There are 12201 total results for your 小 search. I have created 123 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<120121122123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
小豆島スカイライン see styles |
shoudoshimasukairain / shodoshimasukairain しょうどしまスカイライン |
(place-name) Shoudoshima Skyline |
小野田セメント工場 see styles |
onodasementokoujou / onodasementokojo おのだセメントこうじょう |
(place-name) Onodasemento Factory |
Variations: |
sasa ささ |
bamboo grass; generally smaller species of running bamboo that do not shed their sheaths (e.g. Sasa spp.) |
Variations: |
kojiri こじり |
(1) (鐺, 璫, 小尻 only) (ornamental) tip of a scabbard; (2) (鐺, 璫, 木尻 only) bottom of a bargeboard or cantilever |
Variations: |
usagigoya うさぎごや |
(1) rabbit hutch; (2) (used in 1979 EC report) small Japanese houses; cramped Japanese housing |
Variations: |
kogitsuneza こぎつねざ |
{astron} Vulpecula (constellation); the Fox |
Variations: |
kojishiza こじしざ |
{astron} Leo Minor (constellation); the Small Lion |
Variations: |
chuuhenshousetsu / chuhenshosetsu ちゅうへんしょうせつ |
novelette; novella; short novel; long short story; medium-length story |
Variations: |
saishounijou; saishoujijou / saishonijo; saishojijo さいしょうにじょう; さいしょうじじょう |
(n,adj-f) {math} (See 最小二乗法) least-squares (method) |
Variations: |
tanpenshousetsu / tanpenshosetsu たんぺんしょうせつ |
short story; novella |
Variations: |
chouhenshousetsu / chohenshosetsu ちょうへんしょうせつ |
full-length novel |
Variations: |
chouhenshousetsu / chohenshosetsu ちょうへんしょうせつ |
(full-length) novel; long novel |
Variations: |
itsutsunoko いつつのこ |
(exp,n) (in ref. to the character 小 in the five words 少人数, 小一時間, 小声, 小皿, 小まめ) five small things to keep in mind when holding or attending a party during the COVID-19 pandemic (to gather in small numbers, to break it up after about an hour, to talk quietly, to use small dishes for sharing food, to be careful to wear a mask, to ventilate the space, and to wash one's hands); the five smalls |
チブリ尾根避難小屋 see styles |
chiburionehinangoya チブリおねひなんごや |
(place-name) Chiburionehinangoya |
ライオン小田原工場 see styles |
raionodawarakoujou / raionodawarakojo ライオンおだわらこうじょう |
(place-name) Raion'odawara Factory |
レビー小体型認知症 see styles |
rebiishoutaigataninchishou / rebishotaigataninchisho レビーしょうたいがたにんちしょう |
{med} dementia with Lewy bodies; DLB; Lewy body dementia; LBD |
三菱重工小牧北工場 see styles |
mitsubishijiyuukoumakitakoujou / mitsubishijiyukomakitakojo みつびしじゆうこうまきたこうじょう |
(place-name) Mitsubishijiyūkoumakita Factory |
中小企業産業大学校 see styles |
chuushoukigyousangyoudaigakkou / chushokigyosangyodaigakko ちゅうしょうきぎょうさんぎょうだいがっこう |
(place-name) Chuushoukigyousangyoudaigakkou |
中小企業退職金共済 see styles |
chuushoukigyoutaishokukinkyousai / chushokigyotaishokukinkyosai ちゅうしょうきぎょうたいしょくきんきょうさい |
Smaller Enterprise Retirement Allowance Mutual Aid System (retirement pension system established in 1959); SERAMA System; Chutaikyo System |
事実は小説より奇也 see styles |
jijitsuhashousetsuyorikinari / jijitsuhashosetsuyorikinari じじつはしょうせつよりきなり |
(expression) truth is stranger than fiction |
住友金属小倉製鉄所 see styles |
sumitomokinzokukokuraseitetsujo / sumitomokinzokukokurasetetsujo すみともきんぞくこくらせいてつじょ |
(place-name) Sumitomokinzokukokuraseitetsujo |
北秋田郡上小阿仁村 see styles |
kitaakitagunkamikoanimura / kitakitagunkamikoanimura きたあきたぐんかみこあにむら |
(place-name) Kitaakitagunkamikoanimura |
単精度浮動小数点数 see styles |
tanseidofudoushousuutensuu / tansedofudoshosutensu たんせいどふどうしょうすうてんすう |
{comp} single precision floating point number |
同和鉱業小坂製錬所 see styles |
douwakougyoukosakaseirenjo / dowakogyokosakaserenjo どうわこうぎょうこさかせいれんじょ |
(place-name) Douwakougyoukosakaseirenjo |
固定小数点レジスタ see styles |
koteishousuutenrejisuta / koteshosutenrejisuta こていしょうすうてんレジスタ |
{comp} fixed-point register |
国際電電小野受信所 see styles |
kokusaidendenonojushinjo こくさいでんでんおのじゅしんじょ |
(place-name) Kokusaidenden'onojushinjo |
大事化小,小事化了 see styles |
dà shì huà xiǎo , xiǎo shì huà liǎo da4 shi4 hua4 xiao3 , xiao3 shi4 hua4 liao3 ta shih hua hsiao , hsiao shih hua liao |
to turn big problems into small ones, and small problems into no problems at all (idiom) |
大文字小文字を区別 see styles |
oomojikomojiokubetsu おおもじこもじをくべつ |
(1) {comp} case-sensitivity; (noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru) (2) to distinguish on case |
大處著眼,小處著手 大处着眼,小处着手 see styles |
dà chù zhuó yǎn , xiǎo chù zhuó shǒu da4 chu4 zhuo2 yan3 , xiao3 chu4 zhuo2 shou3 ta ch`u cho yen , hsiao ch`u cho shou ta chu cho yen , hsiao chu cho shou |
think of the big picture, start with the little things (idiom) |
姉小路通柳馬場西入 see styles |
aneyakoujidooriyanaginobanbanishiiru / aneyakojidooriyanaginobanbanishiru あねやこうじどおりやなぎのばんばにしいる |
(place-name) Aneyakōjidooriyanaginobanbanishiiru |
宋元入藏諸大小乘經 宋元入藏诸大小乘经 see styles |
sòng yuán rù zàng zhū dà xiǎo shèng jīng song4 yuan2 ru4 zang4 zhu1 da4 xiao3 sheng4 jing1 sung yüan ju tsang chu ta hsiao sheng ching Sōgan nyūzō sho daishōjō kyō |
Sutras of the Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna admitted into the canon during the Northern and Southern Sung (A.D. 960-1127 and 1127-1280) and Yuan (A.D. 1280-1368) dynasties. B.N., 782-1081. |
尾崎小ミカン先祖木 see styles |
ozakikomikansensogi おざきこミカンせんそぎ |
(place-name) Ozakikomikansensogi |
嵯峨小倉山堂ノ前町 see styles |
sagaogurayamadounomaechou / sagaogurayamadonomaecho さがおぐらやまどうのまえちょう |
(place-name) Sagaogurayamadounomaechō |
嵯峨小倉山田渕山町 see styles |
sagaogurayamatabuchiyamachou / sagaogurayamatabuchiyamacho さがおぐらやまたぶちやまちょう |
(place-name) Sagaogurayamatabuchiyamachō |
嵯峨小倉山緋明神町 see styles |
sagaogurayamahinomyoujinchou / sagaogurayamahinomyojincho さがおぐらやまひのみょうじんちょう |
(place-name) Sagaogurayamahinomyoujinchō |
戴くものは夏も小袖 see styles |
itadakumonohanatsumokosode いただくものはなつもこそで |
(expression) (idiom) taking whatever one can get one's hands on; being greedy; accepting a padded silk sleeve even in summer |
押小路通東洞院東入 see styles |
oshikoujidoorihigashinotouinhigashiiru / oshikojidoorihigashinotoinhigashiru おしこうじどおりひがしのとういんひがしいる |
(place-name) Oshikōjidoorihigashinotouinhigashiiru |
日本外来小児科学会 see styles |
nippongairaishounikagakkai / nippongairaishonikagakkai にっぽんがいらいしょうにかがっかい |
(org) Society of Ambulatory and General Pediatrics of Japan; SAGPJ; (o) Society of Ambulatory and General Pediatrics of Japan; SAGPJ |
日本小児内分泌学会 see styles |
nipponshouninaibunpitsugakkai / nipponshoninaibunpitsugakkai にっぽんしょうにないぶんぴつがっかい |
(org) Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology; (o) Japanese Society for Pediatric Endocrinology |
日本小児放射線学会 see styles |
nipponshounihoushasengakkai / nipponshonihoshasengakkai にっぽんしょうにほうしゃせんがっかい |
(org) Japanese Society of Pediatric Radiology; (o) Japanese Society of Pediatric Radiology |
日本小動物獣医学会 see styles |
nipponshoudoubutsujuuigakkai / nipponshodobutsujuigakkai にっぽんしょうどうぶつじゅういがっかい |
(org) Japanese Society of Small Animal Veterinary Medicine; (o) Japanese Society of Small Animal Veterinary Medicine |
日本製紙小松島工場 see styles |
nihonseishikomatsujimakoujou / nihonseshikomatsujimakojo にほんせいしこまつじまこうじょう |
(place-name) Nihonseishikomatsujima Factory |
浮動小数点レジスタ see styles |
fudoushousuutenrejisuta / fudoshosutenrejisuta ふどうしょうすうてんレジスタ |
{comp} floating-point register |
浮動小数点演算機構 see styles |
fudoushousuutenenzankikou / fudoshosutenenzankiko ふどうしょうすうてんえんざんきこう |
{comp} floating-point arithmetic unit |
浮動小数点相対精度 see styles |
fudoushousuutensoutaiseido / fudoshosutensotaisedo ふどうしょうすうてんそうたいせいど |
{comp} floating point precision |
王子製紙苫小牧工場 see styles |
oujiseishitomakomaikoujou / ojiseshitomakomaikojo おうじせいしとまこまいこうじょう |
(place-name) Oujiseishitomakomai Factory |
省略タグ最小化引数 see styles |
shouryakutagusaishoukahikisuu / shoryakutagusaishokahikisu しょうりゃくタグさいしょうかひきすう |
{comp} omitted tag minimization parameter |
米国通運会社小切手 see styles |
beikokutsuuunkaishakogitte / bekokutsuunkaishakogitte べいこくつううんかいしゃこぎって |
(o) American Express check |
臼井ノ内小平次新田 see styles |
usuinouchikoheijishinden / usuinochikohejishinden うすいのうちこへいじしんでん |
(place-name) Usuinouchikoheijishinden |
航空自衛隊小松基地 see styles |
koukuujieitaikomatsukichi / kokujietaikomatsukichi こうくうじえいたいこまつきち |
(place-name) Kōkuujieitaikomatsukichi |
航空自衛隊小牧基地 see styles |
koukuujieitaikomakikichi / kokujietaikomakikichi こうくうじえいたいこまききち |
(place-name) Kōkuujieitaikomakikichi |
苫小牧東部工業基地 see styles |
tomakomaitoubukougyoukichi / tomakomaitobukogyokichi とまこまいとうぶこうぎょうきち |
(place-name) Tomakomaitoubukougyoukichi |
野路小野山製鉄遺跡 see styles |
nojionoyamaseitetsuiseki / nojionoyamasetetsuiseki のじおのやませいてついせき |
(place-name) Nojionoyamaseitetsu Ruins |
錦小路通御幸町東入 see styles |
nishikikoujidoorigokomachihigashiiru / nishikikojidoorigokomachihigashiru にしきこうじどおりごこまちひがしいる |
(place-name) Nishikikōjidoorigokomachihigashiiru |
錦小路通麩屋町東入 see styles |
nishikikoujidoorifuyachouhigashiiru / nishikikojidoorifuyachohigashiru にしきこうじどおりふやちょうひがしいる |
(place-name) Nishikikōjidoorifuyachōhigashiiru |
長精度浮動小数点数 see styles |
chouseidofudoushousuutensuu / chosedofudoshosutensu ちょうせいどふどうしょうすうてんすう |
{comp} long precision floating point number |
閻王好見,小鬼難當 阎王好见,小鬼难当 see styles |
yán wáng hǎo jiàn , xiǎo guǐ nán dāng yan2 wang2 hao3 jian4 , xiao3 gui3 nan2 dang1 yen wang hao chien , hsiao kuei nan tang |
lit. standing in front of the King of Hell is easy, but smaller devils are difficult to deal with (idiom) |
麻雀雖小,五臟俱全 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全 see styles |
má què suī xiǎo , wǔ zàng jù quán ma2 que4 sui1 xiao3 , wu3 zang4 ju4 quan2 ma ch`üeh sui hsiao , wu tsang chü ch`üan ma chüeh sui hsiao , wu tsang chü chüan |
the sparrow may be small but all its vital organs are there (idiom); small but complete in every detail |
小芥子(ateji) see styles |
kokeshi こけし |
(kana only) limbless wooden doll; kokeshi doll |
Variations: |
kozuka こづか |
knife attached to the sheath of a sword |
Variations: |
kozuchi こづち |
(small) mallet; gavel |
Variations: |
komayumi; komayumi こまゆみ; コマユミ |
(kana only) spindle tree (Euonymus alatus f. ciliatodentatus) |
Variations: |
koebi(小ebi); koebi(小海老, 小蝦); koebi こエビ(小エビ); こえび(小海老, 小蝦); コエビ |
(1) shrimp (infraorder Caridea); (2) small shrimp, prawn or lobster |
Variations: |
konegi こねぎ |
green spring onion shoots |
Variations: |
komaita こまいた |
cutting guide board for noodles |
Variations: |
kobin こびん |
lock of hair (on the side of the head) |
Variations: |
sayonakidori; sayonakidori さよなきどり; サヨナキドリ |
(kana only) (See ナイチンゲール・1) nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) |
Variations: |
koharubiyori こはるびより |
(yoji) (See 小春) Indian summer (around November); mild late autumn weather; mild late fall weather |
Variations: |
komatasukui こまたすくい |
{sumo} over-thigh scooping body drop |
小原のヒダリマキガヤ see styles |
obaranohidarimakigaya おばらのヒダリマキガヤ |
(place-name) Obaranohidarimakigaya |
小早川氏城跡高山城跡 see styles |
kobayakawashijousekitakayamajouseki / kobayakawashijosekitakayamajoseki こばやかわしじょうせきたかやまじょうせき |
(place-name) Kobayakawashijousekitakayamajouseki |
小森コーポレーション see styles |
komorikooporeeshon こもりコーポレーション |
(company) Komori Corporation; (c) Komori Corporation |
小田急多摩センター駅 see styles |
odakyuutamasentaaeki / odakyutamasentaeki おだきゅうたまセンターえき |
(st) Odakyūtama Center Station |
小田急西富士ゴルフ場 see styles |
odakyuunishifujigorufujou / odakyunishifujigorufujo おだきゅうにしふじゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Odakyūnishifuji Golf Links |
小野グランドゴルフ場 see styles |
onogurandogorufujou / onogurandogorufujo おのグランドゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Onogurando Golf Links |
小長井のオガタマノキ see styles |
konagainoogatamanoki こながいのオガタマノキ |
(place-name) Konagainoogatamanoki |
Variations: |
gokuchiisai / gokuchisai ごくちいさい |
(exp,adj-i) very small |
Variations: |
yamatoshijimi; yamatoshijimi やまとしじみ; ヤマトシジミ |
(kana only) pale grass blue (species of gossamer-winged butterfly, Pseudozizeeria maha) |
Variations: |
monookigoya ものおきごや |
storage shed |
Variations: |
nekonikoban(猫ni小判); nekonikoban(nekoni小判) ねこにこばん(猫に小判); ネコにこばん(ネコに小判) |
(expression) (idiom) (See 豚に真珠) casting pearls before swine; (giving) a gold coin to a cat |
Variations: |
amaobunegai; amaobunegai あまおぶねがい; アマオブネガイ |
(kana only) ox-palate nerite (Nerita albicilla); blotched nerite |
Variations: |
jisshinshousuu / jisshinshosu じっしんしょうすう |
{comp} decimal fraction |
フウタツアシヨロ小川 see styles |
fuutatsuashiyoroogawa / futatsuashiyoroogawa フウタツアシヨロおがわ |
(place-name) Fūtatsuashiyoroogawa |
メーカー希望小売価格 see styles |
meekaakiboukourikakaku / meekakibokorikakaku メーカーきぼうこうりかかく |
manufacturer's suggested retail price; MSRP |
上長者町通油小路東入 see styles |
kamichoujamachidooriaburanokoujihigashiiru / kamichojamachidooriaburanokojihigashiru かみちょうじゃまちどおりあぶらのこうじひがしいる |
(place-name) Kamichōjamachidooriaburanokōjihigashiiru |
中小企業信用保険公庫 see styles |
chuushoukigyoushinyouhokenkouko / chushokigyoshinyohokenkoko ちゅうしょうきぎょうしんようほけんこうこ |
(org) Small Business Credit Insurance Corporation; (o) Small Business Credit Insurance Corporation |
九州電力新小倉発電所 see styles |
kyuushuudenryokushinkokurahatsudensho / kyushudenryokushinkokurahatsudensho きゅうしゅうでんりょくしんこくらはつでんしょ |
(place-name) Kyūshuudenryokushinkokura Power Station |
事実は小説より奇なり see styles |
jijitsuhashousetsuyorikinari / jijitsuhashosetsuyorikinari じじつはしょうせつよりきなり |
(expression) truth is stranger than fiction |
大規模小売店舗立地法 see styles |
daikibokouritenporicchihou / daikibokoritenporicchiho だいきぼこうりてんぽりっちほう |
{law} Act on the Measures by Large-Scale Retail Stores for Preservation of Living Environment |
拡張精度浮動小数点数 see styles |
kakuchouseidofudoushousuutensuu / kakuchosedofudoshosutensu かくちょうせいどふどうしょうすうてんすう |
{comp} extended precision floating point number |
新船小屋のクスノキ林 see styles |
shinfunakoyanokusunokibayashi しんふなこやのクスノキばやし |
(place-name) Shinfunakoyanokusunokibayashi |
日本小型船舶検査機構 see styles |
nipponkogatasenpakukensakikou / nipponkogatasenpakukensakiko にっぽんこがたせんぱくけんさきこう |
(org) Japan Craft Inspection Organization; (o) Japan Craft Inspection Organization |
陸上自衛隊小倉駐屯地 see styles |
rikujoujieitaikokurachuutonchi / rikujojietaikokurachutonchi りくじょうじえいたいこくらちゅうとんち |
(place-name) Rikujōjieitaikokurachuutonchi |
陸上自衛隊小谷演習場 see styles |
rikujoujieitaikotanienshuujou / rikujojietaikotanienshujo りくじょうじえいたいこたにえんしゅうじょう |
(place-name) Rikujōjieitaikotanienshuujō |
麻那姫湖青小年旅行村 see styles |
mayahimekoseishounenryokoumura / mayahimekoseshonenryokomura まやひめこせいしょうねんりょこうむら |
(place-name) Mayahimekoseishounenryokoumura |
小洒落る(ateji) see styles |
kojareru こじゃれる |
(v1,vi) (colloquialism) to be somewhat stylish; to be somewhat chic |
Variations: |
koyami; oyami こやみ; おやみ |
lull (e.g. in the rain); break |
Variations: |
komame(小mame, 小忠実); komame(小mame) こまめ(小まめ, 小忠実); こマメ(小マメ) |
(adjectival noun) (kana only) diligent; earnest; attentive to detail; brisk (working, moving); frequent (e.g. checking) |
Variations: |
koboke(小boke, 小呆ke); koboke(小boke) こぼけ(小ぼけ, 小呆け); こボケ(小ボケ) |
doing or saying something a little stupid |
Variations: |
kokiriko こきりこ |
clave-like folk instrument; two bamboo pieces beaten together |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "小" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.