There are 316 total results for your 刻 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
覆刻 see styles |
fukkoku ふっこく |
(noun/participle) republishing; republication; reissuing; reproduction |
遅刻 see styles |
chikoku ちこく |
(n,vs,vi) lateness; tardiness; arriving late |
重刻 see styles |
juukoku / jukoku じゅうこく |
(noun/participle) reprinting |
銘刻 铭刻 see styles |
míng kè ming2 ke4 ming k`o ming ko |
a carved inscription |
鏤刻 镂刻 see styles |
lòu kè lou4 ke4 lou k`o lou ko rukoku; roukoku / rukoku; rokoku るこく; ろうこく |
to carve; to engrave (noun, transitive verb) (1) engraving; carving (into); (noun, transitive verb) (2) polishing (a piece of writing); improving |
鐫刻 镌刻 see styles |
juān kè juan1 ke4 chüan k`o chüan ko |
to engrave |
陰刻 see styles |
inkoku いんこく |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) (See 彫刻,陽刻) hollow relief (carving); (adjectival noun) (2) gloomy and cold |
陽刻 see styles |
youkoku / yokoku ようこく |
(noun, transitive verb) relief (carving) |
雕刻 see styles |
diāo kè diao1 ke4 tiao k`o tiao ko |
to carve; to engrave; carving |
頃刻 顷刻 see styles |
qǐng kè qing3 ke4 ch`ing k`o ching ko keikoku / kekoku けいこく |
instantly; in no time short period an instant |
食刻 see styles |
shokkoku しょっこく |
(noun, transitive verb) (See エッチング) etching |
骨刻 see styles |
gǔ kè gu3 ke4 ku k`o ku ko |
carving in bone |
刻々に see styles |
kokkokuni こっこくに |
(adverb) moment by moment; hour by hour |
刻する see styles |
kokusuru こくする |
(vs-s,vt) (1) (archaism) to carve; to engrave; (vs-s,vt) (2) to publish; to author |
刻みに see styles |
kizamini きざみに |
(expression) in steps of; in units of; calculated by |
刻み値 see styles |
kizamichi きざみち |
increment; step value |
刻み幅 see styles |
kizamihaba きざみはば |
{comp} stride |
刻み目 see styles |
kizamime きざみめ |
notch; nick; marks on a ruler |
刻み足 see styles |
kizamiashi きざみあし |
mincing steps |
刻一刻 see styles |
kokuikkoku こくいっこく |
(adv,adv-to) moment by moment; hour by hour |
刻刻に see styles |
kokkokuni こっこくに |
(adverb) moment by moment; hour by hour |
刻度盤 刻度盘 see styles |
kè dù pán ke4 du4 pan2 k`o tu p`an ko tu pan |
dial (e.g. of a radio etc) |
刻錄機 刻录机 see styles |
kè lù jī ke4 lu4 ji1 k`o lu chi ko lu chi |
disk burner |
一刻み see styles |
hitokizami ひときざみ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) top-notch |
三暗刻 see styles |
sanankoo サンアンコー |
{mahj} (See 暗刻・アンコー) three concealed pungs (chi:) |
丑の刻 see styles |
ushinokoku うしのこく |
(exp,n) (archaism) hour of the Ox (around 2am, 1-3am, or 2-4am) |
亥の刻 see styles |
inokoku いのこく |
(exp,n) (archaism) hour of the Boar (around 10pm, 9-11pm, or 10pm to 12 midnight) |
光刻機 光刻机 see styles |
guāng kè jī guang1 ke4 ji1 kuang k`o chi kuang ko chi |
photolithography machine |
光刻膠 光刻胶 see styles |
guāng kè jiāo guang1 ke4 jiao1 kuang k`o chiao kuang ko chiao |
photoresist (laser etching used in microelectronics) |
分刻み see styles |
funkizami ふんきざみ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) counting by the minute (of a schedule, etc.) |
午の刻 see styles |
umanokoku うまのこく |
(exp,n) (archaism) hour of the Horse (around noon, 11am-1pm, or 12 noon-2pm) |
卯の刻 see styles |
unokoku うのこく |
(exp,n) (archaism) hour of the Rabbit (around 6am, 5-7am, or 6-8am); hour of the Hare |
印刻師 see styles |
inkokushi いんこくし |
seal engraver |
同時刻 see styles |
doujikoku / dojikoku どうじこく |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) same time |
四暗刻 see styles |
suuankoo / suankoo スーアンコー |
{mahj} (See 暗刻・アンコー,役満) four concealed triplets (yakuman) (chi:); four concealed three-of-a-kinds |
夏時刻 see styles |
natsujikoku なつじこく |
(See 夏時間) daylight saving time; daylight savings time; summer time |
子の刻 see styles |
nenokoku ねのこく |
(exp,n) (archaism) hour of the Rat (around midnight, 11pm to 1am, or 12 midnight to 2am) |
寅の刻 see styles |
toranokoku とらのこく |
(exp,n) (archaism) hour of the Tiger (around 4am, 3-5am, or 4-6am) |
小刻み see styles |
kokizami こきざみ |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) mincing; chopping finely; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) short and repeated (movements; e.g. trembling, quick steps); (noun or adjectival noun) (3) gradual; bit by bit; little by little |
巳の刻 see styles |
minokoku みのこく |
(exp,n) (archaism) hour of the Snake (around 10am, 9-11am, or 10am-12 noon); hour of the Serpent |
彫刻刀 see styles |
choukokutou / chokokuto ちょうこくとう |
chisel; graver |
彫刻家 see styles |
choukokuka / chokokuka ちょうこくか |
engraver; carver; sculptor |
彫刻師 see styles |
choukokushi / chokokushi ちょうこくし |
engraver; carver |
彫刻村 see styles |
choukokunomura / chokokunomura ちょうこくのむら |
(place-name) Chōkokunomura |
彫刻版 see styles |
choukokuban / chokokuban ちょうこくばん |
engraving |
彫刻物 see styles |
choukokubutsu / chokokubutsu ちょうこくぶつ |
engraving; carving; statue |
彫刻界 see styles |
choukokukai / chokokukai ちょうこくかい |
sculpture circles |
彫刻術 see styles |
choukokujutsu / chokokujutsu ちょうこくじゅつ |
sculpture; engraving; the plastic art |
復刻版 see styles |
fukkokuban ふっこくばん |
facsimile edition; reprint |
戌の刻 see styles |
inunokoku いぬのこく |
(exp,n) (archaism) hour of the Dog (around 8pm, 7-9pm, or 8-10pm) |
斬刻む see styles |
kirikizamu きりきざむ |
(transitive verb) to hew; to chop up; to mangle; to mince |
明刻子 see styles |
minkootsu ミンコーツ |
{mahj} (See 刻子) open three-of-a-kind (meld); three-of-a-kind made with a tile called from another player |
時刻表 时刻表 see styles |
shí kè biǎo shi2 ke4 biao3 shih k`o piao shih ko piao jikokuhyou / jikokuhyo じこくひょう |
timetable; schedule timetable; schedule |
暗刻子 see styles |
ankootsu アンコーツ |
{mahj} (See 刻子) concealed pung; concealed three-of-a-kind |
未の刻 see styles |
hitsujinokoku ひつじのこく |
(exp,n) (archaism) hour of the Sheep (around 2pm, 1-3pm, or 2-4pm) |
深刻化 see styles |
shinkokuka しんこくか |
(n,vs,vi) becoming more serious or severe; aggravation; intensification |
無遅刻 see styles |
muchikoku むちこく |
not being late (for school, work, etc. over a certain period); never being late |
申の刻 see styles |
sarunokoku さるのこく |
(exp,n) hour of the Monkey (around 4pm, 3-5pm, or 4-6pm) |
石刻文 see styles |
sekkokubun せっこくぶん |
stone inscription; epigraphy |
篆刻家 see styles |
tenkokuka てんこくか |
seal engraver |
辰の刻 see styles |
tatsunokoku たつのこく |
(exp,n) (archaism) hour of the Dragon (around 8am, 7-9am, or 8-10am) |
遅刻届 see styles |
chikokutodoke ちこくとどけ |
report of late arrival; tardy slip |
遅刻者 see styles |
chikokusha ちこくしゃ |
latecomer; person who arrives late |
遅刻魔 see styles |
chikokuma ちこくま |
person who is always late; person who is never on time |
酉の刻 see styles |
torinokoku とりのこく |
(exp,n) (archaism) hour of the Rooster (around 6pm, 5-7pm, or 6-8pm); hour of the Cock |
雕刻品 see styles |
diāo kè pǐn diao1 ke4 pin3 tiao k`o p`in tiao ko pin |
sculpture |
雕刻家 see styles |
diāo kè jiā diao1 ke4 jia1 tiao k`o chia tiao ko chia |
sculptor |
頃刻間 顷刻间 see styles |
qǐng kè jiān qing3 ke4 jian1 ch`ing k`o chien ching ko chien |
in an instant |
刻み出す see styles |
kizamidasu きざみだす |
(Godan verb with "su" ending) to carve out |
刻み煙草 see styles |
kizamitabako きざみたばこ |
shredded tobacco; pipe tobacco |
刻み込む see styles |
kizamikomu きざみこむ |
(transitive verb) to etch (name, etc.); to carve (design) |
刻一刻と see styles |
kokuikkokuto こくいっこくと |
(expression) moment by moment; hour by hour |
刻不容緩 刻不容缓 see styles |
kè bù róng huǎn ke4 bu4 rong2 huan3 k`o pu jung huan ko pu jung huan |
to brook no delay; to demand immediate action |
刻意求工 see styles |
kè yì qiú gōng ke4 yi4 qiu2 gong1 k`o i ch`iu kung ko i chiu kung |
assiduous and painstaking |
刻意為之 刻意为之 see styles |
kè yì wéi zhī ke4 yi4 wei2 zhi1 k`o i wei chih ko i wei chih |
to make a conscious effort; to do something deliberately |
刻時信号 see styles |
kokujishingou / kokujishingo こくじしんごう |
{comp} clock signal; clock pulse |
刻時機構 see styles |
kokujikikou / kokujikiko こくじきこう |
{comp} clock |
刻板印象 see styles |
kè bǎn yìn xiàng ke4 ban3 yin4 xiang4 k`o pan yin hsiang ko pan yin hsiang |
stereotype |
刻舟求劍 刻舟求剑 see styles |
kè zhōu qiú jiàn ke4 zhou1 qiu2 jian4 k`o chou ch`iu chien ko chou chiu chien |
More info & calligraphy: Mark the boat to find the lost sword / Ignoring the changing circumstances of the world |
刻苦努力 see styles |
kè kǔ nǔ lì ke4 ku3 nu3 li4 k`o k`u nu li ko ku nu li |
assiduous; taking great pains |
刻苦勉励 see styles |
kokkubenrei / kokkubenre こっくべんれい |
(noun/participle) (yoji) being arduous; working diligently enduring hardships |
刻苦學習 刻苦学习 see styles |
kè kǔ xué xí ke4 ku3 xue2 xi2 k`o k`u hsüeh hsi ko ku hsüeh hsi |
to study hard; assiduous |
刻苦精励 see styles |
kokkuseirei / kokkusere こっくせいれい |
(noun/participle) (yoji) being arduous; working diligently enduring hardships; making a strenuous effort |
刻苦精進 see styles |
kokkushoujin / kokkushojin こっくしょうじん |
(noun/participle) (yoji) being arduous; working diligently enduring hardships; making a strenuous effort |
刻苦耐勞 刻苦耐劳 see styles |
kè kǔ nài láo ke4 ku3 nai4 lao2 k`o k`u nai lao ko ku nai lao |
More info & calligraphy: Use Hard Work to Overcome Adversity |
刻苦鑽研 刻苦钻研 see styles |
kè kǔ zuān yán ke4 ku3 zuan1 yan2 k`o k`u tsuan yen ko ku tsuan yen |
to study diligently |
刻薄寡恩 see styles |
kè bó guǎ ēn ke4 bo2 gua3 en1 k`o po kua en ko po kua en |
harsh and merciless (idiom) |
刻骨相思 see styles |
kè gǔ xiāng sī ke4 gu3 xiang1 si1 k`o ku hsiang ssu ko ku hsiang ssu |
deep-seated lovesickness (idiom) |
刻骨銘心 刻骨铭心 see styles |
kè gǔ míng xīn ke4 gu3 ming2 xin1 k`o ku ming hsin ko ku ming hsin |
lit. carved in bones and engraved in the heart (idiom); fig. etched in one's memory; unforgettable |
刻鵠類鶩 刻鹄类鹜 see styles |
kè hú lèi wù ke4 hu2 lei4 wu4 k`o hu lei wu ko hu lei wu |
to aim to carve a swan and get a semblance of a duck (idiom); to fail utterly in trying to copy something; to get a reasonably good, if not perfect, result |
一刻一刻 see styles |
ikkokuikkoku いっこくいっこく |
(n,adv) hourly; from hour to hour; moment by moment; momently; from one minute to the next; with each passing moment |
一刻千金 see styles |
yī kè - qiān jīn yi1 ke4 - qian1 jin1 i k`o - ch`ien chin i ko - chien chin ikkokusenkin いっこくせんきん |
More info & calligraphy: Time is Gold(expression) (yoji) every moment is precious; time is money; precious time |
一寸刻み see styles |
issunkizami いっすんきざみ |
(idiom) (often adverbially as ~に...) (at a) snail's pace; inch by (painful) inch |
一時半刻 一时半刻 see styles |
yī shí - bàn kè yi1 shi2 - ban4 ke4 i shih - pan k`o i shih - pan ko |
(idiom) a short time; a little while |
三色同刻 see styles |
sanshokudoukoku; sanshokudoukoo / sanshokudokoku; sanshokudokoo さんしょくどうこく; さんしょくどうコー |
{mahj} triple pung; winning hand containing the same pung in each of the three suits |
先刻承知 see styles |
senkokushouchi / senkokushochi せんこくしょうち |
(n,adj-na,adj-no) (yoji) being already (well) aware |
出発時刻 see styles |
shuppatsujikoku しゅっぱつじこく |
(See 到着時刻) departure time |
切り刻む see styles |
kirikizamu きりきざむ |
(transitive verb) to hew; to chop up; to mangle; to mince |
到着時刻 see styles |
touchakujikoku / tochakujikoku とうちゃくじこく |
(See 出発時刻) arrival time |
勤奮刻苦 勤奋刻苦 see styles |
qín fèn kè kǔ qin2 fen4 ke4 ku3 ch`in fen k`o k`u chin fen ko ku |
diligent; assiduous |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "刻" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.