There are 337 total results for your 单 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
單 单 see styles |
dān dan1 tan hitoe ひとえ |
bill; list; form; single; only; sole; odd number; CL:個|个[ge4] (female given name) Hitoe Single, alone; only; the odd numbers; poor, deficient; a bill, cheque, etc.; cf. 但. |
下單 下单 see styles |
xià dān xia4 dan1 hsia tan |
to place an order; to order |
不單 不单 see styles |
bù dān bu4 dan1 pu tan |
not the only; not merely; not simply |
保單 保单 see styles |
bǎo dān bao3 dan1 pao tan |
guarantee slip |
借單 借单 see styles |
jiè dān jie4 dan1 chieh tan |
receipt for a loan; written confirmation of a debt; IOU |
傳單 传单 see styles |
chuán dān chuan2 dan1 ch`uan tan chuan tan |
leaflet; flier; pamphlet |
免單 免单 see styles |
miǎn dān mian3 dan1 mien tan |
to let a customer have (a product or service) free of charge; to waive payment |
刷單 刷单 see styles |
shuā dān shua1 dan1 shua tan |
to generate fake transactions in order to game a commercial online platform (one that rewards users who make numerous transactions) |
名單 名单 see styles |
míng dān ming2 dan1 ming tan |
list of names |
單一 单一 see styles |
dān yī dan1 yi1 tan i |
single; only; sole |
單于 单于 see styles |
chán yú chan2 yu2 ch`an yü chan yü |
king of the Xiongnu 匈奴[Xiong1nu2] |
單人 单人 see styles |
dān rén dan1 ren2 tan jen |
one person; single (room, bed etc) |
單位 单位 see styles |
dān wèi dan1 wei4 tan wei tani |
unit (of measure); unit (group of people as a whole); work unit (place of employment, esp. in the PRC prior to economic reform); CL:個|个[ge4] A single seat, or position; also a fixed, or listed position, or seat. |
單個 单个 see styles |
dān ge dan1 ge5 tan ko |
single; alone; individually; an odd one |
單側 单侧 see styles |
dān cè dan1 ce4 tan ts`e tan tse |
one-sided; unilateral |
單傳 单传 see styles |
dān chuán dan1 chuan2 tan ch`uan tan chuan tanden |
to have only one heir in a generation (of a family, clan etc); to be learned from only one master (of a skill, art etc) direct transmission |
單價 单价 see styles |
dān jià dan1 jia4 tan chia |
unit price |
單元 单元 see styles |
dān yuán dan1 yuan2 tan yüan |
unit (forming an entity); element; (in a residential building) entrance or staircase |
單兵 单兵 see styles |
dān bīng dan1 bing1 tan ping |
individual soldier; (literary) isolated military unit, cut off from reinforcements |
單前 单前 see styles |
dān qián dan1 qian2 tan ch`ien tan chien tanzen |
In front of one's listed name, i.e. in one's allotted place. |
單叢 单丛 see styles |
dān cóng dan1 cong2 tan ts`ung tan tsung |
Dancong, type of oolong tea |
單句 单句 see styles |
dān jù dan1 ju4 tan chü |
simple sentence (grammar) |
單另 单另 see styles |
dān lìng dan1 ling4 tan ling |
separately and exclusively; specially |
單向 单向 see styles |
dān xiàng dan1 xiang4 tan hsiang |
unidirectional |
單單 单单 see styles |
dān dān dan1 dan1 tan tan |
only; merely; just |
單團 单团 see styles |
dān tuán dan1 tuan2 tan t`uan tan tuan |
ad hoc group (tour group with a customized itinerary) |
單墮 单堕 see styles |
dān duò dan1 duo4 tan to tanda |
offenses requiring expiation |
單套 单套 see styles |
dān tào dan1 tao4 tan t`ao tan tao |
single set |
單子 单子 see styles |
dān zi dan1 zi5 tan tzu |
list of items; bill; form; bedsheet |
單字 单字 see styles |
dān zì dan1 zi4 tan tzu |
single Chinese character; (Tw) word (of a foreign language) |
單射 单射 see styles |
dān shè dan1 she4 tan she |
(math.) one-to-one function; injective map |
單層 单层 see styles |
dān céng dan1 ceng2 tan ts`eng tan tseng |
single layer; single story; single deck; single level |
單己 单己 see styles |
dān jǐ dan1 ji3 tan chi tanko |
alone |
單幹 单干 see styles |
dān gàn dan1 gan4 tan kan |
to work on one's own; to work single-handed; individual farming |
單張 单张 see styles |
dān zhāng dan1 zhang1 tan chang |
flyer; leaflet; single-sheet (map etc) |
單意 单意 see styles |
dān yì dan1 yi4 tan i |
unambiguous; having only one meaning |
單戀 单恋 see styles |
dān liàn dan1 lian4 tan lien |
unrequited love; one-sided love |
單手 单手 see styles |
dān shǒu dan1 shou3 tan shou |
one hand; single-handed |
單打 单打 see styles |
dān dǎ dan1 da3 tan ta |
singles (in sports); CL:場|场[chang3] |
單拏 单拏 see styles |
dān ná dan1 na2 tan na tanna |
daṇḍa |
單挑 单挑 see styles |
dān tiǎo dan1 tiao3 tan t`iao tan tiao |
to pick; to choose; to fight a duel; Taiwan pr. [dan1 tiao1] |
單提 单提 see styles |
dān tí dan1 ti2 tan t`i tan ti tandai |
directly showing |
單擊 单击 see styles |
dān jī dan1 ji1 tan chi |
(computing) to single-click; to click |
單據 单据 see styles |
dān jù dan1 ju4 tan chü |
receipts; invoices; transaction records |
單擺 单摆 see styles |
dān bǎi dan1 bai3 tan pai |
simple pendulum (physics) |
單數 单数 see styles |
dān shù dan1 shu4 tan shu |
positive odd number (also written 奇數|奇数); singular (grammar) |
單方 单方 see styles |
dān fāng dan1 fang1 tan fang |
unilateral; one-sided; home remedy; folk prescription(same as 丹方); single-drug prescription (same as 奇方[ji1 fang1], one of the seven kinds of prescriptions of Chinese medicine 七方[qi1 fang1]); metaphorically. a good solution |
單日 单日 see styles |
dān rì dan1 ri4 tan jih |
on a single day |
單晶 单晶 see styles |
dān jīng dan1 jing1 tan ching |
monocrystalline |
單曲 单曲 see styles |
dān qǔ dan1 qu3 tan ch`ü tan chü |
single (recording industry) |
單月 单月 see styles |
dān yuè dan1 yue4 tan yüeh |
monthly; in a single month |
單本 单本 see styles |
dān běn dan1 ben3 tan pen tanbon |
a sūtra that has only one translation |
單極 单极 see styles |
dān jí dan1 ji2 tan chi |
unipolar; monopole (physics) |
單槓 单杠 see styles |
dān gàng dan1 gang4 tan kang |
bar; bold line; horizontal bar (gymnastics event) |
單樅 单枞 see styles |
dān cōng dan1 cong1 tan ts`ung tan tsung |
variant of 單叢|单丛[Dan1 cong1] |
單模 单模 see styles |
dān mó dan1 mo2 tan mo |
single mode |
單獨 单独 see styles |
dān dú dan1 du2 tan tu |
alone; by oneself; on one's own |
單瓣 单瓣 see styles |
dān bàn dan1 ban4 tan pan |
single petal; single valve |
單產 单产 see styles |
dān chǎn dan1 chan3 tan ch`an tan chan |
yield per unit area |
單用 单用 see styles |
dān yòng dan1 yong4 tan yung |
to use (something) on its own |
單盲 单盲 see styles |
dān máng dan1 mang2 tan mang |
single-blind (scientific experiment) |
單相 单相 see styles |
dān xiàng dan1 xiang4 tan hsiang |
single phase (elec.) |
單眼 单眼 see styles |
dān yǎn dan1 yan3 tan yen |
ommatidium (single component of insect's compound eye); one eye (i.e. one's left or right eye) |
單程 单程 see styles |
dān chéng dan1 cheng2 tan ch`eng tan cheng |
one-way (ticket) |
單穩 单稳 see styles |
dān wěn dan1 wen3 tan wen |
monostable; single-side stable (relays) |
單空 单空 see styles |
dān kōng dan1 kong1 tan k`ung tan kung tan kū |
emptiness only |
單端 单端 see styles |
dān duān dan1 duan1 tan tuan |
(electronics) single-ended |
單糖 单糖 see styles |
dān táng dan1 tang2 tan t`ang tan tang |
monosaccharide |
單純 单纯 see styles |
dān chún dan1 chun2 tan ch`un tan chun |
simple; pure; unsophisticated; merely; purely |
單縣 单县 see styles |
shàn xiàn shan4 xian4 shan hsien |
Shan county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong |
單色 单色 see styles |
dān sè dan1 se4 tan se |
monochrome; monochromatic; black and white |
單薄 单薄 see styles |
dān bó dan1 bo2 tan po |
weak; frail; thin; flimsy |
單號 单号 see styles |
dān hào dan1 hao4 tan hao |
odd number (on a ticket, house etc) |
單行 单行 see styles |
dān xíng dan1 xing2 tan hsing |
to come individually; to treat separately; separate edition; one-way traffic |
單衣 单衣 see styles |
dān yī dan1 yi1 tan i |
unlined garment |
單褲 单裤 see styles |
dān kù dan1 ku4 tan k`u tan ku |
unlined trousers; summer trousers |
單親 单亲 see styles |
dān qīn dan1 qin1 tan ch`in tan chin |
single parent |
單詞 单词 see styles |
dān cí dan1 ci2 tan tz`u tan tzu |
word; CL:個|个[ge4] |
單語 单语 see styles |
dān yǔ dan1 yu3 tan yü |
monolingual |
單調 单调 see styles |
dān diào dan1 diao4 tan tiao |
monotonous |
單證 单证 see styles |
dān zhèng dan1 zheng4 tan cheng |
(international trade) documentation (e.g. a bill of lading) |
單質 单质 see styles |
dān zhì dan1 zhi4 tan chih |
simple substance (consisting purely of one element, such as diamond) |
單趟 单趟 see styles |
dān tàng dan1 tang4 tan t`ang tan tang |
single trip |
單身 单身 see styles |
dān shēn dan1 shen1 tan shen |
unmarried; single; alone |
單車 单车 see styles |
dān chē dan1 che1 tan ch`e tan che |
(coll.) bike; bicycle (esp. bike-share bicycle) |
單軌 单轨 see styles |
dān guǐ dan1 gui3 tan kuei |
monorail |
單過 单过 see styles |
dān guò dan1 guo4 tan kuo |
to live independently; to live on one's own |
單邊 单边 see styles |
dān biān dan1 bian1 tan pien |
unilateral |
單鉻 单铬 see styles |
dān gè dan1 ge4 tan ko |
monochrome |
單鍵 单键 see styles |
dān jiàn dan1 jian4 tan chien |
single bond (chemistry) |
單鏈 单链 see styles |
dān liàn dan1 lian4 tan lien |
single chain; refers to RNA as opposed to the double helix DNA |
單非 单非 see styles |
dān fēi dan1 fei1 tan fei |
a couple in which one of the spouses is not a Hong Kong citizen |
單鞋 单鞋 see styles |
dān xié dan1 xie2 tan hsieh |
unpadded shoes |
單項 单项 see styles |
dān xiàng dan1 xiang4 tan hsiang |
single-item |
單飛 单飞 see styles |
dān fēi dan1 fei1 tan fei |
to fly solo; (fig.) (of a band member) to go solo; (of an employee) to leave and start up one's own company |
單馱 单驮 see styles |
dān tuó dan1 tuo2 tan t`o tan to tanda |
daṇḍa |
單體 单体 see styles |
dān tǐ dan1 ti3 tan t`i tan ti |
monomer (chemistry) |
單麻 单麻 see styles |
dān má dan1 ma2 tan ma tanma |
The single hempseed a day to which the Buddha reduced his food before his enlightenment. |
單點 单点 see styles |
dān diǎn dan1 dian3 tan tien |
to order à la carte; single point (of measurement, mounting etc) |
回單 回单 see styles |
huí dān hui2 dan1 hui tan |
receipt |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "单" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.