There are 2538 total results for your 後 search. I have created 26 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
後屈 see styles |
koukutsu / kokutsu こうくつ |
(n,vs,vt,vi,adj-no) retroflexion |
後屋 see styles |
ushiroya うしろや |
(place-name) Ushiroya |
後山 see styles |
nochiyama のちやま |
(See 先山) pusher (in a mine); (surname) Nochiyama |
後岡 see styles |
nochioka のちおか |
(surname) Nochioka |
後岳 see styles |
kushidake くしだけ |
(place-name) Kushidake |
後島 see styles |
gotou / goto ごとう |
(surname) Gotō |
後嶋 see styles |
gotou / goto ごとう |
(surname) Gotou |
後川 see styles |
nochigawa のちがわ |
(surname) Nochigawa |
後席 see styles |
kouseki / koseki こうせき |
back seat; rear seat |
後平 see styles |
gohei / gohe ごへい |
(surname) Gohei |
後年 后年 see styles |
hòu nián hou4 nian2 hou nien kounen / konen こうねん |
the year after next (n,adv) future years; in (one's) later years |
後座 后座 see styles |
hòu zuò hou4 zuo4 hou tso goza ござ |
back seat; pillion (1) main performance; headliner; (2) (See 初座) latter half of a formal tea ceremony (in which the tea is actually consumed) |
後庭 后庭 see styles |
hòu tíng hou4 ting2 hou t`ing hou ting koutei / kote こうてい |
backyard; imperial harem; (slang) anus (1) rear garden; back garden; backyard; (2) inner palace |
後庵 see styles |
goan ごあん |
(place-name, surname) Goan |
後廚 后厨 see styles |
hòu chú hou4 chu2 hou ch`u hou chu |
kitchen (of a restaurant or hotel etc); commercial kitchen |
後延 see styles |
kouen / koen こうえん |
(surname) Kōen |
後当 see styles |
gotou / goto ごとう |
(surname) Gotou |
後影 后影 see styles |
hòu yǐng hou4 ying3 hou ying |
rear view; figure seen from behind; view of the back (of a person or object) |
後後 后后 see styles |
hòu hòu hou4 hou4 hou hou gogo のちのち |
(n-adv,n-t) distant future the following |
後得 后得 see styles |
hòu dé hou4 de2 hou te gutoku |
attained after awakening |
後心 后心 see styles |
hòu xīn hou4 xin1 hou hsin |
middle of the back |
後志 see styles |
shiribeshi しりべし |
(place-name) Shiribeshi |
後念 后念 see styles |
hòu niàn hou4 nian4 hou nien gonen |
subsequent instant of thought |
後怕 后怕 see styles |
hòu pà hou4 pa4 hou p`a hou pa |
lingering fear; fear after the event; post-traumatic stress |
後恩 see styles |
goon ごおん |
(person) Go On |
後悔 后悔 see styles |
hòu huǐ hou4 hui3 hou hui koukai / kokai こうかい |
More info & calligraphy: Sorry / Apologetic / Repent / Regret(n,vs,vt,vi,adj-no) regret; repentance; remorse to repent; regret |
後患 see styles |
koukan / kokan こうかん |
future trouble; future problems |
後感 后感 see styles |
hòu gǎn hou4 gan3 hou kan |
afterthought; reflection after an event; a review (of a movie etc) |
後戯 see styles |
kougi / kogi こうぎ |
postcoital activity; afterplay; pillow talk |
後戸 see styles |
ushirodo うしろど |
(surname) Ushirodo |
後房 see styles |
gofusa ごふさ |
(1) {med} deutomerite; posterior sac; posterior chamber; (2) women's quarters at the rear of a house; (surname) Gofusa |
後扉 see styles |
atotobira あととびら |
rear door (esp. of a bus) |
後手 后手 see styles |
hòu shǒu hou4 shou3 hou shou gote ごて |
defensive position (in chess); room for maneuver; a way of escape (1) (See 先手・せんて・2) losing initiative; being forestalled; (2) second move (in go or shogi); moving second; person with the second move; (3) (See 後詰め) rear guard |
後技 see styles |
ushirowaza うしろわざ |
{MA} Aikido rear defence (defense) |
後持 see styles |
gomochi ごもち |
(place-name) Gomochi |
後指 see styles |
ushiroyubi うしろゆび |
being talked about or backbitten |
後排 后排 see styles |
hòu pái hou4 pai2 hou p`ai hou pai |
the back row |
後援 后援 see styles |
hòu yuán hou4 yuan2 hou yüan kouen / koen こうえん |
reinforcement; back-up; supporting force (noun/participle) support; backing |
後搖 后摇 see styles |
hòu yáo hou4 yao2 hou yao |
post-rock (music genre) |
後撤 后撤 see styles |
hòu chè hou4 che4 hou ch`e hou che |
to pull back (an army); to retreat |
後攻 see styles |
koukou / koko こうこう |
(n,vs,vi) {baseb} (See 先攻) taking the field first; batting second |
後效 后效 see styles |
hòu xiào hou4 xiao4 hou hsiao |
after-effect |
後文 后文 see styles |
hòu wén hou4 wen2 hou wen koubun / kobun こうぶん |
the pages ahead; the following pages following sentence; succeeding sentence |
後料 see styles |
goryou / goryo ごりょう |
(place-name) Goryō |
後方 后方 see styles |
hòu fāng hou4 fang1 hou fang kouhou / koho こうほう |
the rear; far behind the front line (noun - becomes adjective with の) (ant: 前方・1) rear; back; behind afterwards |
後日 后日 see styles |
hòu rì hou4 ri4 hou jih gohi ごひ |
the day after tomorrow; from hence; from now; from now on; henceforth (n,adv) in the future; another day; later; (surname) Gohi |
後昆 see styles |
koukon / kokon こうこん |
grandchildren; posterity |
後明 see styles |
gomiyou / gomiyo ごみよう |
(personal name) Gomiyou |
後時 后时 see styles |
hòu shí hou4 shi2 hou shih goji |
afterwards |
後晉 后晋 see styles |
hòu jìn hou4 jin4 hou chin |
Later Jin of the Five Dynasties (936-946) |
後晋 see styles |
koushin; goshin / koshin; goshin こうしん; ごしん |
(hist) (See 五代) Later Jin dynasty (of China; 936-947); Later Chin dynasty |
後景 see styles |
koukei / koke こうけい |
background; setting |
後智 后智 see styles |
hòu zhì hou4 zhi4 hou chih go chi |
subsequently attained knowledge |
後曲 see styles |
ushiromagari うしろまがり |
(place-name) Ushiromagari |
後更 后更 see styles |
hòu gēng hou4 geng1 hou keng gokyō |
again afterwards |
後書 see styles |
atogaki あとがき |
afterword; postscript |
後月 see styles |
shitsuki しつき |
(archaism) (See 先月) last month; (place-name) Shitsuki |
後有 后有 see styles |
hòu yǒu hou4 you3 hou yu gū |
Future karma; the person in the subsequent incarnation; also, the final incarnation of the arhat, or bodhisattva. |
後朝 see styles |
gochou / gocho ごちょう kouchou / kocho こうちょう kinuginu きぬぎぬ |
(1) (archaism) the morning after a couple have slept together; parting ways the morning after having slept together; (2) (archaism) the next morning; (archaism) the morning after a couple have slept together; parting ways the morning after having slept together |
後期 后期 see styles |
hòu qī hou4 qi1 hou ch`i hou chi kouki / koki こうき |
late stage; later period (noun - becomes adjective with の) (ant: 前期) latter period; second half; late stage; third trimester; second semester |
後木 see styles |
ushirogi うしろぎ |
(surname) Ushirogi |
後本 see styles |
nochimoto のちもと |
(surname) Nochimoto |
後村 see styles |
nochimura のちむら |
(surname) Nochimura |
後条 see styles |
gojou / gojo ごじょう |
(surname) Gojō |
後来 see styles |
kourai / korai こうらい |
(n,adv) (1) after this; from now on; henceforth; henceforward; (2) (archaism) coming late; someone coming late |
後東 see styles |
gotou / goto ごとう |
(surname) Gotou |
後松 see styles |
ushiromatsu うしろまつ |
(surname) Ushiromatsu |
後果 后果 see styles |
hòu guǒ hou4 guo3 hou kuo |
consequences; aftermath |
後架 后架 see styles |
hòu jià hou4 jia4 hou chia kouka / koka こうか |
toilet a latrine |
後株 see styles |
atokabu あとかぶ |
(See 前株) company name with the words "kabushiki kaisha" at the end |
後根 see styles |
ushirone うしろね |
{anat} dorsal root; posterior root; (surname) Ushirone |
後梁 后梁 see styles |
hòu liáng hou4 liang2 hou liang kouryou; goryou / koryo; goryo こうりょう; ごりょう |
Later Liang of the Five Dynasties (907-923) (hist) (See 五代・ごだい) Later Liang dynasty (of China; 907-923) |
後梅 see styles |
ozome おぞめ |
(place-name) Ozome |
後條 see styles |
gojou / gojo ごじょう |
(surname) Gojō |
後梢 后梢 see styles |
hòu shāo hou4 shao1 hou shao |
stern (of a boat) |
後棒 see styles |
atobou / atobo あとぼう |
(See 先棒・1) rear carrier of a palanquin |
後森 see styles |
ushiromori うしろもり |
(personal name) Ushiromori |
後極 see styles |
gokoku ごこく |
(surname) Gokoku |
後楽 see styles |
kouraku / koraku こうらく |
(place-name) Kōraku |
後槻 see styles |
kouki / koki こうき |
(given name) Kōki |
後檀 see styles |
godan ごだん |
(surname) Godan |
後段 后段 see styles |
hòu duàn hou4 duan4 hou tuan koudan / kodan こうだん |
final part; rear; back end; final segment; the following section; last paragraph latter or second part |
後母 后母 see styles |
hòu mǔ hou4 mu3 hou mu |
stepmother |
後汀 see styles |
hitsue ひつえ |
(place-name) Hitsue |
後江 see styles |
hitsue ひつえ |
(place-name) Hitsue |
後池 see styles |
ushiroike うしろいけ |
(place-name) Ushiroike |
後沖 see styles |
ushirooki うしろおき |
(place-name) Ushirooki |
後沢 see styles |
nochizawa のちざわ |
(surname) Nochizawa |
後河 see styles |
ushirokawa うしろかわ |
(surname) Ushirokawa |
後泊 see styles |
kouhaku; atohaku / kohaku; atohaku こうはく; あとはく |
(n,vs,vi) (See 前泊・ぜんぱく) staying an extra night (e.g. after attending an event) |
後法 后法 see styles |
hòu fǎ hou4 fa3 hou fa gohō |
像法 The latter, or symbol, age of Buddhism; see above. |
後注 see styles |
kouchuu / kochu こうちゅう |
endnote |
後流 see styles |
kouryuu / koryu こうりゅう |
slipstream |
後浜 see styles |
gohama ごはま |
(surname) Gohama |
後浴 see styles |
ushiroeki うしろえき |
(place-name) Ushiroeki |
後海 后海 see styles |
hòu hǎi hou4 hai3 hou hai |
Houhai, a lake and the area surrounding it in central Beijing |
後涼 后凉 see styles |
hòu liáng hou4 liang2 hou liang |
Later Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (386-403) |
後溢 see styles |
ushiroeki うしろえき |
(place-name) Ushiroeki |
後漢 后汉 see styles |
hòu hàn hou4 han4 hou han gokan; koukan / gokan; kokan ごかん; こうかん |
Later Han or Eastern Han dynasty (25-220); Later Han of the Five Dynasties (947-950) (1) (hist) (esp. ごかん) Later Han dynasty (of China; 25-220 CE); Eastern Han dynasty; (2) (hist) (esp. こうかん) (See 五代・ごだい) Later Han dynasty (of China; 947-950 CE) |
後潟 see styles |
ushirogata うしろがた |
(place-name, surname) Ushirogata |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "後" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.