There are 155 total results for your 累 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
累進税率 see styles |
ruishinzeiritsu / ruishinzeritsu るいしんぜいりつ |
progressive tax rate |
累進課税 see styles |
ruishinkazei / ruishinkaze るいしんかぜい |
progressive taxation; graduated taxation |
事危累卵 see styles |
shì wēi lěi luǎn shi4 wei1 lei3 luan3 shih wei lei luan |
lit. the matter has become a pile of eggs (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture |
傷痕累累 伤痕累累 see styles |
shāng hén lěi lěi shang1 hen2 lei3 lei3 shang hen lei lei |
cuts and bruises all over the body |
危如累卵 see styles |
wēi rú lěi luǎn wei1 ru2 lei3 luan3 wei ju lei luan |
precarious as pile of eggs (idiom); ready to fall and break at any moment; in a dangerous state |
囑累阿難 嘱累阿难 see styles |
zhǔ lěi ān án zhu3 lei3 an1 an2 chu lei an an shokurui Anan |
transmission to Ānanda |
常年累月 see styles |
cháng nián lěi yuè chang2 nian2 lei3 yue4 ch`ang nien lei yüeh chang nien lei yüeh |
variant of 長年累月|长年累月[chang2 nian2 lei3 yue4] |
彈痕累累 弹痕累累 see styles |
dàn hén lěi lěi dan4 hen2 lei3 lei3 tan hen lei lei |
bullet-riddled |
德累斯頓 德累斯顿 see styles |
dé lèi sī dùn de2 lei4 si1 dun4 te lei ssu tun |
More info & calligraphy: Dresden |
成千累萬 成千累万 see styles |
chéng qiān lěi wàn cheng2 qian1 lei3 wan4 ch`eng ch`ien lei wan cheng chien lei wan |
lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers; innumerable; thousands upon thousands |
成年累月 see styles |
chéng nián lěi yuè cheng2 nian2 lei3 yue4 ch`eng nien lei yüeh cheng nien lei yüeh |
year in, year out (idiom) |
整年累月 see styles |
zhěng nián lěi yuè zheng3 nian2 lei3 yue4 cheng nien lei yüeh |
month after month, year after year; year in, year out |
日積月累 日积月累 see styles |
rì jī yuè lěi ri4 ji1 yue4 lei3 jih chi yüeh lei |
to accumulate over a long period of time |
果實累累 果实累累 see styles |
guǒ shí léi léi guo3 shi2 lei2 lei2 kuo shih lei lei |
lit. prodigious abundance of fruit (idiom); fruit hangs heavy on the bough; fig. countless accomplishments; one great result after another |
死屍累々 see styles |
shishiruirui ししるいるい |
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) heaps of corpses all around |
死屍累累 see styles |
shishiruirui ししるいるい |
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) heaps of corpses all around |
盈箱累篋 盈箱累箧 see styles |
yíng xiāng lěi qiè ying2 xiang1 lei3 qie4 ying hsiang lei ch`ieh ying hsiang lei chieh |
to fill boxes and baskets to the brim (with treasures) |
碩果累累 硕果累累 see styles |
shuò guǒ lěi lěi shuo4 guo3 lei3 lei3 shuo kuo lei lei |
heavily laden with fruit; fertile (of trees); many noteworthy achievements |
積功累德 积功累德 see styles |
jī gōng lěi dé ji1 gong1 lei3 de2 chi kung lei te shakkuruitoku |
積累 To accumulate or lay up merit. |
積年累月 积年累月 see styles |
jī nián lěi yuè ji1 nian2 lei3 yue4 chi nien lei yüeh |
year in, year out (idiom); (over) many years |
積德累功 积德累功 see styles |
jī dé lěi gōng ji1 de2 lei3 gong1 chi te lei kung |
to accumulate merit and virtue |
積累德本 积累德本 see styles |
jī lěi dé běn ji1 lei3 de2 ben3 chi lei te pen shakurui tokuhon |
accumulates the roots of virtue |
積累毒性 积累毒性 see styles |
jī lěi dú xìng ji1 lei3 du2 xing4 chi lei tu hsing |
cumulative poison |
積金累玉 积金累玉 see styles |
jī jīn lěi yù ji1 jin1 lei3 yu4 chi chin lei yü |
to accumulate gold and jewels (idiom); prosperous |
經年累月 经年累月 see styles |
jīng nián lěi yuè jing1 nian2 lei3 yue4 ching nien lei yüeh |
for years; over the years |
罪行累累 see styles |
zuì xíng lěi lěi zui4 xing2 lei3 lei3 tsui hsing lei lei |
having an extensive criminal record |
血債累累 血债累累 see styles |
xuè zhài lěi lěi xue4 zhai4 lei3 lei3 hsüeh chai lei lei |
debts of blood crying out for retribution |
負債累累 负债累累 see styles |
fù zhài lěi lěi fu4 zhai4 lei3 lei3 fu chai lei lei |
deep in debt |
赤字累累 see styles |
chì zì lěi lěi chi4 zi4 lei3 lei3 ch`ih tzu lei lei chih tzu lei lei |
debt-ridden; heavily laden with debt |
連篇累牘 连篇累牍 see styles |
lián piān lěi dú lian2 pian1 lei3 du2 lien p`ien lei tu lien pien lei tu |
(of a piece of writing) long and tedious (idiom); verbose |
長年累月 长年累月 see styles |
cháng nián lěi yuè chang2 nian2 lei3 yue4 ch`ang nien lei yüeh chang nien lei yüeh |
year in, year out (idiom); (over) many years |
長篇累牘 长篇累牍 see styles |
cháng piān lěi dú chang2 pian1 lei3 du2 ch`ang p`ien lei tu chang pien lei tu |
(of a text) very lengthy (idiom) |
Variations: |
ruirui るいるい |
(adj-t,adv-to) in heaps |
累を及ぼす see styles |
ruiooyobosu るいをおよぼす |
(exp,v5s) to cause trouble (for); to have a harmful effect (on); to involve (someone) in trouble |
累計メモリ see styles |
ruikeimemori / ruikememori るいけいメモリ |
{comp} sigma memory |
Variations: |
keirui / kerui けいるい |
(noun/participle) (1) dependents; family members that one has to support; (noun/participle) (2) encumbrances; things that tie one down |
Variations: |
kenrui けんるい |
stronghold |
囑累阿難品 嘱累阿难品 see styles |
zhǔ lěi ān án pǐn zhu3 lei3 an1 an2 pin3 chu lei an an p`in chu lei an an pin shokurui anan hon |
chapter on the entrustment to Ānanda |
帕累托最優 帕累托最优 see styles |
pà lèi tuō zuì yōu pa4 lei4 tuo1 zui4 you1 p`a lei t`o tsui yu pa lei to tsui yu |
Pareto efficiency (economics); Pareto optimality |
帕累托法則 帕累托法则 see styles |
pà lèi tuō fǎ zé pa4 lei4 tuo1 fa3 ze2 p`a lei t`o fa tse pa lei to fa tse |
Pareto principle |
累卵の危うき see styles |
ruirannoayauki るいらんのあやうき |
(expression) (See 累卵・1) imminent danger; threatened ruin |
累積分布関数 see styles |
ruisekibunpukansuu / ruisekibunpukansu るいせきぶんぷかんすう |
{comp} cumulative distribution function |
累積索引付け see styles |
ruisekisakuintsuke るいせきさくいんつけ |
{comp} cumulative indexing |
墨累達令流域 墨累达令流域 see styles |
mò lèi dá lìng liú yù mo4 lei4 da2 ling4 liu2 yu4 mo lei ta ling liu yü |
Murray-Darling river system in the southeast of Australia |
達累斯薩拉姆 达累斯萨拉姆 see styles |
dá lèi sī sà lā mǔ da2 lei4 si1 sa4 la1 mu3 ta lei ssu sa la mu |
Dar es Salaam (former capital of Tanzania) |
累進焦点レンズ see styles |
ruishinshoutenrenzu / ruishinshotenrenzu るいしんしょうてんレンズ |
progressive lens; multifocal lens |
地層累重の法則 see styles |
chisouruijuunohousoku / chisoruijunohosoku ちそうるいじゅうのほうそく |
(exp,n) {geol} law of superposition; principle of superposition |
Variations: |
ruishuu / ruishu るいしゅう |
(archaism) prisoner |
株式累積投資制度 see styles |
kabushikiruisekitoushiseido / kabushikiruisekitoshisedo かぶしきるいせきとうしせいど |
{finc} accumulated stock investment plan |
Variations: |
shishiruirui ししるいるい |
(adj-no,adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) heaps of corpses all around |
家累千金,坐不垂堂 see styles |
jiā lěi qiān jīn , zuò bù chuí táng jia1 lei3 qian1 jin1 , zuo4 bu4 chui2 tang2 chia lei ch`ien chin , tso pu ch`ui t`ang chia lei chien chin , tso pu chui tang |
lit. a wealthy person does not sit under the eaves (idiom); fig. a rich man does not expose himself to danger |
Variations: |
ruishuu / ruishu るいしゅう |
prisoner |
九層の台は累土より起こる see styles |
kyuusounoutenaharuidoyoriokoru / kyusonotenaharuidoyoriokoru きゅうそうのうてなはるいどよりおこる |
(exp,v5r) (proverb) (rare) (from Tao Te Ching, also as 九層の台も累土より起こる) (See 塵も積もれば山となる) many a little makes a mickle; every little helps; the tower of nine storeys (stories) rose from a small heap of earth |
Variations: |
ruigaoyobu るいがおよぶ |
(exp,v5b) to cause trouble (for); to have a bad effect (on) |
Variations: |
keirui / kerui けいるい |
(1) dependents; family members that one has to support; (2) encumbrances; things that tie one down |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 55 results for "累" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.