There are 639 total results for your 了 search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<1234567>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
了生 see styles |
ryousei / ryose りょうせい |
(given name) Ryōsei |
了田 see styles |
ryouda / ryoda りょうだ |
(surname) Ryōda |
了當 了当 see styles |
liǎo dàng liao3 dang4 liao tang |
frank; outspoken; ready; settled; in order; (old) to deal with; to handle |
了白 see styles |
ryouhaku / ryohaku りょうはく |
(given name) Ryōhaku |
了皓 see styles |
ryoukou / ryoko りょうこう |
(given name) Ryōkou |
了相 see styles |
liǎo xiàng liao3 xiang4 liao hsiang ryōsō |
to perceive distinctive characteristics |
了知 see styles |
liǎo zhī liao3 zhi1 liao chih ryouchi / ryochi りょうち |
(Buddhism) to fully understand; to understand completely (noun, transitive verb) knowing; understanding; appreciation Parijñā, thorough knowledge. |
了示 see styles |
ryouji / ryoji りょうじ |
(personal name) Ryōji |
了祐 see styles |
ryouyuu / ryoyu りょうゆう |
(given name) Ryōyū |
了秀 see styles |
ryoushuu / ryoshu りょうしゅう |
(given name) Ryōshuu |
了章 see styles |
ryoushou / ryosho りょうしょう |
(given name) Ryōshou |
了節 see styles |
ryousetsu / ryosetsu りょうせつ |
(given name) Ryōsetsu |
了篤 see styles |
ryoutoku / ryotoku りょうとく |
(given name) Ryōtoku |
了簡 see styles |
ryouken / ryoken りょうけん |
(noun/participle) (1) idea; thought; intention; design; inclination; decision; motive; (2) discretion; (3) forgiveness; toleration |
了結 了结 see styles |
liǎo jié liao3 jie2 liao chieh |
to settle; to finish; to conclude; to wind up |
了美 see styles |
satomi さとみ |
(female given name) Satomi |
了義 了义 see styles |
liǎo yì liao3 yi4 liao i ryougi / ryogi りょうぎ |
(given name) Ryōgi Revelation of the whole meaning, or truth, as 不了義 is partial revelation adapted (方便) to the capacity of the hearers. |
了胤 see styles |
ryouin / ryoin りょういん |
(given name) Ryōin |
了舟 see styles |
ryoushuu / ryoshu りょうしゅう |
(surname) Ryōshuu |
了英 see styles |
ryouei / ryoe りょうえい |
(given name) Ryōei |
了菜 see styles |
ryouna / ryona りょうな |
(female given name) Ryōna |
了葉 see styles |
ryouyou / ryoyo りょうよう |
(given name) Ryōyou |
了蔵 see styles |
ryouzou / ryozo りょうぞう |
(given name) Ryōzou |
了衛 see styles |
ryoue / ryoe りょうえ |
(given name) Ryōe |
了見 see styles |
ryouken / ryoken りょうけん |
(noun/participle) (1) idea; thought; intention; design; inclination; decision; motive; (2) discretion; (3) forgiveness; toleration |
了覚 see styles |
ryoukaku / ryokaku りょうかく |
(noun/participle) coming to understand |
了覺 了觉 see styles |
liǎo jué liao3 jue2 liao chüeh ryōkaku |
comprehends |
了解 see styles |
liǎo jiě liao3 jie3 liao chieh ryōkai りょうかい |
to understand; to realize; to find out (noun/participle) comprehension; consent; understanding; agreement; roger (on the radio) clear understanding |
了諦 see styles |
ryoutai / ryotai りょうたい |
(given name) Ryōtai |
了輔 see styles |
ryousuke / ryosuke りょうすけ |
(given name) Ryōsuke |
了輪 see styles |
ryouwa / ryowa りょうわ |
(place-name) Ryōwa |
了道 see styles |
ryoudou / ryodo りょうどう |
(surname, given name) Ryōdō |
了達 了达 see styles |
liǎo dá liao3 da2 liao ta ryōdatsu |
Thorough penetration, clear understanding. |
了雄 see styles |
ryouyuu / ryoyu りょうゆう |
(given name) Ryōyū |
了順 see styles |
ryoujun / ryojun りょうじゅん |
(personal name) Ryōjun |
了香 see styles |
ryouko / ryoko りょうこ |
(female given name) Ryōko |
了馬 see styles |
ryouma / ryoma りょうま |
(surname) Ryōma |
了魔 see styles |
ryouma / ryoma りょうま |
(given name) Ryōma |
丈了 see styles |
tomonori とものり |
(given name) Tomonori |
不了 see styles |
bù liǎo bu4 liao3 pu liao furyō |
(as a resultative verb suffix) unable to (do something); (pattern: {verb} + 個|个[ge5] + ~) without end; incessantly Not to bring to a finish, not to make plain, not plain, not to understand, incomprehensible. |
伸了 see styles |
nobuaki のぶあき |
(personal name) Nobuaki |
佳了 see styles |
kaori かおり |
(female given name) Kaori |
俗了 see styles |
zokuryou / zokuryo ぞくりょう |
(noun/participle) (archaism) vulgarization; refined thing becoming vulgar |
信了 see styles |
shinryou / shinryo しんりょう |
(given name) Shinryō |
修了 see styles |
shuuryou / shuryo しゅうりょう |
(n,vs,vt,vi) completion (of a course) |
光了 see styles |
mitsunori みつのり |
(given name) Mitsunori |
公了 see styles |
gōng liǎo gong1 liao3 kung liao |
to settle in court (opposite: 私了[si1 liao3]) |
共了 see styles |
gòng liǎo gong4 liao3 kung liao gūryō |
(mutually) acknowledged |
円了 see styles |
enryou / enryo えんりょう |
(given name) Enryō |
决了 see styles |
jué liǎo jue2 liao3 chüeh liao ketsuryō |
Decided, defined, and made clear. |
到了 see styles |
dào liǎo dao4 liao3 tao liao |
at last; finally; in the end |
刷了 see styles |
satsuryou / satsuryo さつりょう |
{print} finishing a print; finishing printing |
厚了 see styles |
atsunori あつのり |
(given name) Atsunori |
友了 see styles |
tomonori とものり |
(given name) Tomonori |
可了 see styles |
kě liǎo ke3 liao3 k`o liao ko liao karyō |
knowable |
司了 see styles |
tsukasa つかさ |
(personal name) Tsukasa |
吹了 see styles |
chuī le chui1 le5 ch`ui le chui le |
failed; busted; to have not succeeded; to have died; to have parted company; to have chilled (of a relationship) |
和了 see styles |
hoora ホーラ |
(noun/participle) {mahj} (See 上がり・5) winning (of a hand) (chi: húle); declaring a win; going mahjong; going out |
哲了 see styles |
tetsuryou / tetsuryo てつりょう |
(given name) Tetsuryō |
圓了 see styles |
enryou / enryo えんりょう |
(given name) Enryō |
壞了 坏了 see styles |
huài le huai4 le5 huai le |
shoot!; gosh!; oh, no!; (suffix) to the utmost |
大了 see styles |
tairyou / tairyo たいりょう |
(given name) Tairyō |
完了 see styles |
wán le wan2 le5 wan le wanra ワンラ |
to be finished; to be done for; ruined; gone to the dogs; oh no end (chi: wánliǎo); completion |
宏了 see styles |
hironori ひろのり |
(given name) Hironori |
宰了 see styles |
zǎi le zai3 le5 tsai le |
(coll.) (typically used hyperbolically) to kill (sb) |
寛了 see styles |
hirosato ひろさと |
(personal name) Hirosato |
對了 对了 see styles |
duì le dui4 le5 tui le |
Correct!; Oh, that's right, ... (when one suddenly remembers something one wanted to mention); Oh, by the way, ... |
巧了 see styles |
qiǎo le qiao3 le5 ch`iao le chiao le |
what a coincidence! |
康了 see styles |
yasunori やすのり |
(personal name) Yasunori |
得了 see styles |
dé liǎo de2 liao3 te liao tokuryō |
(emphatically, in rhetorical questions) possible to attain |
悟了 see styles |
goryou / goryo ごりょう |
(noun/participle) complete comprehension |
慧了 see styles |
huì liǎo hui4 liao3 hui liao Eryō |
Huiliao |
成了 see styles |
chéng le cheng2 le5 ch`eng le cheng le |
to be done; to be ready; that's enough!; that will do! |
所了 see styles |
suǒ liǎo suo3 liao3 so liao shoryō |
known |
投了 see styles |
touryou / toryo とうりょう |
(n,vs,vi) resignation; giving up the game for lost |
撮了 see styles |
satsuryou / satsuryo さつりょう |
(n,vs,vt,vi) {film;tv} (See クランクアップ) (ant: 撮入) completion of filming; wrap |
敬了 see styles |
keiryou / keryo けいりょう |
(given name) Keiryō |
明了 see styles |
míng liǎo ming2 liao3 ming liao myōryō めいりょう |
to understand clearly; to be clear about; plain; clear; also written 明瞭|明了[ming2 liao3] (noun or adjectival noun) clarity; clearness To understand thoroughly; complete enlightenment. |
明瞭 明了 see styles |
míng liǎo ming2 liao3 ming liao myōryō めいりょう |
to understand clearly; to be clear about; plain; clear (noun or adjectival noun) clarity; clearness clearly |
易了 see styles |
yì liǎo yi4 liao3 i liao iryō |
easy to understand |
智了 see styles |
chiryou / chiryo ちりょう |
(given name) Chiryō |
曉了 晓了 see styles |
xiǎo liǎo xiao3 liao3 hsiao liao gyōryō |
To make clear. |
有了 see styles |
yǒu le you3 le5 yu le |
I've got a solution!; to have a bun in the oven (abbr. for 有了胎[you3 le5 tai1]) |
木了 see styles |
kiryou / kiryo きりょう |
(surname) Kiryō |
未了 see styles |
wèi liǎo wei4 liao3 wei liao miryou / miryo みりょう |
unfinished; outstanding (business); unfulfilled (noun - becomes adjective with の) unfinished; unfilled (order); unexecuted not (yet) understood |
末了 see styles |
mò liǎo mo4 liao3 mo liao |
(coll.) final part; last bit; (coll.) in the end; finally |
校了 see styles |
kouryou / koryo こうりょう |
(noun, transitive verb) proofreading completed |
極了 极了 see styles |
jí le ji2 le5 chi le |
extremely; exceedingly |
歐了 欧了 see styles |
ōu le ou1 le5 ou le |
(coll.) okay (loanword from "over") |
決了 决了 see styles |
jué liǎo jue2 liao3 chüeh liao ketsuryō |
decide resolutely |
沒了 没了 see styles |
méi le mei2 le5 mei le |
to be dead; not to be, or cease to exist |
満了 see styles |
manryou / manryo まんりょう |
(n,vs,vt,vi) expiration; termination |
為了 为了 see styles |
wèi le wei4 le5 wei le |
for; for the purpose of; in order to |
照了 see styles |
zhào liǎo zhao4 liao3 chao liao shōryō |
manifest |
真了 see styles |
shinryou / shinryo しんりょう |
(given name) Shinryō |
瞭然 了然 see styles |
liǎo rán liao3 ran2 liao jan ryouzen / ryozen りょうぜん |
to understand clearly; evident (adj-t,adv-to) obvious; evident; clear |
瞭解 了解 see styles |
liǎo jiě liao3 jie3 liao chieh |
to understand; to realize; to find out See: 了解 |
知了 see styles |
zhī liǎo zhi1 liao3 chih liao |
cicada (onom.) |
秀了 see styles |
shuuryou / shuryo しゅうりょう |
(given name) Shuuryō |
私了 see styles |
sī liǎo si1 liao3 ssu liao |
to settle privately; to solve behind closed doors; to settle out of court |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "了" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.