There are 678 total results for your 独 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
東独 see styles |
higashidoitsu ひがしどいつ |
(hist) (abbreviation) (See 東ドイツ) East Germany (1949-1990); (place-name) East Germany |
渡独 see styles |
todoku とどく |
(noun/participle) going to Germany |
港獨 港独 see styles |
gǎng dú gang3 du2 kang tu |
Hong Kong independence |
煢独 see styles |
keidoku / kedoku けいどく |
(obscure) orphan; last of kin |
獨一 独一 see styles |
dú yī du2 yi1 tu i dokuichi |
only; unique alone |
獨住 独住 see styles |
dú zhù du2 zhu4 tu chu dokujū |
to live alone |
獨佔 独占 see styles |
dú zhàn du2 zhan4 tu chan |
to monopolize; to control; to dominate See: 独占 |
獨個 独个 see styles |
dú gè du2 ge4 tu ko |
alone |
獨具 独具 see styles |
dú jù du2 ju4 tu chü |
to have unique (talent, insight etc) |
獨到 独到 see styles |
dú dào du2 dao4 tu tao |
original |
獨創 独创 see styles |
dú chuàng du2 chuang4 tu ch`uang tu chuang |
to come up with (an innovation); innovation |
獨力 独力 see styles |
dú lì du2 li4 tu li |
all by oneself; without exterior help See: 独力 |
獨參 独参 see styles |
dú sān du2 san1 tu san dokusan |
private interview |
獨吞 独吞 see styles |
dú tūn du2 tun1 tu t`un tu tun |
to hog; to keep everything for oneself |
獨唱 独唱 see styles |
dú chàng du2 chang4 tu ch`ang tu chang |
(in singing) solo; to solo See: 独唱 |
獨善 独善 see styles |
dú shàn du2 shan4 tu shan dokuzen |
self-righteous |
獨園 独园 see styles |
dú yuán du2 yuan2 tu yüan Dokuon |
v. 給 and 阿 Anāthapiṇḍika. |
獨在 独在 see styles |
dú zài du2 zai4 tu tsai dokuzai |
alone |
獨大 独大 see styles |
dú dà du2 da4 tu ta |
to dominate over all others; to wield all the power; to reign supreme |
獨夫 独夫 see styles |
dú fū du2 fu1 tu fu |
sole ruler; dictator |
獨奏 独奏 see styles |
dú zòu du2 zou4 tu tsou |
solo See: 独奏 |
獨女 独女 see styles |
dú nǚ du2 nu:3 tu nü |
a daughter who is an only child See: 独女 |
獨妙 独妙 see styles |
dú miào du2 miao4 tu miao dokumyō |
exquisite |
獨子 独子 see styles |
dú zǐ du2 zi3 tu tzu |
a son who is an only child |
獨存 独存 see styles |
dú cún du2 cun2 tu ts`un tu tsun dokuson |
alone |
獨孤 独孤 see styles |
dú gū du2 gu1 tu ku |
two-character surname Dugu |
獨家 独家 see styles |
dú jiā du2 jia1 tu chia |
exclusive |
獨尊 独尊 see styles |
dú zūn du2 zun1 tu tsun dokuson |
to revere as sole orthodoxy; to hold supremacy (of a religion, ideology, cultural norm, social group etc); to be dominant The alone honoured one, Buddha. |
獨居 独居 see styles |
dú jū du2 ju1 tu chü dokukyo |
More info & calligraphy: Alone / Solitary ExistenceDwelling alone, e.g. as a hermit. |
獨屬 独属 see styles |
dú shǔ du2 shu3 tu shu |
belonging exclusively to; exclusively for; reserved to; special |
獨山 独山 see styles |
dú shān du2 shan1 tu shan |
Dushan county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou See: 独山 |
獨島 独岛 see styles |
dú dǎo du2 dao3 tu tao tokudo トクド |
Dokdo (Japanese Takeshima 竹島|竹岛[Zhu2 dao3]), disputed islands in Sea of Japan (place-name) Dokdo (Korean name for Takeshima); Tokto; Liancourt Rocks |
獨己 独己 see styles |
dú jǐ du2 ji3 tu chi dokuko |
alone |
獨得 独得 see styles |
dú dé du2 de2 tu te dokudoku |
separately |
獨悟 独悟 see styles |
dú wù du2 wu4 tu wu dokugo |
individually enlightened |
獨攬 独揽 see styles |
dú lǎn du2 lan3 tu lan |
to monopolize |
獨斷 独断 see styles |
dú duàn du2 duan4 tu tuan |
to decide alone without consultation; arbitrary; dictatorial See: 独断 |
獨有 独有 see styles |
dú yǒu du2 you3 tu yu |
to own exclusively; unique to; specific; there is only |
獨棟 独栋 see styles |
dú dòng du2 dong4 tu tung |
(of a building) detached |
獨步 独步 see styles |
dú bù du2 bu4 tu pu |
lit. walking alone; prominent; unrivalled; outstanding |
獨特 独特 see styles |
dú tè du2 te4 tu t`e tu te |
More info & calligraphy: UniqueSee: 独特 |
獨獨 独独 see styles |
dú dú du2 du2 tu tu |
alone |
獨生 独生 see styles |
dú shēng du2 sheng1 tu sheng dokushō |
only (child); without siblings; to be the sole survivor worldling |
獨白 独白 see styles |
dú bái du2 bai2 tu pai |
stage monologue; soliloquy See: 独白 |
獨秀 独秀 see styles |
dú xiù du2 xiu4 tu hsiu |
to surpass; to stand above the crowd See: 独秀 |
獨空 独空 see styles |
dú kōng du2 kong1 tu k`ung tu kung dokukū |
The one immaterial reality behind all phenomena. |
獨立 独立 see styles |
dú lì du2 li4 tu li |
More info & calligraphy: IndependenceSee: 独立 |
獨聖 独圣 see styles |
dú shèng du2 sheng4 tu sheng dokushō |
hermit sage |
獨膽 独胆 see styles |
dú dǎn du2 dan3 tu tan |
individually courageous |
獨自 独自 see styles |
dú zì du2 zi4 tu tzu dokuji |
alone independent |
獨舞 独舞 see styles |
dú wǔ du2 wu3 tu wu |
solo dance |
獨苗 独苗 see styles |
dú miáo du2 miao2 tu miao |
only child; sole scion |
獨處 独处 see styles |
dú chǔ du2 chu3 tu ch`u tu chu |
to live alone; to spend time alone (or with a significant other) |
獨行 独行 see styles |
dú xíng du2 xing2 tu hsing dokugyō |
solitary functioning independently |
獨裁 独裁 see styles |
dú cái du2 cai2 tu ts`ai tu tsai |
dictatorship See: 独裁 |
獨覺 独觉 see styles |
dú jué du2 jue2 tu chüeh dokukaku |
pratyekabuddha, v. 緣 one who seeks his own enlightenment. |
獨語 独语 see styles |
dú yǔ du2 yu3 tu yü |
solo part (in opera); soliloquy |
獨資 独资 see styles |
dú zī du2 zi1 tu tzu |
wholly-owned (often by foreign company); exclusive investment |
獨身 独身 see styles |
dú shēn du2 shen1 tu shen dokushin |
unmarried; single; alone celibacy |
獨酌 独酌 see styles |
dú zhuó du2 zhuo2 tu cho |
to drink alone See: 独酌 |
獨院 独院 see styles |
dú yuàn du2 yuan4 tu yüan |
one family courtyard |
獨霸 独霸 see styles |
dú bà du2 ba4 tu pa |
to dominate (a market etc); to monopolize |
獨頭 独头 see styles |
dú tóu du2 tou2 tu t`ou tu tou dokuzu |
independent |
獨顯 独显 see styles |
dú xiǎn du2 xian3 tu hsien doku ken |
(computing) discrete GPU; dedicated GPU (abbr. for 獨立顯卡|独立显卡[du2li4 xian3ka3]) only expresses |
獨體 独体 see styles |
dú tǐ du2 ti3 tu t`i tu ti |
autonomous body; independent system |
獨龍 独龙 see styles |
dú lóng du2 long2 tu lung |
Drung or Dulong ethnic group of northwest Yunnan |
竊獨 窃独 see styles |
qiè dú qie4 du2 ch`ieh tu chieh tu setsudoku |
secretly and alone |
米独 see styles |
beidoku / bedoku べいどく |
America and Germany; American-German |
給獨 给独 see styles |
jǐ dú ji3 du2 chi tu Kyūdoku |
Anāthapiṇḍada |
統獨 统独 see styles |
tǒng dú tong3 du2 t`ung tu tung tu |
unification and independence |
聲獨 声独 see styles |
shēng dú sheng1 du2 sheng tu shōdoku |
聲緣 śrāvakas and pratyeka-buddhas, cf. next entry and 緣覺. |
英独 see styles |
eidoku / edoku えいどく |
United Kingdom and Germany; British-German; Anglo-German; English-German |
藏獨 藏独 see styles |
zàng dú zang4 du2 tsang tu |
Tibetan Independence (movement); abbr. for 西藏獨立運動|西藏独立运动 |
西独 see styles |
nishidoitsu にしどいつ |
(hist) (abbreviation) (See 西ドイツ) West Germany (1949-1990); (place-name) West Germany |
雙獨 双独 see styles |
shuāng dú shuang1 du2 shuang tu |
double and single; allowed dispensation to have second child |
離獨 离独 see styles |
lí dú li2 du2 li tu |
to be divorced |
非獨 非独 see styles |
fēi dú fei1 du2 fei tu |
not only; not merely |
駐独 see styles |
chuudoku / chudoku ちゅうどく |
(can be adjective with の) stationed in Germany; resident in Germany |
独りで see styles |
hitoride ひとりで |
(expression) alone; by oneself; voluntarily; spontaneously; automatically |
独り女 see styles |
hitorionna ひとりおんな |
(rare) single woman; unmarried woman |
独り子 see styles |
hitorigo ひとりご |
(an) only child |
独り寝 see styles |
hitorine ひとりね |
(noun/participle) sleeping alone |
独り旅 see styles |
hitoritabi ひとりたび |
travelling alone; solitary journey |
独り者 see styles |
hitorimono ひとりもの |
single (i.e. unmarried) person; someone alone |
独り言 see styles |
hitorigoto ひとりごと |
soliloquy; monologue; speaking to oneself |
独り身 see styles |
hitorimi ひとりみ |
unmarried man (woman) |
独ソ戦 see styles |
dokusosen どくソせん |
(hist) Russo-German War (1941-1945) |
独一郎 see styles |
tokuichirou / tokuichiro とくいちろう |
(male given name) Tokuichirō |
独創力 see styles |
dokusouryoku / dokusoryoku どくそうりょく |
creative powers |
独創性 see styles |
dokusousei / dokusose どくそうせい |
creativity; ingenuity |
独創的 see styles |
dokusouteki / dokusoteki どくそうてき |
(adjectival noun) creative; original |
独占権 see styles |
dokusenken どくせんけん |
exclusive right; sole right |
独占欲 see styles |
dokusenyoku どくせんよく |
possessiveness; desire to monopolize (monopolise); desire for control |
独占的 see styles |
dokusenteki どくせんてき |
(adjectival noun) monopolistic; exclusive |
独参湯 see styles |
dokujintou / dokujinto どくじんとう |
crowd-puller; box-office certainty |
独唱会 see styles |
dokushoukai / dokushokai どくしょうかい |
vocal recital |
独善的 see styles |
dokuzenteki どくぜんてき |
(adjectival noun) self-righteous |
独嘯庵 see styles |
dokushouan / dokushoan どくしょうあん |
(personal name) Dokushouan |
独壇場 see styles |
dokudanjou / dokudanjo どくだんじょう |
(word born of confusion between the kanji 擅 and 壇) (See 独擅場) field in which one acts unchallenged; unrivaled sphere of activity; one's monopoly |
独奏会 see styles |
dokusoukai / dokusokai どくそうかい |
solo recital |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "独" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.