There are 235 total results for your 團 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
團 团 see styles |
tuán tuan2 t`uan tuan madoka まどか |
round; lump; ball; to roll into a ball; to gather; regiment; group; society; classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke) (personal name) Madoka Round; a ball, mass, lump; a group, company, train-band. |
團丁 团丁 see styles |
tuán dīng tuan2 ding1 t`uan ting tuan ting |
(old) member of local militia |
團上 see styles |
danjou / danjo だんじょう |
(surname) Danjō |
團伙 团伙 see styles |
tuán huǒ tuan2 huo3 t`uan huo tuan huo |
(criminal) gang; gang member; accomplice; crony |
團員 团员 see styles |
tuán yuán tuan2 yuan2 t`uan yüan tuan yüan |
member; group member |
團圓 团圆 see styles |
tuán yuán tuan2 yuan2 t`uan yüan tuan yüan |
to have a reunion |
團塚 see styles |
danzuka だんづか |
(surname) Danzuka |
團墮 团堕 see styles |
tuán duò tuan2 duo4 t`uan to tuan to danda |
food given as alms |
團契 团契 see styles |
tuán qì tuan2 qi4 t`uan ch`i tuan chi |
Christian association; fellowship |
團子 see styles |
dango だんご |
(surname) Dango |
團孝 see styles |
dantaka だんたか |
(surname) Dantaka |
團年 团年 see styles |
tuán nián tuan2 nian2 t`uan nien tuan nien |
(of a family) to come together at lunar New Year's Eve; family reunion at New Year's |
團建 团建 see styles |
tuán jiàn tuan2 jian4 t`uan chien tuan chien |
team building (abbr. for 團隊建設|团队建设[tuan2 dui4 jian4 she4]); building camaraderie within the Chinese Communist Youth League 中國共產主義青年團|中国共产主义青年团[Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 Qing1 nian2 tuan2] |
團戰 团战 see styles |
tuán zhàn tuan2 zhan4 t`uan chan tuan chan |
(gaming) team battle |
團扇 团扇 see styles |
tuán shàn tuan2 shan4 t`uan shan tuan shan |
circular fan |
團拜 团拜 see styles |
tuán bài tuan2 bai4 t`uan pai tuan pai danpai |
To kneel, or worship altogether as a company. |
團村 see styles |
danmura だんむら |
(surname) Danmura |
團栗 see styles |
dankuri だんくり |
(surname) Dankuri |
團滅 团灭 see styles |
tuán miè tuan2 mie4 t`uan mieh tuan mieh |
(video gaming) to eliminate an entire team; to get wiped out |
團田 see styles |
danta だんた |
(surname) Danta |
團結 团结 see styles |
tuán jié tuan2 jie2 t`uan chieh tuan chieh |
to unite; unity; solidarity; united |
團練 团练 see styles |
tuán liàn tuan2 lian4 t`uan lien tuan lien |
local militia formed to suppress peasant rebellion (old) |
團聚 团聚 see styles |
tuán jù tuan2 ju4 t`uan chü tuan chü |
to reunite; to have a reunion |
團花 团花 see styles |
tuán huā tuan2 hua1 t`uan hua tuan hua |
rounded embroidery design |
團蔵 see styles |
danzou / danzo だんぞう |
(given name) Danzou |
團藤 see styles |
dandou / dando だんどう |
(surname) Dandō |
團購 团购 see styles |
tuán gòu tuan2 gou4 t`uan kou tuan kou |
group buying; collective buying; buying by a group of individuals who negotiate a discount for the group |
團迫 see styles |
dansako だんさこ |
(surname) Dansako |
團野 see styles |
danno だんの |
(surname) Danno |
團長 团长 see styles |
tuán zhǎng tuan2 zhang3 t`uan chang tuan chang |
regimental command; head of a delegation; group buy organizer; group-buying coordinator |
團隊 团队 see styles |
tuán duì tuan2 dui4 t`uan tui tuan tui |
team |
團風 团风 see styles |
tuán fēng tuan2 feng1 t`uan feng tuan feng |
Tuanfeng county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei |
團食 团食 see styles |
tuán shí tuan2 shi2 t`uan shih tuan shih danjiki |
To roll rice, etc., into a ball in eating, Hindu fashion. |
團體 团体 see styles |
tuán tǐ tuan2 ti3 t`uan t`i tuan ti |
group; organization; team; CL:個|个[ge4] |
團魚 团鱼 see styles |
tuán yú tuan2 yu2 t`uan yü tuan yü |
softshell turtle |
一團 一团 see styles |
yī tuán yi1 tuan2 i t`uan i tuan ichidan |
one mass |
使團 使团 see styles |
shǐ tuán shi3 tuan2 shih t`uan shih tuan |
diplomatic mission |
入團 入团 see styles |
rù tuán ru4 tuan2 ju t`uan ju tuan |
to enroll in the Communist Youth League |
兵團 兵团 see styles |
bīng tuán bing1 tuan2 ping t`uan ping tuan |
large military unit; formation; corps; army |
劇團 剧团 see styles |
jù tuán ju4 tuan2 chü t`uan chü tuan |
theatrical troupe |
喜團 喜团 see styles |
xǐ tuán xi3 tuan2 hsi t`uan hsi tuan kidan |
joy-buns |
單團 单团 see styles |
dān tuán dan1 tuan2 tan t`uan tan tuan |
ad hoc group (tour group with a customized itinerary) |
基團 基团 see styles |
jī tuán ji1 tuan2 chi t`uan chi tuan |
radical (chemistry) |
小團 see styles |
kodan こだん |
(surname) Kodan |
悠團 see styles |
yuumaru / yumaru ゆうまる |
(personal name) Yūmaru |
戰團 战团 see styles |
zhàn tuán zhan4 tuan2 chan t`uan chan tuan |
fighting group; by extension, a fight; a fray |
抱團 抱团 see styles |
bào tuán bao4 tuan2 pao t`uan pao tuan |
to band together; to team up |
教團 教团 see styles |
jiào tuán jiao4 tuan2 chiao t`uan chiao tuan kyōdan |
religious community |
星團 星团 see styles |
xīng tuán xing1 tuan2 hsing t`uan hsing tuan |
star cluster |
樂團 乐团 see styles |
yuè tuán yue4 tuan2 yüeh t`uan yüeh tuan |
band; orchestra |
民團 民团 see styles |
mín tuán min2 tuan2 min t`uan min tuan |
civil corps; militia |
氣團 气团 see styles |
qì tuán qi4 tuan2 ch`i t`uan chi tuan |
air mass |
泥團 泥团 see styles |
ní tuán ni2 tuan2 ni t`uan ni tuan nidan |
mud |
滅團 灭团 see styles |
miè tuán mie4 tuan2 mieh t`uan mieh tuan |
(video gaming) to eliminate an entire team; to get wiped out |
疑團 疑团 see styles |
yí tuán yi2 tuan2 i t`uan i tuan gidan |
doubts and suspicions; a maze of doubts; puzzle; mystery doubt mass |
社團 社团 see styles |
shè tuán she4 tuan2 she t`uan she tuan |
association; society; group; union; club; organization |
組團 组团 see styles |
zǔ tuán zu3 tuan2 tsu t`uan tsu tuan |
to form a group or delegation |
線團 线团 see styles |
xiàn tuán xian4 tuan2 hsien t`uan hsien tuan |
ball of string |
肉團 肉团 see styles |
ròu tuán rou4 tuan2 jou t`uan jou tuan nikudan |
the physical body |
蒲團 蒲团 see styles |
pú tuán pu2 tuan2 p`u t`uan pu tuan futon |
praying mat (Buddhism, made of woven cattail) A rush cushion, or hassock. |
謎團 谜团 see styles |
mí tuán mi2 tuan2 mi t`uan mi tuan |
More info & calligraphy: Enigma / Unpredictable Situation |
財團 财团 see styles |
cái tuán cai2 tuan2 ts`ai t`uan tsai tuan |
financial group |
跑團 跑团 see styles |
pǎo tuán pao3 tuan2 p`ao t`uan pao tuan |
tabletop role-playing game |
軍團 军团 see styles |
jun tuán jun1 tuan2 chün t`uan chün tuan |
corps; legion |
集團 集团 see styles |
jí tuán ji2 tuan2 chi t`uan chi tuan |
group; bloc; corporation; conglomerate |
體團 体团 see styles |
tǐ tuán ti3 tuan2 t`i t`uan ti tuan |
community |
麵團 面团 see styles |
miàn tuán mian4 tuan2 mien t`uan mien tuan |
dough |
黨團 党团 see styles |
dǎng tuán dang3 tuan2 tang t`uan tang tuan |
party caucus |
團之原 see styles |
dannohara だんのはら |
(surname) Dannohara |
團十郎 see styles |
danjuurou / danjuro だんじゅうろう |
(male given name) Danjuurou |
團團轉 团团转 see styles |
tuán tuán zhuàn tuan2 tuan2 zhuan4 t`uan t`uan chuan tuan tuan chuan |
to go round and round; running around in circles; fig. frantically busy |
團子石 see styles |
dagoishi だごいし |
(surname) Dagoishi |
團宏明 see styles |
danhiroaki だんひろあき |
(person) Dan Hiroaki (1947-) |
團琢磨 see styles |
dantakuma だんたくま |
(person) Dan Takuma |
團菊祭 see styles |
dangikusai だんぎくさい |
(personal name) Dangikusai |
團風縣 团风县 see styles |
tuán fēng xiàn tuan2 feng1 xian4 t`uan feng hsien tuan feng hsien |
Tuanfeng county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei |
團體行 团体行 see styles |
tuán tǐ xíng tuan2 ti3 xing2 t`uan t`i hsing tuan ti hsing |
group travel |
一團火 一团火 see styles |
yī tuán huǒ yi1 tuan2 huo3 i t`uan huo i tuan huo |
fireball; ball of fire |
一團糟 一团糟 see styles |
yī tuán zāo yi1 tuan2 zao1 i t`uan tsao i tuan tsao |
chaos; bungle; complete mess; shambles |
主席團 主席团 see styles |
zhǔ xí tuán zhu3 xi2 tuan2 chu hsi t`uan chu hsi tuan |
presidium |
代表團 代表团 see styles |
dài biǎo tuán dai4 biao3 tuan2 tai piao t`uan tai piao tuan |
delegation; CL:個|个[ge4] |
使節團 使节团 see styles |
shǐ jié tuán shi3 jie2 tuan2 shih chieh t`uan shih chieh tuan |
a diplomatic group; a delegation |
保安團 保安团 see styles |
bǎo ān tuán bao3 an1 tuan2 pao an t`uan pao an tuan |
peace keeping group |
傳教團 传教团 see styles |
chuán jiào tuán chuan2 jiao4 tuan2 ch`uan chiao t`uan chuan chiao tuan |
a mission (group of missionaries) |
共青團 共青团 see styles |
gòng qīng tuán gong4 qing1 tuan2 kung ch`ing t`uan kung ching tuan |
the Communist Youth League, abbr. for 共產主義青年團|共产主义青年团[Gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 Qing1 nian2 tuan2] |
功能團 功能团 see styles |
gōng néng tuán gong1 neng2 tuan2 kung neng t`uan kung neng tuan |
functional group (chemistry) |
參訪團 参访团 see styles |
cān fǎng tuán can1 fang3 tuan2 ts`an fang t`uan tsan fang tuan |
delegation |
右團治 see styles |
udanji うだんじ |
(personal name) Udanji |
合唱團 合唱团 see styles |
hé chàng tuán he2 chang4 tuan2 ho ch`ang t`uan ho chang tuan |
chorus; choir |
味方團 see styles |
mikatamadoka みかたまどか |
(person) Mikata Madoka |
子團次 see styles |
kodanji こだんじ |
(given name) Kodanji |
宗教團 宗教团 see styles |
zōng jiào tuán zong1 jiao4 tuan2 tsung chiao t`uan tsung chiao tuan |
religious order; religious grouping |
官能團 官能团 see styles |
guān néng tuán guan1 neng2 tuan2 kuan neng t`uan kuan neng tuan |
functional group (chemistry) |
小團扇 see styles |
kouchiwa / kochiwa こうちわ |
(surname) Kōchiwa |
小集團 小集团 see styles |
xiǎo jí tuán xiao3 ji2 tuan2 hsiao chi t`uan hsiao chi tuan |
faction; clique |
左團次 see styles |
sadanji さだんじ |
(given name) Sadanji |
承銷團 承销团 see styles |
chéng xiāo tuán cheng2 xiao1 tuan2 ch`eng hsiao t`uan cheng hsiao tuan |
underwriting group |
抱抱團 抱抱团 see styles |
bào bào tuán bao4 bao4 tuan2 pao pao t`uan pao pao tuan |
Free Hugs Campaign |
旅行團 旅行团 see styles |
lǚ xíng tuán lu:3 xing2 tuan2 lü hsing t`uan lü hsing tuan |
tour group |
旅遊團 旅游团 see styles |
lǚ yóu tuán lu:3 you2 tuan2 lü yu t`uan lü yu tuan |
tour group |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "團" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.