There are 146 total results for your 卢 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
盧 卢 see styles |
lú lu2 lu rou / ro ろう |
More info & calligraphy: Loup(surname) Rou A rice-vessel; a fire-pan; dram-shop; black; translit. lo, ro, ru; cf. 樓; 路; 流. |
佉盧 佉卢 see styles |
qiā lú qia1 lu2 ch`ia lu chia lu kyaru |
khāra; said to be a 斗, the tenth of a佉梨; also Khara, the name of a ṛṣi. For Kharoṣṭhi, v. above. |
卑盧 卑卢 see styles |
bēi lú bei1 lu2 pei lu Hiro |
Pilotika |
奧盧 奥卢 see styles |
ào lú ao4 lu2 ao lu |
Oulu (city in Finland) |
彌盧 弥卢 see styles |
mí lú mi2 lu2 mi lu miro |
(Skt. meru) |
拘盧 拘卢 see styles |
jū lú ju1 lu2 chü lu kuru |
(Skt. krośa) |
毘盧 毘卢 see styles |
pí lú pi2 lu2 p`i lu pi lu Biru |
Vairocana |
盧卡 卢卡 see styles |
lú kǎ lu2 ka3 lu k`a lu ka |
More info & calligraphy: Lukah |
盧因 卢因 see styles |
lú yīn lu2 yin1 lu yin |
Lewin (name); Kurt Lewin (1890-1944), German-American psychologist of the Gestalt school known for his field theory of behavior |
盧布 卢布 see styles |
lú bù lu2 bu4 lu pu |
ruble (Russian currency) (loanword) |
盧梭 卢梭 see styles |
lú suō lu2 suo1 lu so |
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), Enlightenment philosopher |
盧比 卢比 see styles |
lú bǐ lu2 bi3 lu pi |
rupee (Indian currency) (loanword) |
盧氏 卢氏 see styles |
lú shì lu2 shi4 lu shih |
Lushi county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan |
盧瑟 卢瑟 see styles |
lú sè lu2 se4 lu se |
loser (loanword) |
盧龍 卢龙 see styles |
lú lóng lu2 long2 lu lung |
Lulong county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei |
迦盧 迦卢 see styles |
jiā lú jia1 lu2 chia lu Karu |
Kālodāyin |
迷盧 迷卢 see styles |
mí lú mi2 lu2 mi lu meiro / mero めいろ |
(given name) Meiro v. 蘇迷盧 Sumeru. |
都盧 都卢 see styles |
dū lú du1 lu2 tu lu tsuru |
all |
高盧 高卢 see styles |
gāo lú gao1 lu2 kao lu |
Gaul |
佉盧文 佉卢文 see styles |
qū lú wén qu1 lu2 wen2 ch`ü lu wen chü lu wen |
Kharosomethingi (ancient language of central Asia) |
倶盧洲 倶卢洲 see styles |
jù lú zhōu ju4 lu2 zhou1 chü lu chou kurushū |
Kurudvīpa; Uttarakuru. The northern of the four continents of a world; cf. 大洲 and 鬱. |
倶盧舍 倶卢舍 see styles |
jù lú shè ju4 lu2 she4 chü lu she gurusha |
krośa, the distance the lowing of an ox or the sound of a drum can be heard, circa 5 li. Cf. 拘. |
兜牟盧 兜牟卢 see styles |
dōu móu lú dou1 mou2 lu2 tou mou lu tomuro |
tumburu, probably gandharvas. |
北拘盧 北拘卢 see styles |
běi jū lú bei3 ju1 lu2 pei chü lu Hokukuro |
Uttarakuru |
圖瓦盧 图瓦卢 see styles |
tú wǎ lú tu2 wa3 lu2 t`u wa lu tu wa lu |
More info & calligraphy: Tuvalu |
圖盧斯 图卢斯 see styles |
tú lú sī tu2 lu2 si1 t`u lu ssu tu lu ssu |
Toulouse (France) |
圖盧茲 图卢兹 see styles |
tú lú zī tu2 lu2 zi1 t`u lu tzu tu lu tzu |
Toulouse (city in France) |
室盧迦 室卢迦 see styles |
shì lú jiā shi4 lu2 jia1 shih lu chia shiroka |
śloka |
拘盧舍 拘卢舍 see styles |
jū lú shè ju1 lu2 she4 chü lu she kurosha |
(拘盧) krośa; also 拘樓賒; 拘屢; 倶盧舍; the distance a bull's bellow can be heard, the eighth part of a yojana, or 5 li; another less probable definition is 2 li. For 拘盧 Uttarakuru, see 倶. |
枸盧舍 枸卢舍 see styles |
gǒu lú shè gou3 lu2 she4 kou lu she kurosha |
krośa, cf. 拘, 倶; the distance the lowing of an ox can be heard, the eighth part of a yojana. |
毘盧殿 毘卢殿 see styles |
pí lú diàn pi2 lu2 dian4 p`i lu tien pi lu tien Biro den |
Vairocana Hall |
波拘盧 波拘卢 see styles |
bō jū lú bo1 ju1 lu2 po chü lu Bakuro |
*Bakkula |
泥盧都 泥卢都 see styles |
ní lú dū ni2 lu2 du1 ni lu tu nairuto |
One of the sixteen hells. |
滑鐵盧 滑铁卢 see styles |
huá tiě lú hua2 tie3 lu2 hua t`ieh lu hua tieh lu |
Waterloo (Belgium); Battle of Waterloo (1815); (fig.) a defeat |
盧克索 卢克索 see styles |
lú kè suǒ lu2 ke4 suo3 lu k`o so lu ko so |
More info & calligraphy: Luxord |
盧卡斯 卢卡斯 see styles |
lú kǎ sī lu2 ka3 si1 lu k`a ssu lu ka ssu |
More info & calligraphy: Luckas |
盧塞恩 卢塞恩 see styles |
lú sài ēn lu2 sai4 en1 lu sai en |
Lucerne, Switzerland |
盧安達 卢安达 see styles |
lú ān dá lu2 an1 da2 lu an ta |
Rwanda (Tw) |
盧旺達 卢旺达 see styles |
lú wàng dá lu2 wang4 da2 lu wang ta |
More info & calligraphy: Rwanda |
盧森堡 卢森堡 see styles |
lú sēn bǎo lu2 sen1 bao3 lu sen pao |
More info & calligraphy: Luxembourg |
盧武鉉 卢武铉 see styles |
lú wǔ xuàn lu2 wu3 xuan4 lu wu hsüan nomuhyon のむひょん |
Roh Moo-hyun (1946-2009), South Korean lawyer and politician, president 2003-2008 (person) No Muhyon (South Korean President) |
盧氏縣 卢氏县 see styles |
lú shì xiàn lu2 shi4 xian4 lu shih hsien |
Lushi county in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡[San1 men2 xia2], Henan |
盧泰愚 卢泰愚 see styles |
lú tài yú lu2 tai4 yu2 lu t`ai yü lu tai yü no teu ノ・テウ |
Roh Tae-woo (1932-), South Korean politician, president 1988-1993 (person) Roh Tae-woo (1932.12.4-2021.10.26; 6th President of South Korea) |
盧浮宮 卢浮宫 see styles |
lú fú gōng lu2 fu2 gong1 lu fu kung |
the Louvre, museum in Paris |
盧溝橋 卢沟桥 see styles |
lú gōu qiáo lu2 gou1 qiao2 lu kou ch`iao lu kou chiao rokoukyou / rokokyo ろこうきょう |
Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge in southwest of Beijing, the scene of a conflict that marked the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争[Kang4 Ri4 Zhan4 zheng1] Marco Polo Bridge (China); (place-name) Marco Polo Bridge (China) |
盧灣區 卢湾区 see styles |
lú wān qū lu2 wan1 qu1 lu wan ch`ü lu wan chü |
Luwan district, central Shanghai |
盧照鄰 卢照邻 see styles |
lú zhào lín lu2 zhao4 lin2 lu chao lin |
Lu Zhaolin (637-689), one of the Four Great Poets of the Early Tang 初唐四傑|初唐四杰[Chu1 Tang2 Si4 jie2] |
盧瑞恩 卢瑞恩 see styles |
Lú ruì ēn Lu2 rui4 en1 Lu jui en |
Lu Rui En (1981-), better known by her stage name Rui En (瑞恩), is a Singaporean actress. |
盧瑟福 卢瑟福 see styles |
lú sè fú lu2 se4 fu2 lu se fu |
More info & calligraphy: Rutherford |
盧脂那 卢脂那 see styles |
lú zhin à lu2 zhin1 a4 lu zhin a rushina |
Rocana, illuminating, bright; name of a flower; perhaps also spots before the eyes; identified with 盧遮那 v. 毘 Vairocana. |
盧至佛 卢至佛 see styles |
lú zhì fó lu2 zhi4 fo2 lu chih fo Roshi Butsu |
盧遮佛 v. 樓 Rucika. |
盧舍那 卢舍那 see styles |
lú shèn à lu2 shen4 a4 lu shen a Roshana |
Rocana, illuminating, also v. 毘 Vairocana. |
盧薩卡 卢萨卡 see styles |
lú sà kǎ lu2 sa4 ka3 lu sa k`a lu sa ka |
Lusaka, capital of Zambia |
盧行者 卢行者 see styles |
lú xíng zhě lu2 xing2 zhe3 lu hsing che Ro Anja |
Surname and title of 慧能 Huineng. |
盧遮那 卢遮那 see styles |
lú zhēn à lu2 zhen1 a4 lu chen a Rushana |
Vairocana |
盧龍縣 卢龙县 see styles |
lú lóng xiàn lu2 long2 xian4 lu lung hsien |
Lulong county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei |
薄拘盧 薄拘卢 see styles |
bó jū lú bo2 ju1 lu2 po chü lu Hakukuro |
Bakkula |
蘇迷盧 苏迷卢 see styles |
sū mí lú su1 mi2 lu2 su mi lu Someiro |
Sumeru |
補盧沙 补卢沙 see styles |
bǔ lú shā bu3 lu2 sha1 pu lu sha furusha |
puruṣa 'man collectively or individually'; 'Man personified'; 'the Soul of the universe' (M.W.); intp. by 丈夫 and 人; v. 布; also the first form of the masculine gender; (2) puruṣam 補盧衫; (3) puruṣeṇa 補盧沙拏; (4) puruṣāya 補盧沙耶; (5) puruṣaṭ 補盧沙?; (6) puruṣasya 補盧殺沙; (7) puruṣe 補盧 M040949. |
費盧傑 费卢杰 see styles |
fèi lú jié fei4 lu2 jie2 fei lu chieh |
Fallujah, Iraqi city on Euphrates |
賓頭盧 宾头卢 see styles |
bīn tóu lú bin1 tou2 lu2 pin t`ou lu pin tou lu binzuru びんずる |
{Buddh} Pindola; Pindola Bharadvaja (one of four Arhats asked by the Buddha to remain in the world to propagate Buddhist law) Piṇḍola |
跋盧沙 跋卢沙 see styles |
bá lú shā ba2 lu2 sha1 pa lu sha Barosha |
Varuṣa, now Attock, east of Peshawar. |
輸盧迦 输卢迦 see styles |
shū lú jiā shu1 lu2 jia1 shu lu chia shuruka |
(輸盧迦波) v. 首 śloka. |
迦盧拏 迦卢拏 see styles |
jiā lún á jia1 lun2 a2 chia lun a karuna |
karuṇā |
金毘盧 金毘卢 see styles |
jīn pí lú jin1 pi2 lu2 chin p`i lu chin pi lu Konbiro |
Kimbila |
阿盧巴 阿卢巴 see styles |
ā lú bā a1 lu2 ba1 a lu pa |
Aruba, variant of 阿魯巴|阿鲁巴[A1 lu3 ba1] |
阿盧那 阿卢那 see styles |
ā lún à a1 lun2 a4 a lun a aruna |
aruṇa, 阿留那 (or 阿樓那) ruddy, dawn-colour, dawn, south, fire, Mars, etc. |
首盧迦 首卢迦 see styles |
shǒu lú jiā shou3 lu2 jia1 shou lu chia |
(首盧 or首盧柯); 輸盧迦 (or 室盧迦 or輸盧迦波 or室盧迦波); 室路迦 śloka, a stanza of thirty-two syllables, either in four lines of eight each, or two of sixteen. |
馬塞盧 马塞卢 see styles |
mǎ sài lú ma3 sai4 lu2 ma sai lu |
Maseru, capital of Lesotho |
高盧語 高卢语 see styles |
gāo lú yǔ gao1 lu2 yu3 kao lu yü |
Gaulish or Gallic (language) |
北倶盧洲 北倶卢洲 see styles |
běi jù lú zhōu bei3 ju4 lu2 zhou1 pei chü lu chou Hokkurushū |
Uttara-kuru) |
北拘盧洲 北拘卢洲 see styles |
běi jū lú zhōu bei3 ju1 lu2 zhou1 pei chü lu chou Hoku kurushū |
northern continent |
嚩盧枳諦 嚩卢枳谛 see styles |
pó lú zhǐ dì po2 lu2 zhi3 di4 p`o lu chih ti po lu chih ti barokitei |
Avalokita, cf. 觀 to behold, see. |
夜摩盧迦 夜摩卢迦 see styles |
yè mó lú jiā ye4 mo2 lu2 jia1 yeh mo lu chia Yamaruka |
Yamaloka, the realm of Yama, the third devaloka. |
尼拘盧陀 尼拘卢陀 see styles |
ní jū lú tuó ni2 ju1 lu2 tuo2 ni chü lu t`o ni chü lu to nikuruda |
(Skt. nyag-rodha) |
得羅盧迦 得罗卢迦 see styles |
dé luó lú jiā de2 luo2 lu2 jia1 te lo lu chia tokuraroka |
trailokya, 三界 q.v. |
提布盧斯 提布卢斯 see styles |
tí bù lú sī ti2 bu4 lu2 si1 t`i pu lu ssu ti pu lu ssu |
Tibullus (55 BC-19 BC), Latin poet |
毘盧舍那 毘卢舍那 see styles |
pí lú shèn à pi2 lu2 shen4 a4 p`i lu shen a pi lu shen a Birushana |
Vairocana, 'belonging to or coming from the sun' (M. W.), i. e. light. The 眞身 q. v. true or real Buddha-body, e. g. godhead. There are different definitions. Tiantai says Vairocana represents the 法身 dharmakāya, Rocana or Locana the 報身 saṃbhogakāya, Śākyamuni the 應身 nirmāṇakāya. Vairocana is generally recognized as the spiritual or essential body of Buddha-truth, and like light 徧一切處 pervading everywhere. The esoteric school intp. it by the sun, or its light, and take the sun as symbol. It has also been intp. by 淨滿 purity and fullness, or fullness of purity. Vairocana is the chief of the Five dhyāni Buddhas, occupying the central position; and is the 大日如來 Great Sun Tathāgata. There are numerous treatises on the subject. Other forms are 毘盧; 毘盧遮那 (or 毘盧折那); 吠嚧遮那; 鞞嚧杜那. |
毘盧遮那 毘卢遮那 see styles |
pí lú zhēn à pi2 lu2 zhen1 a4 p`i lu chen a pi lu chen a birushana びるしゃな |
{Buddh} Vairocana (Buddha who symbolizes the entirety of the phenomenological world) Mahāvairocana Buddha |
泥盧鉢羅 泥卢钵罗 see styles |
ní lú bō luó ni2 lu2 bo1 luo2 ni lu po lo deirohara |
nīla-utpala; the blue lotus, portrayed in the hand of Mañjuśrī. |
泰盧固語 泰卢固语 see styles |
tài lú gù yǔ tai4 lu2 gu4 yu3 t`ai lu ku yü tai lu ku yü |
Telugu or Telegu, the official language of Andhra Pradesh, India |
王楊盧駱 王杨卢骆 see styles |
wáng yáng lú luò wang2 yang2 lu2 luo4 wang yang lu lo |
abbr. for Wang Bo 王勃[Wang2 Bo2], Yang Jiong 楊炯|杨炯[Yang2 Jiong3], Lu Zhaolin 盧照鄰|卢照邻[Lu2 Zhao4 lin2], and Luo Binwang 駱賓王|骆宾王[Luo4 Bin1 wang2], the Four Great Poets of the Early Tang |
盧卡申科 卢卡申科 see styles |
lú kǎ shēn kē lu2 ka3 shen1 ke1 lu k`a shen k`o lu ka shen ko |
Aleksandr Grigoryevich Lukachenko, president of Belarus from 1994 |
盧恩字母 卢恩字母 see styles |
lú ēn zì mǔ lu2 en1 zi4 mu3 lu en tzu mu |
rune |
盧比安納 卢比安纳 see styles |
lú bǐ ān nà lu2 bi3 an1 na4 lu pi an na |
Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia (Tw) |
盧瓦爾河 卢瓦尔河 see styles |
lú wǎ ěr hé lu2 wa3 er3 he2 lu wa erh ho |
Loire River, France |
盧舍那佛 卢舍那佛 see styles |
lú shèn à fó lu2 shen4 a4 fo2 lu shen a fo Roshana Butsu |
Vairocana Buddha |
盧舍那身 卢舍那身 see styles |
lú shèn à shēn lu2 shen4 a4 shen1 lu shen a shen Roshana shin |
body of Vairocana |
盧遮那佛 卢遮那佛 see styles |
lú zhēn à fó lu2 zhen1 a4 fo2 lu chen a fo Rushanabutsu |
Vairocana Buddha |
盧醯呾迦 卢醯呾迦 see styles |
lú xì dá jiā lu2 xi4 da2 jia1 lu hsi ta chia rokeitachika |
(or 盧醯多迦) rohita, rohitaka; lohita, lohitaka; red. |
盧醯多迦 卢醯多迦 see styles |
lú xì duō jiā lu2 xi4 duo1 jia1 lu hsi to chia roketaka |
red |
盧陀羅耶 卢陀罗耶 see styles |
lú tuó luó yé lu2 tuo2 luo2 ye2 lu t`o lo yeh lu to lo yeh Rodaraya |
Rudrā, roaring, terrible, a name of Śiva, the Rudras or Maruts, storm-gods, etc. |
瞿盧折那 瞿卢折那 see styles |
jù lú zhén à ju4 lu2 zhen2 a4 chü lu chen a gurosena |
gorocanā, 瞿嚧者那, a bright yellow pigment prepared from the urine or bile of a cow. |
瞿盧薩謗 瞿卢萨谤 see styles |
jù lú sà bàng ju4 lu2 sa4 bang4 chü lu sa pang Gurosatsuhō |
said to be Grosapam, or Karsana, or Bhagārāma, the ārāma (garden or grove) of the god Bhaga, i. e. the capital of Kapiśā, cf. 迦. |
聖盧西亞 圣卢西亚 see styles |
shèng lú xī yà sheng4 lu2 xi1 ya4 sheng lu hsi ya |
Saint Lucia |
蘇盧多波 苏卢多波 see styles |
sū lú duō bō su1 lu2 duo1 bo1 su lu to po sorotaha |
srota-āpanna 入流 v. 須 and 窣. |
設多圖盧 设多图卢 see styles |
shè duō tú lú she4 duo1 tu2 lu2 she to t`u lu she to tu lu Setsutazuro |
Satadru, 'an ancient kingdom of northern India, noted for its mineral wealth. Exact position unknown.' Eitel. Also, the River Sutlej. |
輸拘盧那 输拘卢那 see styles |
shū jū lún à shu1 ju1 lun2 a4 shu chü lun a Shukurona |
Śuklodana, a prince of Kapilavastu, younger brother of Śuddhodana, and father of Tiṣya, Devadatta, and Nandika. |
都盧瑟迦 都卢瑟迦 see styles |
dū lú sè jiā du1 lu2 se4 jia1 tu lu se chia toroshichika |
turuṣka |
阿尼盧陀 阿尼卢陀 see styles |
ā ní lú tuó a1 ni2 lu2 tuo2 a ni lu t`o a ni lu to Anirota |
*Aniruddha |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "卢" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.