There are 901 total results for your 尔 search. I have created 10 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<12345678910>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
吉爾達 吉尔达 see styles |
jí ěr dá ji2 er3 da2 chi erh ta |
More info & calligraphy: Gilda |
哈爾濱 哈尔滨 see styles |
hā ěr bīn ha1 er3 bin1 ha erh pin |
see 哈爾濱市|哈尔滨市[Ha1er3bin1 Shi4] |
哈爾登 哈尔登 see styles |
hā ěr dēng ha1 er3 deng1 ha erh teng |
Halden (city in Norway) |
哈貝爾 哈贝尔 see styles |
hā bèi ěr ha1 bei4 er3 ha pei erh |
More info & calligraphy: Hubbell |
哈馬爾 哈马尔 see styles |
hā mǎ ěr ha1 ma3 er3 ha ma erh |
Hamar (town in Norway) |
喀布爾 喀布尔 see styles |
kā bù ěr ka1 bu4 er3 k`a pu erh ka pu erh |
Kabul, capital of Afghanistan |
喀爾喀 喀尔喀 see styles |
kā ěr kā ka1 er3 ka1 k`a erh k`a ka erh ka |
Khalkha, largest subgroup of Mongol people |
嘉爾曼 嘉尔曼 see styles |
jiā ěr màn jia1 er3 man4 chia erh man |
Carmen (name) |
噶爾縣 噶尔县 see styles |
gá ěr xiàn ga2 er3 xian4 ka erh hsien |
Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sgar rdzong |
圖爾庫 图尔库 see styles |
tú ěr kù tu2 er3 ku4 t`u erh k`u tu erh ku |
Turku (city in Finland) |
坎貝爾 坎贝尔 see styles |
kǎn bèi ěr kan3 bei4 er3 k`an pei erh kan pei erh |
More info & calligraphy: Cambell |
埃爾金 埃尔金 see styles |
āi ěr jīn ai1 er3 jin1 ai erh chin |
James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin (1811-1863), British High Commissioner to China who ordered the looting and destruction of the Old Winter Palace Yuanmingyuan 圓明園|圆明园 in 1860; Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin (1766-1841), who stole the Parthenon Marbles in 1801-1810 |
埃米爾 埃米尔 see styles |
āi mǐ ěr ai1 mi3 er3 ai mi erh |
More info & calligraphy: Emiel |
基爾特 基尔特 see styles |
jī ěr tè ji1 er3 te4 chi erh t`e chi erh te |
guild (loanword) |
塔塔爾 塔塔尔 see styles |
tǎ tǎ ěr ta3 ta3 er3 t`a t`a erh ta ta erh |
Tatar ethnic group of Xinjiang |
塔爾寺 塔尔寺 see styles |
tǎ ěr sì ta3 er3 si4 t`a erh ssu ta erh ssu |
Kumbum Monastery in Qinghai |
塔瑪爾 塔玛尔 see styles |
tǎ mǎ ěr ta3 ma3 er3 t`a ma erh ta ma erh |
Tamar (name) |
塞席爾 塞席尔 see styles |
sè xí ěr se4 xi2 er3 se hsi erh |
the Seychelles (Tw) |
塞爾南 塞尔南 see styles |
sài ěr nán sai4 er3 nan2 sai erh nan |
Eugene Cernan (1934-), US astronaut in Apollo 10 and Apollo 17 missions, "last man on the moon" |
塞爾特 塞尔特 see styles |
sāi ěr tè sai1 er3 te4 sai erh t`e sai erh te |
Celtic |
塞爾達 塞尔达 see styles |
sài ěr dá sai4 er3 da2 sai erh ta |
More info & calligraphy: Zelda |
塞繆爾 塞缪尔 see styles |
sāi miù ěr sai1 miu4 er3 sai miu erh |
More info & calligraphy: Sammuel |
塞舌爾 塞舌尔 see styles |
sài shé ěr sai4 she2 er3 sai she erh |
the Seychelles |
墨爾本 墨尔本 see styles |
mò ěr běn mo4 er3 ben3 mo erh pen |
Melbourne, Australia |
墨爾缽 墨尔钵 see styles |
mò ěr bō mo4 er3 bo1 mo erh po |
see 墨爾本|墨尔本[Mo4 er3 ben3] |
多伊爾 多伊尔 see styles |
duō yī ěr duo1 yi1 er3 to i erh |
More info & calligraphy: Doyle |
多佛爾 多佛尔 see styles |
duō fó ěr duo1 fo2 er3 to fo erh |
Dover |
多爾袞 多尔衮 see styles |
duō ěr gǔn duo1 er3 gun3 to erh kun |
Dorgon (1612-1651), fourteenth son of Nurhaci 努爾哈赤|努尔哈赤[Nu3 er3 ha1 chi4], successful general, instrumental in Manchu conquest of China, ruled China as regent 1644-1650 for his nephew Emperor Shunzhi 順治帝|顺治帝[Shun4 zhi4 di4] |
奧威爾 奥威尔 see styles |
ào wēi ěr ao4 wei1 er3 ao wei erh |
Orwell (name); George Orwell (1903-1950), British novelist, author of Animal Farm 動物農場|动物农场 and 1984 一九八四年 |
奧爾良 奥尔良 see styles |
ào ěr liáng ao4 er3 liang2 ao erh liang |
Orléans |
奧馬爾 奥马尔 see styles |
ào mǎ ěr ao4 ma3 er3 ao ma erh |
More info & calligraphy: Omer |
威爾士 威尔士 see styles |
wēi ěr shì wei1 er3 shi4 wei erh shih |
More info & calligraphy: Wales |
威爾遜 威尔逊 see styles |
wēi ěr xùn wei1 er3 xun4 wei erh hsün |
More info & calligraphy: Wilson |
安吉爾 安吉尔 see styles |
ān jí ěr an1 ji2 er3 an chi erh |
More info & calligraphy: Angele |
安格爾 安格尔 see styles |
ān gé ěr an1 ge2 er3 an ko erh |
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres (1780-1867), French Neoclassical painter |
安瓦爾 安瓦尔 see styles |
ān wǎ ěr an1 wa3 er3 an wa erh |
More info & calligraphy: Anwar |
安道爾 安道尔 see styles |
ān dào ěr an1 dao4 er3 an tao erh |
More info & calligraphy: Andorra |
察哈爾 察哈尔 see styles |
chá hā ěr cha2 ha1 er3 ch`a ha erh cha ha erh |
Chahar Province (former province in North China existing from 1912-1936) |
尼日爾 尼日尔 see styles |
ní rì ěr ni2 ri4 er3 ni jih erh |
More info & calligraphy: Niger |
尼泊爾 尼泊尔 see styles |
ní bó ěr ni2 bo2 er3 ni po erh Nibakuni |
More info & calligraphy: NepalNepal |
尼爾森 尼尔森 see styles |
ní ěr sēn ni2 er3 sen1 ni erh sen |
More info & calligraphy: Nelsen |
尼爾遜 尼尔逊 see styles |
ní ěr xùn ni2 er3 xun4 ni erh hsün |
Nelson or Nillson (name); Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), British naval hero |
巴塞爾 巴塞尔 see styles |
bā sāi ěr ba1 sai1 er3 pa sai erh |
Basel, Switzerland |
巴布爾 巴布尔 see styles |
bā bù ěr ba1 bu4 er3 pa pu erh |
Zaheeruddin Babur (1483-1530), first ruler of Mughal dynasty of India |
巴希爾 巴希尔 see styles |
bā xī ěr ba1 xi1 er3 pa hsi erh |
Bashir (name); Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir (1944-), Sudanese military man and politician, president of Sudan 1993-2019 |
巴德爾 巴德尔 see styles |
bā dé ěr ba1 de2 er3 pa te erh |
Baldr or Baldur, god in Norse mythology; Andreas Baader (1943-1977), leader of Red Army Faction, a.k.a. the Baader-Meinhof group |
巴爾幹 巴尔干 see styles |
bā ěr gàn ba1 er3 gan4 pa erh kan barukan バルカン |
Balkan (place-name) Balkan |
布什爾 布什尔 see styles |
bù shí ěr bu4 shi2 er3 pu shih erh |
Bushehr Province of southern Iran, bordering on the Persian Gulf; Bushehr, port city, capital of Bushehr Province |
布爾津 布尔津 see styles |
bù ěr jīn bu4 er3 jin1 pu erh chin |
Burqin county or Burchin nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang |
布爾諾 布尔诺 see styles |
bù ěr nuò bu4 er3 nuo4 pu erh no |
Brno, city in Czech Republic |
布萊爾 布莱尔 see styles |
bù lái ěr bu4 lai2 er3 pu lai erh |
More info & calligraphy: Blaire |
希爾頓 希尔顿 see styles |
xī ěr dùn xi1 er3 dun4 hsi erh tun |
More info & calligraphy: Hilton |
帕內爾 帕内尔 see styles |
pà nèi ěr pa4 nei4 er3 p`a nei erh pa nei erh |
Parnell (name); Charles Stewart Parnell (1846-1891), Irish nationalist politician |
帕米爾 帕米尔 see styles |
pà mǐ ěr pa4 mi3 er3 p`a mi erh pa mi erh |
the Pamirs, highland region of Central Asia |
帕蒂爾 帕蒂尔 see styles |
pà dì ěr pa4 di4 er3 p`a ti erh pa ti erh |
Patil (name); Pratibha Patil (1934-), female Indian Congress Party politician, president of India 2007-2012 |
庫爾勒 库尔勒 see styles |
kù ěr lè ku4 er3 le4 k`u erh le ku erh le |
Korla Shehiri, Korla or Ku'erle City, capital of Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang |
庫爾德 库尔德 see styles |
kù ěr dé ku4 er3 de2 k`u erh te ku erh te |
Kurd; Kurdish |
康奈爾 康奈尔 see styles |
kāng nài ěr kang1 nai4 er3 k`ang nai erh kang nai erh |
More info & calligraphy: Cornel |
康託爾 康托尔 see styles |
kāng tuō ěr kang1 tuo1 er3 k`ang t`o erh kang to erh |
Cantor (name); Georg Cantor (1845-1918), German mathematician, founder of set theory 集合論|集合论[ji2 he2 lun4] |
彼爾姆 彼尔姆 see styles |
bǐ ěr mǔ bi3 er3 mu3 pi erh mu |
Perm, Russian city in the Urals |
得爾塔 得尔塔 see styles |
dei ěr tǎ dei3 er3 ta3 tei erh t`a tei erh ta |
delta (Greek letter Δδ) |
德雷爾 德雷尔 see styles |
dé léi ěr de2 lei2 er3 te lei erh |
Dreyer (name); June Teufel Dreyer, China expert at Univ. of Miami and Foreign Policy Research Institute |
恩格爾 恩格尔 see styles |
ēn gé ěr en1 ge2 er3 en ko erh |
More info & calligraphy: Engel |
愛爾蘭 爱尔兰 see styles |
ài ěr lán ai4 er3 lan2 ai erh lan |
More info & calligraphy: Ireland |
戈培爾 戈培尔 see styles |
gē péi ěr ge1 pei2 er3 ko p`ei erh ko pei erh |
Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945), German Nazi leader and politician |
扎伊爾 扎伊尔 see styles |
zhā yī ěr zha1 yi1 er3 cha i erh |
More info & calligraphy: Zaire |
托拉爾 托拉尔 see styles |
tuō lā ěr tuo1 la1 er3 t`o la erh to la erh |
(loanword) tolar, currency of Slovenia 1991-2007; tolar, silver coin that served as the main currency of Bohemia 1520-1750 |
托木爾 托木尔 see styles |
tuō mù ěr tuo1 mu4 er3 t`o mu erh to mu erh |
Mt Tomur (Russian: Pik Pobeda), the highest peak of Tianshan mountains on the border between Xinjiang and Kyrgyzstan |
托爾金 托尔金 see styles |
tuō ěr jīn tuo1 er3 jin1 t`o erh chin to erh chin |
J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973), British philologist and author of fantasy fiction such as Lord of the Rings 魔戒 |
拉包爾 拉包尔 see styles |
lā bāo ěr la1 bao1 er3 la pao erh |
Rabaul, port city and capital of New Britain, island of northeast Papua New Guinea |
拉合爾 拉合尔 see styles |
lā hé ěr la1 he2 er3 la ho erh |
Lahore (city in Pakistan) |
拉斐爾 拉斐尔 see styles |
lā fěi ěr la1 fei3 er3 la fei erh |
More info & calligraphy: Raphiel |
拉爾夫 拉尔夫 see styles |
lā ěr fū la1 er3 fu1 la erh fu |
More info & calligraphy: Ralph |
拉瓦爾 拉瓦尔 see styles |
lā wǎ ěr la1 wa3 er3 la wa erh |
Laval (name) |
拉蓋爾 拉盖尔 see styles |
lā gài ěr la1 gai4 er3 la kai erh |
Laguerre (name); Edmond Laguerre (1834-1886), French mathematician |
提爾市 提尔市 see styles |
tí ěr shì ti2 er3 shi4 t`i erh shih ti erh shih |
Tyre (Lebanon) |
摩爾人 摩尔人 see styles |
mó ěr rén mo2 er3 ren2 mo erh jen |
a Moor |
摩爾根 摩尔根 see styles |
mó ěr gēn mo2 er3 gen1 mo erh ken |
Morgan (name) |
摩爾門 摩尔门 see styles |
mó ěr mén mo2 er3 men2 mo erh men |
Mormon (religion) |
摩蘇爾 摩苏尔 see styles |
mó sū ěr mo2 su1 er3 mo su erh |
Mosul (city in Iraq) |
撒切爾 撒切尔 see styles |
sā qiē ěr sa1 qie1 er3 sa ch`ieh erh sa chieh erh |
Thatcher (name); Baroness Thatcher or Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), British conservative politician, prime minister 1979-1990 |
撒爾孟 撒尔孟 see styles |
sā ěr mèng sa1 er3 meng4 sa erh meng |
Salmon (name) |
於爾時 于尔时 see styles |
yú ěr shí yu2 er3 shi2 yü erh shih oniji |
at this time... |
曼蘇爾 曼苏尔 see styles |
màn sū ěr man4 su1 er3 man su erh |
More info & calligraphy: Mansur |
曼達爾 曼达尔 see styles |
màn dá ěr man4 da2 er3 man ta erh |
Mandal (city in Agder, Norway) |
李爾王 李尔王 see styles |
lǐ ěr wáng li3 er3 wang2 li erh wang |
King Lear, 1605 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚 |
柏柏爾 柏柏尔 see styles |
bò bò ěr bo4 bo4 er3 po po erh |
Berber people of North Africa |
查爾斯 查尔斯 see styles |
chá ěr sī cha2 er3 si1 ch`a erh ssu cha erh ssu |
More info & calligraphy: Chaz |
格爾木 格尔木 see styles |
gé ěr mù ge2 er3 mu4 ko erh mu gorumo ゴルモ |
Golmud or Ge'ermu city (Tibetan: na gor mo grong khyer) in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai (place-name) Golmud (China) |
格薩爾 格萨尔 see styles |
gé sà ěr ge2 sa4 er3 ko sa erh |
King Gesar, hero of a Tibetan and Mongolian epic cycle |
梯也爾 梯也尔 see styles |
tī yě ěr ti1 ye3 er3 t`i yeh erh ti yeh erh |
Adolphe Thiers |
比爾博 比尔博 see styles |
bǐ ěr bó bi3 er3 bo2 pi erh po |
Bilbo Baggins, hero of Tolkien's The Hobbit 霍比特人 |
沃爾夫 沃尔夫 see styles |
wò ěr fū wo4 er3 fu1 wo erh fu |
More info & calligraphy: Wolfe |
沃爾沃 沃尔沃 see styles |
wò ěr wò wo4 er3 wo4 wo erh wo |
Volvo (Swedish car company) |
沃爾瑪 沃尔玛 see styles |
wò ěr mǎ wo4 er3 ma3 wo erh ma |
Wal-Mart, Walmart (retailer) |
波爾卡 波尔卡 see styles |
bō ěr kǎ bo1 er3 ka3 po erh k`a po erh ka |
polka (dance) (loanword) |
波爾多 波尔多 see styles |
bō ěr duō bo1 er3 duo1 po erh to |
Bordeaux |
波爾尼 波尔尼 see styles |
bō ěr ní bo1 er3 ni2 po erh ni Hanini |
Pāṇini |
泰戈爾 泰戈尔 see styles |
tài gē ěr tai4 ge1 er3 t`ai ko erh tai ko erh |
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Indian poet and writer |
泰格爾 泰格尔 see styles |
tài gé ěr tai4 ge2 er3 t`ai ko erh tai ko erh |
Tegel (name); Tiger (name) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "尔" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.