There are 250 total results for your 乌 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
烏洛迦 乌洛迦 see styles |
wū luò jiā wu1 luo4 jia1 wu lo chia uraka |
烏羅伽 uraga, going on the belly, a serpent. |
烏海市 乌海市 see styles |
wū hǎi shì wu1 hai3 shi4 wu hai shih |
Wuhai, prefecture-level city in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4meng3gu3 Zi4zhi4qu1] |
烏灰鶇 乌灰鸫 see styles |
wū huī dōng wu1 hui1 dong1 wu hui tung |
(bird species of China) Japanese thrush (Turdus cardis) |
烏灰鷂 乌灰鹞 see styles |
wū huī yào wu1 hui1 yao4 wu hui yao |
(bird species of China) Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus) |
烏燕鷗 乌燕鸥 see styles |
wū yàn ōu wu1 yan4 ou1 wu yen ou |
(bird species of China) sooty tern (Onychoprion fuscatus) |
烏爾姆 乌尔姆 see styles |
wū ěr mǔ wu1 er3 mu3 wu erh mu |
Ulm (city in Germany) |
烏爾格 乌尔格 see styles |
wū ěr gé wu1 er3 ge2 wu erh ko |
ancient name of Ulan Bator |
烏爾禾 乌尔禾 see styles |
wū ěr hé wu1 er3 he2 wu erh ho |
Orku District of Karamay City 克拉瑪依市|克拉玛依市[Ke4 la1 ma3 yi1 Shi4], Xinjiang |
烏當區 乌当区 see styles |
wū dāng qū wu1 dang1 qu1 wu tang ch`ü wu tang chü |
Wudang District of Guiyang City 貴陽市|贵阳市[Gui4 yang2 Shi4], Guizhou |
烏節路 乌节路 see styles |
wū jié lù wu1 jie2 lu4 wu chieh lu |
Orchard Road, Singapore (shopping and tourist area) |
烏紗帽 乌纱帽 see styles |
wū shā mào wu1 sha1 mao4 wu sha mao |
black gauze hat (worn by an imperial official as a sign of his position); (fig.) official post |
烏羅伽 乌罗伽 see styles |
wū luó qié wu1 luo2 qie2 wu lo ch`ieh wu lo chieh uraka |
belly-crawler—snakes and so forth |
烏良哈 乌良哈 see styles |
wū liáng hǎ wu1 liang2 ha3 wu liang ha |
Mongol surname |
烏藍婆 乌蓝婆 see styles |
wū lán pó wu1 lan2 po2 wu lan p`o wu lan po oranba |
ullambana |
烏蘇市 乌苏市 see styles |
wū sū shì wu1 su1 shi4 wu su shih |
Wusu city in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang |
烏蘭夫 乌兰夫 see styles |
wū lán fū wu1 lan2 fu1 wu lan fu |
Ulanhu (1906-1988), Soviet-trained Mongolian communist who became important PRC military leader |
烏蘭縣 乌兰县 see styles |
wū lán xiàn wu1 lan2 xian4 wu lan hsien |
Wulan county in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai |
烏西亞 乌西亚 see styles |
wū xī yà wu1 xi1 ya4 wu hsi ya |
Uzziah (son of Joram) |
烏訥楚 乌讷楚 see styles |
wū ne chǔ wu1 ne4 chu3 wu ne ch`u wu ne chu |
Uxin or Wushen banner in southwest Ordos prefecture 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯[E4 er3 duo1 si1], Inner Mongolia |
烏達區 乌达区 see styles |
wū dá qū wu1 da2 qu1 wu ta ch`ü wu ta chü |
Ud raion or Wuda District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia |
烏鉢羅 乌钵罗 see styles |
wū bō luó wu1 bo1 luo2 wu po lo uhara |
blue lotus |
烏陀南 乌陀南 see styles |
wū tuó nán wu1 tuo2 nan2 wu t`o nan wu to nan udanan |
(Skt. udāna) |
烏陀夷 乌陀夷 see styles |
wū tuó yí wu1 tuo2 yi2 wu t`o i wu to i Udai |
Udayin |
烏飯果 乌饭果 see styles |
wū fàn guǒ wu1 fan4 guo3 wu fan kuo |
blueberry |
烏馬河 乌马河 see styles |
wū mǎ hé wu1 ma3 he2 wu ma ho |
Wumahe district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang |
烏骨雞 乌骨鸡 see styles |
wū gǔ jī wu1 gu3 ji1 wu ku chi |
black-boned chicken; silky fowl; silkie; Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson |
烏魚子 乌鱼子 see styles |
wū yú zǐ wu1 yu2 zi3 wu yü tzu karasumi からすみ |
mullet roe (salted and dried); bottarga dried mullet roe |
烏魯汝 乌鲁汝 see styles |
wū lǔ rǔ wu1 lu3 ru3 wu lu ju |
Uluru, iconic large rock formation in central Australia, sacred to Aboriginals, a World Heritage Site; also known as Ayers Rock |
烏魯魯 乌鲁鲁 see styles |
wū lǔ lǔ wu1 lu3 lu3 wu lu lu |
Uluru, massive sandstone outcrop in central Australia |
烏鴉嘴 乌鸦嘴 see styles |
wū yā zuǐ wu1 ya1 zui3 wu ya tsui |
crow's beak; (fig.) person who makes an inauspicious remark |
烏鴉座 乌鸦座 see styles |
wū yā zuò wu1 ya1 zuo4 wu ya tso |
Corvus (constellation) |
烏鵰鴞 乌雕鸮 see styles |
wū diāo xiāo wu1 diao1 xiao1 wu tiao hsiao |
(bird species of China) dusky eagle-owl (Ketupa coromanda) |
烏黎雅 乌黎雅 see styles |
wū lí yǎ wu1 li2 ya3 wu li ya |
Uriah (name) |
烏黑色 乌黑色 see styles |
wū hēi sè wu1 hei1 se4 wu hei se |
black; crow-black |
烏齊雅 乌齐雅 see styles |
wū qí yǎ wu1 qi2 ya3 wu ch`i ya wu chi ya |
Uzziah son of Amaziah, king of Judah c. 750 BC |
烏龍指 乌龙指 see styles |
wū lóng zhǐ wu1 long2 zhi3 wu lung chih |
fat finger error (finance) |
烏龍球 乌龙球 see styles |
wū lóng qiú wu1 long2 qiu2 wu lung ch`iu wu lung chiu |
own goal (ball sports) |
烏龍茶 乌龙茶 see styles |
wū lóng chá wu1 long2 cha2 wu lung ch`a wu lung cha uuroncha / uroncha ウーロンちゃ |
oolong tea oolong tea |
烏龍麵 乌龙面 see styles |
wū lóng miàn wu1 long2 mian4 wu lung mien |
udon, a thick Japanese-style wheat-flour noodle |
烏龜殼 乌龟壳 see styles |
wū guī ké wu1 gui1 ke2 wu kuei k`o wu kuei ko |
tortoise shell |
義烏市 义乌市 see styles |
yì wū shì yi4 wu1 shi4 i wu shih |
Yiwu, county-level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang |
老烏恰 老乌恰 see styles |
lǎo wū qià lao3 wu1 qia4 lao wu ch`ia lao wu chia |
same as 烏魯克恰提|乌鲁克恰提 in Xinjiang |
褐河烏 褐河乌 see styles |
hè hé wū he4 he2 wu1 ho ho wu |
(bird species of China) brown dipper (Cinclus pallasii) |
類烏齊 类乌齐 see styles |
lèi wū qí lei4 wu1 qi2 lei wu ch`i lei wu chi |
Riwoqê county, Tibetan: Ri bo che rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet |
三足金烏 三足金乌 see styles |
sān zú jīn wū san1 zu2 jin1 wu1 san tsu chin wu |
three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast Asian and Chinese mythology); Korean: samjog'o |
丟烏紗帽 丢乌纱帽 see styles |
diū wū shā mào diu1 wu1 sha1 mao4 tiu wu sha mao |
lit. to lose one's black hat; to be sacked from an official post |
化為烏有 化为乌有 see styles |
huà wéi - wū yǒu hua4 wei2 - wu1 you3 hua wei - wu yu |
(idiom) to go up in smoke; to vanish |
反烏托邦 反乌托邦 see styles |
fǎn wū tuō bāng fan3 wu1 tuo1 bang1 fan wu t`o pang fan wu to pang |
dystopia |
吸血烏賊 吸血乌贼 see styles |
xī xuè wū zéi xi1 xue4 wu1 zei2 hsi hsüeh wu tsei |
vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) |
基希訥烏 基希讷乌 see styles |
jī xī ne wū ji1 xi1 ne4 wu1 chi hsi ne wu |
Chişinău or Chisinau, capital of Moldova |
大嘴烏鴉 大嘴乌鸦 see styles |
dà zuǐ wū yā da4 zui3 wu1 ya1 ta tsui wu ya |
(bird species of China) large-billed crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) |
子虛烏有 子虚乌有 see styles |
zǐ xū wū yǒu zi3 xu1 wu1 you3 tzu hsü wu yu |
(idiom) to have no basis in fact; to be the product of sb's imagination |
小嘴烏鴉 小嘴乌鸦 see styles |
xiǎo zuǐ wū yā xiao3 zui3 wu1 ya1 hsiao tsui wu ya |
(bird species of China) carrion crow (Corvus corone) |
愛屋及烏 爱屋及乌 see styles |
ài wū jí wū ai4 wu1 ji2 wu1 ai wu chi wu |
More info & calligraphy: Love the House and Its Crow |
東兔西烏 东兔西乌 see styles |
dōng tù xī wū dong1 tu4 xi1 wu1 tung t`u hsi wu tung tu hsi wu |
lit. the sun setting and the moon rising (idiom); fig. the passage of time |
烏七八糟 乌七八糟 see styles |
wū qī bā zāo wu1 qi1 ba1 zao1 wu ch`i pa tsao wu chi pa tsao |
everything in disorder (idiom); in a hideous mess; obscene; dirty; filthy |
烏什塔拉 乌什塔拉 see styles |
wū shí tǎ lā wu1 shi2 ta3 la1 wu shih t`a la wu shih ta la |
Wushitala Hui village in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang |
烏仗那國 乌仗那国 see styles |
wū zhàng nà guó wu1 zhang4 na4 guo2 wu chang na kuo Ujōna koku |
Udyāna; |
烏伊嶺區 乌伊岭区 see styles |
wū yī lǐng qū wu1 yi1 ling3 qu1 wu i ling ch`ü wu i ling chü |
Wuyiling district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang |
烏倫古河 乌伦古河 see styles |
wū lún gǔ hé wu1 lun2 gu3 he2 wu lun ku ho |
Ulungur River in Xinjiang |
烏倫古湖 乌伦古湖 see styles |
wū lún gǔ hú wu1 lun2 gu3 hu2 wu lun ku hu |
Ulungur Lake in Xinjiang |
烏倶婆誐 乌倶婆誐 see styles |
wū jù pó é wu1 ju4 po2 e2 wu chü p`o o wu chü po o Okubaga |
Ugra-bhaga, formidable or fierce lord, one of the eight servants of 不動明王 q.v. |
烏克蘭人 乌克兰人 see styles |
wū kè lán rén wu1 ke4 lan2 ren2 wu k`o lan jen wu ko lan jen |
Ukrainian (person) |
烏克麗麗 乌克丽丽 see styles |
wū kè lì lì wu1 ke4 li4 li4 wu k`o li li wu ko li li |
(Tw) ukulele (loanword) |
烏合之眾 乌合之众 see styles |
wū hé zhī zhòng wu1 he2 zhi1 zhong4 wu ho chih chung |
(idiom) rabble; disorderly band |
烏嘴柳鶯 乌嘴柳莺 see styles |
wū zuǐ liǔ yīng wu1 zui3 liu3 ying1 wu tsui liu ying |
(bird species of China) large-billed leaf warbler (Phylloscopus magnirostris) |
烏孜別克 乌孜别克 see styles |
wū zī bié kè wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 wu tzu pieh k`o wu tzu pieh ko |
Uzbek ethnic group of Xinjiang |
烏德勒支 乌德勒支 see styles |
wū dé lè zhī wu1 de2 le4 zhi1 wu te le chih |
Utrecht |
烏拉爾山 乌拉尔山 see styles |
wū lā ěr shān wu1 la1 er3 shan1 wu la erh shan |
the Ural mountains in Russia, dividing Europe from Asia |
烏普薩拉 乌普萨拉 see styles |
wū pǔ sà lā wu1 pu3 sa4 la1 wu p`u sa la wu pu sa la |
Uppsala, Swedish university city just north of Stockholm |
烏曇跋羅 乌昙跋罗 see styles |
wū tán bá luó wu1 tan2 ba2 luo2 wu t`an pa lo wu tan pa lo udonbara |
(Skt. udumbara) flower |
烏波儞也 乌波儞也 see styles |
wū bō nǐ yě wu1 bo1 ni3 ye3 wu po ni yeh ohaniya |
under-teacher |
烏波斯迦 乌波斯迦 see styles |
wū bō sī jiā wu1 bo1 si1 jia1 wu po ssu chia upashika |
優波夷 (or 優賜迦) upāsikā, female disciples who remain at home. |
烏波毱多 乌波毱多 see styles |
wū bō jú duō wu1 bo1 ju2 duo1 wu po chü to Upagikuta |
Upagupta, also 鄔 and優, a śūdra by birth, who became the fourth patriarch. |
烏波第鑠 乌波第铄 see styles |
wū bō dì shuò wu1 bo1 di4 shuo4 wu po ti shuo upadaishaku |
鄔烏提波; 優烏提舍 upadeśa, a section of Buddhist literature, general treatises; a synonym for the Abhidharma-piṭaka, and for the Tantras of the Yogācāra school. |
烏波索迦 乌波索迦 see styles |
wū bō suǒ jiā wu1 bo1 suo3 jia1 wu po so chia upasaka |
(or 烏波婆迦); 優婆塞; 優波婆迦 upāsaka, lay male disciples who remain at home and observe the moral commandments. |
烏波陀耶 乌波陀耶 see styles |
wū bō tuó yé wu1 bo1 tuo2 ye2 wu po t`o yeh wu po to yeh upadaya |
有波弟 耶夜; 和尚 (or 和闍 or 和闇) upādhyāya, originally a subsidiary teacher of the vedāṅgas; later, through Central Asia, it became a term for a teacher of Buddhism, in distinction from 律師disciplinists and 禪師 intuitionalists, but as heshang it attained universal application to all masters. |
烏波難陀 乌波难陀 see styles |
wū bō nán tuó wu1 bo1 nan2 tuo2 wu po nan t`o wu po nan to Upananda |
Upananda (or 塢波難陀), a disciple of Śākyamuni; also one of the eight naga-kings in the Garbhadhātu. |
烏泱烏泱 乌泱乌泱 see styles |
wū yāng wū yāng wu1 yang1 wu1 yang1 wu yang wu yang |
in great number |
烏洛托品 乌洛托品 see styles |
wū luò tuō pǐn wu1 luo4 tuo1 pin3 wu lo t`o p`in wu lo to pin |
hexamine (CH2)6N4 |
烏滋別克 乌滋别克 see styles |
wū zī bié kè wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 wu tzu pieh k`o wu tzu pieh ko |
Uzbek |
烏漆墨黑 乌漆墨黑 see styles |
wū qī mò hēi wu1 qi1 mo4 hei1 wu ch`i mo hei wu chi mo hei |
jet-black; pitch-dark |
烏漆抹黑 乌漆抹黑 see styles |
wū qī mā hēi wu1 qi1 ma1 hei1 wu ch`i ma hei wu chi ma hei |
see 烏漆墨黑|乌漆墨黑[wu1 qi1 mo4 hei1] |
烏灰銀鷗 乌灰银鸥 see styles |
wū huī yín ōu wu1 hui1 yin2 ou1 wu hui yin ou |
(bird species of China) lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus) |
烏煙瘴氣 乌烟瘴气 see styles |
wū yān zhàng qì wu1 yan1 zhang4 qi4 wu yen chang ch`i wu yen chang chi |
billowing smoke (idiom); foul atmosphere; (fig.) murky atmosphere; in a turmoil |
烏爾根奇 乌尔根奇 see styles |
wū ěr gēn qí wu1 er3 gen1 qi2 wu erh ken ch`i wu erh ken chi |
Urgench, city in Uzbekistan |
烏爾禾區 乌尔禾区 see styles |
wū ěr hé qū wu1 er3 he2 qu1 wu erh ho ch`ü wu erh ho chü |
Orku District of Karamay City 克拉瑪依市|克拉玛依市[Ke4 la1 ma3 yi1 Shi4], Xinjiang |
烏爾都語 乌尔都语 see styles |
wū ěr dū yǔ wu1 er3 du1 yu3 wu erh tu yü |
Urdu (language) |
烏特列支 乌特列支 see styles |
wū tè liè zhī wu1 te4 lie4 zhi1 wu t`e lieh chih wu te lieh chih |
Utrecht, city in Netherlands |
烏瑟膩沙 乌瑟腻沙 see styles |
wū sè nì shā wu1 se4 ni4 sha1 wu se ni sha ushitsunisha |
(烏瑟) uṣṇīṣa, a turban, diadem, distinguishing mark; intp. as 佛頂 the crown of the Buddha's head; and 肉髻 fleshy tuft or coif, one of the thirty-two lakṣaṇāni of a Buddha, generally represented as a protuberance on the frontal crown. Also M046663瑟膩沙; 烏失尼沙; 鬱瑟膩沙 (or 嗢瑟膩沙). |
烏芻沙摩 乌刍沙摩 see styles |
wū chú shā mó wu1 chu2 sha1 mo2 wu ch`u sha mo wu chu sha mo Ushushama |
Ucchuṣma |
烏芻澁摩 乌刍澁摩 see styles |
wū chú sè mó wu1 chu2 se4 mo2 wu ch`u se mo wu chu se mo Ushushūma |
Ucchuṣma |
烏芻瑟摩 乌刍瑟摩 see styles |
wū chú sè mó wu1 chu2 se4 mo2 wu ch`u se mo wu chu se mo Ushushima |
? Ucchuṣma. One of the 明王ming wang; he presides over the cesspool and is described both as 'unclean' and as 'fire-head'; he is credited with purifying the unclean. Also 烏芻沙摩; 烏芻澁摩; 烏樞瑟摩 (or 烏樞瑟沙摩); 烏素沙摩. |
烏茲別克 乌兹别克 see styles |
wū zī bié kè wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 wu tzu pieh k`o wu tzu pieh ko |
Uzbek; abbr. for Uzbekistan |
烏蘇里江 乌苏里江 see styles |
wū sū lǐ jiāng wu1 su1 li3 jiang1 wu su li chiang |
Ussuri River |
烏蘭察布 乌兰察布 see styles |
wū lán chá bù wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4 wu lan ch`a pu wu lan cha pu |
see 烏蘭察布市|乌兰察布市[Wu1lan2cha2bu4 Shi4] |
烏蘭巴托 乌兰巴托 see styles |
wū lán bā tuō wu1 lan2 ba1 tuo1 wu lan pa t`o wu lan pa to |
Ulaanbaatar or Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia |
烏蘭浩特 乌兰浩特 see styles |
wū lán hào tè wu1 lan2 hao4 te4 wu lan hao t`e wu lan hao te |
Wulanhaote, county-level city, Mongolian Ulaan xot, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia |
烏逋沙他 乌逋沙他 see styles |
wū bū shā tā wu1 bu1 sha1 ta1 wu pu sha t`a wu pu sha ta ufushata |
Upavasaṭha (Pali, Uposatha). A fast-day, originally in preparation for the brahminical soma sacrifice; in Buddhism there are six fast-days in the month. |
烏闍衍那 乌阇衍那 see styles |
wū shé yǎn nà wu1 she2 yan3 na4 wu she yen na Ujaenna |
Ujjayinī, Ujjain, Oujein, 優禪那 the Greek Ozēnē, in Avanti (Mālava), one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus, and the first meridian of their geographers, from which they calculate longitude; the modern Ujjain is about a mile south of the ancient city. M.W. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "乌" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.