There are 368 total results for your 減 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
減 减 see styles |
jiǎn jian3 chien gen げん |
to lower; to decrease; to reduce; to subtract; to diminish (n,n-suf) (1) reduction; decrease; (2) {math} subtraction; (3) (archaism) reduction of penalty (under the ritsuryō codes) v. 减.; 减 Diminish, decrease, abate, reduce, abbreviate; opp. 增. |
減り see styles |
heri へり |
decrease; reduction; fall |
減る see styles |
heru へる |
(v5r,vi) (ant: 増える) to decrease (in size or number); to diminish; to abate |
減低 减低 see styles |
jiǎn dī jian3 di1 chien ti |
to lower; to reduce |
減作 see styles |
gensaku げんさく |
(n,vs,vi) (ant: 増作) poor crop; diminished yield |
減価 see styles |
genka げんか |
(n,vs,vi) price reduction; depreciation; abatement |
減便 see styles |
genbin げんびん |
(noun/participle) reduction in service (flights, buses, etc.) |
減俸 减俸 see styles |
jiǎn fèng jian3 feng4 chien feng genpou / genpo げんぽう |
to lower salary; to reduce pay (n,vs,vi) salary reduction; salary cut |
減債 see styles |
gensai げんさい |
(noun/participle) partial payment of a debt; reduction of a debt |
減價 减价 see styles |
jiǎn jià jian3 jia4 chien chia |
to cut prices; to discount; to mark down; price cutting |
減光 see styles |
genkou / genko げんこう |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) light reduction; dimming of a light; (n,vs,vi) (2) {astron} extinction |
減免 减免 see styles |
jiǎn miǎn jian3 mian3 chien mien genmen げんめん |
to reduce or waive (taxes, punishment, rent, tuition etc) (noun, transitive verb) reduction and exemption (e.g. taxes); mitigation and remission (e.g. in criminal law) |
減分 减分 see styles |
jiǎn fēn jian3 fen1 chien fen |
to deduct points; to lose points |
減刑 减刑 see styles |
jiǎn xíng jian3 xing2 chien hsing genkei / genke げんけい |
to reduce penalty; shortened or commuted (judicial) sentence (n,vs,vi) reduction of penalty; commutation of a sentence |
減削 减削 see styles |
jiǎn xuē jian3 xue1 chien hsüeh |
to reduce; to cut down |
減力 see styles |
genryoku げんりょく |
{photo} reduction (of a negative) |
減劣 减劣 see styles |
jiǎn liè jian3 lie4 chien lieh genretsu |
less |
減劫 减劫 see styles |
jiǎn jié jian3 jie2 chien chieh genkō |
The decreasing kalpas in which the period of life is gradually reduced, as the 增減 are the kalpas of increase; together they form twenty kalpas, ten diminishing and ten increasing; but there are other definitions. |
減半 减半 see styles |
jiǎn bàn jian3 ban4 chien pan |
to reduce by half |
減却 see styles |
genkyaku げんきゃく |
(noun/participle) reduction; decrease |
減去 减去 see styles |
jiǎn qù jian3 qu4 chien ch`ü chien chü |
minus; to subtract |
減反 see styles |
gentan げんたん |
(noun/participle) reduction (of crop size); reduction of acreage (under cultivation) |
減収 see styles |
genshuu / genshu げんしゅう |
(n,vs,vi) fall; decrease (in income) |
減号 see styles |
gengou / gengo げんごう |
minus sign |
減員 减员 see styles |
jiǎn yuán jian3 yuan2 chien yüan genin げんいん |
to reduce the number of personnel; to experience a reduction in the number of personnel (n,vs,vt,vi) reduction of staff |
減噪 减噪 see styles |
jiǎn zào jian3 zao4 chien tsao |
noise reduction |
減圧 see styles |
genatsu げんあつ |
(n,vs,vt,vi) decompression |
減執 减执 see styles |
jiǎn zhí jian3 zhi2 chien chih gen shū |
attachment to negation |
減塩 see styles |
genen げんえん |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) reduction of salt; sodium restriction |
減壓 减压 see styles |
jiǎn yā jian3 ya1 chien ya |
to reduce pressure; to relax |
減妝 减妆 see styles |
jiǎn zhuāng jian3 zhuang1 chien chuang |
makeup box (old) |
減容 see styles |
genyou / genyo げんよう |
(noun/participle) volume reduction; reducing volume |
減封 see styles |
genpou / genpo げんぽう |
(hist) forced reduction of a daimyo's land by the Edo Shogunate; curtailment of a daimyo's domain |
減小 减小 see styles |
jiǎn xiǎo jian3 xiao3 chien hsiao |
to reduce; to decrease; to diminish |
減少 减少 see styles |
jiǎn shǎo jian3 shao3 chien shao genshou / gensho げんしょう |
to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower (n,vs,vt,vi,adj-no) (ant: 増加) decrease; reduction; decline diminished |
減幅 减幅 see styles |
jiǎn fú jian3 fu2 chien fu |
amount of reduction; size of discount |
減弱 减弱 see styles |
jiǎn ruò jian3 ruo4 chien jo genjaku げんじゃく |
to weaken; to diminish (noun/participle) reduction; weakening; attenuation; diminution; diminishment; lessening |
減息 减息 see styles |
jiǎn xī jian3 xi1 chien hsi |
to lower the interest rate |
減感 see styles |
genkan げんかん |
(noun/participle) desensitization; hyposensitization |
減慢 减慢 see styles |
jiǎn màn jian3 man4 chien man |
to slow down |
減持 减持 see styles |
jiǎn chí jian3 chi2 chien ch`ih chien chih |
(of an investor) to reduce one's holdings |
減振 减振 see styles |
jiǎn zhèn jian3 zhen4 chien chen |
shock absorption; vibration dampening |
減掉 减掉 see styles |
jiǎn diào jian3 diao4 chien tiao |
to subtract; to lose (weight) |
減排 减排 see styles |
jiǎn pái jian3 pai2 chien p`ai chien pai |
to reduce pollutant discharge; to reduce emissions |
減損 减损 see styles |
jiǎn sǔn jian3 sun3 chien sun genson げんそん |
to impair; to degrade; to decrease; to reduce; to weaken; to detract from; impairment (e.g. of financial assets) (noun/participle) decrease; diminution; loss; impairment decrease |
減摩 see styles |
genma げんま |
(n,vs,adj-no) reduction in friction; lubrication |
減数 see styles |
gensuu / gensu げんすう |
(noun/participle) (1) decreasing in number; (noun/participle) (2) {math} subtrahend |
減數 减数 see styles |
jiǎn shù jian3 shu4 chien shu |
(math.) subtrahend |
減枠 see styles |
genwaku げんわく |
(noun/participle) reduction (of an allowance, limit, quota, etc.) |
減核 减核 see styles |
jiǎn hé jian3 he2 chien ho |
nuclear weapons reduction (abbr. for 裁減核武器|裁减核武器[cai2 jian3 he2 wu3 qi4]); disarmament |
減歩 see styles |
genbu げんぶ |
(noun, transitive verb) reallocating private land to public use (e.g. parks, roads); reduction in the amount of private land following a land reallocation; reducing the area of private land to reallocate it to public uses |
減段 see styles |
gentan げんたん |
(noun/participle) reduction (of crop size); reduction of acreage (under cultivation) |
減殺 see styles |
gensai; gensatsu げんさい; げんさつ |
(noun, transitive verb) lessening; diminishing; reducing |
減水 see styles |
gensui げんすい |
(n,vs,vi) (See 増水) subsiding of water |
減泊 see styles |
genpaku げんぱく |
(n,vs,vi) (ant: 延泊) shortening one's stay (at a hotel, etc.) |
減法 减法 see styles |
jiǎn fǎ jian3 fa3 chien fa genpou / genpo げんぽう |
subtraction {math} subtraction |
減流 see styles |
genryuu / genryu げんりゅう |
current reduction (usu. electrical) |
減滅 减灭 see styles |
jiǎn miè jian3 mie4 chien mieh genmetsu |
decrease |
減災 减灾 see styles |
jiǎn zāi jian3 zai1 chien tsai gensai げんさい |
to take measures to mitigate the impact of disasters (including prevention, preparation, and support for stricken communities) natural disaster reduction; reduction of the effects of a natural disaster |
減点 see styles |
genten げんてん |
(noun, transitive verb) (1) (ant: 加点・1) subtracting points; deducting points; (2) points deducted |
減產 减产 see styles |
jiǎn chǎn jian3 chan3 chien ch`an chien chan |
to produce less; to reduce output; lower yield |
減産 see styles |
gensan げんさん |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (ant: 増産) decrease in production |
減益 减益 see styles |
jiǎn yì jian3 yi4 chien i geneki げんえき |
debuff (gaming) (noun/participle) decrease in profits |
減碳 减碳 see styles |
jiǎn tàn jian3 tan4 chien t`an chien tan |
to reduce carbon emissions |
減磁 see styles |
genji げんじ |
(noun/participle) demagnetization |
減磨 see styles |
genma げんま |
(n,vs,adj-no) reduction in friction; lubrication |
減租 减租 see styles |
jiǎn zū jian3 zu1 chien tsu |
to reduce rent |
減稅 减税 see styles |
jiǎn shuì jian3 shui4 chien shui |
to reduce the tax rate |
減税 see styles |
genzei / genze げんぜい |
(n,vs,vt,vi) tax reduction |
減等 see styles |
gentou / gento げんとう |
(noun/participle) reduction; mitigation; commutation; demotion |
減算 see styles |
genzan げんざん |
(n,vs,vt,vi) subtraction |
減築 see styles |
genchiku げんちく |
(noun/participle) reducing the floor space when remodeling a building |
減給 see styles |
genkyuu / genkyu げんきゅう |
(n,vs,vt,vi,adj-no) pay cut; salary cut |
減緩 减缓 see styles |
jiǎn huǎn jian3 huan3 chien huan |
to slow down; to retard |
減耗 see styles |
genmou; genkou / genmo; genko げんもう; げんこう |
(n,vs,vt,vi) natural decrease |
減肉 see styles |
genniku げんにく |
pipe wall thinning |
減肥 减肥 see styles |
jiǎn féi jian3 fei2 chien fei |
to lose weight |
減胎 see styles |
gentai げんたい |
(noun/participle) {med} (See 減胎手術) selective reduction; multifetal pregnancy reduction |
減脂 减脂 see styles |
jiǎn zhī jian3 zhi1 chien chih |
to burn fat; to lose weight (through diet or exercise) |
減色 减色 see styles |
jiǎn sè jian3 se4 chien se genshoku げんしょく |
to fade; (fig.) to lose luster; (of an event etc) to be spoiled; (coinage) to become debased reduced colours; reduced colors |
減菌 see styles |
mekkin めっきん |
(irregular kanji usage) (n,vs,adj-no) sterilization; sterilisation |
減薪 减薪 see styles |
jiǎn xīn jian3 xin1 chien hsin |
to cut wages |
減號 减号 see styles |
jiǎn hào jian3 hao4 chien hao |
minus sign - (math.) |
減衰 see styles |
gensui げんすい |
(n,vs,vi) attenuation; damping; decay |
減見 减见 see styles |
jiǎn jiàn jian3 jian4 chien chien gen ken |
negating perspective |
減計 减计 see styles |
jiǎn jì jian3 ji4 chien chi |
to write down (i.e. to decrease the expected value of a loan) |
減設 see styles |
gensetsu げんせつ |
(noun/participle) (See 増設) removal (of equipment, facilities, etc.); scaling back; downgrading |
減負 减负 see styles |
jiǎn fù jian3 fu4 chien fu |
to alleviate a burden on sb |
減貧 减贫 see styles |
jiǎn pín jian3 pin2 chien p`in chien pin |
to reduce poverty; poverty reduction |
減費 减费 see styles |
jiǎn fèi jian3 fei4 chien fei genhi |
To cut down one's personal expenditure (for the sake of charity). |
減資 see styles |
genshi げんし |
(n,vs,vi) reduction of capital |
減車 see styles |
gensha げんしゃ |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (See 増車) reduction in the number of vehicles, carriages, etc.; reduction in vehicle runs (bus, taxi, etc.) |
減輕 减轻 see styles |
jiǎn qīng jian3 qing1 chien ch`ing chien ching |
to lighten; to ease; to alleviate |
減輝 see styles |
genki げんき |
decalescence |
減退 减退 see styles |
jiǎn tuì jian3 tui4 chien t`ui chien tui gentai げんたい |
to ebb; to go down; to decline (n,vs,vi) decline; ebb; failure; decay; decrease; loss |
減速 减速 see styles |
jiǎn sù jian3 su4 chien su gensoku げんそく |
to reduce speed; to slow down (n,vs,vt,vi,adj-no) (ant: 加速) deceleration |
減配 see styles |
genpai げんぱい |
(noun, transitive verb) reduction in a dividend; smaller ration |
減量 see styles |
genryou / genryo げんりょう |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) loss in weight (esp. body weight); weight reduction; (n,vs,vt,vi) (2) loss in quantity; reduction of quantity |
減除 减除 see styles |
jiǎn chú jian3 chu2 chien ch`u chien chu |
to reduce; to lessen (pain etc); to deduct (from taxes) |
減震 减震 see styles |
jiǎn zhèn jian3 zhen4 chien chen |
shock absorption; damping |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "減" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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