There are 12098 total results for your 三 search. I have created 121 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...110111112113114115116117118119120...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
三方五湖ラドン see styles |
mikatagokoradon みかたごこラドン |
(place-name) Mikatagokoradon |
三日月ゴルフ場 see styles |
mikazukigorufujou / mikazukigorufujo みかづきゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Mikazuki golf links |
三曼陀颰陀菩薩 三曼陀颰陀菩萨 see styles |
sān màn tuó bá tuó pú sà san1 man4 tuo2 ba2 tuo2 pu2 sa4 san man t`o pa t`o p`u sa san man to pa to pu sa Sanmandabada bosatsu |
Samantabhadra-bodhisattva |
三本木ゴルフ場 see styles |
sanbongigorufujou / sanbongigorufujo さんぼんぎゴルフじょう |
(place-name) Sanbongi golf links |
三次元プリンタ see styles |
sanjigenpurinta さんじげんプリンタ |
3D printer |
三母捺羅娑誐羅 三母捺罗娑誐罗 see styles |
sān mun à luó suō é luó san1 mun3 a4 luo2 suo1 e2 luo2 san mun a lo so o lo sanmonatara sagara |
ocean |
三江侗族自治縣 三江侗族自治县 see styles |
sān jiāng dòng zú zì zhì xiàn san1 jiang1 dong4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4 san chiang tung tsu tzu chih hsien |
Sanjiang Dong autonomous county in Liuzhou 柳州[Liu3 zhou1], Guangxi |
三江生態旅遊區 三江生态旅游区 see styles |
sān jiāng shēng tài lǚ yóu qū san1 jiang1 sheng1 tai4 lu:3 you2 qu1 san chiang sheng t`ai lü yu ch`ü san chiang sheng tai lü yu chü |
Sanjiang Ecological Tourist Area in Wenchuan county 汶川縣|汶川县[Wen4 chuan1 xian4], northwest Sichuan |
三池火力発電所 see styles |
miikekaryokuhatsudensho / mikekaryokuhatsudensho みいけかりょくはつでんしょ |
(place-name) Miike Thermal Power Station |
三津坂トンネル see styles |
mitsuzakatonneru みつざかトンネル |
(place-name) Mitsuzaka Tunnel |
三浦しらとり園 see styles |
miurashiratorien みうらしらとりえん |
(place-name) Miurashiratorien |
三浦綾子記念館 see styles |
miuraayakokinenkan / miurayakokinenkan みうらあやこきねんかん |
(place-name) Miura Ayako Memorial Hall |
三濃山トンネル see styles |
minoyamatonneru みのやまトンネル |
(place-name) Minoyama Tunnel |
三王坂トンネル see styles |
sannouzakatonneru / sannozakatonneru さんのうざかトンネル |
(place-name) Sannouzaka Tunnel |
三環系抗うつ剤 see styles |
sankankeikouutsuzai / sankankekoutsuzai さんかんけいこううつざい |
tricyclic antidepressant |
三環系抗うつ薬 see styles |
sankankeikouutsuyaku / sankankekoutsuyaku さんかんけいこううつやく |
tricyclic antidepressant |
三田火力発電所 see styles |
mitakaryokuhatsudensho みたかりょくはつでんしょ |
(place-name) Mita Thermal Power Station |
三省堂国語辞典 see styles |
sanseidoukokugojiten / sansedokokugojiten さんせいどうこくごじてん |
(work) Sanseido Kokugo Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Sanseido); (wk) Sanseido Kokugo Jiten (Japanese dictionary published by Sanseido) |
三穂田町下守屋 see styles |
mihotamachishimomoriya みほたまちしももりや |
(place-name) Mihotamachishimomoriya |
三菱アルミ工場 see styles |
mitsubishiarumikoujou / mitsubishiarumikojo みつびしアルミこうじょう |
(place-name) Mitsubishi Aluminium Plant |
三菱マテリアル see styles |
mitsubishimateriaru みつびしマテリアル |
(org) Mitsubishi Materials Corporation; (o) Mitsubishi Materials Corporation |
三菱化学研究所 see styles |
mitsubishikagakukenkyuujo / mitsubishikagakukenkyujo みつびしかがくけんきゅうじょ |
(place-name) Mitsubishikagakukenkyūjo |
三菱油化研究所 see styles |
mitsubishiyukakenkyuujo / mitsubishiyukakenkyujo みつびしゆかけんきゅうじょ |
(place-name) Mitsubishiyukakenkyūjo |
三菱石油製油所 see styles |
mitsubishisekiyuseiyujo / mitsubishisekiyuseyujo みつびしせきゆせいゆじょ |
(place-name) Mitsubishisekiyuseiyujo |
三菱自動車工場 see styles |
mitsubishijidoushakoujou / mitsubishijidoshakojo みつびしじどうしゃこうじょう |
(place-name) Mitsubishijidousha Factory |
三菱自動車工業 see styles |
mitsubishijidoushakougyou / mitsubishijidoshakogyo みつびしじどうしゃこうぎょう |
(org) Mitsubishi Motors Corporation; (o) Mitsubishi Motors Corporation |
三菱重工業工場 see styles |
mitsubishijuukougyoukoujou / mitsubishijukogyokojo みつびしじゅうこうぎょうこうじょう |
(place-name) Mitsubishijuu Manufacturing Plant |
三菱重工試験場 see styles |
mitsubishijuukoushikenjou / mitsubishijukoshikenjo みつびしじゅうこうしけんじょう |
(place-name) Mitsubishijuukoushikenjō |
三菱重工造船所 see styles |
mitsubishijuukouzousenjo / mitsubishijukozosenjo みつびしじゅうこうぞうせんじょ |
(place-name) Mitsubishijuukouzousenjo |
三菱電機製作所 see styles |
mitsubishidenkiseisakujo / mitsubishidenkisesakujo みつびしでんきせいさくじょ |
(place-name) Mitsubishidenkiseisakujo |
三菱鹿川油槽所 see styles |
mitsubishikanokawayusoujo / mitsubishikanokawayusojo みつびしかのかわゆそうじょ |
(place-name) Mitsubishikanokawayusoujo |
三菱UFJ銀行 see styles |
mitsubishiyuuefujeiginkou / mitsubishiyuefujeginko みつびしユーエフジェイぎんこう |
(c) Mitsubishi UFJ Bank |
三蜜栗底尼迦耶 see styles |
sān mì lì dǐ ní jiā yé san1 mi4 li4 di3 ni2 jia1 ye2 san mi li ti ni chia yeh Sanmiritei nikaya |
Saṃmitīya-nikāya |
三豊郡大野原町 see styles |
mitoyogunoonoharachou / mitoyogunoonoharacho みとよぐんおおのはらちょう |
(place-name) Mitoyogun'oonoharachō |
三軸圧縮試験機 see styles |
sanjikuasshukushikenki さんじくあっしゅくしけんき |
triaxial compression apparatus |
三轉法輪十二行 三转法轮十二行 see styles |
sān zhuǎn fǎ lún shí èr xíng san1 zhuan3 fa3 lun2 shi2 er4 xing2 san chuan fa lun shih erh hsing santenbōrin jūnigyō |
(三轉法輪十二行相) The twelve 行 processes are the application of the above 示, 勸, and 證 within the three turns of the wheel of the law (三轉法輪) to each of the four postulates. The three "turns" are also applied to the four kinds of knowledge, i.e. 眼, 智, 明, and 覺. |
三郎のすべり滝 see styles |
saburounosuberitaki / saburonosuberitaki さぶろうのすべりたき |
(place-name) Saburōnosuberitaki |
三郷町佐々良木 see styles |
misatochousazaragi / misatochosazaragi みさとちょうさざらぎ |
(place-name) Misatochōsazaragi |
三都水族自治縣 三都水族自治县 see styles |
sān dū shuǐ zú zì zhì xiàn san1 du1 shui3 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4 san tu shui tsu tzu chih hsien |
Sandu Shuizu autonomous county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州[Qian2 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou |
三重県立美術館 see styles |
miekenritsubijutsukan みえけんりつびじゅつかん |
(org) Mie Prefectural Art Museum; (o) Mie Prefectural Art Museum |
三隅大平ザクラ see styles |
misumioohirazakura みすみおおひらザクラ |
(place-name) Misumioohirazakura |
三面川中州公園 see styles |
miomotegawanakasukouen / miomotegawanakasukoen みおもてがわなかすこうえん |
(place-name) Miomotegawanakasu Park |
三養基郡三根町 see styles |
miyakigunminechou / miyakigunminecho みやきぐんみねちょう |
(place-name) Miyakigunminechō |
三養基郡上峰町 see styles |
miyakigunkamiminechou / miyakigunkamiminecho みやきぐんかみみねちょう |
(place-name) Miyakigunkamiminechō |
三養基郡中原町 see styles |
miyakigunnakabaruchou / miyakigunnakabarucho みやきぐんなかばるちょう |
(place-name) Miyakigunnakabaruchō |
三養基郡基山町 see styles |
miyakigunkiyamachou / miyakigunkiyamacho みやきぐんきやまちょう |
(place-name) Miyakigunkiyamachō |
21三體綜合症 21三体综合症 see styles |
èr shí yī sān tǐ zōng hé zhèng er4 shi2 yi1 san1 ti3 zong1 he2 zheng4 erh shih i san t`i tsung ho cheng erh shih i san ti tsung ho cheng |
trisomy; Down's syndrome |
Variations: |
osankata おさんかた |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (honorific or respectful language) three people |
Variations: |
osanji おさんじ |
afternoon snack (eaten around 3 o'clock); afternoon tea |
Variations: |
barisan; barisan バリさん; バリサン |
(colloquialism) (from バリバリ三本) full signal strength (on a cellphone); good cellphone reception; three bars |
Variations: |
juusangatsu / jusangatsu じゅうさんがつ |
(See 正月・2) January; 13th month |
Variations: |
tansangata たんさんがた |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) AA size (battery) |
Variations: |
utasanshin うたさんしん |
(1) uta-sanshin (variety of Okinawan folk music); (2) (See 三線) singing and playing the sanshin; vocals and sanshin |
Variations: |
sagichou / sagicho さぎちょう |
(See どんど) burning of New Year's gate decorations (usu. on the 15th day of the New Year) |
Variations: |
gosankyou / gosankyo ごさんきょう |
(See 三卿) three secondary Tokugawa branch families (Tayasu, Shimizu, and Hitotsubashi) |
Variations: |
gosanke ごさんけ |
(1) (See 三家・2) three branches of the Tokugawa family (Owari, Kii and Mito); (2) big three; top three |
Variations: |
daisanpa だいさんぱ |
third wave |
Variations: |
daisankyuu / daisankyu だいさんキュー |
third quarter (of a year) |
Variations: |
chousando / chosando ちょうさんど |
{music} (See 短三度) major third |
Variations: |
sannensei / sannense さんねんせい |
third-year student; third-year pupil |
Variations: |
sanrenkyuu / sanrenkyu さんれんきゅう |
three-day weekend; long weekend; three holidays in a row |
Variations: |
sanjuudai / sanjudai さんじゅうだい |
(one's) 30s; thirties |
Variations: |
sanjuppun; sanjippun さんじゅっぷん; さんじっぷん |
thirty minutes; half an hour |
かわつる三芳野 see styles |
kawatsurumiyoshino かわつるみよしの |
(place-name) Kawatsurumiyoshino |
ジェームス三木 see styles |
jeemusumiki ジェームスみき |
(person) James Miki (1935.6-) |
ヨハネの手紙三 see styles |
yohanenotegamisan ヨハネのてがみさん |
Third Epistle of John (book of the Bible) |
一哭二鬧三上吊 一哭二闹三上吊 see styles |
yī - kū èr - nào sān - shàng diào yi1 - ku1 er4 - nao4 san1 - shang4 diao4 i - k`u erh - nao san - shang tiao i - ku erh - nao san - shang tiao |
lit. to cry, then shout, then threaten suicide (saying); fig. to make a terrible scene; to throw a tantrum |
一而再,再而三 see styles |
yī ér zài , zài ér sān yi1 er2 zai4 , zai4 er2 san1 i erh tsai , tsai erh san |
again and again |
一體三身自性佛 一体三身自性佛 see styles |
yī tǐ sān shēn zì xìng fó yi1 ti3 san1 shen1 zi4 xing4 fo2 i t`i san shen tzu hsing fo i ti san shen tzu hsing fo ittai sanshin jishō butsu |
In one's own body to have the trikāya of the self-natured, Buddha, i.e. by personal surrender to the Buddha. |
一體速疾力三昧 一体速疾力三昧 see styles |
yī tǐ sù jí lì sān mèi yi1 ti3 su4 ji2 li4 san1 mei4 i t`i su chi li san mei i ti su chi li san mei ittai sokushitsuriki zanmai |
A samādhi in which instantaneous powers are acquired. |
上三宮町上三宮 see styles |
kamisanmiyamachikamisanmiya かみさんみやまちかみさんみや |
(place-name) Kamisanmiyamachikamisanmiya |
上水内郡三水村 see styles |
kamiminochigunsamizumura かみみのちぐんさみずむら |
(place-name) Kamiminochigunsamizumura |
上賀茂十三石山 see styles |
kamigamojuusangokuyama / kamigamojusangokuyama かみがもじゅうさんごくやま |
(place-name) Kamigamojuusangokuyama |
上高野三反田町 see styles |
kamitakanosantandachou / kamitakanosantandacho かみたかのさんたんだちょう |
(place-name) Kamitakanosantandachō |
下鳥羽上三栖町 see styles |
shimotobakamimisuchou / shimotobakamimisucho しもとばかみみすちょう |
(place-name) Shimotobakamimisuchō |
不染著諸法三昧 不染着诸法三昧 see styles |
bù rǎn zhù zhū fǎ sān mèi bu4 ran3 zhu4 zhu1 fa3 san1 mei4 pu jan chu chu fa san mei fuzen jakushohō sammai |
The samādhi which is uncontaminated by any (evil) thing, the samādhi of purity; i. e. Mañjuśrī in samādhi holding as symbol of it a blue lotus in his left hand. |
不空三藏表制集 see styles |
bù kōng sān zàng biǎo zhì jí bu4 kong1 san1 zang4 biao3 zhi4 ji2 pu k`ung san tsang piao chih chi pu kung san tsang piao chih chi Fukū sanzō hyōsei shū |
Collected Documents |
不管三七二十一 see styles |
bù guǎn sān qī èr shí yī bu4 guan3 san1 qi1 er4 shi2 yi1 pu kuan san ch`i erh shih i pu kuan san chi erh shih i |
regardless of the consequences; recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic forecast |
中三坂トンネル see styles |
nakamisakatonneru なかみさかトンネル |
(place-name) Nakamisaka Tunnel |
中川原町三木田 see styles |
nakagawarachoumikida / nakagawarachomikida なかがわらちょうみきだ |
(place-name) Nakagawarachōmikida |
中露朝三国国境 see styles |
chuurochousangokukokkyou / churochosangokukokkyo ちゅうろちょうさんごくこっきょう |
(place-name) China-North Korea-Russia border tripoint |
中頸城郡三和村 see styles |
nakakubikigunsanwamura なかくびきぐんさんわむら |
(place-name) Nakakubikigunsanwamura |
五講四美三熱愛 五讲四美三热爱 see styles |
wǔ jiǎng sì měi sān rè ài wu3 jiang3 si4 mei3 san1 re4 ai4 wu chiang ssu mei san je ai |
the five emphases, four beauties and three loves (PRC policy introduced in 1981, including emphasis on manners, beauty of language and love of socialism) |
井上源三郎一武 see styles |
inouegenzaburoukazutake / inoegenzaburokazutake いのうえげんざぶろうかずたけ |
(person) Inoue Genzaburō Kazutake |
仮言的三段論法 see styles |
kagentekisandanronpou / kagentekisandanronpo かげんてきさんだんろんぽう |
(See 三段論法) hypothetical syllogism |
伊洛瓦底三角洲 see styles |
yī luò wǎ dǐ sān jiǎo zhōu yi1 luo4 wa3 di3 san1 jiao3 zhou1 i lo wa ti san chiao chou |
Irrawaddy Delta in south Myanmar (Burma) |
佐用郡三日月町 see styles |
sayougunmikazukichou / sayogunmikazukicho さようぐんみかづきちょう |
(place-name) Sayougunmikazukichō |
佛說慧印三昧經 佛说慧印三昧经 see styles |
fó shuō huì yìn sān mèi jīng fo2 shuo1 hui4 yin4 san1 mei4 jing1 fo shuo hui yin san mei ching Bussetsu ein sanmai kyō |
Foshuo huiyan sanmei jing |
佛說毘羅三昧經 佛说毘罗三昧经 see styles |
fó shuō pí luó sān mèi jīng fo2 shuo1 pi2 luo2 san1 mei4 jing1 fo shuo p`i lo san mei ching fo shuo pi lo san mei ching Bussetsu bira sanmaikyō |
The Samādhi Sūtra of Piluo Spoken by the Buddha |
佛說法華三昧經 佛说法华三昧经 see styles |
fó shuō fǎ huā sān mèi jīng fo2 shuo1 fa3 hua1 san1 mei4 jing1 fo shuo fa hua san mei ching Bussetsu hokke zanmai kyō |
Lotus Absorption Sūtra |
佛說淨度三昧經 佛说淨度三昧经 see styles |
fó shuō jìng dù sān mèi jīng fo2 shuo1 jing4 du4 san1 mei4 jing1 fo shuo ching tu san mei ching Bussetsu jōdo sanmaikyō |
Samādhi-sūtra on Liberation through Purification Spoken by the Buddha |
佛說馬有三相經 佛说马有三相经 see styles |
fó shuō mǎ yǒu sān xiàng jīng fo2 shuo1 ma3 you3 san1 xiang4 jing1 fo shuo ma yu san hsiang ching Bussetsu mau sansō kyō |
Sūtra on the Three Marks of a Horse |
入三昧樂意成身 入三昧乐意成身 see styles |
rù sān mèi yào yì chéng shēn ru4 san1 mei4 yao4 yi4 cheng2 shen1 ju san mei yao i ch`eng shen ju san mei yao i cheng shen nyū zanmai gyōi jōshin |
to enter into the samādhi where one creates bodies as one wishes |
八十三番一宮寺 see styles |
hachijuusanbanichimiyaji / hachijusanbanichimiyaji はちじゅうさんばんいちみやじ |
(place-name) Hachijuusanban'ichimiyaji |
出羽三山社務所 see styles |
dewasanzanshamusho でわさんざんしゃむしょ |
(place-name) Dewasanzanshamusho |
北宇和郡三間町 see styles |
kitauwagunmimachou / kitauwagunmimacho きたうわぐんみまちょう |
(place-name) Kitauwagunmimachō |
北諸県郡三股町 see styles |
kitamorokatagunmimatachou / kitamorokatagunmimatacho きたもろかたぐんみまたちょう |
(place-name) Kitamorokatagunmimatachō |
十三浜トンネル see styles |
juusanhamatonneru / jusanhamatonneru じゅうさんはまトンネル |
(place-name) Jūsanhama Tunnel |
南安曇郡三郷村 see styles |
minamiazumigunmisatomura みなみあづみぐんみさとむら |
(place-name) Minamiazumigunmisatomura |
双三郡三良坂町 see styles |
futamigunmirasakachou / futamigunmirasakacho ふたみぐんみらさかちょう |
(place-name) Futamigunmirasakachō |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "三" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.