There are 242 total results for your 狐 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
狐森山 see styles |
kitsunemoriyama きつねもりやま |
(place-name) Kitsunemoriyama |
狐步舞 see styles |
hú bù wǔ hu2 bu4 wu3 hu pu wu |
fox-trot (ballroom dance) (loanword) |
狐沢山 see styles |
kitsunesawayama きつねさわやま |
(place-name) Kitsunesawayama |
狐沢川 see styles |
kitsunesawagawa きつねさわがわ |
(place-name) Kitsunesawagawa |
狐狩り see styles |
kitsunekari きつねかり |
fox hunt; fox hunting |
狐狸座 see styles |
hú li zuò hu2 li5 zuo4 hu li tso |
Vulpecula (constellation) |
狐狸庵 see styles |
korian こりあん |
(personal name) Korian |
狐狸精 see styles |
hú li jīng hu2 li5 jing1 hu li ching |
fox-spirit; vixen; witch; enchantress |
狐禅寺 see styles |
kozenji こぜんじ |
(place-name) Kozenji |
狐穴沢 see styles |
kitsuneanazawa きつねあなざわ |
(place-name) Kitsuneanazawa |
狐興野 see styles |
kitsunekouya / kitsunekoya きつねこうや |
(place-name) Kitsunekouya |
狐茄子 see styles |
kitsunenasu; kitsunenasu キツネナス; きつねなす |
(kana only) (See ツノナス) nipplefruit (Solanum mammosum); apple of Sodom; titty fruit; cow's udder |
狐越岬 see styles |
kitsunegoshimisaki きつねごしみさき |
(personal name) Kitsunegoshimisaki |
狐郷山 see styles |
kitsunegouyama / kitsunegoyama きつねごうやま |
(place-name) Kitsunegouyama |
狐饂飩 see styles |
kitsuneudon きつねうどん |
(kana only) udon with deep-fried tofu |
狐鷹森 see styles |
kotakamori こたかもり |
(place-name) Kotakamori |
三狐神 see styles |
miketsukami みけつかみ saguji さぐじ |
(1) any god of foodstuffs; (2) Uka-no-Mitama (god of rice) |
上狐塚 see styles |
kamikitsunetsuka かみきつねつか |
(place-name) Kamikitsunetsuka |
上狐森 see styles |
kamikitsunemori かみきつねもり |
(place-name) Kamikitsunemori |
上白狐 see styles |
kamibyakko かみびゃっこ |
(place-name) Kamibyakko |
下狐塚 see styles |
shimokitsunezuka しもきつねづか |
(place-name) Shimokitsunezuka |
下白狐 see styles |
shimobyakko しもびゃっこ |
(place-name) Shimobyakko |
九尾狐 see styles |
jiǔ wěi hú jiu3 wei3 hu2 chiu wei hu |
nine-tailed fox (mythological creature) |
冠狐猿 see styles |
kanmurikitsunezaru; kanmurikitsunezaru かんむりきつねざる; カンムリキツネザル |
(kana only) crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus) |
北極狐 北极狐 see styles |
běi jí hú bei3 ji2 hu2 pei chi hu hokkyokugitsune; hokkyokugitsune ほっきょくぎつね; ホッキョクギツネ |
arctic fox (kana only) Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) |
大耳狐 see styles |
oomimigitsune; oomimigitsune おおみみぎつね; オオミミギツネ |
(kana only) bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis) |
小狐座 see styles |
kogitsuneza こぎつねざ |
(astron) Vulpecula (constellation); the Fox |
年子狐 see styles |
nenneko ねんねこ |
(place-name) Nenneko |
搜狐網 搜狐网 see styles |
sōu hú wǎng sou1 hu2 wang3 sou hu wang |
Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company |
極地狐 极地狐 see styles |
jí dì hú ji2 di4 hu2 chi ti hu |
arctic fox |
深青狐 see styles |
misako みさこ |
(female given name) Misako |
灰色狐 see styles |
haiirogitsune; haiirogitsune / hairogitsune; hairogitsune はいいろぎつね; ハイイロギツネ |
(kana only) gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) |
獯狐子 see styles |
xūn hú zǐ xun1 hu2 zi3 hsün hu tzu Kunkoshi |
Vaiśeṣika |
白狐川 see styles |
byakkogawa びゃっこがわ |
(place-name) Byakkogawa |
白狐沢 see styles |
hakkozawa はっこざわ |
(place-name) Hakkozawa |
紅月狐 see styles |
akiko あきこ |
(female given name) Akiko |
老狐狸 see styles |
lǎo hú li lao3 hu2 li5 lao hu li |
old fox; fig. cunning person |
耳廓狐 see styles |
ěr kuò hú er3 kuo4 hu2 erh k`uo hu erh kuo hu |
fennec; Vulpes zerda |
野之狐 see styles |
nonoko ののこ |
(female given name) Nonoko |
野狐台 see styles |
yakkodai やっこだい |
(place-name) Yakkodai |
野狐禅 see styles |
yakozen やこぜん |
(See 生禅) self-styled Zen philosophy; sciolism; dabbling in Zen; (person) Yakozen |
野狐禪 野狐禅 see styles |
yě hú chán ye3 hu2 chan2 yeh hu ch`an yeh hu chan yakozen |
heresy Wild-fox meditation, i.e. non-Buddhist ascetics, heterodoxy in general. |
雌の狐 see styles |
mesunokitsune めすのきつね |
bitch fox; vixen |
黒狐猿 see styles |
kurokitsunezaru; kurokitsunezaru くろきつねざる; クロキツネザル |
(kana only) black lemur (Eulemur macaco) |
狐うどん see styles |
kitsuneudon きつねうどん |
(kana only) udon with deep-fried tofu |
狐の手袋 see styles |
kitsunenotebukuro きつねのてぶくろ |
(See ジギタリス) digitalis; foxglove |
狐ヶ崎駅 see styles |
kitsunegasakieki きつねがさきえき |
(st) Kitsunegasaki Station |
狐假虎威 see styles |
hú jiǎ hǔ wēi hu2 jia3 hu3 wei1 hu chia hu wei |
lit. the fox exploits the tiger's might (idiom); fig. to use powerful connections to intimidate people |
狐堰用水 see styles |
kitsunezekiyousui / kitsunezekiyosui きつねぜきようすい |
(place-name) Kitsunezekiyousui |
狐山古墳 see styles |
kitsuneyamakofun きつねやまこふん |
(place-name) Kitsuneyama Tumulus |
狐崎妙円 see styles |
kitsunezakimyouen / kitsunezakimyoen きつねざきみょうえん |
(place-name) Kitsunezakimyouen |
狐崎寺前 see styles |
kitsunezakiteramae きつねざきてらまえ |
(place-name) Kitsunezakiteramae |
狐朋狗友 see styles |
hú péng gǒu yǒu hu2 peng2 gou3 you3 hu p`eng kou yu hu peng kou yu |
a pack of rogues (idiom); a gang of scoundrels |
狐狸妖怪 see styles |
koriyoukai / koriyokai こりようかい |
(yoji) tricksters; deceivers; fey creatures; monsters; goblins |
狐狸尾巴 see styles |
hú li wěi ba hu2 li5 wei3 ba5 hu li wei pa |
lit. fox's tail (idiom); visible sign of evil intentions; to reveal one's evil nature; evidence that reveals the villain |
狐狼化山 see styles |
korogeyama ころげやま |
(personal name) Korogeyama |
狐疑逡巡 see styles |
kogishunjun こぎしゅんじゅん |
(expression) (yoji) being in doubt and unable to decide; hesitation and indecision |
狐目の男 see styles |
kitsunemenootoko きつねめのおとこ |
(person) Fox-Eyed Man (major suspect in the Glico Morinaga extortion case) |
狐穴小屋 see styles |
kitsuneanagoya きつねあなごや |
(place-name) Kitsuneanagoya |
狐群狗黨 狐群狗党 see styles |
hú qún gǒu dǎng hu2 qun2 gou3 dang3 hu ch`ün kou tang hu chün kou tang |
a skulk of foxes, a pack of dogs (idiom); a gang of rogues |
狐鬼神仙 see styles |
hú guǐ shén xiān hu2 gui3 shen2 xian1 hu kuei shen hsien |
foxes, ghosts and immortals; supernatural beings, usually fictional |
ケープ狐 see styles |
keepugitsune; keepugitsune ケープぎつね; ケープギツネ |
(kana only) Cape fox (Vulpes chama); cama fox; silver-backed fox |
九尾の狐 see styles |
kyuubinokitsune / kyubinokitsune きゅうびのきつね |
(exp,n) (See 妖狐) nine-tailed fox; old, golden-furred fox with nine tails and shapeshifting powers used to fool humans; orig. a Chinese mystical beast whose appearance was considered auspicious |
令狐德棻 see styles |
líng hú dé fēn ling2 hu2 de2 fen1 ling hu te fen |
Linghu Defen (583-666), Tang dynasty historian, compiler of History of Zhou of the Northern dynasties 周書|周书 |
兔死狐悲 see styles |
tù sǐ hú bēi tu4 si3 hu2 bei1 t`u ssu hu pei tu ssu hu pei |
lit. if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves (idiom); fig. to have sympathy with a like-minded person in distress |
小見狐疑 小见狐疑 see styles |
xiǎo jiàn hú yí xiao3 jian4 hu2 yi2 hsiao chien hu i shōken kogi |
limited viewpoint doubts like a fox |
東野狐薮 see styles |
higashinokitsuneyabu ひがしのきつねやぶ |
(place-name) Higashinokitsuneyabu |
東野狐藪 see styles |
higashinokitsuneyabu ひがしのきつねやぶ |
(place-name) Higashinokitsuneyabu |
水橋狐塚 see styles |
mizuhashikitsunezuka みずはしきつねづか |
(place-name) Mizuhashikitsunezuka |
沙漠之狐 see styles |
shā mò zhī hú sha1 mo4 zhi1 hu2 sha mo chih hu |
Desert Fox |
白狐温泉 see styles |
byakkoonsen びゃっこおんせん |
(place-name) Byakkoonsen |
百丈野狐 see styles |
bǎi zhàng yě hú bai3 zhang4 ye3 hu2 pai chang yeh hu Hyakujō yako |
Baizhang's fox |
社鼠城狐 see styles |
shè shǔ chéng hú she4 shu3 cheng2 hu2 she shu ch`eng hu she shu cheng hu |
lit. rat in a country shrine, fox on town walls; fig. unprincipled thugs who abuse others' power to bully and exploit people |
篝火狐鳴 篝火狐鸣 see styles |
gōu huǒ hú míng gou1 huo3 hu2 ming2 kou huo hu ming |
to tell fox ghost stories around a bonfire and incite rebellion; an uprising is afoot (idiom) |
與狐謀皮 与狐谋皮 see styles |
yǔ hú - móu pí yu3 hu2 - mou2 pi2 yü hu - mou p`i yü hu - mou pi |
(idiom) to ask sb to act contrary to their own interests (original form of the expression 與虎謀皮|与虎谋皮[yu3hu3-mou2pi2]) |
茶色狐猿 see styles |
chairokitsunezaru; chairokitsunezaru ちゃいろきつねざる; チャイロキツネザル |
(kana only) common brown lemur (Eulemur fulvus); brown lemur |
赤腹狐猿 see styles |
akaharakitsunezaru; akaharakitsunezaru あかはらきつねざる; アカハラキツネザル |
(kana only) red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer) |
輪尾狐猿 see styles |
waokitsunezaru; waokitsunezaru わおきつねざる; ワオキツネザル |
(kana only) ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) |
野狐台町 see styles |
yakkodaimachi やっこだいまち |
(place-name) Yakkodaimachi |
高口狐森 see styles |
takakuchikitsunemori たかくちきつねもり |
(place-name) Takakuchikitsunemori |
鵜飼狐洞 see styles |
ukaikitsunepora うかいきつねぽら |
(place-name) Ukaikitsunepora |
狐が落ちる see styles |
kitsunegaochiru きつねがおちる |
(exp,v1) to cease being possessed (by the spirit of a fox); to be released from the grasp of a fox; to be exorcised from a fox |
狐に小豆飯 see styles |
kitsuneniazukimeshi きつねにあずきめし |
(expression) (idiom) (rare) (See 猫に鰹節) trusting a cat with milk; setting a wolf to mind the sheep; (giving) rice boiled with adzuki beans to a fox |
狐の嫁入り see styles |
kitsunenoyomeiri / kitsunenoyomeri きつねのよめいり |
(exp,n) rain shower while the sun shines; sun shower |
狐を落とす see styles |
kitsuneootosu きつねをおとす |
(exp,v5s) to exorcise a fox spirit (from a person) |
狐崎中荒田 see styles |
kitsunezakinakaarata / kitsunezakinakarata きつねざきなかあらた |
(place-name) Kitsunezakinakaarata |
狐崎伝助沢 see styles |
kitsunezakidensukezawa きつねざきでんすけざわ |
(place-name) Kitsunezakidensukezawa |
狐崎六郎沢 see styles |
kitsunezakirokurouzawa / kitsunezakirokurozawa きつねざきろくろうざわ |
(place-name) Kitsunezakirokurouzawa |
狐崎大坂前 see styles |
kitsunezakioozakamae きつねざきおおざかまえ |
(place-name) Kitsunezakioozakamae |
狐谷横穴群 see styles |
kitsunedaniouketsugun / kitsunedanioketsugun きつねだにおうけつぐん |
(place-name) Kitsunedaniouketsugun |
狐野扶実子 see styles |
konofumiko このふみこ |
(person) Kono Fumiko |
ライネケ狐 see styles |
rainekegitsune ライネケぎつね |
(work) Reynard the Fox (fable); (wk) Reynard the Fox (fable) |
五百生野狐 see styles |
wǔ bǎi shēng yě hú wu3 bai3 sheng1 ye3 hu2 wu pai sheng yeh hu gohyaku shō yako |
five hundred lives as a fox |
同じ穴の狐 see styles |
onajiananokitsune おなじあなのきつね |
(exp,n) (idiom) (See 同じ穴のムジナ) (villains) of the same stripe; birds of a feather; foxes of the same hole |
四倉町狐塚 see styles |
yotsukuramachikitsunezuka よつくらまちきつねづか |
(place-name) Yotsukuramachikitsunezuka |
東野狐藪町 see styles |
higashinokitsuneyabuchou / higashinokitsuneyabucho ひがしのきつねやぶちょう |
(place-name) Higashinokitsuneyabuchō |
松ケ崎狐坂 see styles |
matsugasakikitsunezaka まつがさききつねざか |
(place-name) Matsugasakikitsunezaka |
栗栖野狐塚 see styles |
kurisunokitsunezuka くりすのきつねづか |
(place-name) Kurisunokitsunezuka |
竹鼻町狐穴 see styles |
takehanachoukitsuneana / takehanachokitsuneana たけはなちょうきつねあな |
(place-name) Takehanachōkitsuneana |
美濃山狐谷 see styles |
minoyamakitsunedani みのやまきつねだに |
(place-name) Minoyamakitsunedani |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "狐" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.