There are 537 total results for your 欲 search. I have created 6 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123456>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
弊欲 see styles |
bì yù bi4 yu4 pi yü heiyoku |
Corrupt, or base desires. |
強欲 see styles |
gouyoku / goyoku ごうよく |
(noun or adjectival noun) greedy; avaricious |
急欲 see styles |
jí yù ji2 yu4 chi yü |
to be keen to ...; to be anxious to ... |
性慾 性欲 see styles |
xìng yù xing4 yu4 hsing yü seiyoku / seyoku せいよく |
sexual desire; lust (noun - becomes adjective with の) sexual desire |
性欲 see styles |
xìng yù xing4 yu4 hsing yü shōyoku せいよく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) sexual desire Desires that have become second nature; desires of the nature. |
恣欲 see styles |
zì yù zi4 yu4 tzu yü |
to follow lustful desires |
情慾 情欲 see styles |
qíng yù qing2 yu4 ch`ing yü ching yü jouyoku / joyoku じょうよく |
lust; desire; sensual (noun - becomes adjective with の) passions; sexual desire; lust |
情欲 see styles |
qíng yù qing2 yu4 ch`ing yü ching yü jōyoku じょうよく |
More info & calligraphy: Lust / Desire / PassionThe passions, desires. |
惡欲 恶欲 see styles |
è yù e4 yu4 o yü akuyoku |
harmful desires |
意欲 see styles |
yì yù yi4 yu4 i yü iyoku いよく |
to intend to; intention; desire (n,n-suf) will; desire; ambition; urge (e.g. creative urge) |
愛欲 爱欲 see styles |
ài yù ai4 yu4 ai yü aiyoku あいよく |
(1) passion; sexual desire; lust; (2) (Buddhist term) attachment (esp. to one's family or a member of the opposite sex) Love and desire; love of family. |
慾望 欲望 see styles |
yù wàng yu4 wang4 yü wang yokubou / yokubo よくぼう |
desire; longing; appetite; craving (irregular kanji usage) desire; appetite; lust |
慾火 欲火 see styles |
yù huǒ yu4 huo3 yü huo |
lust See: 欲火 |
我欲 see styles |
gayoku がよく |
selfishness |
所欲 see styles |
suǒ yù suo3 yu4 so yü shoyoku |
desirable |
捨欲 舍欲 see styles |
shě yù she3 yu4 she yü shayoku |
More info & calligraphy: Give Up Desire |
斷欲 断欲 see styles |
duàn yù duan4 yu4 tuan yü danyoku |
to eliminate desire |
染欲 see styles |
rǎn yù ran3 yu4 jan yü zenyoku |
impassioned |
棄欲 弃欲 see styles |
qì yù qi4 yu4 ch`i yü chi yü ki yoku |
to abandon desire |
樂欲 乐欲 see styles |
lè yù le4 yu4 le yü rakuyoku |
Desire for the pleasant, or pleasure. |
欣欲 see styles |
xīn yù xin1 yu4 hsin yü konyoku |
longing |
求欲 see styles |
qiú yù qiu2 yu4 ch`iu yü chiu yü guyoku |
urgently desired |
洩慾 泄欲 see styles |
xiè yù xie4 yu4 hsieh yü |
to sate one's lust |
淫慾 淫欲 see styles |
yín yù yin2 yu4 yin yü inyoku いんよく |
lust lust |
淫欲 see styles |
yín yù yin2 yu4 yin yü inyoku いんよく |
lust Sexual passion. |
無欲 see styles |
muyoku むよく |
(adj-na,n,adj-no) unselfish; disinterested; unavaricious; free of avarice |
爲欲 为欲 see styles |
wéi yù wei2 yu4 wei yü iyoku |
desiring to... |
物欲 see styles |
wù yù wu4 yu4 wu yü butsuyoku ぶつよく |
material desire; craving for material things greed; worldly or materialistic desires |
獣欲 see styles |
juuyoku / juyoku じゅうよく |
animal or carnal desires; lust |
獸慾 兽欲 see styles |
shòu yù shou4 yu4 shou yü |
beastly desire |
異欲 异欲 see styles |
yì yù yi4 yu4 i yü iyoku |
different desires (goals, intentions, views) |
禁慾 禁欲 see styles |
jìn yù jin4 yu4 chin yü kinyoku きんよく |
to suppress desire; self-restraint; asceticism (n,vs,adj-no) abstinence; self-control; celibacy; abnegation |
禁欲 see styles |
kinyoku きんよく |
(n,vs,adj-no) abstinence; self-control; celibacy; abnegation |
私欲 see styles |
sī yù si1 yu4 ssu yü shiyoku しよく |
selfish desire self-interest; selfish desire |
穢欲 秽欲 see styles |
huì yù hui4 yu4 hui yü eyoku |
polluted desire |
節欲 see styles |
setsuyoku せつよく |
(noun/participle) control one's desires; abstinence |
縱慾 纵欲 see styles |
zòng yù zong4 yu4 tsung yü |
to indulge in debauchery |
耶欲 see styles |
yé yù ye2 yu4 yeh yü yayoku |
evil desires |
肉慾 肉欲 see styles |
ròu yù rou4 yu4 jou yü |
carnal desire See: 肉欲 |
肉欲 see styles |
nikuyoku にくよく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) lust; lusts of the flesh; animal passions; carnal desires |
胴欲 see styles |
douyoku / doyoku どうよく |
(noun or adjectival noun) avarice; heartlessness; greed |
臨欲 临欲 see styles |
lín yù lin2 yu4 lin yü rinyoku |
to approach |
與欲 与欲 see styles |
yǔ yù yu3 yu4 yü yü yoyoku |
offering of desire |
色慾 色欲 see styles |
sè yù se4 yu4 se yü shikiyoku しきよく |
sexual desire; lust lust; sexual appetite |
色欲 see styles |
sè yù se4 yu4 se yü shikiyoku しきよく |
lust; sexual appetite Sexual desire, or passion. |
觸欲 触欲 see styles |
chù yù chu4 yu4 ch`u yü chu yü sokuyoku |
Desire awakened by touch. |
說欲 说欲 see styles |
shuō yù shuo1 yu4 shuo yü setsuyoku |
explanation of the desire |
諸欲 诸欲 see styles |
zhū yù zhu1 yu4 chu yü shoyoku |
all desires |
財欲 财欲 see styles |
cái yù cai2 yu4 ts`ai yü tsai yü zaiyoku |
The desire for wealth, one of the five wrong desires. |
貪慾 贪欲 see styles |
tān yù tan1 yu4 t`an yü tan yü donyoku どんよく tonyoku とんよく tanyoku たんよく |
greed; avarice; rapacious; avid (noun or adjectival noun) (1) avarice; greed; covetousness; (2) (Buddhist term) raga (desire) |
貪欲 贪欲 see styles |
tān yù tan1 yu4 t`an yü tan yü tonyoku とんよく |
{Buddh} raga (desire) Desire for and love of (the things of this life). |
趣欲 see styles |
qù yù qu4 yu4 ch`ü yü chü yü shuyoku |
to seek hastily (or eagerly) |
邪欲 see styles |
xié yù xie2 yu4 hsieh yü jayoku じゃよく |
evil desire evil desires |
金欲 see styles |
kinyoku きんよく |
lust for money; hunger for money |
集欲 see styles |
jí yù ji2 yu4 chi yü shūyoku |
Piṇḍāra |
離欲 离欲 see styles |
lí yù li2 yu4 li yü riyoku |
To leave, or be free from desire, or the passions. |
食慾 食欲 see styles |
shí yù shi2 yu4 shih yü shokuyoku しょくよく |
appetite (noun - becomes adjective with の) appetite (for food) |
食欲 see styles |
shí yù shi2 yu4 shih yü shokuyoku しょくよく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) appetite (for food) The lust for food, one of the four cravings. |
香欲 see styles |
xiāng yù xiang1 yu4 hsiang yü |
The desire for fragrance, the lust of the nasal organ, one of the five desires. |
欲しい see styles |
hoshii / hoshi ほしい |
More info & calligraphy: I Want You |
欲する see styles |
hossuru ほっする |
(vs-s,vt) to want; to desire |
欲の塊 see styles |
yokunokatamari よくのかたまり |
incarnation of selfishness; lump of avarice |
欲ばり see styles |
yokubari よくばり |
(noun or adjectival noun) avarice; covetousness; greed |
欲供養 欲供养 see styles |
yù gōng yǎng yu4 gong1 yang3 yü kung yang yoku kuyō |
desires to make offerings |
欲吃多 see styles |
yù chī duō yu4 chi1 duo1 yü ch`ih to yü chih to yokukita |
yukta |
欲差別 欲差别 see styles |
yù chā bié yu4 cha1 bie2 yü ch`a pieh yü cha pieh yoku shabetsu |
distinctions in desire |
欲張り see styles |
yokubari よくばり |
(noun or adjectival noun) avarice; covetousness; greed |
欲張る see styles |
yokubaru よくばる |
(v5r,vi) to be greedy; to be avaricious; to want badly; to desire intensely; to covet |
欲得尽 see styles |
yokutokuzuku よくとくづく |
(irregular okurigana usage) carrying out mercenary deeds; having a mercenary attitude; calculating |
欲志願 欲志愿 see styles |
yù zhì yuàn yu4 zhi4 yuan4 yü chih yüan yokushigan |
to want |
欲所引 see styles |
yù suǒ yǐn yu4 suo3 yin3 yü so yin yoku shoin |
sensually enticing |
欲暴流 see styles |
yù bào liú yu4 bao4 liu2 yü pao liu yoku bōru |
raging current of desire |
欲樂喜 欲乐喜 see styles |
yù lè xǐ yu4 le4 xi3 yü le hsi yokurakuki |
to desire |
欲深い see styles |
yokubukai; yokufukai よくぶかい; よくふかい |
(adjective) greedy |
欲界人 see styles |
yù jiè rén yu4 jie4 ren2 yü chieh jen yokukai nin |
person in the desire realm |
欲界善 see styles |
yù jiè shàn yu4 jie4 shan4 yü chieh shan yokukai zen |
goodness in the desire realm |
欲界天 see styles |
yù jiè tiān yu4 jie4 tian1 yü chieh t`ien yü chieh tien yokukai ten |
god of the desire realm |
欲界定 see styles |
yù jiè dìng yu4 jie4 ding4 yü chieh ting yokkai jō |
concentration in the realm of desire |
欲界惑 see styles |
yù jiè huò yu4 jie4 huo4 yü chieh huo yokkai waku |
afflictions of the desire realm |
欲界欲 see styles |
yù jiè yù yu4 jie4 yu4 yü chieh yü yokukai yoku |
the desire of the desire realm |
欲界繫 欲界系 see styles |
yù jiè xì yu4 jie4 xi4 yü chieh hsi yokkai ke |
fetters of the desire realm |
欲界苦 see styles |
yù jiè kǔ yu4 jie4 ku3 yü chieh k`u yü chieh ku yokukai ku |
suffering in the desire realm |
欲瞋癡 see styles |
yù chēn chī yu4 chen1 chi1 yü ch`en ch`ih yü chen chih yoku shin chi |
craving, ill-will, and folly |
欲神足 see styles |
yù shén zú yu4 shen2 zu2 yü shen tsu yoku jinsoku |
supernormal aspiration |
欲終沒 欲终没 see styles |
yù zhōng mò yu4 zhong1 mo4 yü chung mo yoku shūmotsu |
perishing from [existence in] the desire realm |
欲自在 see styles |
yù zì zài yu4 zi4 zai4 yü tzu tsai yoku jizai |
sovereign of desire (?) |
欲色有 see styles |
yù sè yǒu yu4 se4 you3 yü se yu yoku shiki u |
desire, form, and existence |
欲著心 欲着心 see styles |
yù zhù zhuó xīn yu4 zhu4 zhuo2 xin1 yü chu cho hsin yokujaku shin |
mind attached to desire |
欲見佛 欲见佛 see styles |
yù jiàn fó yu4 jian4 fo2 yü chien fo yoku kenbutsu |
to want to see the Buddha |
欲貪求 欲贪求 see styles |
yù tān qiú yu4 tan1 qiu2 yü t`an ch`iu yü tan chiu yokutongu |
seeking for |
欲賀町 see styles |
hoshikachou / hoshikacho ほしかちょう |
(place-name) Hoshikachō |
欲造論 欲造论 see styles |
yù zào lùn yu4 zao4 lun4 yü tsao lun yoku zōron |
to want to write a treatise |
欲邪行 see styles |
yù yé xíng yu4 ye2 xing2 yü yeh hsing yoku jagyō |
Adulterous conduct, prohibited in the five commandments. |
欲雜染 欲杂染 see styles |
yù zá rǎn yu4 za2 ran3 yü tsa jan yoku zōzen |
defilement by desire |
欲顯示 欲显示 see styles |
yù xiǎn shì yu4 xian3 shi4 yü hsien shih yoku kenji |
desires to show |
欲饒益 欲饶益 see styles |
yù ráo yì yu4 rao2 yi4 yü jao i yoku nyōyaku |
to want to give benefit |
一切欲 see styles |
yī qiè yù yi1 qie4 yu4 i ch`ieh yü i chieh yü issai yoku |
all desires |
三界欲 see styles |
sān jiè yù san1 jie4 yu4 san chieh yü sankai yoku |
desire of [all] three realms |
三種欲 三种欲 see styles |
sān zhǒng yù san1 zhong3 yu4 san chung yü sanshu yoku |
Three kinds of desire— food, sleep, sex. |
三離欲 三离欲 see styles |
sān lí yù san1 li2 yu4 san li yü sanriyoku |
three stages of freedom from desire |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "欲" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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