu jo to fu jo |
dhvaja |
駄縛若 駄缚若 see styles |
tuó fú ruò tuo2 fu2 ruo4 t`o fu jo to fu jo |
dhvaja, a flag. |
麤重縛 see styles |
cū zhòng fú cu1 zhong4 fu2 ts`u chung fu tsu chung fu |
the debilitative afflictive binding |
縛につく see styles |
bakunitsuku ばくにつく |
(exp,v5k) to be arrested; to be put in bonds |
縛に付く see styles |
bakunitsuku ばくにつく |
(irregular kanji usage) (exp,v5k) to be arrested; to be put in bonds |
縛に就く see styles |
bakunitsuku ばくにつく |
(exp,v5k) to be arrested; to be put in bonds |
縛り込む see styles |
shibarikomu しばりこむ |
(Godan verb with "mu" ending) to bind together |
縛薩怛羅 缚萨怛罗 see styles |
fú sà dá luó fu2 sa4 da2 luo2 fu sa ta lo bakusatara |
vastra, cloth, clothes. |
縛雞之力 see styles |
fù jī zhī lì fu4 ji1 zhi1 li4 fu chi chih li |
lit. the strength to truss a chicken (idiom); fig. slight physical strength |
ふん縛る see styles |
funjibaru ふんじばる |
(transitive verb) (colloquialism) to tie up (roughly; esp. to prevent escape); to bind; to arrest |
九縛一脫 九缚一脱 see styles |
jiǔ fú yī tuō jiu3 fu2 yi1 tuo1 chiu fu i t`o chiu fu i to ku baku ichi datsu |
The nine states of bondage and the one state of liberation. The nine states are the hells of fire, of blood, of swords; asuras, men, devas, māras, nirgranthas, form and formless states; these are all saṃsāra states, i.e. of reincarnation. The one state of freedom, or for obtaining freedom, is nirvāṇa. |
亀甲縛り see styles |
kikkoushibari / kikkoshibari きっこうしばり |
(noun/participle) tortoise shell bondage; turtle shell bondage |
作繭自縛 作茧自缚 see styles |
zuò jiǎn zì fù zuo4 jian3 zi4 fu4 tso chien tzu fu |
to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising; hoist by his own petard |
健達縛城 健达缚城 see styles |
jiàn dá fú chéng jian4 da2 fu2 cheng2 chien ta fu ch`eng chien ta fu cheng kendatsuba jō |
gandharva city |
動的束縛 see styles |
doutekisokubaku / dotekisokubaku どうてきそくばく |
dynamic restraints |
十二見縛 十二见缚 see styles |
shí èr jiàn fú shi2 er4 jian4 fu2 shih erh chien fu jūni kenbaku |
twelve binding views |
吐絲自縛 吐丝自缚 see styles |
tǔ sī zì fù tu3 si1 zi4 fu4 t`u ssu tzu fu tu ssu tzu fu |
to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising; hoist with his own petard |
商諾縛婆 商诺缚婆 see styles |
shāng nuò fú pó shang1 nuo4 fu2 po2 shang no fu p`o shang no fu po Shōnababa |
Śaṇakavāsa |
安呾羅縛 安呾罗缚 see styles |
ān dá luó fú an1 da2 luo2 fu2 an ta lo fu Antarabaku |
Andarab, a country through which Xuanzang passed, north of Kapiśā, v. 迦. |
室羅縛拏 室罗缚拏 see styles |
shì luó fun á shi4 luo2 fun2 a2 shih lo fun a shirabana |
July-August |
摩納縛迦 摩纳缚迦 see styles |
mó nà fú jiā mo2 na4 fu2 jia1 mo na fu chia manōbaka |
(Skt. māṇavaka) |
束縛変項 see styles |
sokubakuhenkou / sokubakuhenko そくばくへんこう |
bound variable |
束縛理論 see styles |
sokubakuriron そくばくりろん |
binding theory |
束縛電子 see styles |
sokubakudenshi そくばくでんし |
bound electron |
波栗溼縛 波栗溼缚 see styles |
bō lì shī fú bo1 li4 shi1 fu2 po li shih fu Harishiba |
Pārśva, or Pārśvika |
波栗濕縛 波栗湿缚 see styles |
bō lì shī fú bo1 li4 shi1 fu2 po li shih fu Barishiba |
Pārśva |
泥縛些那 泥缚些那 see styles |
ní fú xien à ni2 fu2 xien1 a4 ni fu xien a naibashana |
nivāsana, a garment, a skirt. Also 泥婆娑; 泥伐散娜; 涅般僧. |
無縛解脫 无缚解脱 see styles |
wú fú jiě tuō wu2 fu2 jie3 tuo1 wu fu chieh t`o wu fu chieh to mubaku gedatsu |
unbound emancipation |
相了別縛 相了别缚 see styles |
xiàng liǎo bié fú xiang4 liao3 bie2 fu2 hsiang liao pieh fu sō ryōbetsu baku |
bondage to perception of phenomena |
相縛解脫 相缚解脱 see styles |
xiàng fú jiě tuō xiang4 fu2 jie3 tuo1 hsiang fu chieh t`o hsiang fu chieh to sōbaku gedatsu |
release from fettering to manifest objects |
繫縛煩惱 系缚烦恼 see styles |
xì fú fán nǎo xi4 fu2 fan2 nao3 hsi fu fan nao kebaku bonnō |
binding afflictions |
自業自縛 自业自缚 see styles |
zì yè zì fú zi4 ye4 zi4 fu2 tzu yeh tzu fu jigō jibaku |
bound by one's own karma |
自縄自縛 see styles |
jijoujibaku / jijojibaku じじょうじばく |
(yoji) being caught in one's own trap; being hoisted by one's own petard |
自縛手腳 自缚手脚 see styles |
zì fù shǒu jiǎo zi4 fu4 shou3 jiao3 tzu fu shou chiao |
to bind oneself hand and foot |
薩羅縛奢 萨罗缚奢 see styles |
sà luó fú shē sa4 luo2 fu2 she1 sa lo fu she satsurabasha |
sarvāsā |
造繭自縛 造茧自缚 see styles |
zào jiǎn zì fù zao4 jian3 zi4 fu4 tsao chien tzu fu |
to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising; hoist with his own petard |
阿娑縛抄 阿娑缚抄 see styles |
ā suō fú chāo a1 suo1 fu2 chao1 a so fu ch`ao a so fu chao Asaba shō |
Anthology of A, Sa and Va |
阿娑縛鈔 阿娑缚钞 see styles |
ā suō fú chāo a1 suo1 fu2 chao1 a so fu ch`ao a so fu chao Ashaba shō |
Anthology of A, Sa and Va |
食い縛る see styles |
kuishibaru くいしばる |
(transitive verb) to set one's teeth; to clench one's teeth; to grit one's teeth |
縛りつける see styles |
shibaritsukeru しばりつける |
(transitive verb) to tie; to restrain; to confine; to bind; to fasten |
縛り上げる see styles |
shibariageru しばりあげる |
(transitive verb) to bind (tie) up |
縛り付ける see styles |
shibaritsukeru しばりつける |
(transitive verb) to tie; to restrain; to confine; to bind; to fasten |
縛利沙鍵拏 缚利沙键拏 see styles |
fú lì shā jiàn ná fu2 li4 sha1 jian4 na2 fu li sha chien na Barishakenna |
v. 伐里 Vārṣagaṇya. |
亀の子縛り see styles |
kamenokoshibari かめのこしばり |
(rare) (See 亀甲縛り) tying up (e.g. a prisoner) with a criss-cross rope so that it forms a lozenge pattern |
六種妄想縛 六种妄想缚 see styles |
liù zhǒng wàng xiǎng fú liu4 zhong3 wang4 xiang3 fu2 liu chung wang hsiang fu roku shu mōsō baku |
six kinds of deluded conceptual bondage |
商諾迦縛婆 商诺迦缚婆 see styles |
shāng nuò jiā fú pó shang1 nuo4 jia1 fu2 po2 shang no chia fu p`o shang no chia fu po Shōnakababa |
(商諾縛婆) ; 商那和修; 舍那和修 (or 舍那波私) Sanakavisa; Sanavasa; a younger brother of Ānanda. Also an arhat, whom Eitel gives as the third patriarch, a native of Mathurā, and says: 'A Tibetan tradition identifies him with Yaśas, the leader of the II Synod. ' Because of his name he is associated with a hemp or linen garment, or a covering with which he was born. |
塞縛悉底迦 塞缚悉底迦 see styles |
sāi fú xī dǐ jiā sai1 fu2 xi1 di3 jia1 sai fu hsi ti chia saibakushiteika |
svastika, v. 萬. |
安濕縛竭拏 安湿缚竭拏 see styles |
ān shī fú jien á an1 shi1 fu2 jien2 a2 an shih fu jien a Anshibakonna |
Aśvakarṇa |
歯を食縛る see styles |
haokuishibaru はをくいしばる |
(exp,v5r) (1) to bear up in tragedy; to stand pain well; to hold one's temper; (2) to clench one's teeth; to grit one's teeth |
毘婆闍縛地 毘婆阇缚地 see styles |
pí pó shé fú dì pi2 po2 she2 fu2 di4 p`i p`o she fu ti pi po she fu ti Bibaja bachi |
Vibhajya-vādin |
毘濕縛羯磨 毘湿缚羯磨 see styles |
pí shī fú jié mó pi2 shi1 fu2 jie2 mo2 p`i shih fu chieh mo pi shih fu chieh mo Bishibakukama |
Viśvakarman |
波利涅縛南 波利涅缚南 see styles |
bō lì niè fun án bo1 li4 nie4 fun2 an2 po li nieh fun an hari nebanan |
波利暱縛M003660 parinirvāṇa, v, 般. |
納縛僧伽藍 纳缚僧伽蓝 see styles |
nà fú sēng qié lán na4 fu2 seng1 qie2 lan2 na fu seng ch`ieh lan na fu seng chieh lan Nōba sōkaran |
Navasaṅghārāma. 'An ancient monastery near Baktra, famous for three relics of Śākyamuni (a tooth, basin, and staff).' Eitel. |
薩羅婆縛底 萨罗婆缚底 see styles |
sà luó pó fú dǐ sa4 luo2 po2 fu2 di3 sa lo p`o fu ti sa lo po fu ti Sarababakutei |
Sarasvatī |
規則で縛る see styles |
kisokudeshibaru きそくでしばる |
(Godan verb with "ru" ending) to restrict (a person) by rule |
阿溼縛窶沙 阿溼缚窭沙 see styles |
ā shī fú jù shā a1 shi1 fu2 ju4 sha1 a shih fu chü sha Ashibakusha |
Aśvaghoṣa |
阿濕縛伐多 阿湿缚伐多 see styles |
ā shī fú fá duō a1 shi1 fu2 fa2 duo1 a shih fu fa to Ashūbakubachita |
阿濕婆恃; 阿濕婆 (阿濕婆氏多); 阿濕波持; 阿說示 (or阿說示旨); 阿輸實; 頞鞞 Aśvajit 馬勝 'Gaining horses by conquest.' M.W. Name of one of the first five disciples and a relative of Śākyamuni; teacher of Śāriputra. |
阿濕縛庾闍 阿湿缚庾阇 see styles |
ā shī fú yǔ shé a1 shi1 fu2 yu3 she2 a shih fu yü she Ashibakuyuja |
阿濕嚩若 aśvayuja. The month in which the moon is in conjunction with aśvinī, 16th of the 8th moon to 15th of the 9th; it is the middle month of autumn. |
阿濕縛窶沙 阿湿缚窭沙 see styles |
ā shī fú jù shā a1 shi1 fu2 ju4 sha1 a shih fu chü sha Ashibakusha |
(or阿溼縛窶沙); 馬鳴 q.v. Aśvaghosa. |
阿濕縛羯拏 阿湿缚羯拏 see styles |
ā shī fú jien á a1 shi1 fu2 jien2 a2 a shih fu jien a Ashitsubakuketsuna |
阿輸割那 aśvakarṇa, 馬耳 the horse-ear mountains, fifth of the seven concentric mountains around Sumeru. |
阿縛羅訶佉 阿缚罗诃佉 see styles |
ā fú luó hē qiā a1 fu2 luo2 he1 qia1 a fu lo ho ch`ia a fu lo ho chia a ba ra ka ka |
a-va-ra-ha-kha, a spell uniting the powers respectively of earth, water, fire, air, and space. |
頞濕縛庾闍 頞湿缚庾阇 see styles |
è shī fú yǔ shé e4 shi1 fu2 yu3 she2 o shih fu yü she |
Aśvayuja (or 頞濕婆庾闍) , the first month of autumn (September-October). |
頞濕縛羯拏 頞湿缚羯拏 see styles |
è shī fú jien á e4 shi1 fu2 jien2 a2 o shih fu jien a |
Aśvakarṇa, the fifth of the seven circles round Meru. |
縛日羅播多羅 缚日罗播多罗 see styles |
fú rì luó bò duō luó fu2 ri4 luo2 bo4 duo1 luo2 fu jih lo po to lo Bakunirahatara |
Vīrabhadra |
Variations: |
jishibari; jishibari じしばり; ジシバリ |
(1) (kana only) creeping lettuce (Ixeris stolonifera); (2) (kana only) (See 雌日芝) southern crabgrass (Digitaria ciliaris) |
不動の金縛り see styles |
fudounokanashibari / fudonokanashibari ふどうのかなしばり |
(exp,n) (See 不動明王) binding of Acala; fast binding |
伴陀羅縛子尼 伴陀罗缚子尼 see styles |
bàn tuó luó fú zǐ ní ban4 tuo2 luo2 fu2 zi3 ni2 pan t`o lo fu tzu ni pan to lo fu tzu ni Handarabashini |
(or 伴陀羅縛字尼) v. 半 Pāṇḍaravāsinī. |
手無縛雞之力 手无缚鸡之力 see styles |
shǒu wú fù jī zhī lì shou3 wu2 fu4 ji1 zhi1 li4 shou wu fu chi chih li |
lit. lacking the strength even to truss a chicken (saying); fig. weak; unaccustomed to physical work |
束縛継承原理 see styles |
sokubakukeishougenri / sokubakukeshogenri そくばくけいしょうげんり |
binding inheritance principle; BIP |
歯を食い縛る see styles |
haokuishibaru はをくいしばる |
(exp,v5r) (1) to bear up in tragedy; to stand pain well; to hold one's temper; (2) to clench one's teeth; to grit one's teeth |
無縛無著解脫 无缚无着解脱 see styles |
wú fú wú zhuó jiě tuō wu2 fu2 wu2 zhuo2 jie3 tuo1 wu fu wu cho chieh t`o wu fu wu cho chieh to mubaku mujaku gedatsu |
unbound, unattached liberation |
納縛提媻矩羅 纳缚提媻矩罗 see styles |
nà fú tí pán jǔ luó na4 fu2 ti2 pan2 ju3 luo2 na fu t`i p`an chü lo na fu ti pan chü lo Nōbadaibakura |
Navadevakula. 'An ancient city, a few miles south-east of Kanyākūbdja, on the eastern bank of the Ganges. The present Nobatgang.' Eitel. |
統率束縛理論 see styles |
tousotsusokubakuriron / tosotsusokubakuriron とうそつそくばくりろん |
{ling} government-binding theory |
頞濕縛羯拏山 see styles |
è shī fú jien á shān e4 shi1 fu2 jien2 a2 shan1 o shih fu jien a shan |
Aśvakarṇa |
末奴是若颯縛羅 末奴是若飒缚罗 see styles |
mò nú shì ruò sà fú luó mo4 nu2 shi4 ruo4 sa4 fu2 luo2 mo nu shih jo sa fu lo madozenyasōbara |
manojñasvara 如意音, 樂音 lovely sounds, music; a king of the gandharvas, Indra's musicians. |
自縄自縛に陥る see styles |
jijoujibakuniochiiru / jijojibakuniochiru じじょうじばくにおちいる |
(exp,v5r) to be caught in one's own trap |
一切煩惱不隨縛智 一切烦恼不随缚智 see styles |
yī qiè fán nǎo bù suí fú zhì yi1 qie4 fan2 nao3 bu4 sui2 fu2 zhi4 i ch`ieh fan nao pu sui fu chih i chieh fan nao pu sui fu chih issai bonnō fu zuibaku chi |
cognition that is not bound to all afflictions |
地迦媻縛那僧伽藍 地迦媻缚那僧伽蓝 see styles |
dì jiā pán fun à sēng qié lán di4 jia1 pan2 fun2 a4 seng1 qie2 lan2 ti chia p`an fun a seng ch`ieh lan ti chia pan fun a seng chieh lan Jika babana sōgaran |
?Dīrgha-bhavana-saṃghārāma. A monastery near Khotan 豁旦, with a statue dressed in silk which had 'transported itself' thither from Karashahr 庫車. Eitel. |
阿縛盧枳低濕伐邏 阿缚卢枳低湿伐逻 see styles |
ā fú lú zhǐ dī shī fá luó a1 fu2 lu2 zhi3 di1 shi1 fa2 luo2 a fu lu chih ti shih fa lo Abaroshiteishibara |
Avalokiteśvara, 阿縛盧枳帝濕伐邏 (or 阿縛盧枳多伊濕伐邏); 阿婆盧吉帝舍婆羅; 阿那婆婁吉低輸; 阿梨耶婆樓吉弓稅; also Āryā valokiteśvara. Intp. as 觀世音 or 光世音 'Regarder (or Observer) of the world's sounds, or cries'; or ? 'Sounds that enlighten the world'. Also 觀自在 The Sovereign beholder, a tr. of īśvara, lord, sovereign. There is much debate as to whether the latter part of the word is svara, sound, or īśvara, lord; Chinese interpretations vary. Cf. 觀音. |
Variations: |
imashime いましめ |
bonds; bondage; binding |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "縛" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.