There are 152 total results for your 伐 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
伐 see styles |
fá fa2 fa isao いさお |
to cut down; to fell; to dispatch an expedition against; to attack; to boast; Taiwan pr. [fa1] (female given name) Isao To cut down, chastise; a go-between; to make a display; translit. va. |
伐つ see styles |
utsu うつ |
(Godan verb with "tsu" ending) to strike; to attack; to punish |
伐る see styles |
kiru きる |
(transitive verb) to cut down (e.g. trees) |
伐伽 see styles |
fá qié fa2 qie2 fa ch`ieh fa chieh bagya |
跋渠 varga, tr. by 部 a class, division, group. |
伐倒 see styles |
battou / batto ばっとう |
(noun/participle) felling |
伐分 see styles |
kiriwake きりわけ |
(surname) Kiriwake |
伐地 see styles |
fá dì fa2 di4 fa ti Bachi |
Vadi or Vati. 'An ancient little kingdom and city on the Oxus, the modern Betik, Lat. 39°7 N., Long. 63°10 E. ' Eitel. |
伐採 see styles |
bassai ばっさい |
(noun, transitive verb) felling timber; cutting down trees; logging; lumbering |
伐期 see styles |
bakki ばっき |
time for harvesting (of trees) |
伐木 see styles |
fá mù fa2 mu4 fa mu batsuboku ばつぼく |
to cut wood; tree-felling; lumbering felling; logging |
伐柯 see styles |
fá kē fa2 ke1 fa k`o fa ko |
(cf Book of Songs) How to fashion an ax handle? You need an ax; fig. to follow a principle; fig. to act as matchmaker |
伐株 see styles |
kirikui きりくい |
(place-name) Kirikui |
主伐 see styles |
shubatsu しゅばつ |
final cutting (of trees); regeneration cutting |
乱伐 see styles |
ranbatsu らんばつ |
(noun/participle) reckless deforestation; overcutting of forests |
北伐 see styles |
běi fá bei3 fa2 pei fa hokubatsu ほくばつ |
the Northern Expedition, the Nationalists' campaign of 1926-1928 under Chiang Kai-shek, against the rule of local warlords (hist) Northern Expedition (China; 1926-1928) |
夏伐 see styles |
natsubatsu なつばつ |
(surname) Natsubatsu |
弔伐 吊伐 see styles |
diào fá diao4 fa2 tiao fa |
to console the people by punishing the tyrants (abbr. for 弔民伐罪|吊民伐罪[diao4 min2 fa2 zui4]) |
征伐 see styles |
zhēng fá zheng1 fa2 cheng fa seibatsu / sebatsu せいばつ |
to go on or send a punitive expedition (noun/participle) (1) conquest; subjugation; overcoming; (noun/participle) (2) chastisement; punishment; punitive expedition |
択伐 see styles |
takubatsu たくばつ |
(noun/participle) selection cutting (of trees); selective cutting |
採伐 采伐 see styles |
cǎi fá cai3 fa2 ts`ai fa tsai fa |
to fell; to cut |
攻伐 see styles |
gōng fá gong1 fa2 kung fa koubatsu / kobatsu こうばつ |
to attack; to raid; (of medicine) potent (n,vs,vi) subjugation; attacking; conquering |
曾伐 see styles |
sobatsu そばつ |
(surname) Sobatsu |
柴伐 see styles |
shibagiri しばぎり |
(surname) Shibagiri |
步伐 see styles |
bù fá bu4 fa2 pu fa |
pace; (measured) step; march |
殺伐 see styles |
satsubatsu さつばつ |
(adj-t,adv-to,adj-na) brutal (atmosphere, society, etc.); savage; fierce; violent; bloodthirsty; stark |
濫伐 滥伐 see styles |
làn fá lan4 fa2 lan fa ranbatsu らんばつ |
to denude; illegal logging; forest clearance (noun/participle) reckless deforestation; overcutting of forests |
田伐 see styles |
tagiri たぎり |
(surname) Tagiri |
皆伐 see styles |
kaibatsu かいばつ |
(noun/participle) clear-cut logging; clear-cutting |
盗伐 see styles |
toubatsu / tobatsu とうばつ |
(noun, transitive verb) secretly felling trees |
盜伐 盗伐 see styles |
dào fá dao4 fa2 tao fa |
to unlawfully fell trees See: 盗伐 |
石伐 see styles |
ishikiri いしきり |
(surname) Ishikiri |
砍伐 see styles |
kǎn fá kan3 fa2 k`an fa kan fa |
to hew; to cut down |
禁伐 see styles |
jìn fá jin4 fa2 chin fa |
a ban on logging |
秋伐 see styles |
akigiri あきぎり |
(place-name) Akigiri |
羽伐 see styles |
hauchi はうち |
(surname) Hauchi |
芝伐 see styles |
shibakiri しばきり |
(surname) Shibakiri |
討伐 讨伐 see styles |
tǎo fá tao3 fa2 t`ao fa tao fa toubatsu / tobatsu とうばつ |
to suppress by armed force; to send a punitive expedition against; to crusade against (noun, transitive verb) subjugation (using military force); suppression; subduing to reduce to submission |
誅伐 see styles |
chuubatsu / chubatsu ちゅうばつ |
(noun, transitive verb) assailing criminals |
輪伐 see styles |
rinbatsu りんばつ |
(noun, transitive verb) logging in order by area |
迅伐 see styles |
hayagiri はやぎり |
(female given name) Hayagiri |
間伐 see styles |
kanbatsu かんばつ |
(noun, transitive verb) periodic thinning (e.g. forest) |
除伐 see styles |
jobatsu じょばつ |
improvement cutting (of trees); cleaning; weeding |
伐刺拏 伐刺拿 see styles |
fá cin á fa2 cin4 a2 fa cin a basena |
Varana, 'a mountainous province of Kapiśā with city of the same name, probably the country south-east of Wauneh in Lat. 32°30 N., Long. 69°25 E. ' Eitel. Perhaps Bannu, v. Levi, J. Asiatique, xi, v, p. 73. Also v. 障. |
伐折羅 伐折罗 see styles |
fá zhé luó fa2 zhe2 luo2 fa che lo basara |
vajra. 伐闍羅; 縛日羅 (or 嚩日羅 or 跋日羅) (or 跋日囉); 嚩馹囉; 跋折羅 (or 跋闍羅); 跋折多; 波闍羅 (or 髮闍羅), tr. by 金剛 (金剛杵) Diamond club; the thunderbolt, svastika; recently defined by Western scholars as a sun symbol. It is one of the saptaratna, seven precious things; the sceptre of Indra as god of thunder and lightning, with which he slays the enemies of Buddhism; the sceptre of the exorcist; the symbol of the all conquering power of Buddha. |
伐拉彼 see styles |
fá lā bǐ fa2 la1 bi3 fa la pi Barōhi |
Valabhī |
伐木場 伐木场 see styles |
fá mù chǎng fa2 mu4 chang3 fa mu ch`ang fa mu chang |
a logging area |
伐株山 see styles |
kirikabuyama きりかぶやま |
(place-name) Kirikabuyama |
伐浪伽 see styles |
fá làng qié fa2 lang4 qie2 fa lang ch`ieh fa lang chieh Batsurōka |
Varanga, name of a spirit, or god; a name of Viṣṇu as beautiful. |
伐臘毗 see styles |
fá là pí fa2 la4 pi2 fa la p`i fa la pi |
Valabhī. Modern Wālā. 'An ancient kingdom and city on the eastern coast of Gujerat. ' Eitel. Known also as 北羅 northern Lata. |
伐臘毘 伐腊毘 see styles |
fá là pí fa2 la4 pi2 fa la p`i fa la pi Barōbi |
Valabhī |
伐透山 see styles |
kirisukashiyama きりすかしやま |
(personal name) Kirisukashiyama |
伐里沙 see styles |
fá lǐ shā fa2 li3 sha1 fa li sha barisha |
varṣa, rain; name of a noted Saṃkhyā leader, Varsaganya. |
伐闍羅 伐阇罗 see styles |
fá shé luó fa2 she2 luo2 fa she lo bajara |
(Skt. vajra) |
三伐持 see styles |
sān fá chí san1 fa2 chi2 san fa ch`ih san fa chih Sanbaji |
Saṃvaji; the heretical people of Vṛji, an ancient kingdom north of the Ganges, south-east of Nepal. (Eitel.). |
中伐畠 see styles |
nakagirihata なかぎりはた |
(place-name) Nakagirihata |
傘伐林 see styles |
sanbatsurin さんばつりん |
shelterwood forest |
北伐軍 北伐军 see styles |
běi fá jun bei3 fa2 jun1 pei fa chün |
the Northern Expeditionary Army |
室羅伐 室罗伐 see styles |
shì luó fá shi4 luo2 fa2 shih lo fa Shiraba |
Śrāvastī |
山刀伐 see styles |
natagiri なたぎり |
(place-name) Natagiri |
支伐羅 支伐罗 see styles |
zhī fá luó zhi1 fa2 luo2 chih fa lo shibara |
至縛羅 cīvara. A mendicant' s garment. |
断伐山 see styles |
tachikiriyama たちきりやま |
(place-name) Tachikiriyama |
曾伐部 see styles |
sogabe そがべ |
(surname) Sogabe |
木伐山 see styles |
kikiriyama ききりやま |
(place-name) Kikiriyama |
松伐崎 see styles |
matsubatsuzaki まつばつざき |
(place-name) Matsubatsuzaki |
柴伐田 see styles |
shibahochida しばほちだ |
(place-name) Shibahochida |
禁伐林 see styles |
kinbatsurin きんばつりん |
(place-name) Kinbatsurin |
臘伐尼 腊伐尼 see styles |
là fá ní la4 fa2 ni2 la fa ni Rōbani |
v. 嵐. Lumbinī. |
薩伐若 萨伐若 see styles |
sà fá ruò sa4 fa2 ruo4 sa fa jo satsubanya |
(Skt. sarvajña) |
蘇伐刺 苏伐刺 see styles |
sū fá cì su1 fa2 ci4 su fa tz`u su fa tzu sobachiseki |
gold |
蘇伐剌 苏伐剌 see styles |
sū fá là su1 fa2 la4 su fa la sobara |
suvarṇa, gold, v. 金; also 蘇伐羅; 蘇嚩囉 and v. 素. |
蘇伐羅 苏伐罗 see styles |
sū fá luó su1 fa2 luo2 su fa lo sobara |
(Skt. suvarṇa) |
討伐沢 see styles |
toubatsuzawa / tobatsuzawa とうばつざわ |
(personal name) Toubatsuzawa |
討伐軍 see styles |
toubatsugun / tobatsugun とうばつぐん |
punitive force |
鉢伐多 钵伐多 see styles |
bō fá duō bo1 fa2 duo1 po fa to Habata |
parvata, crags, mountain range. An ancient city and province of Takka, 700 li north-east of Mūlasthānapura, perhaps the modern Futtihpoor between Multan and Lahore. Also 鉢羅伐多. |
間伐材 see styles |
kanbatsuzai かんばつざい |
timber from forest thinning; thinned wood |
伐り出す see styles |
kiridasu きりだす |
(transitive verb) (1) to quarry; to cut (timber); to cut and carry off; (2) to select and extract (from a media file); to splice out |
伐木工人 see styles |
fá mù gōng rén fa2 mu4 gong1 ren2 fa mu kung jen |
lumberjack; tree cutter |
伐臘毘國 伐腊毘国 see styles |
fá là pí guó fa2 la4 pi2 guo2 fa la p`i kuo fa la pi kuo Barōbi Koku |
Valabhī |
伐蘇槃度 伐苏槃度 see styles |
fá sū pán dù fa2 su1 pan2 du4 fa su p`an tu fa su pan tu Bachisohando |
(or 伐蘇畔度) ; 婆藪槃豆 Vasubandhu, v. 天親. |
伐蘇畔度 伐苏畔度 see styles |
fá sū pàn dù fa2 su1 pan4 du4 fa su p`an tu fa su pan tu Basohando |
Vasubandhu |
伐那婆斯 see styles |
fán à pó sī fan2 a4 po2 si1 fan a p`o ssu fan a po ssu Banabashi |
Vanavāsin, one of the sixteen arhats. |
三韓征伐 see styles |
sankanseibatsu / sankansebatsu さんかんせいばつ |
(hist) conquest of the three Koreas (legendary military invasion of the Korean kingdoms; 3rd century CE) |
假道伐虢 see styles |
jiǎ dào fá guó jia3 dao4 fa2 guo2 chia tao fa kuo |
to obtain safe passage to conquer the State of Guo; to borrow the resources of an ally to attack a common enemy (idiom) |
党同伐異 see styles |
toudoubatsui / todobatsui とうどうばつい |
(yoji) narrow partisanship |
南征北伐 see styles |
nán zhēng běi fá nan2 zheng1 bei3 fa2 nan cheng pei fa nanseihokubatsu / nansehokubatsu なんせいほくばつ |
war on all sides (idiom); fighting from all four quarters (yoji) attacking in all directions |
口誅筆伐 口诛笔伐 see styles |
kǒu zhū bǐ fá kou3 zhu1 bi3 fa2 k`ou chu pi fa kou chu pi fa |
to condemn in speech and in writing (idiom); to denounce by word and pen |
大張撻伐 大张挞伐 see styles |
dà zhāng tà fá da4 zhang1 ta4 fa2 ta chang t`a fa ta chang ta fa |
(idiom) to launch an all-out attack; to roundly condemn; to castigate |
山刀伐峠 see styles |
natagiritouge / natagiritoge なたぎりとうげ |
(personal name) Natagiritōge |
巴伐利亞 巴伐利亚 see styles |
bā fá lì yà ba1 fa2 li4 ya4 pa fa li ya |
Bavaria |
弔民伐罪 吊民伐罪 see styles |
diào mín fá zuì diao4 min2 fa2 zui4 tiao min fa tsui |
to console the people by punishing the tyrants (idiom) |
操斧伐柯 see styles |
cāo fǔ fá kē cao1 fu3 fa2 ke1 ts`ao fu fa k`o tsao fu fa ko |
(cf Book of Songs) How to fashion an ax handle? You need an ax; fig. to follow a principle; fig. to act as matchmaker |
斯洛伐克 see styles |
sī luò fá kè si1 luo4 fa2 ke4 ssu lo fa k`o ssu lo fa ko |
More info & calligraphy: Slovakia |
朝鮮征伐 see styles |
chousenseibatsu / chosensebatsu ちょうせんせいばつ |
(hist) Imjin War (1592-1597) |
木を伐る see styles |
kiokiru きをきる |
(exp,v5r) to fell a tree |
森林伐採 see styles |
shinrinbassai しんりんばっさい |
deforestation |
武王伐紂 武王伐纣 see styles |
wǔ wáng fá zhòu wu3 wang2 fa2 zhou4 wu wang fa chou |
King Wu of Zhou 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] overthrows tyrant Zhou of Shang 商紂王|商纣王[Shang1 Zhou4 wang2] |
泥伐散娜 see styles |
ní fá sàn nuó ni2 fa2 san4 nuo2 ni fa san no naibasanda |
garment |
濫砍濫伐 滥砍滥伐 see styles |
làn kǎn làn fá lan4 kan3 lan4 fa2 lan k`an lan fa lan kan lan fa |
wanton destruction of forested lands |
褐麗伐多 褐丽伐多 see styles |
hé lí fá duō he2 li2 fa2 duo1 ho li fa to Karaibata |
Revata |
辛伐他汀 see styles |
xīn fá tā tīng xin1 fa2 ta1 ting1 hsin fa t`a t`ing hsin fa ta ting |
simvastatin |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "伐" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.