There are 400 total results for your 诸 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
諸 诸 see styles |
zhū zhu1 chu morozumi もろずみ |
all; various (prefix) various; many; several; (personal name) Morozumi The diverse kinds, many, the many, all, every; on, at, in regard to; a final interrogative particle, also a rhythmic ending; used for sarva. |
付諸 付诸 see styles |
fù zhū fu4 zhu1 fu chu |
to apply to; to put into (practice etc); to put to (a test, a vote etc) |
衆諸 众诸 see styles |
zhòng zhū zhong4 zhu1 chung chu shusho |
many |
訴諸 诉诸 see styles |
sù zhū su4 zhu1 su chu |
to appeal (to reason, sentiment, charity etc); to resort to (a course of action) |
諸乘 诸乘 see styles |
zhū shèng zhu1 sheng4 chu sheng shojō |
various vehicles |
諸事 诸事 see styles |
zhū shì zhu1 shi4 chu shih moroji もろじ |
everything; every matter various matters; everything; (surname) Moroji various affairs |
諸人 诸人 see styles |
zhū rén zhu1 ren2 chu jen moroto もろと |
many people; everyone; all sorts of people; (personal name) Moroto you |
諸仁 诸仁 see styles |
zhū rén zhu1 ren2 chu jen shonin |
you |
諸仙 诸仙 see styles |
zhū xiān zhu1 xian1 chu hsien shosen |
All the hermits, mystics, ṛṣi; a term also applied to the Brahmans. |
諸位 诸位 see styles |
zhū wèi zhu1 wei4 chu wei |
(pron) everyone; Ladies and Gentlemen; Sirs |
諸住 诸住 see styles |
zhū zhù zhu1 zhu4 chu chu morozumi もろずみ |
(surname) Morozumi all abodes |
諸佛 诸佛 see styles |
zhū fó zhu1 fo2 chu fo shobutsu |
the buddhas |
諸侯 诸侯 see styles |
zhū hóu zhu1 hou2 chu hou shokou / shoko しょこう |
dukes or princes who rule a part of the country under the emperor; local rulers princes; lords |
諸公 诸公 see styles |
zhū gōng zhu1 gong1 chu kung shokou / shoko しょこう |
gentlemen (form of address) (1) high-ranking officials; ministers; (n,pn) (2) (honorific or respectful language) ladies and gentlemen; everyone |
諸冥 诸冥 see styles |
zhū míng zhu1 ming2 chu ming shomyō |
All darkness, i.e. all ignorance. |
諸利 诸利 see styles |
zhū lì zhu1 li4 chu li shori |
all objectives |
諸匠 诸匠 see styles |
zhū jiàng zhu1 jiang4 chu chiang shoshō |
teachers |
諸受 诸受 see styles |
zhū shòu zhu1 shou4 chu shou shoju |
various sensations |
諸可 诸可 see styles |
zhū kě zhu1 ke3 chu k`o chu ko shoka |
many |
諸君 诸君 see styles |
zhū jun zhu1 jun1 chu chün shokun しょくん |
Gentlemen! (start of a speech); Ladies and Gentlemen! (1) you (people); (interjection) (2) (making appeal, etc.) gentlemen; ladies and gentlemen; my friends; everyone |
諸善 诸善 see styles |
zhū shàn zhu1 shan4 chu shan shozen |
various kinds of good [activities] |
諸國 诸国 see styles |
zhū guó zhu1 guo2 chu kuo shiyokoku しよこく |
(surname) Shiyokoku many worlds |
諸地 诸地 see styles |
zhū dì zhu1 di4 chu ti shochi |
[all] the stages |
諸城 诸城 see styles |
zhū chéng zhu1 cheng2 chu ch`eng chu cheng |
Zhucheng, county-level city in Weifang 濰坊|潍坊[Wei2 fang1], Shandong |
諸執 诸执 see styles |
zhū zhí zhu1 zhi2 chu chih shoshū |
all attachments |
諸塵 诸尘 see styles |
zhū chén zhu1 chen2 chu ch`en chu chen shojin |
All the atoms, or active principles of form, sound, smell, taste, touch. |
諸境 诸境 see styles |
zhū jìng zhu1 jing4 chu ching shokyō |
objects |
諸多 诸多 see styles |
zhū duō zhu1 duo1 chu to morota もろた |
(used for abstract things) a good deal, a lot of (surname) Morota |
諸天 诸天 see styles |
zhū tiān zhu1 tian1 chu t`ien chu tien shoten しょてん |
{Buddh} various deities; the gods All the devas. |
諸如 诸如 see styles |
zhū rú zhu1 ru2 chu ju |
(various things) such as; such as (the following) |
諸子 诸子 see styles |
zhū zǐ zhu1 zi3 chu tzu moroko もろこ |
various sages; refers to the classical schools of thought, e.g. Confucianism 儒[ru2] represented by Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3] and Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3], Daoism 道[dao4] by Laozi 老子[Lao3 zi3] and Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3], Mohism 墨[mo4] by Mozi 墨子[Mo4 zi3], Legalism 法[fa3] by Sunzi 孫子|孙子[Sun1 zi3] and Han Feizi 韓非子|韩非子[Han2 Fei1 zi3], and numerous others (1) (kana only) gudgeon (any fish of genus Gnathopogon or related genera); (2) (See 本諸子) willow gudgeon (Gnathopogon caerulescens); (3) (See 九絵) longtooth grouper (species of fish, Epinephelus bruneus); (surname, female given name) Moroko children |
諸宗 诸宗 see styles |
zhū zōng zhu1 zong1 chu tsung shoshū |
schools |
諸家 诸家 see styles |
zhū jiā zhu1 jia1 chu chia moroie もろいえ |
various families; various schools of thought; (surname) Moroie philosophers |
諸寮 诸寮 see styles |
zhū liáo zhu1 liao2 chu liao shoryō |
various quarters |
諸寺 诸寺 see styles |
zhū sì zhu1 si4 chu ssu shoji しょじ |
various temples various temples |
諸尊 诸尊 see styles |
zhū zūn zhu1 zun1 chu tsun shoson しょそん |
{Buddh} various buddhas, bodhisattvas, deities, etc. All the honoured ones. |
諸山 诸山 see styles |
zhū shān zhu1 shan1 chu shan moroyama もろやま |
(surname) Moroyama various mountain [monasteries] |
諸嶽 诸嶽 see styles |
zhū yuè zhu1 yue4 chu yüeh Shogaku |
Shogaku |
諸師 诸师 see styles |
zhū shī zhu1 shi1 chu shih shoshi |
teachers |
諸心 诸心 see styles |
zhū xīn zhu1 xin1 chu hsin shoshin |
all minds |
諸惑 诸惑 see styles |
zhū huò zhu1 huo4 chu huo showaku |
afflictions |
諸惡 诸恶 see styles |
zhū è zhu1 e4 chu o shoaku |
various evil [activities] |
諸想 诸想 see styles |
zhū xiǎng zhu1 xiang3 chu hsiang shosō |
concepts |
諸所 诸所 see styles |
zhū suǒ zhu1 suo3 chu so shosho しょしょ |
(adverbial noun) here and there; everywhere many |
諸數 诸数 see styles |
zhū shù zhu1 shu4 chu shu shoshu |
All the variety of things, all phenomena. |
諸方 诸方 see styles |
zhū fāng zhu1 fang1 chu fang morokata もろかた |
every direction; (surname) Morokata various directions |
諸暨 诸暨 see styles |
zhū jì zhu1 ji4 chu chi |
Zhuji, county-level city in Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴[Shao4 xing1], Zhejiang |
諸有 诸有 see styles |
zhū yǒu zhu1 you3 chu yu shou |
All the exists; all beings. |
諸柘 诸柘 see styles |
zhū zhè zhu1 zhe4 chu che |
sugarcane |
諸根 诸根 see styles |
zhū gēn zhu1 gen1 chu ken morone もろね |
(surname) Morone All roots, powers, or organs, e.g. (1) faith, energy, memory, meditation, wisdom; (2) eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body. |
諸業 诸业 see styles |
zhū yè zhu1 ye4 chu yeh shogō |
various karmas |
諸樂 诸乐 see styles |
zhū lè zhu1 le4 chu le shoraku |
all kinds of enjoyment |
諸欲 诸欲 see styles |
zhū yù zhu1 yu4 chu yü shoyoku |
all desires |
諸法 诸法 see styles |
zhū fǎ zhu1 fa3 chu fa shohou / shoho しょほう |
{Buddh} all existing things (formed and formless) sarvadharma; sarvabhāva; all things; every dharma, law, thing, method, etc. |
諸漏 诸漏 see styles |
zhū lòu zhu1 lou4 chu lou shoro |
taints |
諸物 诸物 see styles |
zhū wù zhu1 wu4 chu wu sho motsu |
all beings |
諸生 诸生 see styles |
zhū shēng zhu1 sheng1 chu sheng |
Imperial scholar from the Ming Dynasty onwards |
諸界 诸界 see styles |
zhū jiè zhu1 jie4 chu chieh shokai |
realms |
諸相 诸相 see styles |
zhū xiàng zhu1 xiang4 chu hsiang shosou / shoso しょそう |
the appearance of all things (Buddhism) various aspects; various phases All the differentiating characteristics of things. |
諸禪 诸禅 see styles |
zhū chán zhu1 chan2 chu ch`an chu chan shozen |
meditations |
諸緣 诸缘 see styles |
zhū yuán zhu1 yuan2 chu yüan shoen |
All the accessory conditions, or environmental causes which influence life. |
諸纏 诸缠 see styles |
zhū chán zhu1 chan2 chu ch`an chu chan shoden |
active afflictions |
諸義 诸义 see styles |
zhū yì zhu1 yi4 chu i shogi |
all phenomena |
諸聖 诸圣 see styles |
zhū shèng zhu1 sheng4 chu sheng shoshō |
enlightened persons |
諸般 诸般 see styles |
zhū bān zhu1 ban1 chu pan shohan しょはん |
various; many different kinds of (can be adjective with の) various; several |
諸色 诸色 see styles |
zhū sè zhu1 se4 chu se shoshiki |
various; all kinds All kinds of things. |
諸著 诸着 see styles |
zhū zhāo zhu1 zhao1 chu chao shojaku |
All attachments: the ordinary man is attached to life, the arhat to nirvāṇa, the bodhisattva to his saving work. |
諸葛 诸葛 see styles |
zhū gě zhu1 ge3 chu ko morokuzu もろくず |
two-character surname Zhuge; Taiwan pr. [Zhu1ge2] (surname) Morokuzu |
諸蓋 诸盖 see styles |
zhū gài zhu1 gai4 chu kai shokai |
obstructions |
諸蘊 诸蕴 see styles |
zhū yùn zhu1 yun4 chu yün shoun |
the aggregates |
諸處 诸处 see styles |
zhū chù zhu1 chu4 chu ch`u chu chu shosho |
everywhere |
諸行 诸行 see styles |
zhū xíng zhu1 xing2 chu hsing shogyou / shogyo しょぎょう |
(1) {Buddh} all worldly phenomena; meritorious acts leading to enlightenment; (2) (Jodo school) all practices other than recitation of the nembutsu prayer All phenomenal changes; all conduct or action. |
諸見 诸见 see styles |
zhū jiàn zhu1 jian4 chu chien moromi もろみ |
(place-name, surname) Moromi All the diverse views; all heterodox opinions, sixty-two in number. |
諸言 诸言 see styles |
zhū yán zhu1 yan2 chu yen shogon |
much speech |
諸論 诸论 see styles |
zhū lùn zhu1 lun4 chu lun shoron |
the treatises |
諸識 诸识 see styles |
zhū shì zhu1 shi4 chu shih shoshiki |
various kinds of consciousness |
諸賢 诸贤 see styles |
zhū xián zhu1 xian2 chu hsien shoken しょけん |
(all of) you or them; various wise individuals; gentlemen you |
諸趣 诸趣 see styles |
zhū qù zhu1 qu4 chu ch`ü chu chü shoshu |
All paths or destinies of sentient existence, i.e. devas, men, asuras, beings in purgatory, pretas, and animals. |
諸身 诸身 see styles |
zhū shēn zhu1 shen1 chu shen sho shin |
all beings |
諸通 诸通 see styles |
zhū tōng zhu1 tong1 chu t`ung chu tung shotsū |
All spiritual or magical powers. |
諸過 诸过 see styles |
zhū guò zhu1 guo4 chu kuo sho ka |
various faults |
諸道 诸道 see styles |
zhū dào zhu1 dao4 chu tao moromichi もろみち |
(artistic) accomplishments; (surname) Moromichi various paths |
諸部 诸部 see styles |
zhū bù zhu1 bu4 chu pu shobu |
the various [early Indian] schools |
諸門 诸门 see styles |
zhū mén zhu1 men2 chu men shomon |
all aspects |
諸陰 诸阴 see styles |
zhū yīn zhu1 yin1 chu yin shoon |
aggregates |
諸雜 诸杂 see styles |
zhū zá zhu1 za2 chu tsa shozō |
various |
諸難 诸难 see styles |
zhūn án zhun1 an2 chun an shonan |
all kinds of difficulty |
諸餘 诸余 see styles |
zhū yú zhu1 yu2 chu yü shoyo |
[all] the other |
諸魔 诸魔 see styles |
zhū mó zhu1 mo2 chu mo shoma |
demons |
世諸師 世诸师 see styles |
shì zhū shī shi4 zhu1 shi1 shih chu shih se shoshi |
scholars of the age |
得諸法 得诸法 see styles |
dé zhū fǎ de2 zhu1 fa3 te chu fa toku shohō |
attains all phenomena |
於諸法 于诸法 see styles |
yú zhū fǎ yu2 zhu1 fa3 yü chu fa o shohō |
concerning [these] phenomena |
於諸處 于诸处 see styles |
yú zhū chù yu2 zhu1 chu4 yü chu ch`u yü chu chu o sho sho |
everywhere |
淨諸根 淨诸根 see styles |
jìng zhū gēn jing4 zhu1 gen1 ching chu ken jō shokon |
Undefiled senses; i.e. undefiled eye, ear, mouth, nose, body. |
種種諸 种种诸 see styles |
zhǒng zhǒng zhū zhong3 zhong3 zhu1 chung chung chu shuju sho |
variously |
著諸欲 着诸欲 see styles |
zhuó zhū yù zhuo2 zhu1 yu4 cho chu yü jaku shoyoku |
attached [addicted] to desires |
見諸佛 见诸佛 see styles |
jiàn zhū fó jian4 zhu1 fo2 chien chu fo ken shobutsu |
vision of the buddhas |
覺諸諦 觉诸谛 see styles |
jué zhū dì jue2 zhu1 di4 chüeh chu ti kakushotai |
awareness of the truths |
觀諸法 观诸法 see styles |
guān zhū fǎ guan1 zhu1 fa3 kuan chu fa kan shohō |
contemplating the various phenomena |
諸世尊 诸世尊 see styles |
zhū shì zūn zhu1 shi4 zun1 chu shih tsun sho seson |
world-honored ones |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "诸" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.