There are 659 total results for your 便 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
巧便 see styles |
qiǎo biàn qiao3 bian4 ch`iao pien chiao pien kōben |
a clever expedient device |
幸便 see styles |
koubin / kobin こうびん |
favorable chance; favourable chance |
後便 see styles |
koubin / kobin こうびん |
later mail; next letter |
得便 see styles |
dé biàn de2 bian4 te pien |
at one's convenience; when one has time |
快便 see styles |
kaiben かいべん |
comfortable bowel movement |
急便 see styles |
kyuubin / kyubin きゅうびん |
express dispatch; urgent correspondence |
排便 see styles |
pái biàn pai2 bian4 p`ai pien pai pien haiben はいべん |
to defecate (n,vs,vi) defecation |
採便 see styles |
saiben さいべん |
(n,vs,vt,vi) stool sampling |
搭便 see styles |
dā biàn da1 bian4 ta pien |
at one's convenience; in passing |
方便 see styles |
fāng biàn fang1 bian4 fang pien houben / hoben ほうべん |
convenient; suitable; to facilitate; to make things easy; having money to spare; (euphemism) to relieve oneself (1) means; expedient; instrument; (2) {Buddh} upaya (skillful means, methods of teaching); (surname) Houben upāya. Convenient to the place, or situation, suited to the condition, opportune, appropriate; but 方 is interpreted as 方法 method, mode, plan, and 便 as 便用 convenient for use, i. e. a convenient or expedient method; also 方 as 方正 and 便 as 巧妙, which implies strategically correct. It is also intp. as 權道智 partial, temporary, or relative (teaching of) knowledge of reality, in contrast with 般若智 prajñā, and 眞實 absolute truth, or reality instead of the seeming. The term is a translation of 傴和 upāya, a mode of approach, an expedient, stratagem, device. The meaning is— teaching according to the capacity of the hearer, by any suitable method, including that of device or stratagem, but expedience beneficial to the recipient is understood. Mahāyāna claims that the Buddha used this expedient or partial method in his teaching until near the end of his days, when he enlarged it to the revelation of reality, or the preaching of his final and complete truth; Hīnayāna with reason denies this, and it is evident that the Mahāyāna claim has no foundation, for the whole of its 方等 or 方廣 scriptures are of later invention. Tiantai speaks of the 三乘 q. v. or Three Vehicles as 方便 expedient or partial revelations, and of its 一乘 or One Vehicle as the complete revelation of universal Buddhahood. This is the teaching of the Lotus Sutra, which itself contains 方便 teaching to lead up to the full revelation; hence the terms 體内 (or 同體 ) 方便, i. e. expedient or partial truths within the full revelation, meaning the expedient part of the Lotus, and 體外方便 the expedient or partial truths of the teaching which preceded the Lotus; see the 方便品 of that work, also the second chapter of the 維摩經. 方便 is also the seventh of the ten pāramitās. |
未便 see styles |
wèi biàn wei4 bian4 wei pien |
not in a position to |
検便 see styles |
kenben けんべん |
(n,vs,vi) stool (feces) examination |
權便 权便 see styles |
quán biàn quan2 bian4 ch`üan pien chüan pien gonben |
expedient devices |
欠便 see styles |
ketsubin けつびん |
flight cancellation |
次便 see styles |
jibin じびん |
next mail; next post |
活便 see styles |
huó biàn huo2 bian4 huo pien |
nimble; agile; convenient |
減便 see styles |
genbin げんびん |
(noun/participle) reduction in service (flights, buses, etc.) |
溏便 see styles |
táng biàn tang2 bian4 t`ang pien tang pien |
(TCM) unformed stool; semiliquid stool |
用便 see styles |
youben / yoben ようべん |
(noun/participle) (1) relieving oneself; going to the toilet; (noun/participle) (2) (See 用弁) finishing one's business |
甫便 see styles |
fǔ biàn fu3 bian4 fu pien fuben |
now |
省便 see styles |
shěng biàn sheng3 bian4 sheng pien |
convenient |
穏便 see styles |
onbin おんびん |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) gentle; peaceable; amicable; quiet; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) without fuss; simply |
穩便 稳便 see styles |
wěn biàn wen3 bian4 wen pien |
reliable; at one's convenience; as you wish |
童便 see styles |
tóng biàn tong2 bian4 t`ung pien tung pien |
urine of boys under 12, used as medicine (TCM) |
簡便 简便 see styles |
jiǎn biàn jian3 bian4 chien pien kanben かんべん |
simple and convenient; handy (noun or adjectival noun) simple; easy; convenient; handy |
糞便 粪便 see styles |
fèn biàn fen4 bian4 fen pien funben ふんべん |
excrement; feces; night soil (noun - becomes adjective with の) feces |
緑便 see styles |
ryokuben りょくべん |
green stools |
緣便 缘便 see styles |
yuán biàn yuan2 bian4 yüan pien enben |
opportunity |
而便 see styles |
ér biàn er2 bian4 erh pien jiben |
but |
胎便 see styles |
tāi biàn tai1 bian4 t`ai pien tai pien taiben たいべん |
meconium {med} meconium |
自便 see styles |
zì biàn zi4 bian4 tzu pien |
to do as one pleases; to not inconvenience oneself |
至便 see styles |
shiben しべん |
(noun or adjectival noun) very convenient |
船便 see styles |
funabin(p); senbin ふなびん(P); せんびん |
(1) surface mail (by ship); sea mail; (2) ferry service; steamer service |
血便 see styles |
ketsuben けつべん |
{med} bloody stool |
請便 请便 see styles |
qǐng biàn qing3 bian4 ch`ing pien ching pien |
Please do as you wish!; You are welcome to do whatever you like!; Please make yourself at home. |
趁便 see styles |
chèn biàn chen4 bian4 ch`en pien chen pien |
to take the opportunity; in passing |
軟便 see styles |
nanben なんべん |
loose or soft stool |
軽便 see styles |
keiben; keibin / keben; kebin けいべん; けいびん |
(noun or adjectival noun) (1) handy; convenient; simple; portable; (2) (abbreviation) (See 軽便鉄道) narrow-gauge railway; light railway |
輕便 轻便 see styles |
qīng biàn qing1 bian4 ch`ing pien ching pien kyōben |
lightweight and portable; light and convenient swift |
近便 see styles |
jìn biàn jin4 bian4 chin pien |
nearby and therefore convenient |
通便 see styles |
tōng biàn tong1 bian4 t`ung pien tung pien |
to evacuate the bowels |
郵便 see styles |
yuubin / yubin ゆうびん |
(1) mail service; postal service; mail; post; (2) (abbreviation) mail; postal matter; postal items |
陸便 see styles |
rikubin りくびん |
surface mail |
隨便 随便 see styles |
suí biàn sui2 bian4 sui pien |
as one wishes; as one pleases; at random; negligent; casual; wanton |
靈便 灵便 see styles |
líng biàn ling2 bian4 ling pien |
quick; agile; nimble; easy to handle; handy |
音便 see styles |
onbin おんびん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {ling} euphony; euphonic change |
順便 顺便 see styles |
shùn biàn shun4 bian4 shun pien |
conveniently; in passing; without much extra effort |
黒便 see styles |
kokuben こくべん |
black stools |
便じる see styles |
benjiru べんじる |
(v1,vi) to satisfy; to answer the purpose; to make convenient |
便ずる see styles |
benzuru べんずる |
(vz,vi) to satisfy; to answer the purpose; to make convenient |
便ノ山 see styles |
binnoyama びんのやま |
(place-name) Binnoyama |
便乗者 see styles |
binjousha / binjosha びんじょうしゃ |
(See ヒッチハイカー) hitchhiker; one who catches a ride |
便乱坊 see styles |
berabou / berabo べらぼう |
(adjectival noun) (kana only) absurd; unreasonable; awful |
便利さ see styles |
benrisa べんりさ |
convenience; handiness; usefulness |
便利屋 see styles |
benriya べんりや |
handyman; utility man; odd-job man |
便利帳 see styles |
benrichou / benricho べんりちょう |
(convenience) guide |
便利店 see styles |
biàn lì diàn bian4 li4 dian4 pien li tien |
convenience store |
便利性 see styles |
biàn lì xìng bian4 li4 xing4 pien li hsing |
convenience |
便利貼 便利贴 see styles |
biàn lì tiē bian4 li4 tie1 pien li t`ieh pien li tieh |
sticky note |
便善那 see styles |
biàn shàn nà bian4 shan4 na4 pien shan na benzenna |
(Skt. vyañjana) |
便坂谷 see styles |
benzakadani べんざかだに |
(place-name) Benzakadani |
便失禁 see styles |
benshikkin べんしっきん |
{med} fecal incontinence (faecal); anal leakage |
便宜上 see styles |
bengijou / bengijo べんぎじょう |
(adverb) for convenience; as a matter of convenience |
便宜的 see styles |
bengiteki べんぎてき |
(adjectival noun) convenient; expedient; makeshift |
便宜貨 便宜货 see styles |
pián yi huò pian2 yi5 huo4 p`ien i huo pien i huo |
a bargain; cheap goods |
便往生 see styles |
biàn wǎng shēng bian4 wang3 sheng1 pien wang sheng ben ōjō |
rebirth in the temporary land |
便所神 see styles |
benjogami べんじょがみ |
toilet god; guardian deity of the privy |
便所虫 see styles |
benjomushi べんじょむし |
(colloquialism) toilet insect; insects that frequent toilets |
便所飯 see styles |
benjomeshi べんじょめし |
(slang) having lunch in a toilet cubicle by oneself |
便捷化 see styles |
biàn jié huà bian4 jie2 hua4 pien chieh hua |
to facilitate; to streamline; to make convenient and fast |
便攜式 便携式 see styles |
biàn xié shì bian4 xie2 shi4 pien hsieh shih |
portable |
便條紙 便条纸 see styles |
biàn tiáo zhǐ bian4 tiao2 zhi3 pien t`iao chih pien tiao chih |
scrap paper |
便步走 see styles |
biàn bù zǒu bian4 bu4 zou3 pien pu tsou |
march at ease; route step |
便潜血 see styles |
bensenketsu べんせんけつ |
{med} fecal occult blood; faecal occult blood; FOB |
便石山 see styles |
binshiyama びんしやま |
(personal name) Binshiyama |
便社那 see styles |
biàn shèn à bian4 shen4 a4 pien shen a benshana |
(Skt. vyañjana) |
便膳那 see styles |
biàn shàn nà bian4 shan4 na4 pien shan na bensenna |
(or 便善那or 便社那); ?膳便 vyañjana, 'making clear, marking, distinguishing,' M. W. a 'relish'; intp. by 文 a mark, sign, or script which manifests the meaning; also 味 a taste or flavour, that which distinguishes one taste from another. |
便船塚 see styles |
binsenzuka びんせんづか |
(place-name) Binsenzuka |
便衣隊 see styles |
benitai べんいたい |
plain-clothes soldiers (esp. of the Chinese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War); mufti corps |
便頓得 便顿得 see styles |
biàn dùn dé bian4 dun4 de2 pien tun te benton toku |
immediately attain |
ご方便 see styles |
gohouben / gohoben ごほうべん |
(1) (Buddhist term) (honorific or respectful language) upaya (skillful means, methods of teaching); (2) convenience; suitability; availability |
ふん便 see styles |
funben ふんべん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) feces |
イ音便 see styles |
ionbin イおんびん |
{ling} euphonic change wherein some mora ('ki', 'gi', 'shi' and 'ri') are pronounced 'i' |
ウ音便 see styles |
uonbin ウおんびん |
{ling} euphonic change wherein some mora ('ku', 'gu', 'hi', 'bi' and 'mi') are pronounced 'u' |
七方便 see styles |
qī fāng biàn qi1 fang1 bian4 ch`i fang pien chi fang pien shichi hōben |
(七方便位) (1) The seven "expedient" or temporary attainments or positions of Hīnayāna, superseded in Mahayana by the 七賢 (位) or 七加行 (位) all preparatory to the 七聖 (位) (2) The seven vehicles, i.e. those of ordinary human beings, of devas, of śrāvakas, of pratyekabuddhas' and of the three bodhisattvas of the three teachings 藏, 通 and 別. (3) Also, 藏教之聲縁二人, 通教之聲縁菩三人, 別教and 圓教之二菩薩; (2) and (3) are Tiantai groups. |
三方便 see styles |
sān fāng biàn san1 fang1 bian4 san fang pien san hōben |
A term of the esoterics for body, mouth (speech), and mind, their control, and the entry into the 三密 q.v. 大日經疏 1. |
下り便 see styles |
kudaribin くだりびん |
down train; outbound train |
下痢便 see styles |
geriben げりべん |
loose stool; watery stool |
不便險 不便险 see styles |
bù biàn xiǎn bu4 bian4 xian3 pu pien hsien |
travel insurance covering flight delay, baggage loss etc (abbr. for 旅遊不便保險|旅游不便保险[lu:3you2 bu4bian4 bao3xian3]) |
不方便 see styles |
bù fāng biàn bu4 fang1 bian4 pu fang pien |
inconvenience; inconvenient |
九方便 see styles |
jiǔ fāng biàn jiu3 fang1 bian4 chiu fang pien ku hōben |
The nine suitable stages in religious service; cf. 大日經, 7; 作禮 salutation to the universal Triratna; 出罪 repentance and confession; 歸依 trust (in the Triratna); 施身 giving of self (to the Tathāgata); 發菩提心 vowing to devote the mind to bodhi; 隨喜 rejoicing (in all good); 勸請 beseeching (all Tathāgatas to rain down the saving law); 奉請法身 praying for the Buddha-nature in self and others for entry in the Pure Land; 迴向 demitting the good produced by the above eight methods, to others, universally, past, present, and future. This form of service is generally performed before engaging in esoteric observances. The verses in which these nine stages are presented are of a commendably devotional character. |
予約便 see styles |
yoyakubin よやくびん |
reserved flight; reserved ride |
五方便 see styles |
wǔ fāng biàn wu3 fang1 bian4 wu fang pien go hōben |
An abbreviation for 五五才便, i. e. 二十五才便; also the Tiantai 五方便念佛門. |
以方便 see styles |
yǐ fāng biàn yi3 fang1 bian4 i fang pien i hōben |
using skillful means |
佔便宜 占便宜 see styles |
zhàn pián yi zhan4 pian2 yi5 chan p`ien i chan pien i |
advantageous; favorable; to benefit at others' expense; to take unfair advantage |
促音便 see styles |
sokuonbin そくおんびん |
{ling} (See 撥音便) nasal sound change (generation of geminate consonant, primarily a geminate 't' from vowel stems ending in 'i') |
信書便 see styles |
shinshobin しんしょびん |
correspondence delivery (via a private courier service) |
修方便 see styles |
xiū fāng biàn xiu1 fang1 bian4 hsiu fang pien shu hōben |
cultivate skillful means |
元郵便 see styles |
motoyuubin / motoyubin もとゆうびん |
(place-name) Motoyuubin |
冷凍便 see styles |
reitoubin / retobin れいとうびん |
frozen delivery |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "便" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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