There are 127 total results for your 葬 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
葬 see styles |
zàng zang4 tsang hafuri はふり |
to bury (the dead); to inter (n,n-suf) funeral; (personal name) Hafuri Inter, bury. |
塟 葬 see styles |
zàng zang4 tsang |
old variant of 葬[zang4] See: 葬 |
葬り see styles |
houmuri / homuri ほうむり |
burial |
葬る see styles |
houmuru(p); houburu / homuru(p); hoburu ほうむる(P); ほうぶる |
(transitive verb) (1) to bury; to inter; to entomb; (transitive verb) (2) to cover up; to hush up; to shelve |
葬儀 葬仪 see styles |
zàng yí zang4 yi2 tsang i sougi / sogi そうぎ |
funeral; obsequies funeral; funeral service |
葬具 see styles |
sougu / sogu そうぐ |
funeral accessories; funeral items; funeral paraphernalia |
葬列 see styles |
souretsu / soretsu そうれつ |
funeral procession |
葬埋 see styles |
zàng mái zang4 mai2 tsang mai |
to bury |
葬式 see styles |
zàng shì zang4 shi4 tsang shih soushiki / soshiki そうしき |
funeral funeral |
葬法 see styles |
zàng fǎ zang4 fa3 tsang fa sō hō |
funeral |
葬礼 see styles |
sourei / sore そうれい |
funeral |
葬祭 see styles |
sousai / sosai そうさい |
funerals and ceremonial occasions |
葬禮 葬礼 see styles |
zàng lǐ zang4 li3 tsang li |
burial; funeral See: 葬礼 |
葬身 see styles |
zàng shēn zang4 shen1 tsang shen |
to bury a corpse; to be buried; (fig.) to die (at sea, in a fire etc) |
葬送 see styles |
zàng sòng zang4 song4 tsang sung sōsō そうそう |
to hold a funeral procession and burial; to give sb a final send-off; (fig.) to ruin (one's future prospects etc) (n,vs,adj-no) (1) funeral; burial rites; (2) attendance at a funeral 送葬 To escort the deceased to the grave. |
下葬 see styles |
xià zàng xia4 zang4 hsia tsang |
to bury; to inter |
仏葬 see styles |
bussou / busso ぶっそう |
Buddhist funeral |
仮葬 see styles |
kasou / kaso かそう |
(noun, transitive verb) temporary burial |
会葬 see styles |
kaisou / kaiso かいそう |
(n,vs,vi) attendance at a funeral |
佛葬 see styles |
fó zàng fo2 zang4 fo tsang bussō |
Buddhist funeral |
公葬 see styles |
kousou / koso こうそう |
public funeral |
副葬 see styles |
fukusou / fukuso ふくそう |
(noun/participle) burying a dead person's personal belongings with the body |
厚葬 see styles |
hòu zàng hou4 zang4 hou tsang kōsō |
a lavish funeral |
合葬 see styles |
hé zàng he2 zang4 ho tsang gassou; gousou / gasso; goso がっそう; ごうそう |
to bury husband and wife together; joint interment (noun/participle) joint burial; group burial; burying together |
喪葬 丧葬 see styles |
sāng zàng sang1 zang4 sang tsang |
funeral; burial |
四葬 see styles |
sì zàng si4 zang4 ssu tsang shisō |
four funerary practices |
国葬 see styles |
kokusou / kokuso こくそう |
state funeral; national funeral |
國葬 国葬 see styles |
guó zàng guo2 zang4 kuo tsang |
state funeral See: 国葬 |
土葬 see styles |
tǔ zàng tu3 zang4 t`u tsang tu tsang dosou / doso どそう |
burial (in earth) (noun, transitive verb) burial; interment burial of a corpse |
埋葬 see styles |
mái zàng mai2 zang4 mai tsang maisou / maiso まいそう |
to bury (n,vs,vt,adj-no) burial |
墓葬 see styles |
mù zàng mu4 zang4 mu tsang |
(archeology) grave; tomb |
大葬 see styles |
taisou / taiso たいそう |
imperial funeral |
天葬 see styles |
tiān zàng tian1 zang4 t`ien tsang tien tsang |
sky burial (Tibetan funeral practice) |
安葬 see styles |
ān zàng an1 zang4 an tsang |
to bury (the dead) |
密葬 see styles |
missou / misso みっそう |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) private funeral; (noun, transitive verb) (2) secret burial |
屈葬 see styles |
kussou / kusso くっそう |
crouched burial |
市葬 see styles |
shisou / shiso しそう |
municipal funeral |
改葬 see styles |
kaisou / kaiso かいそう |
(noun, transitive verb) reburial |
斂葬 see styles |
rensou / renso れんそう |
(noun/participle) interment; burial |
本葬 see styles |
honsou / honso ほんそう |
formal funeral |
林葬 see styles |
lín zàng lin2 zang4 lin tsang rinsō |
Forest burial, to cast the corpse into a forest to be eaten by animals. |
校葬 see styles |
kousou / koso こうそう |
school funeral |
樹葬 树葬 see styles |
shù zàng shu4 zang4 shu tsang |
burial of cremated remains at the foot of a tree |
殉葬 see styles |
xùn zàng xun4 zang4 hsün tsang |
(of servants etc) to be buried alive with the deceased; (of utensils etc) to be buried with the dead |
殯葬 殡葬 see styles |
bìn zàng bin4 zang4 pin tsang |
funeral and interment |
水葬 see styles |
shuǐ zàng shui3 zang4 shui tsang suisou / suiso すいそう |
(noun, transitive verb) burial at sea Water-burial, casting a corpse into the water, one of the four forms of burial. |
河葬 see styles |
hé zàng he2 zang4 ho tsang kasō |
river burial |
海葬 see styles |
kaisou / kaiso かいそう |
(See 水葬・すいそう) burial at sea |
火葬 see styles |
huǒ zàng huo3 zang4 huo tsang kasou / kaso かそう |
to cremate (noun, transitive verb) cremation jhāpita, 荼毘; 閣維 cremation, the relics 舍利 being buried. |
直葬 see styles |
chokusou / chokuso ちょくそう |
direct cremation; immediate cremation; cremation and burial without a funeral service |
社葬 see styles |
shasou / shaso しゃそう |
company funeral |
神葬 see styles |
shinsou / shinso しんそう |
Shinto funeral |
舟葬 see styles |
shuusou / shuso しゅうそう |
boat burial |
落葬 see styles |
luò zàng luo4 zang4 lo tsang |
to bury the dead |
軍葬 see styles |
gunsou / gunso ぐんそう |
military funeral |
送葬 see styles |
sòng zàng song4 zang4 sung tsang sōsō そうそう |
to participate in funeral procession; to attend a burial (n,vs,adj-no) (1) funeral; burial rites; (2) attendance at a funeral To escort for burial. |
野葬 see styles |
yě zàng ye3 zang4 yeh tsang yasō |
Burial by abandoning the corpse in the wilds. |
陪葬 see styles |
péi zàng pei2 zang4 p`ei tsang pei tsang |
to be buried with or next to dead person (of deceased's partner, or of funerary objects) |
風葬 see styles |
fuusou / fuso ふうそう |
(noun/participle) burial (disposal of a body) by exposure to the elements; aerial sepulture (burial) |
鳥葬 see styles |
chousou / choso ちょうそう |
sky burial (funeral ritual in which the body of the deceased is exposed to be eaten by birds) |
葬の列 see styles |
sounoretsu / sonoretsu そうのれつ |
funeral procession |
葬儀場 see styles |
sougijou / sogijo そうぎじょう |
funeral home |
葬儀屋 see styles |
sougiya / sogiya そうぎや |
(1) funeral parlor (parlour); funeral home; undertaker's; (2) undertaker; mortician; funeral director |
葬儀式 see styles |
sougishiki / sogishiki そうぎしき |
funeral ceremony; wake |
葬儀所 see styles |
sougijo / sogijo そうぎじょ |
(place-name) Sougijo |
葬儀社 see styles |
sougisha / sogisha そうぎしゃ |
undertaker's office; funeral home; funeral parlor |
葬式鉄 see styles |
soushikitetsu / soshikitetsu そうしきてつ |
railfans who gather at the decommissioning of a train or line |
葬斎場 see styles |
sousaijou / sosaijo そうさいじょう |
(place-name) Sousaijō |
葬送曲 see styles |
sousoukyoku / sosokyoku そうそうきょく |
funeral march |
葬送歌 see styles |
sousouka / sosoka そうそうか |
dirge; elegy; threnody |
亂葬崗 乱葬岗 see styles |
luàn zàng gǎng luan4 zang4 gang3 luan tsang kang |
unmarked burial mound; untended graveyard; mass grave |
仮埋葬 see styles |
karimaisou / karimaiso かりまいそう |
(noun/participle) temporary burial |
会社葬 see styles |
kaishasou / kaishaso かいしゃそう |
company funeral |
会葬者 see styles |
kaisousha / kaisosha かいそうしゃ |
attendants at a funeral; mourners |
再葬墓 see styles |
saisoubo / saisobo さいそうぼ |
secondary grave (usu. for disinterred and washed bones); reburial grave |
副葬品 see styles |
fukusouhin / fukusohin ふくそうひん |
grave goods; burial accessories |
合同葬 see styles |
goudousou / godoso ごうどうそう |
group funeral; mass funeral; single funeral service held for several people |
喪葬費 丧葬费 see styles |
sāng zàng fèi sang1 zang4 fei4 sang tsang fei |
funeral expenses |
国葬儀 see styles |
kokusougi / kokusogi こくそうぎ |
(term used for the funeral of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzō in 2022) (See 国葬) state funeral |
埋葬地 see styles |
maisouchi / maisochi まいそうち |
burial place (ground); cemetery; graveyard |
埋葬者 see styles |
maisousha / maisosha まいそうしゃ |
(See 被葬者) the entombed; the person buried (in a burial mound, etc.) |
埋葬虫 see styles |
shidemushi; shidemushi しでむし; シデムシ |
(kana only) carrion beetle (any beetle of family Silphidae, incl. burying beetles) |
墓葬區 墓葬区 see styles |
mù zàng qū mu4 zang4 qu1 mu tsang ch`ü mu tsang chü |
burial area |
墓葬群 see styles |
mù zàng qún mu4 zang4 qun2 mu tsang ch`ün mu tsang chün |
burial complex (archaeology) |
家族葬 see styles |
kazokusou / kazokuso かぞくそう |
family funeral |
水葬礼 see styles |
suisourei; mizusourei / suisore; mizusore すいそうれい; みずそうれい |
burial at sea |
火葬場 火葬场 see styles |
huǒ zàng chǎng huo3 zang4 chang3 huo tsang ch`ang huo tsang chang kasouba / kasoba かそうば |
crematorium crematory; crematorium; (place-name) Kasouba |
甕棺葬 瓮棺葬 see styles |
wèng guān zàng weng4 guan1 zang4 weng kuan tsang |
urn burial |
生前葬 see styles |
seizensou / sezenso せいぜんそう |
funeral performed for someone while they are alive; living funeral |
神葬祭 see styles |
shinsousai / shinsosai しんそうさい |
Shinto funeral ceremony |
自然葬 see styles |
shizensou / shizenso しぜんそう |
"natural funeral"; returning a dead person to nature (esp. through the scattering of ashes) |
被葬者 see styles |
hisousha / hisosha ひそうしゃ |
the entombed; the person buried (usually in burial mounds, etc.) |
軍隊葬 see styles |
guntaisou / guntaiso ぐんたいそう |
military funeral |
陪葬品 see styles |
péi zàng pǐn pei2 zang4 pin3 p`ei tsang p`in pei tsang pin |
funerary objects (items buried together with the dead) |
隨葬品 随葬品 see styles |
suí zàng pǐn sui2 zang4 pin3 sui tsang p`in sui tsang pin |
burial goods; burial gifts |
葬り去る see styles |
houmurisaru / homurisaru ほうむりさる |
(transitive verb) to consign to oblivion |
葬式仏教 see styles |
soushikibukkyou / soshikibukkyo そうしきぶっきょう |
(derogatory term) funeral Buddhism; modern day Buddhism in Japan that focuses on the lucrative performing of funeral ceremonies over teaching enlightenment |
葬玉埋香 see styles |
zàng yù mái xiāng zang4 yu4 mai2 xiang1 tsang yü mai hsiang |
lit. burying jade and interring incense (idiom); funeral for a beautiful person |
葬身魚腹 葬身鱼腹 see styles |
zàng shēn yú fù zang4 shen1 yu2 fu4 tsang shen yü fu |
lit. to be buried in the bellies of fish (idiom); fig. to drown |
冠婚葬祭 see styles |
kankonsousai / kankonsosai かんこんそうさい |
(yoji) (See 元服・1,婚礼,祭祀,葬儀) important ceremonial occasions in family relationships |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "葬" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.