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There are 152 total results for your search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
bō fá duō guó
    bo1 fa2 duo1 guo2
po fa to kuo
 Habata Koku



see styles
bō luó fá duō
    bo1 luo2 fa2 duo1
po lo fa to


see styles
xié lí fá duō
    xie2 li2 fa2 duo1
hsieh li fa to



see styles
yāng shū fá mó
    yang1 shu1 fa2 mo2
yang shu fa mo
Aṃśuvarman, a king of ancient Nepal, descendant of the Licchavis, author of the 聲明論.



see styles
dǎng tóng fá yì
    dang3 tong2 fa2 yi4
tang t`ung fa i
    tang tung fa i
to be narrowly partisan; to unite with those of the same views but alienate those with different views



see styles
fá zhé luó mó luó
    fa2 zhe2 luo2 mo2 luo2
fa che lo mo lo
vajrajvāla, i. e. flame, tr. as 金剛光 the scintillation of the diamond, the lightning.



see styles
fá zhé luó tuó luó
    fa2 zhe2 luo2 tuo2 luo2
fa che lo t`o lo
    fa che lo to lo
持金剛 (or 執金剛) Vajradhara, the bearer of the vajra.



see styles
fá shī jiā luō guǐ
    fa2 shi1 jia1 luo1 gui3
fa shih chia lo kuei
 basse karaki
esoteric ritual for seeking the aid of buddhas and bodhisattvas



see styles
fá sū mì dá luó
    fa2 su1 mi4 da2 luo2
fa su mi ta lo
Vasumitra, v. 筏.



see styles
fá sū mì duō luó
    fa2 su1 mi4 duo1 luo2
fa su mi to lo


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) reckless deforestation; overcutting of forests


see styles
xī cì ná fá dǐ
    xi1 ci4 na2 fa2 di3
hsi tz`u na fa ti
    hsi tzu na fa ti
v. 阿恃多底 Hiraṇyavatī, Hiraṇya, Ajitavatī, the river near which Śākyamuni entered into Nirvana; the Gunduck (Gandak), flowing south of Kuśinagara city.


see styles
fó tuó fán à shān
    fo2 tuo2 fan2 a4 shan1
fo t`o fan a shan
    fo to fan a shan
 Buddabana san
Buddhavanagiri, 'a mountain near Rājagṛha famous for its rock caverns, in one of which Śākyamumi lived for a time.' Eitel.



see styles
bēn nà fá zhàn nà
    ben1 na4 fa2 zhan4 na4
pen na fa chan na
Puṇḍra-vardhana, an ancient kingdom and city in Bengal.



see styles
shì luó fá xī dǐ
    shi4 luo2 fa2 xi1 di3
shih lo fa hsi ti



see styles
shī lài ná fá dǐ
    shi1 lai4 na2 fa2 di3
shih lai na fa ti



see styles
bù rú niǎo fá yé
    bu4 ru2 niao3 fa2 ye2
pu ju niao fa yeh
Puṇyopāya, or 那提 Nadī. A monk of Central India, said to have brought over 1, 500 texts of the Mahāyāna and Hīnayāna schools to China A. D. 655. In 656 he was sent to 崑崙山 Pulo Condore Island in the China Sea for some strange medicine. Tr. three works, one lost by A. D. 730.



see styles
mó xì jìng fá luó
    mo2 xi4 jing4 fa2 luo2
mo hsi ching fa lo
魔醯首羅; 魔醯 Maheśvara. Explained by 大自在天 great sovereign deva, 天王 king of devas. Śiva, lord of one great chiliocosm, a deity with eight arms, three eyes, riding on a white bull. Xuanzang says specially worshipped in the Panjab. It is a term also for certain bodhisattvas and certain heavens.



see styles
sī luò fá kè yǔ
    si1 luo4 fa2 ke4 yu3
ssu lo fa k`o yü
    ssu lo fa ko yü
Slovak (language)



see styles
zhān dá luó fá mó
    zhan1 da2 luo2 fa2 mo2
chan ta lo fa mo


see styles
 toubatsunosawagawa / tobatsunosawagawa
(place-name) Toubatsunosawagawa



see styles
dá mò sū fán à
    da2 mo4 su1 fan2 a4
ta mo su fan a
Tāmasavana, a monastery 'Dark forest', possibly that of Jālandhara where the 'fourth synod' under Kaniṣka held its sessions; 'at the junction of the Vipāṣā and Śatadru,' i.e. Beas and Sutlej. Eitel.



see styles
dá mò sū fán à
    da2 mo4 su1 fan2 a4
ta mo su fan a
tāmasavana, 闇林 the dark forest. 'A monastery situated at the junction of the Vipāśā and Śatadru, 50 li south-east of Tchīnapati. It is probably identical with the so-called Djālandhara monastery in which the IV Synod under Kanichka held its sessions. ' Eitel.



see styles
sà luó sà fá dǐ
    sa4 luo2 sa4 fa2 di3
sa lo sa fa ti
薩羅婆縛底; 薩羅酸底 Sarasvatī, "the goddess of speech and learning," interpretation of music and of rhetoric.



see styles
sū pán fá sù duō
    su1 pan2 fa2 su4 duo1
su p`an fa su to
    su pan fa su to
蘇婆薩都 Śubhavastu, the river Swat.



see styles
jiān uo jiā fá cuō
    jian1 uo4 jia1 fa2 cuo1
chien uo chia fa ts`o
    chien uo chia fa tso



see styles
ā fá luó shì luó
    a1 fa2 luo2 shi4 luo2
a fa lo shih lo
Avraśāilāḥ, the school of the dwellers in the Western mountains 西山寺 in Dhanakaṭaka; it was a subdivision of the Mahāsaṅghikāḥ.


see styles
ā shì duō fá dǐ
    a1 shi4 duo1 fa2 di3
a shih to fa ti
Ajiravatī; v. 尸. The river Hiraṇyavatī, also 阿利羅跋提 (or阿夷羅跋提or 阿利羅拔提or 阿夷羅拔提); 阿夷羅婆底 (or 阿脂羅婆底or 阿寅羅婆底); 阿爾多嚩底. It is probable that 阿恃多, intp. 無勝 unconquered, is Ajita and an error. Cf. 阿誓.


see styles
ā lí yé fá mó
    a1 li2 ye2 fa2 mo2
a li yeh fa mo
Āryavaman, of the Śarvāstivādin school, author of a work on the vaibhāṣika philosophy.



see styles
ā shī fú fá duō
    a1 shi1 fu2 fa2 duo1
a shih fu fa to
阿濕婆恃; 阿濕婆 (阿濕婆氏多); 阿濕波持; 阿說示 (or阿說示旨); 阿輸實; 頞鞞 Aśvajit 馬勝 'Gaining horses by conquest.' M.W. Name of one of the first five disciples and a relative of Śākyamuni; teacher of Śāriputra.


see styles
ā tè duō fá dǐ
    a1 te4 duo1 fa2 di3
a t`e to fa ti
    a te to fa ti



see styles
fá dū luó fú duō luó
    fa2 du1 luo2 fu2 duo1 luo2
fa tu lo fu to lo
Vajraputra, one of the sixteen arhats.



see styles
jié bǐ luó fá sù dǔ
    jie2 bi3 luo2 fa2 su4 du3
chieh pi lo fa su tu
(or 劫比羅窣都) Kapilavastu, 劫比羅國; 迦毘羅衞; 迦毗羅蘇都 (or 伽毗羅蘇都) (or 迦毗羅皤窣都) (or伽毗羅皤窣都); 迦羅 (or 迦夷 or 迦維); 伽毗黎, etc. Capital of the principality occupied by the Śākya clan; destroyed during Śākyamuni's life, according to legend; about 100 miles due north of Benares, north-west of present Gorakhpur; referred to in 西域記.



see styles
dá lī zhī fá lí jiā
    da2 li1 zhi1 fa2 li2 jia1
ta li chih fa li chia
tricīvaraka, the three garments of a monk.


see styles
jié kè sī luò fá kè
    jie2 ke4 si1 luo4 fa2 ke4
chieh k`o ssu lo fa k`o
    chieh ko ssu lo fa ko
Republic of Czechoslovakia (1918-1992)



see styles
zhuó jiā luó fá là dǐ
    zhuo2 jia1 luo2 fa2 la4 di3
cho chia lo fa la ti
遮迦越羅; 轉輪王 Cakravartī-rāja, sovereign ruler, whose chariot wheels roll everywhere without hindrance: the extent of his realm and power are indicated by the quality of the metal, iron, copper, silver, or, for universality, gold. The highest cakravartī uses the wheel or thunder-bolt as a weapon and 'hurls his Tchakra into the midst of his enemies', but the Buddha 'meekly turns the wheel of doctrine and conquers every universe by his teaching'.



see styles
hé lì shā fá dàn nà
    he2 li4 sha1 fa2 dan4 na4
ho li sha fa tan na
Harṣavardhana, king of Kanyākubja, protector of Buddhism about A. D. 625.


see styles
sū nóu lí shī fá luō
    su1 nou2 li2 shi1 fa2 luo1
su nou li shih fa lo
? Sūnurīśvara, ancient capital of Laṅgala, in the Punjab.



see styles
pán lì fá luó jù jiā
    pan2 li4 fa2 luo2 ju4 jia1
p`an li fa lo chü chia
    pan li fa lo chü chia
Parivrājaka, or Wanderer. 'A Śivaitic sect, worshippers of Mahēs`vara, who wear clothes of the colour of red soil and leave a little hair about the crown of the head, shaving off the rest.' Eitel. Also 波利呾羅拘迦; 簸利婆闍迦.



see styles
sà tā ní shī fá luó
    sa4 ta1 ni2 shi1 fa2 luo2
sa t`a ni shih fa lo
    sa ta ni shih fa lo
Sthāṇvīśvara, "a kingdom and city in Central India. The scene of the battle between the Pandus, ancl Kurus." The modern Thanesar.



see styles
bō lǐ sà luó fán á
    bo1 li3 sa4 luo2 fan2 a2
po li sa lo fan a
parisrāvaṇa, a filtering bag, or cloth, for straining water (to save the lives of insects), part of the equipment of a monk.



see styles
pó lú zhǐ dǐ shī fá luó
    po2 lu2 zhi3 di3 shi1 fa2 luo2
p`o lu chih ti shih fa lo
    po lu chih ti shih fa lo
Avalokiteśvara, see 觀音.


see styles
(place-name) Natagiri Tunnel



see styles
wáng hé luó gé fá dàn nà
    wang2 he2 luo2 ge2 fa2 dan4 na4
wang ho lo ko fa tan na
Rājyavardhana, tr. by 王增 Wang Tseng. A brother of Harshavardhana, king of Kanyākubja.



see styles
jié luó ná sū fá làn à
    jie2 luo2 na2 su1 fa2 lan4 a4
chieh lo na su fa lan a
Karṇasuvarṇa. 'An ancient kingdom in Gundwana, the region about Gangpoor, Lat. 21゜ 54 N., Long. 84゜ 30 E.' Eitel.



see styles
sū fá làn á jù dá luó
    su1 fa2 lan4 a2 ju4 da2 luo2
su fa lan a chü ta lo
 sobarana gutanra
Suvarṇuagotra, a matriarchal kingdom, somewhere in the Himalayas, described as the Golden Clan.



see styles
bū lú jié dǐ shè fá luó
    bu1 lu2 jie2 di3 she4 fa2 luo2
pu lu chieh ti she fa lo
Avalokiteśvara, v. 觀音.



see styles
yī shī fá luó qì lī shin á
    yi1 shi1 fa2 luo2 qi4 li1 shin3 a2
i shih fa lo ch`i li shin a
    i shih fa lo chi li shin a



see styles
ā fú lú zhǐ dī shī fá luó
    a1 fu2 lu2 zhi3 di1 shi1 fa2 luo2
a fu lu chih ti shih fa lo
Avalokiteśvara, 阿縛盧枳帝濕邏 (or 阿縛盧枳多伊濕邏); 阿婆盧吉帝舍婆羅; 阿那婆婁吉低輸; 阿梨耶婆樓吉弓稅; also Āryā valokiteśvara. Intp. as 觀世音 or 光世音 'Regarder (or Observer) of the world's sounds, or cries'; or ? 'Sounds that enlighten the world'. Also 觀自在 The Sovereign beholder, a tr. of īśvara, lord, sovereign. There is much debate as to whether the latter part of the word is svara, sound, or īśvara, lord; Chinese interpretations vary. Cf. 觀音.


see styles
(transitive verb) to attack; to destroy; to defeat; to conquer; to avenge


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) (切り出す, 切りだす, 切出す, 伐り出す, 伐りだす only) to quarry; to cut (timber); to cut and carry off; (transitive verb) (2) (切り出す, 切りだす, 切出す only) to begin to talk; to break the ice; to broach; (transitive verb) (3) (切り出す, 切りだす, 切出す, 鑽り出す only) to start a fire (with flint, by rubbing sticks together, etc.); (transitive verb) (4) (切り出す, 切りだす, 切出す, 伐り出す, 伐りだす only) to select and extract (from a media file); to splice out


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) (also written as 伐り出す) to quarry; to cut (timber); to cut and carry off; (transitive verb) (2) to begin to talk; to break the ice; to broach; (transitive verb) (3) (also written as 鑽り出す) to start a fire (with flint, by rubbing sticks together, etc.); (transitive verb) (4) to select and extract (from a media file); to splice out

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 52 results for "伐" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary