There are 124 total results for your 燒 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
燒 烧 see styles |
shāo shao1 shao shō |
to burn; to cook; to stew; to bake; to roast; to heat; to boil (tea, water etc); fever; to run a temperature; (coll.) to let things go to one's head To burn. |
燒傷 烧伤 see styles |
shāo shāng shao1 shang1 shao shang |
burn (injury) |
燒到 烧到 see styles |
shāo dào shao1 dao4 shao tao |
to have a fever reaching (a certain temperature) |
燒包 烧包 see styles |
shāo bāo shao1 bao1 shao pao |
to forget oneself in extravagance; to burn money |
燒味 烧味 see styles |
shāo wèi shao1 wei4 shao wei |
siu mei; spit-roasted meat dish in Cantonese cuisine |
燒喪 烧丧 see styles |
shāo sàng shao1 sang4 shao sang shōsō |
perishes in a fire |
燒埋 烧埋 see styles |
shāo mái shao1 mai2 shao mai |
to bury; funeral rites |
燒害 烧害 see styles |
shāo hài shao1 hai4 shao hai shōgai |
to burn and damages |
燒屏 烧屏 see styles |
shāo píng shao1 ping2 shao p`ing shao ping |
(electronics) screen burn-in |
燒山 see styles |
yakeyama やけやま |
(place-name) Yakeyama |
燒心 烧心 see styles |
shāo xīn shao1 xin1 shao hsin |
to worry |
燒惱 烧恼 see styles |
shāo nǎo shao1 nao3 shao nao shōnō |
burning distress |
燒木 烧木 see styles |
shāo mù shao1 mu4 shao mu shōmoku |
to burn wood |
燒本 see styles |
yakimoto やきもと |
(surname) Yakimoto |
燒杯 烧杯 see styles |
shāo bēi shao1 bei1 shao pei |
beaker (glassware) |
燒死 烧死 see styles |
shāo sǐ shao1 si3 shao ssu |
to burn to death |
燒毛 烧毛 see styles |
shāo máo shao1 mao2 shao mao |
to singe (textiles) |
燒水 烧水 see styles |
shāo shuǐ shao1 shui3 shao shui |
to heat water; to boil water |
燒滅 烧灭 see styles |
shāo miè shao1 mie4 shao mieh shōmetsu |
to burn up |
燒火 烧火 see styles |
shāo huǒ shao1 huo3 shao huo |
to light a fire for cooking |
燒灼 烧灼 see styles |
shāo zhuó shao1 zhuo2 shao cho |
to burn; to scorch; to cauterize |
燒炙 烧炙 see styles |
shāo zhì shao1 zhi4 shao chih shōseki |
to burn |
燒炭 烧炭 see styles |
shāo tàn shao1 tan4 shao t`an shao tan |
to manufacture charcoal; to burn charcoal (often a reference to suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning) |
燒烤 烧烤 see styles |
shāo kǎo shao1 kao3 shao k`ao shao kao |
barbecue; to roast |
燒焊 烧焊 see styles |
shāo hàn shao1 han4 shao han |
to weld |
燒焦 烧焦 see styles |
shāo jiāo shao1 jiao1 shao chiao |
to burn; to scorch; burned; burning; scorched; charred |
燒然 烧然 see styles |
shāo rán shao1 ran2 shao jan shōnen |
to burn |
燒煤 烧煤 see styles |
shāo méi shao1 mei2 shao mei |
to burn coal |
燒煮 烧煮 see styles |
shāo zhǔ shao1 zhu3 shao chu shōsha |
to cook to burn |
燒燬 烧毁 see styles |
shāo huǐ shao1 hui3 shao hui |
to destroy (or be destroyed) by fire |
燒瓶 烧瓶 see styles |
shāo píng shao1 ping2 shao p`ing shao ping |
laboratory flask |
燒田 see styles |
yakida やきだ |
(surname) Yakida |
燒盡 烧尽 see styles |
shāo jìn shao1 jin4 shao chin shōjin |
to consume (something) by fire |
燒石 see styles |
yanagiuchi やなぎうち |
(surname) Yanagiuchi |
燒硬 烧硬 see styles |
shāo yìng shao1 ying4 shao ying |
to fire (pottery) |
燒紅 烧红 see styles |
shāo hóng shao1 hong2 shao hung |
to heat until red-hot |
燒紙 烧纸 see styles |
shāo zhǐ shao1 zhi3 shao chih |
to burn paper offerings (as part of religious ceremony) |
燒結 烧结 see styles |
shāo jié shao1 jie2 shao chieh |
to sinter; to agglomerate ore by burning |
燒罪 烧罪 see styles |
shāo zuì shao1 zui4 shao tsui shōzai |
consumes bad karma by fire |
燒胎 烧胎 see styles |
shāo tāi shao1 tai1 shao t`ai shao tai |
burnout; peel out |
燒臘 烧腊 see styles |
shāo là shao1 la4 shao la |
barbecue (Cantonese style) |
燒茶 烧茶 see styles |
shāo chá shao1 cha2 shao ch`a shao cha |
to make tea |
燒荒 烧荒 see styles |
shāo huāng shao1 huang1 shao huang |
to clear waste land or forest by burning; slash-and-burn (agriculture) |
燒菜 烧菜 see styles |
shāo cài shao1 cai4 shao ts`ai shao tsai |
to cook |
燒製 烧制 see styles |
shāo zhì shao1 zhi4 shao chih |
to fire (in a kiln) |
燒賣 烧卖 see styles |
shāo mài shao1 mai4 shao mai shuumai / shumai しゅうまい |
shumai (shao mai) steamed dumpling; also written 燒麥|烧麦[shao1 mai4] (out-dated kanji) (food term) (kana only) steamed meat dumpling (Chinese-style) (chi:) |
燒酒 烧酒 see styles |
shāo jiǔ shao1 jiu3 shao chiu |
name of a famous Tang dynasty wine; same as 白酒[bai2 jiu3] |
燒錄 烧录 see styles |
shāo lù shao1 lu4 shao lu |
to burn (a CD or DVD) |
燒錢 烧钱 see styles |
shāo qián shao1 qian2 shao ch`ien shao chien |
to burn joss paper; (fig.) to flush money down the toilet |
燒鍊 烧鍊 see styles |
shāo liàn shao1 lian4 shao lien shōren |
to forge |
燒鍋 烧锅 see styles |
shāo guō shao1 guo1 shao kuo |
a still (for distilling alcohol) |
燒開 烧开 see styles |
shāo kāi shao1 kai1 shao k`ai shao kai |
to boil |
燒餅 烧饼 see styles |
shāo bing shao1 bing5 shao ping |
baked sesame seed-coated cake |
燒香 烧香 see styles |
shāo xiāng shao1 xiang1 shao hsiang shōkō |
to burn incense To burn incense. |
燒鳥 烧鸟 see styles |
shāo niǎo shao1 niao3 shao niao |
yakitori, a Japanese dish of skewered grilled chicken |
燒鹼 烧碱 see styles |
shāo jiǎn shao1 jian3 shao chien |
caustic soda NaOH |
燒麥 烧麦 see styles |
shāo mài shao1 mai4 shao mai |
shumai (shao mai) steamed dumpling; also written 燒賣|烧卖[shao1 mai4] |
串燒 串烧 see styles |
chuàn shāo chuan4 shao1 ch`uan shao chuan shao |
to cook on a skewer; barbecued food on a skewer; shish kebab; (fig.) to perform or play songs in sequence; sequence of songs; medley |
五燒 五烧 see styles |
wǔ shāo wu3 shao1 wu shao goshō |
The five burnings, or 五痛 five pains, i. e. infraction of the first five commandments leads to state punishment in this life and the hells in the next. |
低燒 低烧 see styles |
dī shāo di1 shao1 ti shao |
a low fever (up to 38°C) |
劫燒 劫烧 see styles |
jié shāo jie2 shao1 chieh shao kosshō |
idem劫火. |
叉燒 叉烧 see styles |
chā shāo cha1 shao1 ch`a shao cha shao |
char siu; barbecued pork |
所燒 所烧 see styles |
suǒ shāo suo3 shao1 so shao shoshō |
burnt |
杉燒 see styles |
sugiyaki すぎやき |
(surname) Sugiyaki |
火燒 火烧 see styles |
huǒ shāo huo3 shao1 huo shao kashō |
to set fire to; to burn down; burning hot; baked cake burnt |
炙燒 炙烧 see styles |
zhì shāo zhi4 shao1 chih shao sekishō |
to burn |
焙燒 焙烧 see styles |
bèi shāo bei4 shao1 pei shao |
to roast; to bake (e.g. mineral ore) |
焚燒 焚烧 see styles |
fén shāo fen2 shao1 fen shao funshō |
to burn; to set on fire to set fire to |
煅燒 煅烧 see styles |
duàn shāo duan4 shao1 tuan shao |
to calcine (purify by heating) |
照燒 照烧 see styles |
zhào shāo zhao4 shao1 chao shao |
teriyaki (Japanese cooking technique) |
燃燒 燃烧 see styles |
rán shāo ran2 shao1 jan shao |
to ignite; to combust; to burn; combustion; flaming |
發燒 发烧 see styles |
fā shāo fa1 shao1 fa shao |
to have a high temperature (from illness); to have a fever; (fig.) to be fascinated with; to obsess over; (fig.) flourishing; thriving; popular |
紅燒 红烧 see styles |
hóng shāo hong2 shao1 hung shao |
to braise in soy sauce until reddish-brown |
能燒 能烧 see styles |
néng shāo neng2 shao1 neng shao nō shō |
burning, scorching |
退燒 退烧 see styles |
tuì shāo tui4 shao1 t`ui shao tui shao |
to reduce a fever |
高燒 高烧 see styles |
gāo shāo gao1 shao1 kao shao |
fever; high temperature |
燒利市 烧利市 see styles |
shāo lì shì shao1 li4 shi4 shao li shih |
(old) to burn paper money as an offering |
燒夷彈 烧夷弹 see styles |
shāo yí dàn shao1 yi2 dan4 shao i tan |
incendiary bomb |
燒寫器 烧写器 see styles |
shāo xiě qì shao1 xie3 qi4 shao hsieh ch`i shao hsieh chi |
programmer (electronics) |
燒打磨 烧打磨 see styles |
shāo dǎ mó shao1 da3 mo2 shao ta mo shō chō ma |
burning, hitting, and grinding |
燒水壺 烧水壶 see styles |
shāo shuǐ hú shao1 shui3 hu2 shao shui hu |
kettle |
燒灼傷 烧灼伤 see styles |
shāo zhuó shāng shao1 zhuo2 shang1 shao cho shang |
burn (injury); scorching |
燒灼感 烧灼感 see styles |
shāo zhuó gǎn shao1 zhuo2 gan3 shao cho kan |
burning pain |
燒灼疼 烧灼疼 see styles |
shāo zhuó téng shao1 zhuo2 teng2 shao cho t`eng shao cho teng |
burning pain |
燒烤醬 烧烤酱 see styles |
shāo kǎo jiàng shao1 kao3 jiang4 shao k`ao chiang shao kao chiang |
barbecue sauce |
燒茄子 烧茄子 see styles |
shāo qié zi shao1 qie2 zi5 shao ch`ieh tzu shao chieh tzu |
stewed eggplant |
燒高香 烧高香 see styles |
shāo gāo xiāng shao1 gao1 xiang1 shao kao hsiang |
to burn incense; to thank profusely |
全燒祭 全烧祭 see styles |
quán shāo jì quan2 shao1 ji4 ch`üan shao chi chüan shao chi |
burnt offering (Judaism) |
叉燒包 叉烧包 see styles |
chā shāo bāo cha1 shao1 bao1 ch`a shao pao cha shao pao |
steamed bun stuffed with skewer-roasted pork |
壽喜燒 寿喜烧 see styles |
shòu xǐ shāo shou4 xi3 shao1 shou hsi shao |
sukiyaki |
大阪燒 大阪烧 see styles |
dà bǎn shāo da4 ban3 shao1 ta pan shao |
okonomiyaki (Japanese savory pancake) in the Kansai or Osaka 大阪[Da4ban3] style |
得燒然 得烧然 see styles |
dé shāo rán de2 shao1 ran2 te shao jan toku shōnen |
can burn |
火燒雲 火烧云 see styles |
huǒ shāo yún huo3 shao1 yun2 huo shao yün |
nuée ardente; hot cloud of volcanic ash |
燃燒劑 燃烧剂 see styles |
rán shāo jì ran2 shao1 ji4 jan shao chi |
incendiary agent |
燃燒匙 燃烧匙 see styles |
rán shāo chí ran2 shao1 chi2 jan shao ch`ih jan shao chih |
deflagrating spoon; combustion spoon |
燃燒彈 燃烧弹 see styles |
rán shāo dàn ran2 shao1 dan4 jan shao tan |
fire bomb; incendiary device |
燃燒瓶 燃烧瓶 see styles |
rán shāo píng ran2 shao1 ping2 jan shao p`ing jan shao ping |
Molotov cocktail |
燜燒鍋 焖烧锅 see styles |
mèn shāo guō men4 shao1 guo1 men shao kuo |
to casserole; to stew; vacuum flask; cooker |
發燒友 发烧友 see styles |
fā shāo yǒu fa1 shao1 you3 fa shao yu |
fan; zealot |
章魚燒 章鱼烧 see styles |
zhāng yú shāo zhang1 yu2 shao1 chang yü shao |
takoyaki (octopus dumpling), a Japanese snack food |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "燒" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.