There are 454 total results for your 炎 search. I have created 5 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12345>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
炎 see styles |
yán yan2 yen homura ほむら |
flame; inflammation; -itis (suffix) {med} (See 扁桃腺炎) -itis (indicating an inflammatory disease); (female given name) Homura Blazing, burning. |
炎々 see styles |
enen えんえん |
(adj-t,adv-to) blazing; fiery |
炎上 see styles |
enjou / enjo えんじょう |
(n,vs,vi) (1) going up in flames; destruction by fire (esp. of a large building); (n,vs,vi) (2) (colloquialism) stirring up a storm of criticism online (of an article, tweet, statement, etc.); becoming the target of an Internet pitchfork mob |
炎光 see styles |
yán guāng yan2 guang1 yen kuang enkou / enko えんこう |
flame flaming light |
炎夏 see styles |
yán xià yan2 xia4 yen hsia enka えんか |
hot summer; scorching summer (1) hot summer; (2) middle of summer |
炎天 see styles |
enten えんてん |
blazing heat; scorching sun; (given name) Enten |
炎威 see styles |
eni えんい |
(obsolete) intense heat (of the sun) |
炎子 see styles |
moeko もえこ |
(female given name) Moeko |
炎帝 see styles |
yán dì yan2 di4 yen ti |
Flame Emperors (c. 2000 BC), legendary dynasty descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God |
炎性 see styles |
yán xìng yan2 xing4 yen hsing |
inflammatory (medicine) |
炎摩 see styles |
yán mó yan2 mo2 yen mo Enma |
Yama |
炎明 see styles |
yán míng yan2 ming2 yen ming enmyō |
dazzling radiance |
炎星 see styles |
ensei / ense えんせい |
(given name) Ensei |
炎昼 see styles |
enchuu / enchu えんちゅう |
hot summer early afternoon |
炎暑 see styles |
ensho えんしょ |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) heat wave; intense heat |
炎樹 see styles |
enju えんじゅ |
(female given name) Enju |
炎炎 see styles |
yán yán yan2 yan2 yen yen enen えんえん |
scorching (adj-t,adv-to) blazing; fiery |
炎照 see styles |
yán zhào yan2 zhao4 yen chao enshō |
to shine |
炎熱 炎热 see styles |
yán rè yan2 re4 yen je ennetsu えんねつ |
blistering hot; sizzling hot (weather) (noun - becomes adjective with の) sweltering heat |
炎珠 see styles |
enju えんじゅ |
(female given name) Enju |
炎症 see styles |
yán zhèng yan2 zheng4 yen cheng enshou / ensho えんしょう |
inflammation inflammation; irritation |
炎管 see styles |
enkan えんかん |
(See 煙管・えんかん・2) fire tube (in a boiler); furnace flue; smoke tube |
炎經 炎经 see styles |
yán jīng yan2 jing1 yen ching Enkyō |
A name for the Nirvana Sutra, referring to the Buddha's cremation; also to its glorious teaching. |
炎色 see styles |
enshoku えんしょく |
flame (color, colour); flame scarlet; bright reddish; orange |
炎谷 see styles |
nukudani ぬくだに |
(surname) Nukudani |
炎陵 see styles |
yán líng yan2 ling2 yen ling |
Yanling County in Zhuzhou 株洲[Zhu1 zhou1], Hunan |
炎陽 see styles |
enyou / enyo えんよう |
summer sun; summer |
炎靄 see styles |
enai えんあい |
(rare) hot summer air |
炎點 炎点 see styles |
yán diǎn yan2 dian3 yen tien enten |
Nirvana, which burns up metempsychosis. |
介炎 see styles |
kaien かいえん |
(personal name) Kaien |
余炎 see styles |
yoen よえん |
burning embers |
佳炎 see styles |
keien / keen けいえん |
(given name) Keien |
光炎 see styles |
kouen / koen こうえん |
light and flame |
内炎 see styles |
naien ないえん |
inner flame |
双炎 see styles |
souen / soen そうえん |
(given name) Souen |
口炎 see styles |
kouen / koen こうえん |
{med} mouth ulcer; stomatitis |
咽炎 see styles |
yān yán yan1 yan2 yen yen |
pharyngitis |
喉炎 see styles |
hóu yán hou2 yan2 hou yen |
laryngitis |
壮炎 see styles |
souen / soen そうえん |
(personal name) Souen |
情炎 see styles |
jouen / joen じょうえん |
burning passion; flaming desires |
春炎 see styles |
shunen しゅんえん |
(given name) Shun'en |
晶炎 see styles |
shouen / shoen しょうえん |
(female given name) Shouen |
楊炎 see styles |
youen / yoen ようえん |
(personal name) Yōen |
残炎 see styles |
zanen ざんえん |
(1) lingering heat (in autumn); (2) remaining flame |
気炎 see styles |
kien きえん |
high spirits; big talking |
氷炎 see styles |
hien ひえん |
(female given name) Hien |
沙炎 see styles |
safaia さふぁいあ |
(female given name) Safaia |
消炎 see styles |
xiāo yán xiao1 yan2 hsiao yen |
to reduce fever; antipyretic; to decrease inflammation |
火炎 see styles |
kaen かえん |
flame; blaze |
爾炎 尔炎 see styles |
ěr yán er3 yan2 erh yen nien |
jñeya |
發炎 发炎 see styles |
fā yán fa1 yan2 fa yen |
to become inflamed; inflammation |
白炎 see styles |
hakuen はくえん |
(given name) Hakuen |
皮炎 see styles |
pí yán pi2 yan2 p`i yen pi yen |
dermatitis |
筋炎 see styles |
kinen きんえん |
{med} myositis |
紅炎 see styles |
kouen / koen こうえん |
(1) red flame; (2) (astron) (solar) prominence |
緋炎 see styles |
hien ひえん |
(female given name) Hien |
美炎 see styles |
mien みえん |
(female given name) Mien |
耳炎 see styles |
jien じえん |
{med} otitis; inflammation of the ear |
肝炎 see styles |
gān yán gan1 yan2 kan yen kanen かんえん |
hepatitis {med} hepatitis |
肺炎 see styles |
fèi yán fei4 yan2 fei yen haien はいえん |
pneumonia; inflammation of the lungs {med} pneumonia |
胃炎 see styles |
wèi yán wei4 yan2 wei yen ien いえん |
gastritis {med} gastritis; gastric catarrh |
脳炎 see styles |
nouen / noen のうえん |
{med} brain inflammation; encephalitis; cerebritis |
腎炎 肾炎 see styles |
shèn yán shen4 yan2 shen yen jinen じんえん |
kidney inflammation; nephritis {med} nephritis; inflammation of the kidneys |
腦炎 脑炎 see styles |
nǎo yán nao3 yan2 nao yen |
encephalitis |
腱炎 see styles |
jiàn yán jian4 yan2 chien yen kenen けんえん |
tendonitis {med} tendinitis; tendonitis |
腸炎 肠炎 see styles |
cháng yán chang2 yan2 ch`ang yen chang yen chouen / choen ちょうえん |
enteritis {med} enteritis |
膜炎 see styles |
mó yán mo2 yan2 mo yen |
inflammation of membrane; membranitis |
膣炎 see styles |
chitsuen ちつえん |
vaginitis |
膵炎 see styles |
suien すいえん |
pancreatitis |
舌炎 see styles |
zetsuen ぜつえん |
{med} glossitis |
草炎 see styles |
souen / soen そうえん |
(given name) Souen |
華炎 see styles |
kaen かえん |
(female given name) Kaen |
蒼炎 see styles |
safaia さふぁいあ |
(female given name) Safaia |
鎖炎 see styles |
safaia さふぁいあ |
(female given name) Safaia |
防炎 see styles |
bouen / boen ぼうえん |
fire prevention |
陶炎 see styles |
touen / toen とうえん |
(personal name) Touen |
陽炎 阳炎 see styles |
yáng yán yang2 yan2 yang yen kagerou / kagero かげろう |
dazzling sunlight; glare of sunlight heat haze; shimmer of hot air; (female given name) Kagerou mirage |
風炎 see styles |
fuuen / fuen ふうえん |
(See フェーン) foehn; föhn; foehn wind; föhn wind |
骨炎 see styles |
kotsuen こつえん |
{med} (See 骨髄炎) osteitis |
鬼炎 see styles |
kimera きめら |
(female given name) Kimera |
鼻炎 see styles |
bí yán bi2 yan2 pi yen bien びえん |
rhinitis {med} rhinitis; coryza; nasal inflammation |
齦炎 龈炎 see styles |
yín yán yin2 yan2 yin yen |
gingivitis |
炎亞綸 炎亚纶 see styles |
yán yà lún yan2 ya4 lun2 yen ya lun |
Aaron Yan (1986-), Taiwanese singer |
炎多留 see styles |
hotaru ほたる |
(female given name) Hotaru |
炎天下 see styles |
entenka えんてんか |
under the blazing sun; in sweltering heat |
炎帝陵 see styles |
yán dì líng yan2 di4 ling2 yen ti ling |
Fiery Emperor's tomb in Yanling county, Zhuzhou 株洲, Hunan |
炎症性 see styles |
enshousei / enshose えんしょうせい |
(can be adjective with の) {med} inflammatory; pro-inflammatory |
炎陵縣 炎陵县 see styles |
yán líng xiàn yan2 ling2 xian4 yen ling hsien |
Yanling County in Zhuzhou 株洲[Zhu1 zhou1], Hunan |
すい炎 see styles |
suien すいえん |
pancreatitis |
中耳炎 see styles |
zhōng ěr yán zhong1 er3 yan2 chung erh yen chuujien / chujien ちゅうじえん |
inflammation of middle ear; otitis media {med} otitis media; middle-ear infection |
乳房炎 see styles |
nyuubouen / nyuboen にゅうぼうえん |
{med} mastitis |
乳腺炎 see styles |
rǔ xiàn yán ru3 xian4 yan2 ju hsien yen nyuusenen / nyusenen にゅうせんえん |
mastitis {med} mastitis |
亀頭炎 see styles |
kitouen / kitoen きとうえん |
{med} balanitis |
内耳炎 see styles |
naijien ないじえん |
{med} otitis interna |
動脈炎 see styles |
doumyakuen / domyakuen どうみゃくえん |
{med} arteritis |
卵巣炎 see styles |
ransouen / ransoen らんそうえん |
{med} ovaritis |
卵管炎 see styles |
rankanen らんかんえん |
{med} salpingitis |
口内炎 see styles |
kounaien / konaien こうないえん |
{med} mouth ulcer; stomatitis |
口峡炎 see styles |
koukyouen / kokyoen こうきょうえん |
{med} sore throat; acute tonsillitis; angina |
口腔炎 see styles |
kǒu qiāng yán kou3 qiang1 yan2 k`ou ch`iang yen kou chiang yen |
stomatitis; ulceration of oral cavity; inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "炎" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.