There are 1447 total results for your 持 search. I have created 15 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
持沢 see styles |
mochizawa もちざわ |
(surname) Mochizawa |
持法 see styles |
chí fǎ chi2 fa3 ch`ih fa chih fa jihō |
cleave to the buddha-dharma |
持淨 see styles |
chí jìng chi2 jing4 ch`ih ching chih ching jijō |
maintainer of purity |
持添 see styles |
mochizoe もちぞえ |
(place-name) Mochizoe |
持清 see styles |
mochikiyo もちきよ |
(personal name) Mochikiyo |
持溝 see styles |
mochimizo もちみぞ |
(surname) Mochimizo |
持澤 see styles |
mochizawa もちざわ |
(surname) Mochizawa |
持瀬 see styles |
mochise もちせ |
(place-name) Mochise |
持物 see styles |
mochimono もちもの |
one's property; personal effects; one's belongings |
持犯 see styles |
chí fàn chi2 fan4 ch`ih fan chih fan jibon |
maintaining and transgressing', i. e. keeping the commandments by 止持 ceasing to do wrong and 作持 doing what is right, e. g. worship, the monastic life, etc.; transgression is also of two kinds, i. e. 作犯 positive in doing evil and 止犯 negative in not doing good. |
持用 see styles |
chí yòng chi2 yong4 ch`ih yung chih yung jiyō |
to have in one's possession and use when required with |
持田 see styles |
motsuda もつだ |
(surname) Motsuda |
持畔 see styles |
mochiaze もちあぜ |
(place-name) Mochiaze |
持留 see styles |
mochidome もちどめ |
(place-name, surname) Mochidome |
持病 see styles |
jibyou / jibyo じびょう |
(1) chronic disease; chronic illness; old complaint; (2) bad habit; intractable habit |
持石 see styles |
mochiishi / mochishi もちいし |
(surname) Mochiishi |
持碁 see styles |
jigo じご |
(kana only) jigo; go game resulting in a tie or a draw |
持種 持种 see styles |
chí zhǒng chi2 zhong3 ch`ih chung chih chung jishu |
maintainer of the seeds |
持立 see styles |
motsutate もつたて |
(surname) Motsutate |
持箸 see styles |
mochihashi もちはし |
(surname) Mochihashi |
持素 see styles |
chí sù chi2 su4 ch`ih su chih su jiso |
vegetarian |
持経 see styles |
jikyou / jikyo じきょう |
(place-name) Jikyō |
持統 see styles |
jitou / jito じとう |
(surname) Jitou |
持經 持经 see styles |
chí jīng chi2 jing1 ch`ih ching chih ching jikyō |
practice of continuous chanting of sūtra text |
持続 see styles |
jizoku じぞく |
(n,vs,vt,vi) continuation; persisting; lasting; sustaining; enduring |
持續 持续 see styles |
chí xù chi2 xu4 ch`ih hsü chih hsü |
to continue; to persist; to last; sustainable; preservation |
持缽 持钵 see styles |
chí bō chi2 bo1 ch`ih po chih po jihatsu |
to take [up] one's [begging] bowl |
持者 see styles |
jisha じしゃ |
(place-name) Jisha |
持股 see styles |
chí gǔ chi2 gu3 ch`ih ku chih ku |
to hold shares |
持舘 see styles |
motsutate もつたて |
(surname) Motsutate |
持舟 see styles |
mochibune もちぶね |
(place-name) Mochibune |
持芸 see styles |
mochigei / mochige もちげい |
one's specialty performance; one's repertoire |
持華 持华 see styles |
chí huā chi2 hua1 ch`ih hua chih hua jike |
Mālādhārī |
持薬 see styles |
jiyaku じやく |
one's usual medicine |
持行 see styles |
jigyou / jigyo じぎょう |
(place-name) Jigyou |
持衞 see styles |
chí wèi chi2 wei4 ch`ih wei chih wei jiei |
to guard and take care of |
持西 see styles |
mochinishi もちにし |
(surname) Mochinishi |
持誦 持诵 see styles |
chí sòng chi2 song4 ch`ih sung chih sung jiju |
to uphold or maintaining (in memory) by chanting |
持說 持说 see styles |
chí shuō chi2 shuo1 ch`ih shuo chih shuo jisetsu |
to embrace (for oneself) and teach (others) |
持説 see styles |
jisetsu じせつ |
one's cherished opinion |
持論 see styles |
jiron じろん |
one's cherished opinion; pet theory |
持谷 see styles |
mochitani もちたに |
(surname) Mochitani |
持豊 see styles |
mochitoyo もちとよ |
(given name) Mochitoyo |
持資 see styles |
mochisuke もちすけ |
(personal name) Mochisuke |
持越 see styles |
mochikoshi もちこし |
(irregular okurigana usage) (n,vs,adj-no) (1) (colloquialism) work, items, etc. carried over from earlier; (noun/participle) (2) hangover; what you ate the day before (and is still being digested); (place-name) Mochikoshi |
持足 see styles |
mottari もったり |
(place-name) Mottari |
持身 see styles |
chí shēn chi2 shen1 ch`ih shen chih shen jishin |
maintaining the body |
持軒 see styles |
jiken じけん |
(personal name) Jiken |
持逃 see styles |
mochinige もちにげ |
(irregular okurigana usage) (noun/participle) (1) making off with (something); absconding; (can act as adjective) (2) stolen; absconded (with) |
持部 see styles |
mochibe もちべ |
(place-name) Mochibe |
持重 see styles |
chí zhòng chi2 zhong4 ch`ih chung chih chung |
prudent; cautious; to be in charge of ritual ceremonies; to hold an important office |
持金 see styles |
motsukane もつかね |
(surname) Motsukane |
持鉢 持钵 see styles |
chí bō chi2 bo1 ch`ih po chih po jihatsu |
to carry one's almsbowl |
持長 see styles |
mochinaga もちなが |
(surname) Mochinaga |
持隆 see styles |
mochitaka もちたか |
(personal name) Mochitaka |
持領 see styles |
mochiryou / mochiryo もちりょう |
(place-name) Mochiryō |
持館 see styles |
motsutate もつたて |
(surname) Motsutate |
持駒 see styles |
mochigoma もちごま |
(1) (shogi) captured piece that can be reused; (2) person or object held in reserve; available means |
持麾 see styles |
motsuzai もつざい |
(surname) Motsuzai |
持齋 持斋 see styles |
chí zhāi chi2 zhai1 ch`ih chai chih chai jisai じさい |
(surname) Jisai To keep the fast, i. e. not eat after noon. |
一持 see styles |
yī chí yi1 chi2 i ch`ih i chih ichiji |
Adherence to one Buddha and one sūtra. |
世持 see styles |
yomochi よもち |
(place-name) Yomochi |
中持 see styles |
nakamochi なかもち |
(place-name) Nakamochi |
主持 see styles |
zhǔ chí zhu3 chi2 chu ch`ih chu chih shuji しゅじ |
to take charge of; to manage or direct; to preside over; to uphold; to stand for (justice etc); to host (a TV or radio program etc); (TV) anchor (archaism) taking charge; presiding over |
久持 see styles |
hisamochi ひさもち |
(surname) Hisamochi |
二持 see styles |
èr chí er4 chi2 erh ch`ih erh chih niji |
The two values of the commandments: (a) 止持 prohibitive, restraining from evil; (b) 作持 constructive, constraining to goodness. |
井持 see styles |
imochi いもち |
(place-name) Imochi |
享持 see styles |
kyouji / kyoji きょうじ |
(noun, transitive verb) (rare) (See 享有) securing; possession; enjoyment (of rights, benefits, etc.) |
以持 see styles |
yǐ chí yi3 chi2 i ch`ih i chih iji |
with |
仲持 see styles |
nakamochi なかもち |
(surname) Nakamochi |
任持 see styles |
rén chí ren2 chi2 jen ch`ih jen chih ninji |
to maintain |
住持 see styles |
zhù chí zhu4 chi2 chu ch`ih chu chih juuji / juji じゅうじ |
to administer a monastery Buddhist or Daoist; abbot; head monk (noun/participle) chief priest of temple To dwell and control; the abbot of a monastery; resident superintendent; to maintain, or firmly hold to (faith in the Buddha, etc.). For住持身 v. 佛具十身. |
佐持 see styles |
samochi さもち |
(surname) Samochi |
作持 see styles |
zuò chí zuo4 chi2 tso ch`ih tso chih saji |
to do good actions |
依持 see styles |
yī chí yi1 chi2 i ch`ih i chih eji |
a support |
保持 see styles |
bǎo chí bao3 chi2 pao ch`ih pao chih yasumochi やすもち |
to keep; to maintain; to hold; to preserve (noun, transitive verb) retention; maintenance; preservation; (surname) Yasumochi |
修持 see styles |
xiū chí xiu1 chi2 hsiu ch`ih hsiu chih shuji |
to practice according to, and cleave to a certain scripture |
倉持 see styles |
kuramochi くらもち |
(place-name, surname) Kuramochi |
傘持 see styles |
kasamochi かさもち |
umbrella carrier; servant who carried a long-handled umbrella for a noble |
傳持 传持 see styles |
chuán chí chuan2 chi2 ch`uan ch`ih chuan chih denji |
To maintain what has been transmitted; to transmit and maintain. |
僵持 see styles |
jiāng chí jiang1 chi2 chiang ch`ih chiang chih |
to be deadlocked |
元持 see styles |
motomochi もともち |
(place-name, surname) Motomochi |
光持 see styles |
mitsumochi みつもち |
(surname) Mitsumochi |
免持 see styles |
miǎn chí mian3 chi2 mien ch`ih mien chih |
(Tw) hands-free (telephone function) |
兼持 see styles |
kanemochi かねもち |
(place-name) Kanemochi |
制持 see styles |
zhì chí zhi4 chi2 chih ch`ih chih chih seiji |
to subdue |
則持 see styles |
norimochi のりもち |
(place-name) Norimochi |
剣持 see styles |
kenmotsu けんもつ |
(surname) Kenmotsu |
剱持 see styles |
menmochi めんもち |
(surname) Menmochi |
劍持 see styles |
kenmochi けんもち |
(surname) Kenmochi |
劒持 see styles |
kenmotsu けんもつ |
(surname) Kenmotsu |
劔持 see styles |
munmotsu むんもつ |
(surname) Munmotsu |
力持 see styles |
lì chí li4 chi2 li ch`ih li chih chikaramochi ちからもち |
(place-name) Chikaramochi maintaining power |
加持 see styles |
jiā chí jia1 chi2 chia ch`ih chia chih kamochi かもち |
(Buddhism) (from Sanskrit "adhiṣṭhāna") blessings; (fig.) empowerment; boost; support; backing; to give one's blessing; to empower; (Tw) to hold an additional (passport etc) (n,vs,vi) (1) prayer (to get rid of misfortune, disease, etc.); incantation; faith healing; (n,vs,vi) (2) {Buddh} adhisthana (blessing of a buddha or bodhisattva); (place-name, surname) Kamochi 地瑟娓曩 adhiṣṭhāna, to depend upon, a base, rule. It is defined as dependence on the Buddha, who 加 confers his strength on all (who seek it), and 持 upholds them; hence it implies prayer, because of obtaining the Buddha's power and transferring it to others; in general it is to aid, support. |
劫持 see styles |
jié chí jie2 chi2 chieh ch`ih chieh chih |
to kidnap; to hijack; to abduct; to hold under duress |
勧持 see styles |
kanji かんじ |
(given name) Kanji |
勸持 劝持 see styles |
quàn chí quan4 chi2 ch`üan ch`ih chüan chih kanji |
the exhortation to preserve, revere, and follow (the teachings of certain sūtra) |
十持 see styles |
juuji / juji じゅうじ |
(surname) Jūji |
印持 see styles |
yìn chí yin4 chi2 yin ch`ih yin chih inji |
devoted interest |
又持 see styles |
matamochi またもち |
(place-name) Matamochi |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "持" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.