There are 554 total results for your 祖 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
五祖 see styles |
wǔ zǔ wu3 zu3 wu tsu goso |
The five patriarchs. Those of the Huayan (Kegon) sect are 終南杜順; 雲華智儼; 賢首法藏; 淸涼澄觀, and 圭峯宗密. The Pure-land sect five patriarchs are 曇鸞; 道綽; 善導; 懷感 and 少康. The 蓮社 (白蓮社) Lianshe sect has 善導; 法照; 少康; 省常, and 宗賾. |
亘祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
人祖 see styles |
jinso じんそ |
progenitor |
仏祖 see styles |
busso ぶっそ |
Founder of Buddhism |
伊祖 see styles |
iso いそ |
(place-name) Iso |
佛祖 see styles |
fó zǔ fo2 zu3 fo tsu busso |
Buddha; founder of a buddhist sect The Buddha and other founders of cults; Buddhist patriarchs; two of the records concerning them are the佛祖統紀 and the佛祖通載 (歷代通載). |
元祖 see styles |
yuán zǔ yuan2 zu3 yüan tsu ganso がんそ |
(1) originator; pioneer; inventor; founder; (2) progenitor; primogenitor; founder of a family line The original patriarch, or founder of a sect or school; sometimes applied to the Buddha as the founder of virtue. |
先祖 see styles |
xiān zǔ xian1 zu3 hsien tsu senzo せんぞ |
(literary) my deceased grandfather; (literary) ancestors ancestor; forefather; foremother; (surname) Senzo patriarch |
光祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
兩祖 两祖 see styles |
liǎng zǔ liang3 zu3 liang tsu ryōso |
two ancestors |
六祖 see styles |
liù zǔ liu4 zu3 liu tsu rokuso |
The six patriarchs of the Ch'an (Zen) school 禪宗, who passed down robe and begging bowl in succession i. e. Bodhidharma, Huike, Sengcan, Daoxin, Hongren, and Huineng 達摩, 慧可, 僧璨, 道信, 弘忍, and 慧能. |
列祖 see styles |
liè zǔ lie4 zu3 lieh tsu resso |
line of ancestors |
初祖 see styles |
chū zǔ chu1 zu3 ch`u tsu chu tsu hatsuso はつそ |
(rare) the first generation of a family; school (of thought) or religious sect; (surname) Hatsuso founder |
別祖 see styles |
betsuso べつそ |
(surname) Betsuso |
功祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
十祖 see styles |
toso とそ |
(surname) Toso |
厚祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
叔祖 see styles |
shū zǔ shu1 zu3 shu tsu |
grandfather's younger brother |
同祖 see styles |
douso / doso どうそ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) common ancestor |
名祖 see styles |
naoya なおや |
eponym (person after whom something is named) |
垢祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
大祖 see styles |
ooso おおそ |
founder; progenitor; emperor; (place-name) Ooso |
天祖 see styles |
tenso てんそ |
the ancestral Sun Goddess |
太祖 see styles |
tài zǔ tai4 zu3 t`ai tsu tai tsu taiso たいそ |
Great Ancestor (posomethingumous title, e.g. for the founder of a dynasty) founder; progenitor; emperor great ancestor |
始祖 see styles |
shǐ zǔ shi3 zu3 shih tsu shiso しそ |
primogenitor; founder of a school or trade founder; originator; pioneer |
媽祖 妈祖 see styles |
mā zǔ ma1 zu3 ma tsu maso まそ |
Matsu, name of a sea goddess still widely worshipped on the SE China coast and in SE Asia Mazu (Chinese goddess of the sea) |
孝祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
宏祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
宗祖 see styles |
zōng zǔ zong1 zu3 tsung tsu shuuso / shuso しゅうそ |
sect founder The founder of a sect or school. |
家祖 see styles |
jiā zǔ jia1 zu3 chia tsu |
(polite) my paternal grandfather |
尊祖 see styles |
zūn zǔ zun1 zu3 tsun tsu sonso |
venerating the patriarchs |
岩祖 see styles |
iwaso いわそ |
(surname) Iwaso |
嵩祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
巧祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
師祖 师祖 see styles |
shī zǔ shi1 zu3 shih tsu shiso |
The teacher of one's teacher. |
幸祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
康祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
弘祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
彭祖 see styles |
péng zǔ peng2 zu3 p`eng tsu peng tsu houso / hoso ほうそ |
Peng Zu (legendary figure of Taoism who lived 800 years) (personal name) Houso |
恒祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
成祖 see styles |
seiso / seso せいそ |
(personal name) Seiso |
折祖 see styles |
oriso おりそ |
(surname) Oriso |
教祖 see styles |
jiào zǔ jiao4 zu3 chiao tsu kyouso / kyoso きょうそ |
founder of a religious sect; (personal name) Kyouso founder of a Buddhist sect |
新祖 see styles |
shinso しんそ |
(surname) Shinso |
日祖 see styles |
hiso ひそ |
(place-name) Hiso |
晃祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
曩祖 see styles |
nǎng zǔ nang3 zu3 nang tsu nōso |
ancestors of old |
曾祖 see styles |
zēng zǔ zeng1 zu3 tseng tsu souso / soso そうそ |
great-grandfather (father of one's paternal grandfather) (personal name) Souso |
木祖 see styles |
kiso きそ |
(place-name) Kiso |
村祖 see styles |
muraso むらそ |
(surname) Muraso |
来祖 see styles |
kuruso くるそ |
(surname) Kuruso |
栗祖 see styles |
kuriso くりそ |
(place-name) Kuriso |
正祖 see styles |
zhèng zǔ zheng4 zu3 cheng tsu |
Jeonjo (1752-1800), 22nd king of Korean Joseon dynasty |
洸祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
浩祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
父祖 see styles |
fuso ふそ |
ancestors |
玉祖 see styles |
tamaso たまそ |
(surname) Tamaso |
皇祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(divine, historical or legendary) founder of an empire |
皓祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
真祖 see styles |
shinso しんそ |
(in fiction) person changed into a vampire by magic |
祈祖 see styles |
oriso おりそ |
(surname) Oriso |
神祖 see styles |
shén zǔ shen2 zu3 shen tsu jinso じんそ |
Godhead (place-name) Jinso |
祭祖 see styles |
jì zǔ ji4 zu3 chi tsu |
to offer sacrifices to one's ancestors |
積祖 积祖 see styles |
jī zǔ ji1 zu3 chi tsu |
many generations of ancestors |
籾祖 see styles |
momiso もみそ |
(place-name) Momiso |
紘祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
紙祖 see styles |
shiso しそ |
(place-name) Shiso |
耕祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
聖祖 圣祖 see styles |
shèng zǔ sheng4 zu3 sheng tsu seiso / seso せいそ |
divine ancester; patron saint (personal name) Seiso |
能祖 see styles |
noso のそ |
(surname) Noso |
藩祖 see styles |
hanso はんそ |
(1) (hist) ancestor of a feudal lord; (2) (hist) founder of a feudal domain |
虹祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(personal name) Kōso |
西祖 see styles |
seiso / seso せいそ |
(place-name, surname) Seiso |
近祖 see styles |
chikaso ちかそ |
(surname) Chikaso |
道祖 see styles |
douso / doso どうそ |
(surname) Dōso |
達祖 达祖 see styles |
dá zǔ da2 zu3 ta tsu Tasso |
Ancestor Dharma |
遠祖 远祖 see styles |
yuǎn zǔ yuan3 zu3 yüan tsu enso えんそ |
a remote ancestor remote ancestor; forefather |
郷祖 see styles |
gouso / goso ごうそ |
(surname) Gouso |
長祖 see styles |
nagaso ながそ |
(surname) Nagaso |
開祖 开祖 see styles |
kāi zǔ kai1 zu3 k`ai tsu kai tsu kaiso かいそ |
(sect) founder; apostle; originator; inventor The founder of a sect, or clan. |
顯祖 显祖 see styles |
xiǎn zǔ xian3 zu3 hsien tsu |
ancestors (old) |
養祖 see styles |
yooso よおそ |
(personal name) Yooso |
馬祖 马祖 see styles |
mǎ zǔ ma3 zu3 ma tsu baso ばそ |
Matsu Islands off Fujian, administered by Taiwan (place-name) Matsu Islands (Taiwan) Ma Tsu, founder of the Southern Peak school of the Ch'an or Intuitional sect in Kiangsi, known as 江西道一. |
高祖 see styles |
gāo zǔ gao1 zu3 kao tsu takasone たかそね |
founder of dynasty or sect; (surname) Takasone A founder of a sect or school. |
黄祖 see styles |
kouso / koso こうそ |
(person) Huang Zu (-208CE) |
黒祖 see styles |
kokuso こくそ |
(surname) Kokuso |
鼻祖 see styles |
bí zǔ bi2 zu3 pi tsu biso びそ |
the earliest ancestor; originator (of a tradition, school of thought etc) founder; originator; introducer a patriarch who founds a sect or school |
祖代子 see styles |
soyoko そよこ |
(female given name) Soyoko |
祖利田 see styles |
sorita そりた |
(surname) Sorita |
祖利目 see styles |
sorime そりめ |
(surname) Sorime |
祖国愛 see styles |
sokokuai そこくあい |
patriotism |
祖堂集 see styles |
zǔ táng jí zu3 tang2 ji2 tsu t`ang chi tsu tang chi Sodō shū |
Record of the Ancestral Hall |
祖姑母 see styles |
zǔ gū mǔ zu3 gu1 mu3 tsu ku mu |
father's father's sister; great aunt |
祖子分 see styles |
soshibun そしぶん |
(place-name) Soshibun |
祖富枝 see styles |
sotoe そとえ |
(female given name) Sotoe |
祖山橋 see styles |
soyamabashi そやまばし |
(place-name) Soyamabashi |
祖師堂 祖师堂 see styles |
zǔ shī táng zu3 shi1 tang2 tsu shih t`ang tsu shih tang soshi dō |
patriarch's hall |
祖師殿 祖师殿 see styles |
zǔ shī diàn zu3 shi1 dian4 tsu shih tien soshi den |
hall of the patriarchs |
祖師爺 祖师爷 see styles |
zǔ shī yé zu3 shi1 ye2 tsu shih yeh |
founder (of a craft, religious sect etc) |
祖師禅 see styles |
soshizen そしぜん |
(See 如来禅) Zen Buddhism based on the teachings of Bodhidharma |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "祖" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.