There are 183 total results for your 冰 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
冰 see styles |
bīng bing1 ping hiyou / hiyo ひよう |
More info & calligraphy: Ice / Frost(1) (archaism) ice; (2) hail; (personal name) Hiyou Ice, chaste. |
氷 冰 see styles |
bīng bing1 ping bin びん |
More info & calligraphy: Ice / Frost(1) (archaism) ice; (2) hail; (1) ice; (2) shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup); (personal name) Bin Ice; chaste. |
冰冷 see styles |
bīng lěng bing1 leng3 ping leng |
ice-cold |
冰凌 see styles |
bīng líng bing1 ling2 ping ling |
icicle |
冰凍 冰冻 see styles |
bīng dòng bing1 dong4 ping tung |
to freeze |
冰刀 see styles |
bīng dāo bing1 dao1 ping tao |
ice skates; ice skate blades |
冰品 see styles |
bīng pǐn bing1 pin3 ping p`in ping pin |
frozen dessert |
冰場 冰场 see styles |
bīng chǎng bing1 chang3 ping ch`ang ping chang |
skating or ice rink; ice stadium; ice arena |
冰塊 冰块 see styles |
bīng kuài bing1 kuai4 ping k`uai ping kuai |
ice cube; ice chunk |
冰塔 see styles |
bīng tǎ bing1 ta3 ping t`a ping ta |
serac |
冰塞 see styles |
bīng sāi bing1 sai1 ping sai |
ice blockage; freezing of waterway |
冰壑 see styles |
bīng hè bing1 he4 ping ho |
ice gully |
冰壩 冰坝 see styles |
bīng bà bing1 ba4 ping pa |
freezing blockage; dam of ice on river |
冰壺 冰壶 see styles |
bīng hú bing1 hu2 ping hu |
jade pot for cold water; curling (sport); curling puck |
冰封 see styles |
bīng fēng bing1 feng1 ping feng |
to freeze over; to ice over; icebound; to shelve (a proposal etc) |
冰屋 see styles |
bīng wū bing1 wu1 ping wu |
igloo |
冰山 see styles |
bīng shān bing1 shan1 ping shan |
iceberg; ice-covered mountain; (fig.) a backer one cannot rely on for long; CL:座[zuo4] |
冰島 冰岛 see styles |
bīng dǎo bing1 dao3 ping tao |
More info & calligraphy: Iceland |
冰川 see styles |
bīng chuān bing1 chuan1 ping ch`uan ping chuan |
glacier |
冰帽 see styles |
bīng mào bing1 mao4 ping mao |
icecap |
冰店 see styles |
bīng diàn bing1 dian4 ping tien |
dessert parlor serving mainly cold sweets (esp. shaved ice) (Tw) |
冰心 see styles |
bīng xīn bing1 xin1 ping hsin |
Bing Xin (1900-1999), female poet and children's writer |
冰排 see styles |
bīng pái bing1 pai2 ping p`ai ping pai |
ice raft; ice floe |
冰斗 see styles |
bīng dǒu bing1 dou3 ping tou |
(geology) cirque |
冰晶 see styles |
bīng jīng bing1 jing1 ping ching |
ice crystals |
冰期 see styles |
bīng qī bing1 qi1 ping ch`i ping chi |
glacial epoch; ice age |
冰柱 see styles |
bīng zhù bing1 zhu4 ping chu |
icicle |
冰桶 see styles |
bīng tǒng bing1 tong3 ping t`ung ping tung |
ice bucket |
冰棍 see styles |
bīng gùn bing1 gun4 ping kun |
popsicle; ice lolly; CL:根[gen1] |
冰棒 see styles |
bīng bàng bing1 bang4 ping pang |
popsicle; ice pop; CL:根[gen1] |
冰棺 see styles |
bīng guān bing1 guan1 ping kuan |
coffin-shaped freezer used to store a corpse |
冰橇 see styles |
bīng qiāo bing1 qiao1 ping ch`iao ping chiao |
sled; sledge; sleigh |
冰橋 冰桥 see styles |
bīng qiáo bing1 qiao2 ping ch`iao ping chiao |
ice arch |
冰櫃 冰柜 see styles |
bīng guì bing1 gui4 ping kuei |
freezer |
冰毒 see styles |
bīng dú bing1 du2 ping tu |
methamphetamine |
冰水 see styles |
bīng shuǐ bing1 shui3 ping shui |
iced water |
冰沙 see styles |
bīng shā bing1 sha1 ping sha |
slushie; smoothie; crushed ice drink; frappucino |
冰河 see styles |
bīng hé bing1 he2 ping ho |
glacier |
冰洞 see styles |
bīng dòng bing1 dong4 ping tung |
hole in ice; crevasse |
冰涼 冰凉 see styles |
bīng liáng bing1 liang2 ping liang |
ice-cold |
冰湖 see styles |
bīng hú bing1 hu2 ping hu |
frozen lake |
冰溜 see styles |
bīng liù bing1 liu4 ping liu |
icicle |
冰溝 冰沟 see styles |
bīng gōu bing1 gou1 ping kou |
crevasse |
冰火 see styles |
bīng huǒ bing1 huo3 ping huo |
fire and ice; combination of sharply contrasting or incompatible elements |
冰燈 冰灯 see styles |
bīng dēng bing1 deng1 ping teng |
ice lantern |
冰爪 see styles |
bīng zhuǎ bing1 zhua3 ping chua |
crampon |
冰片 see styles |
bīng piàn bing1 pian4 ping p`ien ping pien |
borneol |
冰球 see styles |
bīng qiú bing1 qiu2 ping ch`iu ping chiu |
More info & calligraphy: Ice Hockey |
冰硬 see styles |
bīng yìng bing1 ying4 ping ying |
frozen solid |
冰碴 see styles |
bīng chá bing1 cha2 ping ch`a ping cha |
ice shards |
冰磚 冰砖 see styles |
bīng zhuān bing1 zhuan1 ping chuan |
ice-cream brick; brick of ice |
冰磧 冰碛 see styles |
bīng qì bing1 qi4 ping ch`i ping chi |
moraine; rock debris from glacier |
冰窖 see styles |
bīng jiào bing1 jiao4 ping chiao |
icehouse |
冰箱 see styles |
bīng xiāng bing1 xiang1 ping hsiang |
refrigerator; (old) icebox |
冰糕 see styles |
bīng gāo bing1 gao1 ping kao |
ice-cream; popsicle; ice-lolly; sorbet |
冰糖 see styles |
bīng táng bing1 tang2 ping t`ang ping tang |
crystal sugar; rock candy |
冰船 see styles |
bīng chuán bing1 chuan2 ping ch`uan ping chuan |
ice breaker (ship) |
冰花 see styles |
bīng huā bing1 hua1 ping hua |
ice crystal; frost (on windows) |
冰菜 see styles |
bīng cài bing1 cai4 ping ts`ai ping tsai |
ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum) |
冰蓋 冰盖 see styles |
bīng gài bing1 gai4 ping kai |
ice sheet |
冰蛋 see styles |
bīng dàn bing1 dan4 ping tan |
frozen eggs |
冰蝕 冰蚀 see styles |
bīng shí bing1 shi2 ping shih |
glaciated; eroded by ice |
冰袋 see styles |
bīng dài bing1 dai4 ping tai |
ice bag |
冰輪 冰轮 see styles |
bīng lún bing1 lun2 ping lun |
the moon |
冰釋 冰释 see styles |
bīng shì bing1 shi4 ping shih |
to dispel (enmity, misunderstandings etc); to vanish (of misgivings, differences of opinion); thaw (in relations) |
冰釣 冰钓 see styles |
bīng diào bing1 diao4 ping tiao |
ice fishing |
冰錐 冰锥 see styles |
bīng zhuī bing1 zhui1 ping chui |
icicle |
冰鎬 冰镐 see styles |
bīng gǎo bing1 gao3 ping kao |
ice pick |
冰鎮 冰镇 see styles |
bīng zhèn bing1 zhen4 ping chen |
iced |
冰鑹 冰镩 see styles |
bīng cuān bing1 cuan1 ping ts`uan ping tsuan |
ice spud (aka ice chisel) with a pointy tip |
冰鑽 冰钻 see styles |
bīng zuàn bing1 zuan4 ping tsuan |
ice auger |
冰隙 see styles |
bīng xì bing1 xi4 ping hsi |
crevasse |
冰雕 see styles |
bīng diāo bing1 diao1 ping tiao |
ice sculpture |
冰雪 see styles |
bīng xuě bing1 xue3 ping hsüeh |
ice and snow |
冰雹 see styles |
bīng báo bing1 bao2 ping pao |
hail; hailstone; CL:場|场[chang2],粒[li4] |
冰霜 see styles |
bīng shuāng bing1 shuang1 ping shuang |
(literary) ice formed in freezing weather as frost or icicles etc (often used as a metaphor for moral uprightness, strictness, sternness or aloofness) |
冰鞋 see styles |
bīng xié bing1 xie2 ping hsieh |
skating boots; skates |
冰飲 冰饮 see styles |
bīng yǐn bing1 yin3 ping yin |
iced drink |
冰點 冰点 see styles |
bīng diǎn bing1 dian3 ping tien |
freezing point |
乾冰 干冰 see styles |
gān bīng gan1 bing1 kan ping |
dry ice (i.e. frozen CO2); CL:塊|块[kuai4] |
凝冰 see styles |
níng bīng ning2 bing1 ning ping |
to freeze |
刨冰 see styles |
bào bīng bao4 bing1 pao ping |
shaved or crushed ice dessert or beverage |
剉冰 锉冰 see styles |
cuò bīng cuo4 bing1 ts`o ping tso ping |
shaved ice dessert (Tw) |
加冰 see styles |
jiā bīng jia1 bing1 chia ping |
(of a drink) iced; on the rocks |
去冰 see styles |
qù bīng qu4 bing1 ch`ü ping chü ping |
without ice; no ice (when ordering drinks) |
堅冰 坚冰 see styles |
jiān bīng jian1 bing1 chien ping |
ice; (fig.) frosty relationship |
心冰 see styles |
xīn bīng xin1 bing1 hsin ping shinpyō |
The heart chaste as ice; the mind congealed as ice, i. e. unable to solve a difficulty. |
旱冰 see styles |
hàn bīng han4 bing1 han ping |
roller skating |
李冰 see styles |
lǐ bīng li3 bing1 li ping |
Li Bing (c. 3rd century BC) hydraulic engineer who designed the Dujiangyan 都江堰[Du1 jiang1 yan4] irrigation system in Sichuan |
棒冰 see styles |
bàng bīng bang4 bing1 pang ping |
popsicle |
水冰 see styles |
shuǐ bīng shui3 bing1 shui ping |
water ice (i.e. frozen H2O) |
浮冰 see styles |
fú bīng fu2 bing1 fu ping |
ice floe |
溜冰 see styles |
liū bīng liu1 bing1 liu ping |
More info & calligraphy: Ice Skating |
滑冰 see styles |
huá bīng hua2 bing1 hua ping |
to skate; skating |
疑冰 see styles |
yí bīng yi2 bing1 i ping |
ignorant; doubt stemming from ignorance; (a summer insect has no word for ice, Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3]) |
破冰 see styles |
pò bīng po4 bing1 p`o ping po ping |
(fig.) to break the ice; to begin to restore amicable relations |
積冰 积冰 see styles |
jī bīng ji1 bing1 chi ping |
ice accretion |
結冰 结冰 see styles |
jié bīng jie2 bing1 chieh ping |
to freeze |
融冰 see styles |
róng bīng rong2 bing1 jung ping |
(lit. or fig.) thawing |
退冰 see styles |
tuì bīng tui4 bing1 t`ui ping tui ping |
to thaw (frozen food); to bring to room temperature |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "冰" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.