There are 118 total results for your 曜 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
曜 see styles |
yào yao4 yao you / yo よう |
bright; glorious; one of the seven planets of premodern astronomy (female given name) Yō Brilliant, shining. 七曜 The sun, moon, and five planets. 曜宿 These seven and the constellations, the celestial orbs. |
曜一 see styles |
youichi / yoichi よういち |
(given name) Yōichi |
曜二 see styles |
youji / yoji ようじ |
(personal name) Yōji |
曜介 see styles |
yousuke / yosuke ようすけ |
(given name) Yōsuke |
曜代 see styles |
teruyo てるよ |
(female given name) Teruyo |
曜子 see styles |
youko / yoko ようこ |
(female given name) Yōko |
曜宿 see styles |
yào sù yao4 su4 yao su yōshuku |
celestial bodies |
曜山 see styles |
youzan / yozan ようざん |
(surname) Yōzan |
曜平 see styles |
youhei / yohe ようへい |
(personal name) Yōhei |
曜彦 see styles |
teruhiko てるひこ |
(male given name) Teruhiko |
曜成 see styles |
akinari あきなり |
(personal name) Akinari |
曜日 see styles |
kagahi かがひ |
day of the week; (surname) Kagahi |
曜次 see styles |
youji / yoji ようじ |
(personal name) Yōji |
曜母 see styles |
yào mǔ yao4 mu3 yao mu yōmo |
(Skt. Grāha-mātṛkā) |
曜江 see styles |
terue てるえ |
(personal name) Terue |
曜生 see styles |
yousei / yose ようせい |
(given name) Yōsei |
曜示 see styles |
youji / yoji ようじ |
(given name) Yōji |
曜紗 see styles |
teresa てれさ |
(female given name) Teresa |
曜絵 see styles |
akie あきえ |
(female given name) Akie |
曜美 see styles |
youmi / yomi ようみ |
(female given name) Yōmi |
曜聴 see styles |
terutoshi てるとし |
(personal name) Terutoshi |
曜霊 see styles |
yourei / yore ようれい |
(rare) (literary term) the sun |
七曜 see styles |
qī yào qi1 yao4 ch`i yao chi yao shichiyou / shichiyo しちよう |
the seven planets of premodern astronomy (the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) (1) {astron} the seven luminaries (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn); (2) the seven days of the week The seven brilliant ones — the sun and moon, together with the five planets which are connected with fire, water, wood, metal, and earth. Their essence shines in the sky, but their spirits are over men as judges of their good and evil, and as rulers over good and evil fortune. The following list shows their names in Chinese and Sanskrit: Sun 日, 太陽; aditya 阿彌底耶 Moon月, 太陰; soma 蘇摩 Mars火星, 勢惑勞; aṅgāraka 盎哦囉迦 Mercury水星, 辰星; budha 部陀 Jupiter木星, 歳星; bṛhaspati 勿哩訶娑跛底 Venus金星, 太白; śukra 戌羯羅 Saturn土星, 鎭星; śanaiścara 賖乃以室折羅. |
九曜 see styles |
jiǔ yào jiu3 yao4 chiu yao kuyou / kuyo くよう |
(surname) Kuyou 九執 q.v. Navagraha. The nine luminaries: 日 Āditya, the sun; 月 Sōma, the moon; the five planets, i.e. 火星 Aṅgāraka, Mars; 水 Budha, Mercury; 木 Bṛhaspati, Jupiter; 金 Sukra, Venus; and 土 Śanaiścara, Saturn; also 羅睺 Rāhu, the spirit that causes eclipses; and 計都 Ketu, a comet. Each is associated with a region of the sky and also with a bodhisattva, etc., e.g. the sun with Guanyin, Venus with Amitābha, etc. |
光曜 see styles |
guāng yào guang1 yao4 kuang yao kouyou / koyo こうよう |
(given name) Kōyou shining |
六曜 see styles |
rokuyou / rokuyo ろくよう |
(See 先勝・せんしょう・2,友引・ともびき,先負・せんぶ,仏滅・ぶつめつ・2,大安・たいあん,赤口・しゃっこう) Japanese calendar's six labels, indicating how auspicious each day is |
劉曜 see styles |
ryuuyou / ryuyo りゅうよう |
(personal name) Ryūyou |
千曜 see styles |
chiaki ちあき |
(female given name) Chiaki |
土曜 see styles |
tǔ yào tu3 yao4 t`u yao tu yao doyou / doyo どよう |
(See 土曜日) Saturday Śanaiścara |
執曜 执曜 see styles |
zhí yào zhi2 yao4 chih yao shūyō |
graha, the planets, nine or seven. |
大曜 see styles |
taiyou / taiyo たいよう |
(given name) Taiyō |
威曜 see styles |
wēi yào wei1 yao4 wei yao iyō |
(of) an imposing brilliance |
宏曜 see styles |
kouyou / koyo こうよう |
(given name) Kōyou |
宿曜 see styles |
sù yào su4 yao4 su yao sukuyou; shukuyou / sukuyo; shukuyo すくよう; しゅくよう |
(See 宿曜経) form of astrology based on the Xiuyaojing The twenty-eight constellations and seven luminaries. |
康曜 see styles |
michiyo みちよ |
(personal name) Michiyo |
日曜 see styles |
rì yào ri4 yao4 jih yao nichiyou / nichiyo にちよう |
(See 日曜日) Sunday The sun, one of the nine 曜 luminaries; one of the retinue of 日天 shown in the eastern part of the Garbhadhātu group driving three horses. |
明曜 see styles |
míng yào ming2 yao4 ming yao akio あきお |
(given name) Akio to shine |
星曜 see styles |
xīng yào xing1 yao4 hsing yao |
heavenly bodies (esp. the sun, moon or five visible planets) |
晃曜 see styles |
huàng yào huang4 yao4 huang yao kouyou / koyo こうよう |
dazzling brightness to shine brilliantly |
暉曜 晖曜 see styles |
huī yào hui1 yao4 hui yao kiyō |
radiance |
曇曜 昙曜 see styles |
tán yào tan2 yao4 t`an yao tan yao donyou / donyo どんよう |
(personal name) Don'you Tanyao |
月曜 see styles |
yuè yào yue4 yao4 yüeh yao getsuyou / getsuyo げつよう |
(See 月曜日) Monday Moon-shining, or Moon-effulgence; a group shown outside the Garbhadhātu group in the Diamond Court. |
木曜 see styles |
mù yào mu4 yao4 mu yao mokuyou / mokuyo もくよう |
(See 木曜日) Thursday Jupiter, one of the 九曜 nine luminaries, q. v.; on the south of the diamond hall outside the Garbhadhātu maṇḍala. |
水曜 see styles |
shuǐ yào shui3 yao4 shui yao suiyou / suiyo すいよう |
(See 水曜日) Wednesday The planet Mercury, one of the nine luminaries; it is shown south of the west door of the diamond court in the Garbhadhātu. |
浄曜 see styles |
jouyou / joyo じょうよう |
(given name) Jōyō |
火曜 see styles |
huǒ yào huo3 yao4 huo yao kayo かよ |
(See 火曜日) Tuesday; (female given name) Kayo Mars, one of the nine luminaries, shown south of the Diamond hall in the Garbhadhātu. |
照曜 see styles |
zhào yào zhao4 yao4 chao yao shōyō |
to shine on |
等曜 see styles |
touyou / toyo とうよう |
(given name) Touyou |
義曜 see styles |
yoshiteru よしてる |
(personal name) Yoshiteru |
聖曜 see styles |
seiyou / seyo せいよう |
(given name) Seiyou |
金曜 see styles |
jīn yào jin1 yao4 chin yao kinyou / kinyo きんよう |
(See 金曜日) Friday Venus |
黑曜 see styles |
hēi yào hei1 yao4 hei yao |
Kālodāyin |
曜一郎 see styles |
youichirou / yoichiro よういちろう |
(male given name) Yōichirō |
曜之助 see styles |
younosuke / yonosuke ようのすけ |
(male given name) Yōnosuke |
曜有歌 see styles |
aika あいか |
(female given name) Aika |
七曜岳 see styles |
shichiyoudake / shichiyodake しちようだけ |
(place-name) Shichiyoudake |
七曜星 see styles |
shichiyousei / shichiyose しちようせい |
(1) {astron} (See 北斗七星) the Big Dipper (asterism); the Plough; the Plow; (2) {astron} (See 七曜・1) the seven luminaries (sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) |
七曜表 see styles |
shichiyouhyou / shichiyohyo しちようひょう |
calendar |
世光曜 see styles |
shì guāng yào shi4 guang1 yao4 shih kuang yao sekōyō |
brilliant light of the world |
乾曜子 see styles |
inuiyouko / inuiyoko いぬいようこ |
(person) Inui Yōko (1981.4.29-) |
何曜日 see styles |
nanyoubi / nanyobi なんようび |
what day?; what day of the week? |
全曜日 see styles |
zenyoubi / zenyobi ぜんようび |
every day of the week; all days |
出曜經 出曜经 see styles |
chū yào jīng chu1 yao4 jing1 ch`u yao ching chu yao ching Shutsuyō kyō |
avadānas, 阿波陀那 stories of memorable deeds. The sixth of the twelve sections of the canon, consisting of 譬喩 parables and comparisons. |
同曜日 see styles |
douyoubi / doyobi どうようび |
same day (of the week) |
土曜日 see styles |
tǔ yào rì tu3 yao4 ri4 t`u yao jih tu yao jih doyoubi / doyobi どようび |
Saturday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy) (n,adv) Saturday |
天曜寺 see styles |
tenyouji / tenyoji てんようじ |
(personal name) Ten'youji |
宰曜子 see styles |
sayoko さよこ |
(female given name) Sayoko |
宿曜経 see styles |
sukuyougyou / sukuyogyo すくようぎょう |
Xiuyaojing (Indian astrological text written by Amoghavajra); (wk) Xiuyaojing (Indian astrological text written by Amoghavajra) |
宿曜道 see styles |
sukuyoudou / sukuyodo すくようどう |
(See 宿曜) form of astrology based on the Xiuyaojing (brought to Japan in the Heian period) |
日曜子 see styles |
hiyoko ひよこ |
(female given name) Hiyoko |
日曜日 see styles |
rì yào rì ri4 yao4 ri4 jih yao jih nichiyoubi / nichiyobi にちようび |
Sunday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy) (n,adv) Sunday |
日曜版 see styles |
nichiyouban / nichiyoban にちようばん |
Sunday edition of a newspaper |
普曜經 普曜经 see styles |
pǔ yào jīng pu3 yao4 jing1 p`u yao ching pu yao ching Fuyō kyō |
Lalita-vistara |
月曜日 see styles |
yuè yào rì yue4 yao4 ri4 yüeh yao jih getsuyoubi / getsuyobi げつようび |
Monday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy) (n,adv) Monday |
木曜子 see styles |
kiyoko きよこ |
(female given name) Kiyoko |
木曜島 see styles |
mokuyoutou / mokuyoto もくようとう |
(place-name) Thursday Island |
木曜日 see styles |
mù yào rì mu4 yao4 ri4 mu yao jih mokuyoubi / mokuyobi もくようび |
Thursday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy) (n,adv) Thursday |
水曜日 see styles |
shuǐ yào rì shui3 yao4 ri4 shui yao jih suiyoubi / suiyobi すいようび |
Wednesday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy) (n,adv) Wednesday |
法光曜 see styles |
fǎ guāng yào fa3 guang1 yao4 fa kuang yao hō kōyō |
Dharmaprabhāsa |
法照曜 see styles |
fǎ zhào yào fa3 zhao4 yao4 fa chao yao hō shōyō |
Dharmaprabhāsa |
火星曜 see styles |
huǒ xīng yào huo3 xing1 yao4 huo hsing yao kashōyō |
Aṅgāraka |
火曜日 see styles |
huǒ yào rì huo3 yao4 ri4 huo yao jih kayoubi / kayobi かようび |
Tuesday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy) (n,adv) Tuesday Mars |
真曜子 see styles |
shouko / shoko しょうこ |
(female given name) Shouko |
羅睺曜 罗睺曜 see styles |
luó huó yào luo2 huo2 yao4 lo huo yao ragoyō |
Rāhu |
花曜子 see styles |
kayoko かよこ |
(female given name) Kayoko |
計都曜 计都曜 see styles |
jì dū yào ji4 du1 yao4 chi tu yao keitoyō |
Ketu |
金曜日 see styles |
jīn yào rì jin1 yao4 ri4 chin yao jih kinyoubi / kinyobi きんようび |
Friday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy) (n,adv) Friday |
饒村曜 see styles |
nyoumurayou / nyomurayo にょうむらよう |
(person) Nyoumura Yō |
馨曜子 see styles |
kayoko かよこ |
(female given name) Kayoko |
黑曜岩 see styles |
hēi yào yán hei1 yao4 yan2 hei yao yen |
obsidian (mining) |
黑曜石 see styles |
hēi yào shí hei1 yao4 shi2 hei yao shih |
obsidian (mining) |
黒曜岩 see styles |
kokuyougan / kokuyogan こくようがん |
obsidian |
黒曜石 see styles |
kokuyouseki / kokuyoseki こくようせき |
obsidian |
入江曜子 see styles |
irieyouko / irieyoko いりえようこ |
(person) Irie Yōko (1935.2-) |
前野曜子 see styles |
maenoyouko / maenoyoko まえのようこ |
(person) Maeno Yōko (1948.1.25-) |
日曜大工 see styles |
nichiyoudaiku / nichiyodaiku にちようだいく |
weekend carpentry; do-it-yourself; DIY; weekend carpenter; do-it-yourselfer |
日曜学校 see styles |
nichiyougakkou / nichiyogakko にちようがっこう |
Sunday school |
星象惡曜 星象恶曜 see styles |
xīng xiàng è yào xing1 xiang4 e4 yao4 hsing hsiang o yao |
unlucky star (evil portent in astrology) |
江川曜子 see styles |
egawayouko / egawayoko えがわようこ |
(person) Egawa Yōko (1978.10.31-) |
沼田曜一 see styles |
numatayouichi / numatayoichi ぬまたよういち |
(person) Numata Yōichi (1924.7-) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "曜" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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