There are 12098 total results for your 三 search. I have created 121 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...120121Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
Variations: |
minaminosankakuza みなみのさんかくざ |
{astron} Triangulum Australe (constellation); the Southern Triangle |
Variations: |
rokusansanyonsei / rokusansanyonse ろくさんさんよんせい |
(See 六三制) six-three-three-four system of education (six years of elementary school, three years each of junior and senior high school and four years of university) |
一切如來諸法本性淸淨蓮華三昧 一切如来诸法本性淸淨莲华三昧 see styles |
yī qiè rú lái zhū fǎ běn xìng qīng jìng lián huá sān mèi yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 zhu1 fa3 ben3 xing4 qing1 jing4 lian2 hua2 san1 mei4 i ch`ieh ju lai chu fa pen hsing ch`ing ching lien hua san mei i chieh ju lai chu fa pen hsing ching ching lien hua san mei issai nyorai shohō honshō shōjō renge zanmai |
A lotus-samādhi of Vairocana from which Amitābha was born. It is a Tathāgata meditation, that the fundamental nature of all existence is pure like the lotus. |
一切如來諸法本性滿淨蓮華三昧 一切如来诸法本性满淨莲华三昧 see styles |
yī qiè rú lái zhū fǎ běn xìng mǎn jìng lián huá sān mèi yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 zhu1 fa3 ben3 xing4 man3 jing4 lian2 hua2 san1 mei4 i ch`ieh ju lai chu fa pen hsing man ching lien hua san mei i chieh ju lai chu fa pen hsing man ching lien hua san mei issai nyorai shohō honshō manjō renge sanmai |
lotus-samādhi |
十三崖のチョウゲンボウ繁殖地 see styles |
juusangainochougenbouhanshokuchi / jusangainochogenbohanshokuchi じゅうさんがいのチョウゲンボウはんしょくち |
(place-name) Jūsangainochōgenbouhanshokuchi |
Variations: |
mitsuyubikamome; mitsuyubikamome ミツユビカモメ; みつゆびかもめ |
(kana only) black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) |
Variations: |
sansukumi さんすくみ |
(from the snake fearing the slug, the slug the frog, and the frog the snake) three-way deadlock |
Variations: |
sansaro さんさろ |
three-way junction; three-way intersection |
Variations: |
mikayonomochi みかよのもち |
(hist) (See 三日の餅) Heian-period ceremony where a newlywed groom and bride eat a rice-cake on the third night after the wedding ceremony |
Variations: |
sanjihouteishiki / sanjihoteshiki さんじほうていしき |
{math} cubic equation |
Variations: |
mitsuboshi みつぼし |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) three stars (shape); (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) three stars (rating); (3) (See 参・しん) Orion's belt; Chinese "Three Stars" constellation (one of the 28 mansions) |
Variations: |
misokasoba みそかそば |
soba eaten at the end of the month (esp. at the end of the year) |
Variations: |
sanbagarasu(三羽烏, 三羽garasu); sanbagarasu(三羽garasu) さんばがらす(三羽烏, 三羽がらす); さんばガラス(三羽ガラス) |
trio; triumvirate; three famous retainers |
Variations: |
sanshikisumire(三色sumire); sanshokusumire(三色sumire); sanshikisumire(三色sumire, 三色菫); sanshokusumire(三色sumire, 三色菫); sanshikisumire さんしきスミレ(三色スミレ); さんしょくスミレ(三色スミレ); さんしきすみれ(三色すみれ, 三色菫); さんしょくすみれ(三色すみれ, 三色菫); サンシキスミレ |
(1) (See パンジー) pansy (Viola tricolor var. hortensis); garden pansy; (2) wild pansy (Viola tricolor); heartsease |
Variations: |
mitsudomoenoarasoi みつどもえのあらそい |
(exp,n) (See 三つ巴戦) three-cornered battle |
Variations: |
mitsudomoenotatakai みつどもえのたたかい |
(exp,n) {sumo} playoff for the tournament win with three wrestlers participating |
Variations: |
sankagetsukorikku さんかげつコリック |
baby colic (in infants around 3 months old) |
Variations: |
sanshokumakanaitsuki さんしょくまかないつき |
(exp,adj-no) with three meals served |
三木セブンハンドレッドゴルフ場 see styles |
mikisebunhandoreddogorufujou / mikisebunhandoreddogorufujo みきセブンハンドレッドゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Mikisebunhandoreddo Golf Links |
Variations: |
shimenawa しめなわ |
{Shinto} rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil |
Variations: |
robottosangensoku ロボットさんげんそく |
(Asimov's) Three Laws of Robotics |
Variations: |
ushinawaretasanjuunen / ushinawaretasanjunen うしなわれたさんじゅうねん |
(exp,n) lost thirty years; period of economic stagnation in Japan that began ca. 1991 |
Variations: |
netsurikigakudaisanhousoku / netsurikigakudaisanhosoku ねつりきがくだいさんほうそく |
{physics} (See 熱力学の第三法則・ねつりきがくのだいさんほうそく) third law of thermodynamics |
Variations: |
daisanjisekaitaisen だいさんじせかいたいせん |
World War III; Third World War |
Variations: |
daisanjichuutousensou / daisanjichutosenso だいさんじちゅうとうせんそう |
(hist) Third Arab-Israeli War (June 5-10, 1967); Six-Day War |
底哩三昧耶不動尊聖者念誦祕密法 底哩三昧耶不动尊圣者念诵祕密法 see styles |
dǐ lī sān mèi yē bù dòng zūn shèng zhě niàn sòng mì mì fǎ di3 li1 san1 mei4 ye1 bu4 dong4 zun1 sheng4 zhe3 nian4 song4 mi4 mi4 fa3 ti li san mei yeh pu tung tsun sheng che nien sung mi mi fa Teirisammaya fudōson shōja nenju himitsu hō |
Trisamaya: Esoteric Recitation Method of Immovable, the Sacred One |
Variations: |
mikudarihan みくだりはん |
letter of divorce |
Variations: |
misohitomoji; sanjuuichimoji(sk); misojihitomoji(sk) / misohitomoji; sanjuichimoji(sk); misojihitomoji(sk) みそひともじ; さんじゅういちもじ(sk); みそじひともじ(sk) |
(See 短歌) tanka; 31-mora Japanese poem |
Variations: |
mikkabashika(三日bashika, 三日麻疹); mikkahashika(三日hashika, 三日麻疹) みっかばしか(三日ばしか, 三日麻疹); みっかはしか(三日はしか, 三日麻疹) |
(colloquialism) (See 風疹) rubella; German measles; three day measles |
Variations: |
mitsugonotamashiihyakumade / mitsugonotamashihyakumade みつごのたましいひゃくまで |
(expression) the child is father to the man; the soul of a child of three (is the same) at 100 |
Variations: |
sanjigenpurintaa(三次元purintaa); sanjigenpurinta(三次元purinta) / sanjigenpurinta(三次元purinta); sanjigenpurinta(三次元purinta) さんじげんプリンター(三次元プリンター); さんじげんプリンタ(三次元プリンタ) |
(See 3Dプリンター) 3D printer |
三次元コンピュータグラフィックス see styles |
sanjigenkonpyuutagurafikkusu / sanjigenkonpyutagurafikkusu さんじげんコンピュータグラフィックス |
3D computer graphics; 3DCG |
Variations: |
mino みの |
(hist) Mino (former province located in the south of present-day Gifu Prefecture) |
Variations: |
sanjuuhachidosen / sanjuhachidosen さんじゅうはちどせん |
38th parallel (that demarcates North Korea and South Korea) |
Variations: |
seshiumuhyakusanjuushichi / seshiumuhyakusanjushichi セシウムひゃくさんじゅうしち |
{chem} cesium-137; caesium-137 |
阿彌陀三耶三佛薩樓佛檀過度人道經 阿弥陀三耶三佛萨楼佛檀过度人道经 see styles |
ā mí tuó sān yé sān fó sà lóu fó tán guō dù rén dào jīng a1 mi2 tuo2 san1 ye2 san1 fo2 sa4 lou2 fo2 tan2 guo1 du4 ren2 dao4 jing1 a mi t`o san yeh san fo sa lou fo t`an kuo tu jen tao ching a mi to san yeh san fo sa lou fo tan kuo tu jen tao ching Amida sanya sanbutsu satsurō butsudan kado nin dō kyō |
Sukhāvatī-vyūha |
Variations: |
sandaibanashi さんだいばなし |
performing a rakugo story on the spot based on three topics given by the audience; impromptu rakugo story based on three subjects |
Variations: |
juusannichi / jusannichi じゅうさんにち |
(1) 13th day of the month; (2) 13 days |
Variations: |
sanjuunichi / sanjunichi さんじゅうにち |
(1) 30th day of the month; (2) 30 days |
Variations: |
sanketsu; sanketsu(sk) さんけつ; サンケツ(sk) |
(slang) (See ニケツ・1) riding triple (on a bicycle, motorcycle, etc.) |
Variations: |
onnahasangainiienashi / onnahasangainienashi おんなはさんがいにいえなし |
(expression) (proverb) a woman has no home of her own in this world (because she has to obey her parents when she is young, her husband when she gets married, and her children when she is old) |
Variations: |
hayaokihasanmonnotoku はやおきはさんもんのとく |
(expression) (proverb) the early bird gets the worm |
Variations: |
netsurikigakunodaisanhousoku / netsurikigakunodaisanhosoku ねつりきがくのだいさんほうそく |
(exp,n) {physics} (See 熱力学第三法則・ねつりきがくだいさんほうそく) third law of thermodynamics |
金剛頂超勝三界經說文殊五字眞言勝相 金刚顶超胜三界经说文殊五字眞言胜相 see styles |
jīn gāng dǐng chāo shèng sān jiè jīng shuō wén shū wǔ zì zhēn yán shèng xiàng jin1 gang1 ding3 chao1 sheng4 san1 jie4 jing1 shuo1 wen2 shu1 wu3 zi4 zhen1 yan2 sheng4 xiang4 chin kang ting ch`ao sheng san chieh ching shuo wen shu wu tzu chen yen sheng hsiang chin kang ting chao sheng san chieh ching shuo wen shu wu tzu chen yen sheng hsiang Kongōchō chōshō sangaikyō setsu bunshu goji Shingon shōsō |
Jingangding chaosheng sanjiejing shuo wenshu wuzi zhenyan shengxiang |
Variations: |
sankyuusanshin / sankyusanshin さんきゅうさんしん |
{baseb} three-pitch strikeout |
Variations: |
nijuusannichi / nijusannichi にじゅうさんにち |
(1) 23rd day of the month; (2) 23 days |
Variations: |
sanjuuichinichi / sanjuichinichi さんじゅういちにち |
(1) 31st day of the month; (2) 31 days |
Variations: |
adenoshinsanrinsan(adenoshin三rin酸); adenoshinsanrinsan(adenoshin三燐酸) アデノシンさんリンさん(アデノシン三リン酸); アデノシンさんりんさん(アデノシン三燐酸) |
adenosine triphosphate; ATP |
Variations: |
guanoshinsanrinsan(guanoshin三rin酸); guanoshinsanrinsan(guanoshin三燐酸) グアノシンさんリンさん(グアノシン三リン酸); グアノシンさんりんさん(グアノシン三燐酸) |
guanosine triphosphate; GTP |
代宗朝贈司空大辯正廣智三藏和上表制集 代宗朝赠司空大辩正广智三藏和上表制集 see styles |
dài zōng zhāo zèng sī kōng dà biàn zhèng guǎng zhì sān zàng hé shàng biǎo zhì jí dai4 zong1 zhao1 zeng4 si1 kong1 da4 bian4 zheng4 guang3 zhi4 san1 zang4 he2 shang4 biao3 zhi4 ji2 tai tsung chao tseng ssu k`ung ta pien cheng kuang chih san tsang ho shang piao chih chi tai tsung chao tseng ssu kung ta pien cheng kuang chih san tsang ho shang piao chih chi Daisō chōzō shikū daiben shōkōchi sanzōwajō hyōsei shū |
Collected Documents |
佛說阿彌陀三耶三佛薩樓佛檀過度人道經 佛说阿弥陀三耶三佛萨楼佛檀过度人道经 see styles |
fó shuō ā mí tuó sān yé sān fó sà lóu fó tán guō dù rén dào jīng fo2 shuo1 a1 mi2 tuo2 san1 ye2 san1 fo2 sa4 lou2 fo2 tan2 guo1 du4 ren2 dao4 jing1 fo shuo a mi t`o san yeh san fo sa lou fo t`an kuo tu jen tao ching fo shuo a mi to san yeh san fo sa lou fo tan kuo tu jen tao ching Bussetsu amida sanyasanbutsu satsurō butsudan kado nindō kyō |
Sūtra of Immeasurable Life |
金剛頂瑜伽中發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心論 金刚顶瑜伽中发阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心论 see styles |
jīn gāng dǐng yú jiā zhōng fā ān òu duō luó sān miǎo sān pú tí xīn lùn jin1 gang1 ding3 yu2 jia1 zhong1 fa1 an1 ou4 duo1 luo2 san1 miao3 san1 pu2 ti2 xin1 lun4 chin kang ting yü chia chung fa an ou to lo san miao san p`u t`i hsin lun chin kang ting yü chia chung fa an ou to lo san miao san pu ti hsin lun Kongōchō yuga chū hotsu anokutarasammyakusambodai shin ron |
Treatise on Stirring the Anuttarasamyak-saṃbodhicitta in the Vajraśekhara Yoga |
Variations: |
san(p); mi(p) さん(P); み(P) |
(numeric) (参 is used in legal documents) three; 3 |
Variations: |
sanmitsu さんみつ |
(1) (in ref. to 密閉, 密集, 密接) three Cs; three conditions that facilitate the transmission of infectious diseases (closed spaces, crowds, and close contact); (2) {Buddh} (usu. 三密) three mysteries (Buddha's body, speech and mind) |
Variations: |
sanbyaku さんびゃく |
(numeric) (1) 300; three hundred; (2) (See 文・もん・1) 300 mon; trifling amount; two-bit item; (3) (abbreviation) (See 三百代言・1) shyster |
Variations: |
sanjuu(p); miso(ok) / sanju(p); miso(ok) さんじゅう(P); みそ(ok) |
(numeric) thirty; 30 |
Variations: |
sanzen さんぜん |
(numeric) (1) 3000; three thousand; (2) (三千 only) many |
Variations: |
onnasangainiienashi / onnasangainienashi おんなさんがいにいえなし |
(expression) (proverb) a woman has no home of her own in this world (because she has to obey her parents when she is young, her husband when she gets married, and her children when she is old) |
Variations: |
iguchi(兎欠, 兎唇, 兎脣, 欠唇); toshin(兎唇, 兎脣); mitsukuchi(兎唇, 兎口, 三tsu口); toketsu(兎欠) いぐち(兎欠, 兎唇, 兎脣, 欠唇); としん(兎唇, 兎脣); みつくち(兎唇, 兎口, 三つ口); とけつ(兎欠) |
(sensitive word) harelip; cleft lip |
Variations: |
mitsumata; sansa(三叉); mitsumata みつまた; さんさ(三叉); ミツマタ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) three-pronged fork; trident |
Variations: |
mitsumata; sansa(三叉) みつまた; さんさ(三叉) |
(1) three-pronged fork; trident; (can be adjective with の) (2) (みつまた only) trifurcate; three-pronged; three-way (e.g. outlet) |
Variations: |
sanzunokawa さんずのかわ |
{Buddh} Sanzu River (Japanese Buddhist equivalent of the River Styx); River of Three Crossings |
Variations: |
mitsugonotamashiihyakumade / mitsugonotamashihyakumade みつごのたましいひゃくまで |
(expression) (proverb) a leopard cannot change its spots; the child is father to the man; the soul of a child of three (is the same) at 100 |
Variations: |
osandon おさんどん |
(1) (archaism) (kana only) (See お三・おさん・1) kitchen maid; (2) (archaism) (kana only) (See お三・おさん・2) kitchen duties; cooking |
Variations: |
sanjuu(p); miso(ok) / sanju(p); miso(ok) さんじゅう(P); みそ(ok) |
(numeric) (1) thirty; 30; (numeric) (2) (30 only) (colloquialism) (as 30時, 30:00, etc.) 6am |
Variations: |
bijinhamikkadeakiru びじんはみっかであきる |
(exp,v1) (proverb) beauty is only skin-deep; one gets tired of a beauty in three days |
Variations: |
sanjinooyatsu さんじのおやつ |
(expression) afternoon refreshment; afternoon tea |
Variations: |
urannihyakusanjuuhachi / urannihyakusanjuhachi ウランにひゃくさんじゅうはち |
uranium-238 (U-238) |
Variations: |
sanmaioroshi さんまいおろし |
(See 三枚・2) filleting a fish (into boneless left and right halves and a piece with the skeleton) |
三種悉地破地獄轉業障出三界祕密陀羅尼法 三种悉地破地狱转业障出三界祕密陀罗尼法 see styles |
sān zhǒng xī dì pò dì yù zhuàn yè zhàng chū sān jiè mì mì tuó luó ní fǎ san1 zhong3 xi1 di4 po4 di4 yu4 zhuan4 ye4 zhang4 chu1 san1 jie4 mi4 mi4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 fa3 san chung hsi ti p`o ti yü chuan yeh chang ch`u san chieh mi mi t`o lo ni fa san chung hsi ti po ti yü chuan yeh chang chu san chieh mi mi to lo ni fa Sanshu shicchi hajigoku ten gosshō shutsu sangai himitsu daranihō |
Secret Dhāraṇi Method of Three Attainments which Destroy Hell and Reverse Karmic Hindrances in the Three Worlds |
Variations: |
shimekazari しめかざり |
(See 注連縄) decorating shrines and gates with shimenawa ropes for the New Year |
Variations: |
sanninyorebamonjunochie さんにんよればもんじゅのちえ |
(expression) (proverb) (See 文殊) three heads are better than two; if three people gather; the wisdom of Manjushri |
大樂金剛不空眞實三昧耶經般若波羅蜜多理趣釋 大乐金刚不空眞实三昧耶经般若波罗蜜多理趣释 see styles |
dà lè jīn gāng bù kōng zhēn shí sān mèi yē jīng bō rě bō luó mì duō lǐ qù shì da4 le4 jin1 gang1 bu4 kong1 zhen1 shi2 san1 mei4 ye1 jing1 bo1 re3 bo1 luo2 mi4 duo1 li3 qu4 shi4 ta le chin kang pu k`ung chen shih san mei yeh ching po je po lo mi to li ch`ü shih ta le chin kang pu kung chen shih san mei yeh ching po je po lo mi to li chü shih Dairaku kongō fukū shinjitsu sammaya kyō hannya haramitta rishushaku |
Dale jingang bukong zhenshi sanmeiye jing banruo boluomiduo liqushi |
Variations: |
nidoarukotohasandoaru にどあることはさんどある |
(exp,v5r-i) (proverb) what happens twice will happen thrice |
Variations: |
sanjuurokkeinigerunishikazu / sanjurokkenigerunishikazu さんじゅうろっけいにげるにしかず |
(expression) (proverb) (See 三十六計) the smartest thing in a tight situation is to beat a retreat |
Variations: |
daisanintaanashonaru / daisanintanashonaru だいさんインターナショナル |
(hist) (See コミンテルン) Third International; Communist International |
Variations: |
mitsumata みつまた |
(can be adjective with の) (1) three-pronged; three-way (e.g. outlet, intersection); trifurcated; (2) three-pronged fork; trident |
淸淨法身毘盧遮那心地法門成就一切陀羅尼三種悉地 淸淨法身毘卢遮那心地法门成就一切陀罗尼三种悉地 see styles |
qīng jìng fǎ shēn pí lú zhēn à xīn dì fǎ mén chéng jiù yī qiè tuó luó ní sān zhǒng xī dì qing1 jing4 fa3 shen1 pi2 lu2 zhen1 a4 xin1 di4 fa3 men2 cheng2 jiu4 yi1 qie4 tuo2 luo2 ni2 san1 zhong3 xi1 di4 ch`ing ching fa shen p`i lu chen a hsin ti fa men ch`eng chiu i ch`ieh t`o lo ni san chung hsi ti ching ching fa shen pi lu chen a hsin ti fa men cheng chiu i chieh to lo ni san chung hsi ti Shōjō hosshin Birushana shinji hōmon jōju issai darani sanshu shicchi |
Accomplishing All Dhāraṇīs and the Three Siddhis through the Dharma-Gate of the Mental Ground of Vairocana, the Pure Dharma-Body |
Variations: |
shinsangokubusou / shinsangokubuso しんさんごくぶそう |
(work) Dynasty Warriors (video game series) |
Variations: |
sankagetsukorikku さんかげつコリック |
baby colic (in infants around 3 months old) |
Variations: |
shimenawa しめなわ |
{Shinto} rope used to cordon off consecrated areas or as a talisman against evil |
Variations: |
sanninyukebakanarazuwagashiari さんにんゆけばかならずわがしあり |
(expression) (proverb) (from the Analects of Confucius) something can be learned from anyone; if three walk together, I'll have a teacher |
Variations: |
futarihahanryosanninhanakamaware ふたりははんりょさんにんはなかまわれ |
(expression) (proverb) two is a company, three is a crowd; one companion is better than two |
Variations: |
sanjakusagatteshinokageofumazu さんじゃくさがってしのかげをふまず |
(expression) (proverb) (See 三尺去って師の影を踏まず) a student must never forget to honor their teacher (honour) |
Variations: |
sanposagatteshinokageofumazu さんぽさがってしのかげをふまず |
(expression) (proverb) a student must never forget to honor their teacher (honour) |
Variations: |
kojikiomikkasurebayamerarenu こじきをみっかすればやめられぬ |
(expression) (proverb) once a beggar, always a beggar; if one begs for three days, one cannot stop |
Variations: |
sandonomeshiyorisuki さんどのめしよりすき |
(expression) very fond of; more fond of than eating; so fond of that someone would rather not eat than go without; more important than three meals a day |
Variations: |
futarihahanryo、sanninhanakamaware ふたりははんりょ、さんにんはなかまわれ |
(expression) (proverb) two is a company, three is a crowd; one companion is better than two |
Variations: |
onnasanninyorebakashimashii / onnasanninyorebakashimashi おんなさんにんよればかしましい |
(exp,adj-i) (proverb) (from three 女 kanji forming 姦) three women make a market; many women many words; three women gathering creates a racket |
Variations: |
sanjigenkonpyuutagurafikkusu / sanjigenkonpyutagurafikkusu さんじげんコンピュータグラフィックス |
3D computer graphics; 3DCG |
Variations: |
nicchimosacchimoikanai にっちもさっちもいかない |
(exp,adj-i) (kana only) being driven into a corner; having no way out; being caught between a rock and a hard place |
Variations: |
ushimitsudoki うしみつどき |
(1) dead of night; middle of the night; midnight; (2) (See 丑の刻) third quarter of the hour of the ox (2-2:30am, or 3-3:30am) |
Variations: |
sanbenmawattetabakonisho さんべんまわってタバコにしょ |
(expression) (proverb) measure twice and cut once; don't slack off until the job's done properly; go around three times before you take a smoke |
Variations: |
kodomohasansaimadeniisshoubunnooyakoukouosuru / kodomohasansaimadenisshobunnooyakokoosuru こどもはさんさいまでにいっしょうぶんのおやこうこうをする |
(expression) (proverb) children pay back their debt to their parents in full by age 3 (through their cuteness) |
Variations: |
kodomohasansaimadeniisshoubunnooyakoukouosuru / kodomohasansaimadenisshobunnooyakokoosuru こどもはさんさいまでにいっしょうぶんのおやこうこうをする |
(expression) (proverb) children pay back their debt to their parents in full by age 3 (through their cuteness) |
Variations: |
sankanen さんかねん |
(can act as adjective) triennial |
Variations: |
onnasanninyorebakashimashii / onnasanninyorebakashimashi おんなさんにんよればかしましい |
(exp,adj-i) (proverb) (from three 女 kanji forming 姦) three women make a market; many women, many words; three women gathering creates a racket |
金剛峻經金剛頂一切如來深妙祕密金剛界大三昧耶修行四十二種壇法經作用威儀法則大毘盧遮那佛金剛心地法門祕法戒壇法儀則 金刚峻经金刚顶一切如来深妙祕密金刚界大三昧耶修行四十二种坛法经作用威仪法则大毘卢遮那佛金刚心地法门祕法戒坛法仪则 see styles |
jīn gāng jun jīng jīn gāng dǐng yī qiè rú lái shēn miào mì mì jīn gāng jiè dà sān mèi yé xiū xíng sì shí èr zhǒng tán fǎ jīng zuò yòng wēi yí fǎ zé dà pí lú zhēn à fó jīn gāng xīn dì fǎ mén mì fǎ jiè tán fǎ yí zé jin1 gang1 jun4 jing1 jin1 gang1 ding3 yi1 qie4 ru2 lai2 shen1 miao4 mi4 mi4 jin1 gang1 jie4 da4 san1 mei4 ye2 xiu1 xing2 si4 shi2 er4 zhong3 tan2 fa3 jing1 zuo4 yong4 wei1 yi2 fa3 ze2 da4 pi2 lu2 zhen1 a4 fo2 jin1 gang1 xin1 di4 fa3 men2 mi4 fa3 jie4 tan2 fa3 yi2 ze2 chin kang chün ching chin kang ting i ch`ieh ju lai shen miao mi mi chin kang chieh ta san mei yeh hsiu hsing ssu shih erh chung t`an fa ching tso yung wei i fa tse ta p`i lu chen a fo chin kang hsin ti fa men mi fa chieh t`an fa i tse chin kang chün ching chin kang ting i chieh ju lai shen miao mi mi chin kang chieh ta san mei yeh hsiu hsing ssu shih erh chung tan fa ching tso yung wei i fa tse ta pi lu chen a fo chin kang hsin ti fa men mi fa chieh tan fa i tse Kongō shun kyō kongō chōissai nyorai shinmyō himitsu kongō kaidai zanmaiya shugyō shijūnishu danhōkyō sayō igi hōsoku daibirushanabutsu kongō shinchi hōmon hihō kaidanhō gisoku |
Jingang jun jing jingang ding yiqie rulai shen miao mimi Jingang jie da sanmeiye xiuxing sishierzhong tanfa jing zuoyong weiyi faze da pilu zhena fo jingang xindi famen mifa jie tanfa yize |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 98 results for "三" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.