There are 310 total results for your 狗 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
狗 see styles |
gǒu gou3 kou inu えのころ |
More info & calligraphy: Dog(archaism) puppy; (1) dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris); (2) snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.); (3) (derogatory term) loser; asshole; (prefix noun) (4) counterfeit; inferior; useless; wasteful A dog. |
狗之 see styles |
kushi くし |
(given name) Kushi |
狗井 see styles |
inui いぬい |
(surname) Inui |
狗仔 see styles |
gǒu zǎi gou3 zai3 kou tsai |
paparazzi |
狗児 see styles |
enokoro えのころ |
(archaism) puppy |
狗刨 see styles |
gǒu páo gou3 pao2 kou p`ao kou pao |
dog paddle (swimming style) |
狗吠 see styles |
gǒu fèi gou3 fei4 kou fei |
bark; CL:聲|声[sheng1]; to bark |
狗子 see styles |
gǒu zǐ gou3 zi3 kou tzu kusu |
a dog |
狗屁 see styles |
gǒu pì gou3 pi4 kou p`i kou pi |
bullshit; nonsense |
狗屋 see styles |
gǒu wū gou3 wu1 kou wu |
kennel |
狗屎 see styles |
gǒu shǐ gou3 shi3 kou shih |
canine excrement; dog poo; bullshit |
狗展 see styles |
gǒu zhǎn gou3 zhan3 kou chan |
dog show |
狗屠 see styles |
kuto くと |
(1) (archaism) dog slaughter; killing of dogs; (2) (archaism) dog butcher |
狗川 see styles |
kunukawa くぬかわ |
(surname) Kunukawa |
狗巻 see styles |
inumaki いぬまき |
(surname) Inumaki |
狗帶 狗带 see styles |
gǒu dài gou3 dai4 kou tai |
(Internet slang) to go away; to slink off; (transliteration of "go die", possibly from 去死[qu4 si3]) |
狗年 see styles |
gǒu nián gou3 nian2 kou nien |
Year of the Dog (e.g. 2006) |
狗心 see styles |
gǒu xīn gou3 xin1 kou hsin kushin |
A dog's heart, satisfied with trifles, unreceptive of Buddha's teaching. |
狗戒 see styles |
gǒu jiè gou3 jie4 kou chieh kukai |
Dog-rule, dog-morals, i.e. heretics who sought salvation by living like dogs, eating garbage, etc. |
狗拳 see styles |
gǒu quán gou3 quan2 kou ch`üan kou chüan |
Gou Quan - "Dog Fist" - Martial Art |
狗日 see styles |
gǒu rì gou3 ri4 kou jih |
lit. fucked or spawned by a dog; contemptible; lousy, fucking |
狗朗 see styles |
kurou / kuro くろう |
(surname) Kurou |
狗法 see styles |
gǒu fǎ gou3 fa3 kou fa kuhō |
Dog-law, fighting and hating, characteristics of the monks in the last days of the world. |
狗洞 see styles |
gǒu dòng gou3 dong4 kou tung |
dog door |
狗熊 see styles |
gǒu xióng gou3 xiong2 kou hsiung |
black bear; coward |
狗牌 see styles |
gǒu pái gou3 pai2 kou p`ai kou pai |
dog tag |
狗犬 see styles |
gǒu quán gou3 quan2 kou ch`üan kou chüan kuken |
dogs |
狗狗 see styles |
gǒu gōu gou3 gou1 kou kou |
(coll.) dog; doggie |
狗獾 see styles |
gǒu huān gou3 huan1 kou huan |
badger; CL:隻|只[zhi1] |
狗田 see styles |
inuta いぬた |
(surname) Inuta |
狗秀 see styles |
gǒu xiù gou3 xiu4 kou hsiu |
dog show |
狗窩 狗窝 see styles |
gǒu wō gou3 wo1 kou wo |
doghouse; kennel |
狗竇 狗窦 see styles |
gǒu dòu gou3 dou4 kou tou |
dog hole; gap caused by missing teeth; fig. den of thieves |
狗糧 狗粮 see styles |
gǒu liáng gou3 liang2 kou liang |
dog food; (Internet slang) public display of affection (term used by singles 單身狗|单身狗[dan1 shen1 gou3] forced to "eat" it) |
狗肉 see styles |
gǒu ròu gou3 rou4 kou jou kuniku くにく |
dog meat dog meat; dog flesh |
狗腿 see styles |
gǒu tuǐ gou3 tui3 kou t`ui kou tui |
lackey; henchman |
狗舍 see styles |
gǒu shè gou3 she4 kou she |
kennel |
狗血 see styles |
gǒu xiě gou3 xie3 kou hsieh |
melodramatic; contrived |
狗賊 狗贼 see styles |
gǒu zéi gou3 zei2 kou tsei |
(insult) brigand; swindler |
狗賓 see styles |
guhin ぐひん |
(given name) Guhin |
狗門 狗门 see styles |
gǒu mén gou3 men2 kou men |
dog door; dog flap |
狗飼 see styles |
inugai いぬがい |
(personal name) Inugai |
狗鷲 狗鹫 see styles |
gǒu jiù gou3 jiu4 kou chiu inuwashi いぬわし |
royal eagle; CL:隻|只[zhi1] (kana only) golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) |
周狗 see styles |
zhōu gǒu zhou1 gou3 chou kou |
obedient dog; lackey |
唐狗 see styles |
táng gǒu tang2 gou3 t`ang kou tang kou |
mongrel |
土狗 see styles |
tǔ gǒu tu3 gou3 t`u kou tu kou |
More info & calligraphy: Earth Dog |
天狗 see styles |
tiān gǒu tian1 gou3 t`ien kou tien kou tengu てんぐ |
More info & calligraphy: Tenguulkā, 憂流迦the 'heavenly dog' i. e. a meteor. Also 'a star in Argo' according to Williams. |
家狗 see styles |
jiā gǒu jia1 gou3 chia kou ie-no-inu |
A domestic dog, i.e. trouble, which ever dogs oneś steps. |
小狗 see styles |
xiǎo gǒu xiao3 gou3 hsiao kou |
pup; puppy |
戌狗 see styles |
xū gǒu xu1 gou3 hsü kou |
Year 11, year of the Dog (e.g. 2006) |
打狗 see styles |
dǎ gǒu da3 gou3 ta kou taakau / takau ターカウ |
Takow, Takao or Takau, old name for Kaohsiung 高雄[Gao1 xiong2] in the southwest of Taiwan (place-name) Takao (Taiwan) (old spelling) |
搜狗 see styles |
sōu gǒu sou1 gou3 sou kou |
Sogou, Chinese tech company known for its search engine, |
海狗 see styles |
hǎi gǒu hai3 gou3 hai kou |
fur seal |
溜狗 see styles |
liū gǒu liu1 gou3 liu kou |
to take a dog for a walk |
火狗 see styles |
huǒ gǒu huo3 gou3 huo kou kaku |
More info & calligraphy: Fire Dog |
熱狗 热狗 see styles |
rè gǒu re4 gou3 je kou |
hot dog (loanword) |
牛狗 see styles |
niú gǒu niu2 gou3 niu kou gyūku |
ascetic practice of living like an animal |
狂狗 see styles |
kuáng gǒu kuang2 gou3 k`uang kou kuang kou kyōku |
A mad dog. |
狼狗 see styles |
láng gǒu lang2 gou3 lang kou |
wolfdog |
獵狗 猎狗 see styles |
liè gǒu lie4 gou3 lieh kou |
hunting dog |
痴狗 see styles |
chī gǒu chi1 gou3 ch`ih kou chih kou |
Deluded dogs, i.e. the Hīnayāna śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas. |
癡狗 see styles |
chī gǒu chi1 gou3 ch`ih kou chih kou chiku |
deluded dogs |
美狗 see styles |
miku みく |
(female given name) Miku |
舔狗 see styles |
tiǎn gǒu tian3 gou3 t`ien kou tien kou |
(neologism c. 2018) (slang) simp; person who resorts to cringeworthy fawning behavior in pursuing sb who does not requite their affections |
蒼狗 苍狗 see styles |
cāng gǒu cang1 gou3 ts`ang kou tsang kou |
(fig.) the unpredictable changeability of the world; bad omen |
豬狗 猪狗 see styles |
zhū gǒu zhu1 gou3 chu kou |
pig-dog (intended as insult); Schweinhund |
走狗 see styles |
zǒu gǒu zou3 gou3 tsou kou souku / soku そうく |
hunting dog; hound; (fig.) running dog; lackey hound; hunting dog; running dog; dupe; tool of another person; cat's-paw |
遛狗 see styles |
liù gǒu liu4 gou3 liu kou |
to walk a dog |
野狗 see styles |
yě gǒu ye3 gou3 yeh kou |
wild dog; feral dog; stray dog |
鬣狗 see styles |
liè gǒu lie4 gou3 lieh kou |
hyena |
魚狗 鱼狗 see styles |
yú gǒu yu2 gou3 yü kou kawasemi かわせみ |
kingfisher kingfisher (esp. the common kingfisher, Alcedo atthis) |
狗仔式 see styles |
gǒu zǎi shì gou3 zai3 shi4 kou tsai shih |
dog paddle (swimming); doggy style (sex) |
狗仔隊 狗仔队 see styles |
gǒu zǎi duì gou3 zai3 dui4 kou tsai tui |
paparazzi |
狗吃屎 see styles |
gǒu chī shǐ gou3 chi1 shi3 kou ch`ih shih kou chih shih |
to fall flat on one's face (vulgar) |
狗咬狗 see styles |
gǒu yǎo gǒu gou3 yao3 gou3 kou yao kou |
dog-eat-dog; dogfight |
狗尾草 see styles |
enokorogusa; enokorogusa エノコログサ; えのころぐさ |
(kana only) green foxtail (Setaria viridis); green bristlegrass |
狗屎運 狗屎运 see styles |
gǒu shǐ yùn gou3 shi3 yun4 kou shih yün |
(coll.) (other people's) dumb luck |
狗崽子 see styles |
gǒu zǎi zi gou3 zai3 zi5 kou tsai tzu |
(coll.) puppy; (derog.) son of a bitch |
狗東西 see styles |
gǒu dōng xi gou3 dong1 xi5 kou tung hsi |
scumbag; scoundrel |
狗母魚 see styles |
eso; eso えそ; エソ |
(kana only) lizardfish (any fish of family Synodontidae) |
狗爬式 see styles |
gǒu pá shì gou3 pa2 shi4 kou p`a shih kou pa shih |
dog paddle (swimming style); doggy style (sex position) |
狗狗幣 狗狗币 see styles |
gǒu gǒu bì gou3 gou3 bi4 kou kou pi |
Dogecoin (cryptocurrency) |
狗狗秀 see styles |
gǒu gǒu xiù gou3 gou3 xiu4 kou kou hsiu |
dog show |
狗男女 see styles |
gǒu nán nǚ gou3 nan2 nu:3 kou nan nü |
a couple engaged in an illicit love affair; a cheating couple |
狗神岳 see styles |
kushindake くしんだけ |
(personal name) Kushindake |
狗腿子 see styles |
gǒu tuǐ zi gou3 tui3 zi5 kou t`ui tzu kou tui tzu |
dog's leg; fig. one who follows a villain; henchman; hired thug |
狗雜碎 狗杂碎 see styles |
gǒu zá suì gou3 za2 sui4 kou tsa sui |
piece of shit; scumbag |
狗雜種 狗杂种 see styles |
gǒu zá zhǒng gou3 za2 zhong3 kou tsa chung |
son of a bitch; damn bastard |
狗食袋 see styles |
gǒu shí dài gou3 shi2 dai4 kou shih tai |
doggy bag; take-out container |
中天狗 see styles |
nakatengu なかてんぐ |
(personal name) Nakatengu |
京巴狗 see styles |
jīng bā gǒu jing1 ba1 gou3 ching pa kou |
Pekingese (dog breed) |
八哥狗 see styles |
bā gē gǒu ba1 ge1 gou3 pa ko kou |
pug (breed of dog) |
八天狗 see styles |
hattengu はってんぐ |
(See 天狗・1) hattengu; tengu said to live among the 8 mountains of Atago, Hira, Daisen, Ōmine, Kurama, Iizuna, Hiko, and Shiramine |
冠魚狗 冠鱼狗 see styles |
guān yú gǒu guan1 yu2 gou3 kuan yü kou |
(bird species of China) crested kingfisher (Megaceryle lugubris) |
叭啦狗 see styles |
bā lā gǒu ba1 la1 gou3 pa la kou |
bulldog |
哈巴狗 see styles |
hǎ bā gǒu ha3 ba1 gou3 ha pa kou |
pekingese (dog); (fig.) sycophant; lackey |
單身狗 单身狗 see styles |
dān shēn gǒu dan1 shen1 gou3 tan shen kou |
(Internet slang) person who is neither married nor in a relationship (used self-deprecatingly) |
大天狗 see styles |
daitengu; ootengu だいてんぐ; おおてんぐ |
(1) (See 天狗・1) large tengu; powerful tengu; (2) (idiom) (See 天狗・2) big braggart; blowhard |
天狗原 see styles |
tengubara てんぐばら |
(place-name) Tengubara |
天狗城 see styles |
tengajou / tengajo てんがじょう |
(place-name) Tengajō |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "狗" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.